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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jun 1985, p. 13

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SECTION 2 - l»A(iK 3 - IM.AirSDKAI.KK HKRAIJ), FRIDAY. JtJINK 28,1985 -CLASSIFIED- RATES/INF0RMAT10N • PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES, DEADLINES INFORMATION (Additional Rates Available lor Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please cl»etli your ad the FIRST insertion d.ito. In the event ol an en or or omission. the paper will be responsible lor ONLY the tint incorrect insertion The newspaper shall be liable lor only the portion ol the ad which is in error. In case ot an error, nolily the Classified Department at once. Payment in advance must be made lor these ids: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial A Service (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out ol Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Houses. Apt. lo Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • All Wanted to Duy Classifications • All Wanted lo Rent Classifications PAPER PACKAGE* 3 LINES, 5 DAYS, $8.80 A total ol 33 insertions in the following newspapers The Herald, Crystal Lake and Gary Editions • The Herald, Cardunal i Free Press Edition • McHenry-Plaindcaier Herald • Richmond Caietle * Woodstock Sentinel Herald The following publications are also available at additional cost: mvm** I • tVow* The Herald, Clllien Tri County Shopper, Sentinel Herald, Saturday Extra 'The PAPER PACKAGE may be cancelled, howrver, due to this special, low rate, no refund or ad|ustmeot can be made to the original bitting upon cancellation Our helpful, courteous sales stall Is al your service during the following hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 1:00a.m. 5:00p.m. DEADLINES CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad: For MONDAY publications, 12:0Q noonon Friday For TUESDAY-FRIDAY publications, 5:00 p.m. two days prior to publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS 4:00 p.m. TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION The Herald, Crystal Lake Edition The McHenry Piaindealer-Herald The Herald, Cary Grove Edition The Richmond Gazette The Herald, Cardunal Free Press Edition The Woodstock Sentinel-Herald TUESDAY NOON Sentinel-Herald, Saturday Extra - FRIDAY 5 PM The Herald, Citizen Tri-County Shopper For Our Readers: PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of telephone prefixes and the cities they represent which are commonly found in the Shaw F ree Press Classified pages. 815 AREA CODE 312 AREACODE 337 8--Woodstock 675 344 --McHenry 678 385 --McHenry 728 4S5 --Crystal Lake 459 --Crystal Lake 784 568 --Marengo 895 648 --Hebron 923 653 --Wonder Lake 943 --Spring Grove --Richmond --Wonder Lake/ Ringwood --Genoa --Sycamore --Union --Harvard 381-2-- Barrington 669 --Huntley 426 --Dundee/ 683 --Hampshire Carpentersville 69S --Elgin 428 --Dundee/ 697 --Elgin • Carpentersville 740 --Round Lake 551 --Dundee 741-2--Elgin 639 --Cary 888 --Elgin 658 --LITH Algonquin 931 --Elgin To place your ad, call: 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Legal Notices Cemeteries & Lois C.irdof Thanks Notices Lost & Found Personals Instruction Car Pools Travel and Transportation Grand Opening* FINANCIAL Business Opportunities Stocks. Bonds and . Investments Financial Services . .* Personal and business Loans EMPLOYMENT Employment Agencies .. .• E mployment Wanted. Household Help Wanted Sitters'Available.. Sitters Needed Help Wanted MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy Appliances Art and Antiques Auctions Building Materials Clothing Computers and Software Cratls and Hohbies Food and Produce Health and Fitness Livestock, Farm Supplies and Equipment. Horses and Equipment Pets and Supplies Musical Instruments Ofliceand Store Equipment Household Goods Lawn, Garden and Landscaping Machinery/Tools Garage Sales Misc. Merchandise Trade or Barter RENTALS Wanted lo Rent Rooms for Rent Houses. Apartments To Share . Apartments for Rent Homes for Rent Condos. Townhomes for Rent.. Store, Offices for Rent Industrial for Rent Farm and Farmland for Rent Storage Space for Rent Misc. for Rent REAL ESTATE Wanted to Buy Business Property lor Sale Industrial for Sale Open Houses.. .> Houses tor Sale Condos & Townhomes for Sale Lots and Acreage . Mobile Homes for Sale Farms (or Saje RECREATIONAL Aviation Bicycles Boats and Marine Service .... Snowmobiles Spgrting Goods Campers/Trailers AUTOMOTIVE Wanted to Buy Automotive Services Auto Parts and Accessories... Antique Vehicles Motorcycles ... Automobiles lor Sale Vehicles for Rent Tractors/Trailers Trucks : Van*.*. 02 Ctnotarioa*Lofa 04 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARKA UNION CEMETERY Choke lots available M low M $271 Including perpetual car*. Catholic section. Above ground cremation nlchos now available. Terms. I15/4W-0547 TWO Complete cemetery burial plans. Memorial Park -- • • AIATA --^ WNHTPTI TVWW«IVLK« PIUS M" dltionat lots. I1S/33I-OM6. Notices 05 Lost & Found 05 Card of Thanks WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE FOR THEIR THOUGHTFULNESS. IN SO MANY WAYS DURING THE ILLNESS AND LOSS OF OUR HUSBAND, FATHER, BROTHER AND SON: SCOTTBELOHLAVY. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO ALL OF YOU. CINDY BELOHLAVY, ERIC 4 AMY DOUG* CAROL BELOHLAVY BENfc SARAH GLEN A DELORES BELOHLAVY 04 Notices RONALD W. JAR VIS, CPA Has Moved His Offices To The Century Building ii43N.SemlnaryAve. Woodstock IL MOM • •15/338-2566 • We would like to check each ad as It appears In the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error- in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make e correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, Sam - 5pm. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOTLINE 312^34-9233 WANTED - Good used cribs, bassinets, strollers, buggys. playpens, changing tables & other miscellaneous children's furnishings. Alio children's clothes, size 0 to it. All items sold on consignment. No ap­ pointment necessary. Second Generation Resale Shop, 202 West South St., Woodstock, •IS/331-3311 (Sorry, no adult clothes.) YOUNG MALE DOG with red collar found East Dundee aree, will be put to slesp If not claim- ed. 312/42S-H46. LOST CAT: Small grey female with white mittens, Four Col­ onies area. Timid cat; lis/455- 4W, evenings. LOST, Bald headed boy Cab­ bage Patch doll, homemade, on bench outside Eagle in Meedowdaie, 312/426-5771. DOG LOST- i/U between McHenry & Johnsburg. 10 yr. old female Golden Retnpiver/ Shepherd mix, gold/ white, lorn haired, no collar, answers to Shaba. 115/344-5116, Kathy or Chari; 315-4070, Kathy or Sue; 344-4T79, Suoor Dan. LOST SIAMESE CAT, very friendly, name Is Jasmine, reward, 115/4591079. FOUND KITTEN - male, 6 mos., orange Tabby, real af- fec., Golf View Lane, Carpentersville, 312/426-6175. LOST CAT: Black, male, green eyes. Lost vicinity of Oakleat Dr., Sunnyside Estates. Call evenings,' SIS/344-4995. LOST: McKAW Parrot, blue & gold, lost In McHenry Shores. Reward. 815/305-4*5. LOST or Stolen! Neer Lincoln and Charles, McHenry, black kitten, • wfcs old. 115/344-5006 06 Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY it or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. • 7 days a week Meal Preparation Sttep*:.* light Hom*kee*li«o Laundry Perianal Care Al$0 AVAILABLE: NwritMf Care Fetid* re* Nurses Ik. Praclftat Nurses >tame Care Assistance 24 Ni. Answering Services tlS•8G8-B40I Private Out* IN hospitals ar nwrslna homes, ftm. NI. tM W. Washington St.. Marenf». II. license* * ae<i*e* Cmplaymer.t Atency STRAWBERRIES PICK YOUR OWN Open DAILY Beginning June 1st , ' , 7 AM to 1 PM 75* per QUART (Approximately 11/2 Pounds) *$• Charge for 4 quart container VINCENT STRAWBERRY FARM* GENOA CITY, Wl 414/279-6691 *3 1/2 miles North ol Richmond. IL ott Rt. 12 • FOLLOW NIPPERSINK MANOR SIGNS (No children under 10) City of McHenry NOTICE TO BIDDERS The City of McHenry is requesting bids for the dis­ mantling and removal of .a 40/000 gallon elevated wa­ ter storage tank located in Lakeland Park livi­ sion. Said tank b ' roxi- mately 65 fee '»ove grade and supr by four (4) steel le ith a central column emu pipe. The work required will be in accordance with speci­ fications available at the Public Works Dept., City Hall, 1111 N. Green St., McHenry, Illinois 60050, Monday thru Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. Sealed bids will be received at City Hall until 10 AM, July 15, 1985, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. Paul J. Halvensleben . -t Supt. Public Works 07 Instructions ia Employment Wanted CERTIFIED -TEACHER will tutor students grades 5-12 in reading, writing, and/or study skills. 815/459 9225. Lost & Found FOUND GREY FEMALE CAT with four white mits In the Cary area. Cat is fixed and has all her claws. Please call 312/420- 2019 after 6. Personals PREGNANT NEEDHELP? CAM Birthright Office open 9-11 am. and from 7-9 pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 OVERWEIGHT • let's make a date. Free gift with consulta- tlon. 312/658-8429. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or write, "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1180177. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential help line, day or night. 815/338-8080 WANTED to Join: prayer group in the Cary • Crystal Lake area. 312/639-0888. . To Dorr & Adlynn Sherman HAPPY 54th ANNIVERSARY! Love, Sharon 12 Business Opportunities LAUNDROMAT ALGONQUIN Act now before tax laws change! Ideejf' sideline business. S33.500 gross. $15,000 down. 50% return on invest­ ment. Jack Dougherty & Co., 312/432 5960. DISCOUNT STORE Good cash flow, low rent. Sell due to health. VR Brokers. 312/870 8100, Scott. PRINT SHOP, well established Accts. Comm'l. owner retiring, VR Brokers. 312/870-8100. MINI MART- Food, Gas, Cigarettes, Good cash flow. Grossing $3000/day. VR 312/870-8100. GIFT-ANTIQUE, Long Grove, High traffic area, owner selling due to heelfh. VR Brokers 312/870-8100 LAUNDROMAT for sale. $32,000. $10,000 down w/credit. 5yr. lease w/option. 312/742-1935 EASY HIGH INCOME. Free Supplies! Start immediately. Rush self addressed envelope to: Income, Box 165, Woodstock II., 60098. __ BUYING OR SELLING a Business? Call Kaplan Com­ mercial for professional help. All sales condifidential. « 815/455-5582* Employment 18 Wanted TYPIST wants to do data entry at home. If you can supply CRT 8i work, write: ARH 328 E. Main, Barrington II., 60010. 20 Sitters Available 22 CHILDCARE In my W. Dundee home. Full time. Lots of T.L.C. after 6p.m.. 312/428 7027 Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted 19 Household Help Wanted 21 Sitters Needed NEEDAD.J.? Ail types of music for alt occe- sions. Call John 312/289-7259. WILL STEAM CLEAN Carpets. Living room, $20. Ad­ ditional Rooms, $10. each. 5 years experience. 815/943-4793. D.J.-Weddings, Schools, Etc. Your choice of sound systems, lights & music. Equip, rental also. 312/584-0882. PAINTING, Carpentry Estimates, 815/344-4354 or 815/385-3533 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam method. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. PAINTING- Interior/Exterior, 8 yrs. experience, references avail. Ken-312/639-3693. HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality work at lowest prices, 815/544-9520,648-4587. Cleaning & Hauling Priced according to size of fob 815/385-6511 after 5 pm. BROOMS AWAY Houseclean- ing. Reliable Cleaning Service. Reasonable. 312/639-0922 BACKHOE FOR HIRE. Septic fields, repairs, room additions, general backhoe work. Llcens- ed, Insured. 815/728-1982. PROFESSIONAL Painting & Decorating- Interior & Ex­ terior, Commercial a Residen­ tial. Call Patrick at 312/697- 5278. NOTIME TO CLEAN? We have the time & energy. Call 815/728-1971. BOOKKEEPING degree & ex­ perienced professional will do bookkeeping/accounting for your business. 312/639-8602. HATE TO CLEAN? Call "2 + 1"! References. After 3:30 p.m., 815/459-0940 or 312/658- 3179. HOME IMPROVEMENT Carpentry • Paint Tile • Drywall • Etc. REPAIR • REMODEL 312/426-4144 TYPIST WANTS to do Data en­ try at home. If you can supply CRT & work, write ARH, 328 E. Main. Barrington 11.60010 Electrical • Plumbing Carpentry • Drywall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB • 815/459-4400» WHITE GLOVE Cleaning. Homes, offices, etc. We do win­ dows. Carpet shampooing. Post construction clean-up. 815/459- 8742. Hairdresser with license, good basics, needs new techniques, looking for apprenticeship in Cary, Crystal Lake, or Algon­ quin area. Reply: Box YAA- Hairdresser, c/o Sentinel- Herald, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, 1160098. ERIC'S LAWN Service: Com­ mercial & Residential. Free estimate. 815/344-4067. TOP NOTCH Cleaning lady has days avail., exc. refs. 815/459- 6585. J & K Cleaning Service We clean offices, restaurants, homes, and more. Insured, reliable, references. 815/728- 1558 WE DOHOUSECLEANING References • Reasonable LYNDA-815/455-5250 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. Quality finished product guaranteed. Claudia. 815/459-3392. WILL DO Laundry, cleaning & start evening meal. 8:45 am to 3:45 pm, 312/639-3991. PET SITTER: Will watch any animal & will keep rodents in my house. Will take in mail & newspapers. Reasonable rates. Cary area. 312/639-2743. CLEANING GIRLS 2 dependable & thorough girls to clean your house, reasonable prices, call Janet, 815/385-1591. References available. OFFICE WORK in Woodstock: prefer busy office. Experience in lite bookkeeping, payroll, statements. Reply Box III of­ fice, % Sentinel Herald, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, III 60098. WILL STEAM Clean & deodorize carpets. Living room, $25. Additional rooms, $10. each. 6 years experience,- 815/943-4793. CLEAN OUT your garage, basement or attic before fTre does. Call Tony for cleaning & hauling. Reasonable prices. After 6 pm, 815/338 1874. TWO COLLEGE students for painting, gutters, hedge trimm­ ing. yard work, odd jobs, ex­ perienced. 815/455-2531 or 459 5308. EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady looking to weekly clean Ig. expensive home. Refs. & sup- plies provided. 815/344-2472. Will paint one or all your rooms, outside too. Reasonable rates. 815/569-2118. HOUSEKEEPER To care for eldery lady, live in 5 or 7 days, 815/459- 2517. HOUSE SITTER for Aug. 2-17. also care for 2 small dogs. Call 1-9 pm, 312/428-6822. 20 Sitters Available DAY CARE in my Lake in the Hills Home. Active play, ..lun­ ches & snacks. Refs. Lots of love. A safe, fun & learning ex perlence for your child. Call now! TEDDY BEAR DAY CARE, 312/658-6053. LICENSED CHILD Care in my Spring Green Subdivision/Carv home. Infants welcome. Full- Time only. References available; 312/639 1928. CHILDCARE in my Lake In The Hills home, 3 mos. & up. Days only. Call 312/658-5832. EXPERIENCED Licensed Day Care in my Crystal Lake, home. Full or part time. 815/455-2821. . CHILDCARE in my LAke In The Hills home, 3 mos & up- daysonly. Call 312/658-5832. CHILD CARE IN MY Algon quin home. Full time days, 3 months to 3 yrs., 312/658-5095. OPENINGS AVAILABLE NOW! Learning Activities, nourishing meals, social development, arts a crafts, field trips. Licensed by DCFS. WOODSTOCK DAY CARE CENTER 350 Mansfield 815/338-1954 DAY CARE available in my Carpentersville home, near park & Parkview School, 5 min. from Spring Hill Mall; 312/428- 4102. WILL DO BABY SITTING in my W. Wonder Lake home, prefer days, 815/728-1145. QUALITY CHILD CARE, available, my Fox River Grove home. Fun. activities a meals. Lots Of TLC. 312/639-4396. CHILD CARE In my Crystal Lake home. West Beach area. Newborn to 5 years; 815/455- 3280. BABYSITTING in my Carpentersville home, lots of TLC. 3 years a up. Golf View School area. After 5 pm, 312/428-4436. LOVING SITTER Full Time Only 815/338-3144 WILL DO FULL TIME babysit­ ting in my Crystal Lake home. 815/459-7985. CHILD CARE in my W. Dundee home. Full time. Lots of T.L.C. after6p.m., 312/428-7027. CHILD CARE In Algonquin. Experienced mother of 1 will care for young' children In my home weekdays. Pleasant, non­ smoking environment, fenced yard; 312/658-5099. QUALITY CHILD CARE available in my Pox River Grove home. Fun activities, meals, lots of TLC! 312/439- 4396. BABYSITTER, mature, for 2 girls while we are on vacation, & occasional weekend over nights. Huntley area, 312/669- 3192. STARTING IN AUCUST. warm a loving babysitter need­ ed Monday thru Friday. 8 am to 3 pm. for 2V» a 1 year old. Possibly Grandmother type. Preferrably In my McHenry home, near St. Mary's Church. References required. Call 815/385 3185. MATURE LOVING person for full time care of our 1 yr, old daughter in our Algonquin home. References required. salary neg. 312-658-3234. NANNY or SITTER needed in nice home in Cary area, part time, full time, live-in or out, many possibilities. Two good boys. 8 and 12. Active, loving family needs nice person to help out. Ask for Dave, 312/639- 2477. HIGH SCHOOL girl in Manor area to sit with my 3 boys, ages, 6,8, a 11 yrs., 815/455-4229 after 5p.m. BABYSITTER, mature, full time, in my Carpentersville home, 2 children. Own trans., 312/428-4364. EXPERIENCED SITTER, ref. required, a few hrs. e wk. for v yr. old. My home or yours. 815/455 5539. SITTER NEEDED for 3a Syr. old boys, Silver Lake/ Cory area, 8 am-4 pm, Mon.-Fri. References required. Call after 5 pm. 312/639-1443. SITTER NEEDED in my W. Dundee home temp., part time. Pays well! After 6 p.m., 312/428-7027. 22 Help Wanted MARKET RESEARCH Q a A, a National Market Reseerch Company located in Spring Hill /Mall, is hiring. 2 shifts are available a weekends. If interested, please cell. Beverly or Barbara bet­ ween 10a4 312/428-0887 312/449-1920 I ̂ ^0 PRODUCTION ̂ SUPERVISOR -Third Shift- Outstanding career opportunity for an ambitious individual with superv!$ory experience in a production setting. Lea­ dership qualities are a must. Our rapidly expanding company offers the chosen candidate a competitive sa­ lary and excellent company benefits. Please call or apply In person. Personnel Department 312/639-2102 Accutronlcs 225 N. First Street Cary, IL •quel opportunity employer m/f PUNCH PRESS SETUP For 3rd Shift Familiar with press set-up up to 750 tons. Experienced with air feeds, compound & pro­ gressive dies. Two years minimum experience. Excellent pay & full company paid benefit package. Apply To Personnel Department GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 East Brink Street, Harvard, IL 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F . EXECUTIVE SECRETARY To Chief Executive Officer Idol candidate must possess three to five years ex­ ecutive secretarial experience, excellent verbal & written communication skills, type 70 wpm, short hand- 100 wpm, dictaphone, word processing ex­ perience, good organizational skills & the ability to deal with people. Previous hospital experience a plus. Excellent benefit package. Qualified candi­ date ahould submit resume ft salary history in con­ fidence to Personnel Department 527 West South St., Woodstock,. II60098 •qwal Opportunity Employ r, M/F SHIPPING & RECIEVING Full time position for High School graduate not returning to School in the tall Job in dudes moving & packing of medical products in our Crystal Lake office. Job opening available as of July IS. Hiring on a 3 mo. probation period. Good benefits a salary to right person. Call 815/455-692). ask for Lisa. ̂ OWNER OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT. INC. 313/798 8636 BARTENDERS'COOKS (Experienced) Full a Part Time , Apply In Person SOUTHSIOE JOHNNY'S ° 110 North Main St. Crystal Lake. IL FULL TIME POSITION for Automotive Technician. GM experience preferred. Good fr inge benefits. Apply in person. See Dave Schmitt. Gary Lang Chevrolet. 106 N. Front St., McHenry II. SALES Part-Time Ambitious, self-motivating sales people wanted for art company. Excellent commis­ sion. Will train. Sales ex perience preferred. Call Mon day or Thursday for appoint­ ment. 312/428-2627 SELL AVON In McHenry. Pistekee, or Wonder Lake areas, Part or Full-Time. Earn up to 50%. CalH15/344-7951. RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 815/455-6665 ATTENTION! YOUNGMENaWOMEN •Office Help*Sales Department •Management Trainee Students Welcome Can earn Part-Time $7./hr. Full-Time$3M. per wk. Company Training a Benefits Mr. Adams $10 PER HOUR That's what our people average. Looking for people with personality to work as phone secretory. Make your OWrthQuri. 312/630-0429. SECRETARY WANTED full a part time for McHenry Law Of­ fice. Must have exc. Typing a Grammar. Send Resume to: Box ASM c/o Shaw Free Press, Po Box 250, Crystal Lake 11.40014. FULLTIME position for experienced Auto Detailer. Apply in person. See Dave Schmitt, Gary Lang Chevrolet. 90S N. Front St., McHenry. PART TIME Youth Pastor, Faith Presbyterian Church of McHenry is seeking a 15 hour a week Youth Pastor to provide leadership, Program Develop­ ment and Administration tor youth of all ages. Contact Rev. Snyder, 015/30553M or Bill Weinmarm 115/344 1343. Or dlnation not necessary. MAN FOR ODD JOBS, lawn work etc., 5 to 10 hours per week. $3.50 per hour. 015/305- 1361 RECEPTIONIST, full time position, Crystal Lake location. Exc. typing required, dic­ taphone experience. Please call Louise at 815/459 7070. YOUNG MECHANIC Part time, Apply at: McHenry Go Kart Track, 12 noon to 10 pm. 115/305-9736. TELEPHONE SOLICITOR (Part Time Evenings) Experience Helpful 015/455 5560 or 815/459-3955 ATTENTION Queens Way to Fashion (sites 4 to 24) now has openings for Party Plan /Managers a Demonstrators. Call 815/305 8488 or 312/428 1063. SECRETARY half time Typing, office machines, filing, phone man ner. confidentiality. Federated Church of Wauconda. 312/526 8471 * , ELECTRICIAN Minimum 2 years experience 312/6390520 ̂ WAITRESS WANTED " For Coffee Shop, 7 am to 2 pm, Monday thru Friday. 312/639 9679 KEYCAP INSPECTOR 1st a 2nd Shift openings. Apply at 1330 Holmes Rd.. Elgin, bet- ween 8:30 a 11:30 am only. LOCAL FINANCE Company has openings for General Office and collector. Ability to speak and read Spanish a plus. Hours will vary. Call 815/338 3987. FORD TECHNICIAN ' Wanted Please apply in person. Barrington Ford Sales, Inc. 600 W. Northwest Highway Barrington DAYTIME CHEF OR Cook. II 5. Immedatel Bartender Wal tresses-Experienced. Backwaters Restaurant. Barr­ ington, II.; 312/3810124. RESUMES JOB HUNT HELP CAREER COUNSELING Call Janet Marsh, AASW 815/338-8621 LONG JOHN SILVER'S IS LOOKING FOR YOU, We are currently looking for people 10 years of age a older to apply for crew chief posi­ tions available. We will train you Apply in person at Long John Silver's 4313 W. Elm St. McHenry II. NURSING SUPERVISOR 3 to 11 Full time position for experienced R.N. with supervisory skills. Director of Nursing Harvard Community Memorial Hospital ilan>iiril HBnnlt n«BVMVup MINUS 8151943-5431 MATERIALS MANAGER Exceptional opportunity for a Manager who has a proven record in purchasing, planning, and in­ ventory control. We require experience in com­ puter-based document and control systems, particularly MRP an MAPICS. An excellent benefit program Including our unique 40 hour 4Vj day work week and 14 paid holidays. Send resume and salary history to: Director of Industrial Relations (OSMaatiea IS01WEH* Street J. McHenry, H $0090 M eoem/f OFFSET \ PRESSMAN N We have an immediate opening in our graphic arts department for an experienced Multilith/Chief opera­ tor. In addition to press operation, some Baufolder work and cutting is required. Also maintains inventory of supplies and paper. Two-color knowledge helpful but not required. We offer an excellent starting sa­ lary and fringe package. Qual­ ified candidates may apply at: NTERMATIC I N C O R P C / R A T E D Intermatic Plaza Spring Grove, IL 60081 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 2 TITLE SEARCHER /OFFICER TRAINEES These positions involve the searching and examination of public records in McHenry, Lake & Kane Counties, legal and/or Geography background a plus. No title experience necessary. Minimum 2 3 years college. Sought attributes are logical minds possessing incisive analysis, mastery of mathematical and spatial concepts, par excellence in the written and spoken word, ergo: A Renaissance Person. Hard driving people who boil under pressure without spil­ ling over. These are entry level career tracks with a company that is a leader in its field of underwriting. Successful candi­ dates win pass written and oral interviews and a baste typing test Must have own reliable car. Mileage reim bursement at IRS rate Excellent benefits Non-smokers only. Starting salary $15,000 a ye3reacti.~~ t Send resume in confidence to: I# •KISHWAUKEE TITLE CORPORATION 3431 A W. ELM ST. McHCNRY, ILLINOIS 60050 (No Phone Calls Please)

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