Wonder Lake: Spirited parade revs up day McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Wadnasday, July 17,1M5 Pagal7 Again, Wonder Lake had a beautiful day to remember on July 6, beginning with a mar velous community spirited parade, with a nice ceremony at those respo the Triangle. Special terrific tin recognition was paid to Doctor memory. \ Ruggero for his 25 years of service to Wonder Lake. Chris Niehaus is stepping down as chairman of the parade and she expressed appreciation Anne Sowers 653-9549 to all those Who gave her so much support and help in the previous years. First, to the Lions Club for their invaluable assistance with the parade, for without them the parade would be impossible. Second, to the Wonder Lake Ski Club for the use of their PA system, which Chris says was the best ever, during the parade review and ceremony. Also, for the wonderful pre-fireworks ski show. Next, to the fire department - for their time and efforts during a tedious holiday weekend. Chris says, "The community appreciates their irreplaceable dedication to the protection of our families and friends and enjoys seeing what they use to do their job at the annual open house after the parade." She is also thankful to the auxiliary for theii* support of the department and for their part in the open house. • Chris is grateful , too, for those responsible for the most terrific fireworks display in memory, with the fantastic grande finale! She stated that a volunteer has stepped forward to be in charge of the festivities for next year and is hoping everyone will be as kind to ner as they have been to Chris in the past. No one can possibly realize the amount of time and effort Chris Niehaus has put into our Fourth of July festivities. Her planning, so far in advance, shows when it all comes together. Wonder Lake is grateful for her efforts. golf at this once a year event. Donation is $33 up to Aug. 1, after which the price goes up to $43, so call early to receive your information sheet. CALENDAR ORDERS All those who purchased a Wonder Lake calendar for the 1985 year, have now received a survey to be filled out and returned along with an order form for the 1986 calendar. Orders are now being taken and those who missed out on the first calendar will be contacted GOLF OPEN The 133rd Annual Golf Open will be held Thursday, Aug. 8, at. Hunter's Country Club. Tickets may be purchased at the Old Mill Inn, from Bill Fritzgerald, or Joe Sullivan. Tee time is between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Included in your day will be 18 holes of golf, beer ana pop on the course, brat or hotdog and a family style dinner at 6:30 p.m., after which, prizes will be awarded. This is a not for profit event solely as a fun get-together for the men of the community. There are always prizes for the serious golfers who do well, just as there are prizes for some silly things for those who might just regarding the 1986 edition. The calendar has proven to be very successful and even more incentives have been added. You'll be hearing more about this as time progresses. I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I have received some valid criticism lately concerning my coverage of eastside events. I certainly don't mean to slight any group or activity but if I don't know about it, I can't write about it! Since I have lived at Wonder Lake since I was 5 years old-- 19 years on the eastside and almost 18 years on the westside, I think of Wonder Lake on the whole and not just one section. I would like very much to hear about all activities as I'm sure the readers would. Just give me a call with your news, jot down the facts and mail it to me, or ask me to come to your event. I get paid by the McCullom Lake: Budget draws fire There was quite a heated discussion about bills at the July 9 village board meeting. There have been many repairs on the village equipment and so there were many bills. Also, the road work has been quite costly. During communications, it was stated that as of July 1, our beach is still satisfactory for Dawn Miller 385-4901 swimming. Also, you may have noticed that the sand on the beach was turned over, which controls the weeds. This was done by July 4. Road work should be comin to an end witji the exception o! Gate 1. Bids will be received on that since it is such a large strip. A word to the wise about driveways; residents, you must secure a building permit before you cement or asphalt your driveway, or the fee doubles. Trustee Morris can be reached at 344-1738 weekdays until 7 p.m. and Saturday until noon. Four letters of commendation were read by police trustee Dee Valentine. Two were for Cor poral Lo Porchio., and one for Sgt. Duellman and the other one was for our newest officer, Leslie Lunsmann. These men deserve a hand from all of us. Keep up the good work. We're very proud of our police department. People have been responding to the letters sent out by our health trustee Wayne Berry, and the response has been good. Vacant lots are being mowed and cleaned up. Remember, this is our village and we all should take pride in our land and properties. Tne next board meeting will be July 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the beach house. Why not plan on attending? All are invited. NEW GRANDCHILD Bill and Gert Walter welcomed their ninth grandchild into the family June 9. Kenneth Charles weighed in at 8 lb. 1 oz. and measured 21 % in. long. The proud first-time parents are Ken and Leslie(Walter) Scheuber of Elgin. Paternal grandparents are Alban and Delores Scheuber of Joliet. We wish the new family much happiness in the years ahead. LADIES OF THE LAKE Eight members, which in cluded one new member, Jo Loesch, enjoyed lunch at a local smorgasbord on July 11, instead of the usual meeting* Jo, who is the daughter of Mary Kantorski, and her husband Bob moved to the village permanently in May. The ladies thoroughly eiyoyea a nice time. The ladies discussed their potluck picnic to take place Aug. 8 at the beach. Each member is to bring a dish to pass. Enjoy yourselves, ladies. BIRTHDAYS Belated wishes are sent to Tom Milbratz, who celebrated July 10; Linda Berry turned over the calendar July 11; Virginia Karl shared July 12 with Konnie Krumsee, blowing out 15 candles on that date; Steve Huff shared July 13 with Sarah Mathison; Bruce Walter toasted another year July 14; Chuck Miller mv husband blew out the fire on his cake July 15 and Pat Wymen celebrated July 16. "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Lisa Martini, July 17; Sandy Lasco shares July 18 with Don Milbratz; Jason Weisenberger enters his teens July 19; Marge Stacknick opens her cards July 20 and Valerie Walter opens her gifts July 23. ily 2, Man: to all. y happy returns of the day -- -- -JUfiank <}jou~ -- -- ̂ | you Mnf a Covtfy ea\J, ot tat qultlfy I lit a ({all. » you iini a funt\a( t f t tay, i f to n' t j ta<v i t i f t ty t . f you tftoCt i f t t iinJti t lUOtJt , a t any, j • fxitnj eoufj tay; i ZPtidafti you inn not lUtxt at aCf, ju\t tfiouyfit " | of ui t f tat Jay. | you Aid lo contoft cut /iiAiii, urt | t f n n f y o u t o n n i c / l u>/!at tVtx tAi f taxt a ' JUANITA WILKES J | BOB & ANN HURCKES and CHILDREN | ^ -ALLEN & JAN WILKES and CHIL0REN J SUMMER SIZZLER SALE SAVE >200.lw'->300.w'oit HI-EFFICIENCY MODELS if fejnijj# MODEL S65 24,000 BTU Reg. $1399 4 QQ Completely NOW 1199 Installed Model 565 SEER RATING 8.7 New Four side Ait Flow Cools Better Quieter OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE UNI T -nI/1 Kt i,.ii AK >Ai 1 30,000 BTU •1599 *1349 36,000 BTU *1699 *1449 42,000 BTU *1949 *1699 48,000 BTU *2099 •1799 LESLIE-LOCKE A Ouesior Company POWER ATTIC VENTILATOR up tO 2200 sq tt completely installed VISIT OUR FACTORY SHOWROOM Sale Reg. $219.95 '169. 95 W?* HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 5 7 0 C R o c k R d E a s t D u n d e p 428-6660 741-4752 Leading the Way in Hi-Efficient Equipment inch so I would like very much to hear more! Also, remember my deadline at the paper in McHenry is noon on Friday in order for it to ap pear the following Wednesday. Many times I get a call or receive something in the mail on Friday afternoon or over the weekend which then has to wait a whole week before it can go in again. SPECIAL DAYS Happy birthday to Jeff Glaves, who turned 14 July 12. Happy birthdav to the youngest of the Huff clan, Pat, who celebrated his special day July 13. On July 14, two cousins celebrated their birthday. Happy birthday to Mike Berndt and to our son Chuck Sowers. Glad to see Paul Marke back on his feet and happy birthday to him July 15. Missy Lermer will be having her wishes come true as she blows out birthday candles July 16, Happy birthday to Shawn Connelly July 18. July 19 is a special day for Rene Ruzicka of Wooded Shores, as she celebrates her birthday. COMMUNITY EVENTS July 26, 27,28 -- Christ The King Ladies Sodality Rummage Sale. July 31 -Opening of McHenry County Fair; Miss McHenry County Contest. Aug. 8 - Wonder Lake Golf Open Aug. 17 -Boy's Baseball picnic at Christ The King Fields. ELECTR0LVSIS...THE SMART CHOICE THE SMART CHOICE IS TO BE POSITIVE. LOOK YOUR BEST WITH ELECTROLYSIS, THE ONLY MEDICALLY APPROVED METHOD OF PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL. FREE MINI TREATMENT PEBMANENTmAIB removal MfMBE* 4302 W Crystal Lake Rd. Suite C Whispering Point • McHenry. II (815)344 3640 or (312)658 3696 C WW* f r*jr«r> r Got a home? Get a discount Newer homes can earn a premium discount. Call your agent. DAV10 "JAKE' BACKHAUS McHENRY. IL ' PH. 338 2000 Of 344 3290 COUNIHVCONMMBS. hww jnd Vrvim EASTER SEAL HOME HEALTH CARE A Non-Profit Agency Offering the following services: •NURSING 'PHYSICAL THERAPY 'HOME HEALTH AIDES .SPEECH THERAPY • SOCIAL WORKER .OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Direct billing to Medicare arfci Insurance 815-338-1707 Serving the citizens of McHenry County since 1949 ANNIVERSARIES A belated anniversary wish is sent to my husband Chuck since we shared 16 years of marriage July 12. And a "Happy An niversary" wish for this week goes to Wayne and Peggy Blake sharing another year together July 23. SPEECH THERAPY Good Shepherd Hospital will hold a four-week speech therapy class for children beginning Jtuy 29. For information contact the hospital's physical medicine department at (312) 381-9600, ext. 5360. fik* EEF VILLA McHENRY 344-1103»WOODSTOCK 338-3433 HAVE FUN...WE'LL DO THE COOKING! -PICNICKER'S COUPON--t j BR0ASTED-CHICKEN. _ I I 16 PIECES ONLY DELICI0USCHICKEN; MARINATED, LIGHTLY ,< I BREADED AND BR0ASTED TO SEAL IN THE FLAVOR. ^^*eg.J10 45|| >|^^0FF^AU^BE^IIl^R^^l/8WIMimEC0UP0NPER^ISIJ) TRYm "ioo PIMUCKETSOFBR0AST£~ CHICKEN OR FRESH ITALIAN BEEF BY THE POUND. TUCO UNCOMIX® not anc»ow> UNCOMIX* So'"** Pom., ("neomycin hydroctiloridt) GSSD i 1'OZ(«>gaams) HVR I, > *>*"4 « »•>,»» *• V» *« • iaoMfe^2S Ifvj MYCOPLASMAL PNEUMONIA AND INFECTIOUSARTHRITIS FREE OFFER * UNCOMIX 25 25 mg. per ml. of antibiotic 100 ml. VIAL • UNCOMIX 100 100 mg. per ml. of antibiotic 4.69 100 ml. VIAL..... 16.45 SAVE ON ALL YOUR ANIMAL HEALTH NEEDS WITHOUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! BUY ANY 3 TUCO UNCOMIX PRODUCTS MIX'N MATCH AND RECEIVE AN 8' PUERWITH LEATHER HOLDER FREE! SPECIALOFFER GOOD FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. FARM^FLEET ROUTE 47 & BYPASS 14, WOODSTOCK, IL Weekday*, 8:30-8:30; Saturdays, 8:30-5:00; Sundays, 11:00 to 4:00 mm