LITE BEER BY MILLER SUNNYSIDE FOODS EXTRA VALUELIQUOR 4 2 1 6 J O H M S B U R G W I L M O T R D S U N N Y S I D E , I L * * • BIERMAHS EXTRA VALUE LIQUOR 9 5 9 N O R T 5 9 ANTIOCH IL jg| 3 1 2 3 9 5 7 1 7 0 * " LIQUOK EXT RAW VALUE E & G EX TRA VALUE LIQUOR 1 1 5 * S O M i l ' A A U K E E A V E L I B E R n V I L L t I L e » 3 1 2 3 6 2 8 7 7 8 m OAK TREE EXTRA VALUE LIQUOR 4 3 0 M I L W A U K E E A V E L I N C O L N S H I R E . I L m 3 1 2 6 3 4 0 7 5 5 DJ EXTRA VALUE LIQUOR 1 1 0 8 N O . S E M I N A R Y A V E W O O D S T O C K I L 0 LANDMARK EXTRA VALUE LIQUOR 4 9 0 E P E L V I D E R E P < " > GR - SLAKE II ^ # 3 1 2 2 2 3 7 8 3 7 7 LOCA HONS TO SERVE YOU BET TER Some Wimbledon facts and figures WimhlpHnn minhi to HA Konin KAIAM • , _ Wimbledon ought to be in the midst of a fortnightly identity crisis. Do fans perceive England as the land of strawberries and cream served from sHver salvers, or as a land where fanatical, frothing hordes can't even wait for play to begin before trampling to death Turin, Italy's soccer faithful? No multiple-choice ques tions contained herein. Answer true or false to the following. 1. Miss Lotte Dod was the youngest Wimbledon ty Adam Beekerman champion ever, winning the t881 singles crown just three months prior to her 16th birthday. '2. Harold Mahoney, the last Irishman to win the sin gles title, in 1695, and the possessor of a most undis tinguished forehand, met his untimely death on a bicycle while botching an IRA assassination attempt . of the Duke of Windsor. 3. The appaarance of Mile. Suzanne Lenglen on the grass courts in 1919 while wearing a low-cut, short-sleeved, ballet-type skirt initiated the compli ment "She can realty make men's heads turn." 4. The same Mil*. Lenglen. winner of aR 32 matches she ever played and out of 66 sets. scratched due to ill health and never returned to Wim bledon after being uncere moniously hauled before th| Committee for Discipli nary Measures upon arriv ing late for a singles match and keeping Queen Mary waiting. Answers: »)T; 2)F; 3 ) F ; 4 ) T © I* WE RESERVE THE RWHT TO LM«T QUANTITIES AND CURREUPRMTWS ERRORS , . SALS ITEMS CAIN A CARRY ONLY CUTTY SARK SCOTCH •15" -3* MAIL-IN REBATE FINAL COST 1.75 LITER *12* PHILADELPHIA BLENDED WHISKEY 1.7S LITER COORS BEER • REGULAR • LIGHT $7» 24-12 OZ. CANS 750 Ml 3 LITER OLD STYLE BEER * "EGULAR MAIL-IN REBATE R Ml COST 24-12 OZ. CMS iSrfoI* VODKA •S" •2" MAIL-IN REBATE $CN FINAL COfeT P 1.75 LITER 750 Ml NAVALLE INGLENOOK WINES • RHINE £4* * R0SE' • CHABLIS BURGUNDY l.S LITER FLBSCHMANN'S GIN •7" *3** MAIL-IN REBATE FINN. COST 1.75 LITER 750 ML IMPORTED B A L S C O T C H «0to MAIL-IN REBATE $"ftt FINAL COST • 1.75 LITER 90 PROOF MAKER'S MARK BOURBON 750 Ml CUERVO 1SOO TEQUILA • T •8* MAIL-IN REBATE FINAL COST 750 Ml IMPORTED ORAI LIQUEUR •14" 750 Ml BALLATORE SPUMANTE BY6ALL0 750 Ml 24-701 NJ." BOTTLES FROM GERMANY ST. PAUL! • DARK • LIGHT $3« 6-12 0Z. NJI. BOTTLES FROM CANADA MOOSEHEAD 6-12 0L NJ. BOTTLES HIM UFE BEER «7>t •2** MAIL-IN REBATE $671 FINAL COST ™ 24-12 0Z. CANS PfrSI MET PEPSI PEPSI FREE MOUNTAIN DEW $999 •i 1212 0Z. CANS WINDSOR CANADIAN £1II WHISKY 1.75 LITER MOHAWK i SCHNAPPS • BLACKBERRY • PEACH • FORESTBERRY 750 ML PEDRO DOMECQ LA INA • PRIMERO RIO VIEJ0 - VINA #25 750 ML FROM MEXICO CARTA BLANCA 6-12 0Z. NJI.B0TTIES SALE DATES JUNE 26-JULY 2 750 Ml