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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1985, p. 33

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B y O r . L a w r e n c e E L a m b , M O . , N e w s A m e r i c a S e r v i c e •DnniD cmnnn n n n n n n n c n n n n • n n n n n n n r c n n n • a n n n n n n n n n nnnnnnn ••an nnn nnnn onnn anon anno anon n o n e nnn n n o n nnnnnnn n n n n n n n n n n n • n n n n n n n n n n n • n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n By J a m e * J a c o b y N e w g p a p e r E nt e r p r i s e A s s o c i a t i o n ^•0*NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, July 17,1915 Garfield' f THERC S NOTHING' I (J)l»i5UnitadF«»tuf» Syn<J«.»t4lr>c ( MORE ANN09IN& ) \ THAN A LEAKV / V- FAUCET y ASTRO GRAPH UNLESS IT'6 A LEAKV „ QOCr J Strive to expand your interests cfour cBirthday PAVt*> Peanuts --| July 17,1M5 ANP P06 3iTE5 Strive to expand your range of interests -- and acquaintances in the year ahead. By J broadening your scope, you will gain a ) 'c s great number of possibilities for success tf / - and happiness. / 5 CANCER (June 21-July 22) Some •; restraining influences that have retarded i \ u your progress will be alleviated as of ,oday You " now be ab,e lo 'unction in a J5P? more independent manner. Major - m s . < -- c h a n g e s a r e a h e a d f o r C a n c e r s i n t h e _________________J coming year. Send for your Astro-Graph predictions today. Mail $1 to Astro- It \ V rt Snnunm Graph. Box 489. Radio City Station. New > I n > Y o r k . N Y 1 0 0 1 9 . B e s u r e t o s t a t e y o u r ^ /*"" N zodiac sign. v^iiju^r IF YOU'RE AN ATTORNEY' I P BE INTERESTED IN KN0UJIN6 WHAT KIND OF CASES YOU HANPLE... ' ATTORNEY ATLAiO.. BANKRUPTCY "RUSTS ACCIDENTS MEPiCAL, PROBATE WILLS...-" ARE *X) 0RN/EJN^A|W1>/ Tdawx? j -- Too much exercise, too little sleep DEAR DR.LAMB -- I am a body- conscious 26-year-old female. I'm 5 feet 4 and weigh 130 pounds and am determined to drop to 125 pounds. My problem is lack of sleep. I awaken at 2:00 a.m., or at the latest 3:00 a.m. I tried to correct my body alarm by eating crackers, popcorn, warm milk or peanut butter and crackers. I even tried a small amount of liquor before retiring, and later, when I awoke, to no avail. Not even sex helps. This odd pat­ tern continues through my weekends. My day begins with breakfast at4:30 a.m., followed by a half-hour of exer­ cise with a TV program, occasionally followed by biking three miles or walk­ ing the equivalent, walking during my lunch hour, aerobics six out of seven days a week and biking three to five miles after a light dinner. At 9:30 p.m. I walk three miles, concluding every night with a half-hour workout, ending with a cool-down. I enjoy my routine and want to con­ tinue it without the no-sleep part. Can you help me control this problem, or Just understand why? DEAR READER: Have you ever head of there being too much of a good thing? You are probably a good exam­ ple. Why are you working so hard? The most likely answer is that you are do­ ing too much exercise too close to your bedtime. Exercise during the day and early evening helps you relax and ac­ tually promotes sleep later. But exer­ cise does stimulate the body and should be completely avoided In the hours before sleep. You need to learn to adjust your lifestyle to promote sleep. 1 have discussed this in The Health Letter, Special Report 35, "Improve Your Sleep," which I am sending you. Others who want this issue can send 75 cents with a long, stamped, self- addressed envelope for it to me in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 19822, Ir­ vine, CA 92713. It is important to wind down at the end of the day and eliminate stimula­ tion. That not only Includes exercise but mental and emotional activity, too. If you study or do mental work before going to bed you may not sleep well. If you must rethink -- or worse, discuss -- emotional family problems Just before going to bed, there is a good chance that you won't sleep. And, in­ cidentally, alcohol usually results in poor sleep rather than better sleep. DEAR DR. LAMB: I am concerned about a 16-year-old boy who has a severe overweight problem. I think his pants have a size 40 waist. He has a very good appetite and eats all the time. He is good-natured and thoughtful of other people. Someone suggested that he might have Frohlich's syndrome. I'm not familiar with this and wondered if there is a test for this and if you could give us any information. DEAR READER - There are several endocrine' abnormalties that can cause or contribute to obesity. The best known one is low thyroid function. But you can have an overactive adrenal cortex, causing Cushing's disease, resulting in typical trunkal obesity. Or a fat young boy who has not developed normally sexually may also have Frohlich's syndrome. This may b e a d e f e c t i n t h e b r a i n (hypothalamus) that leads to overeating and obesity. The only good approach to determin­ ing If any of these disorders is present is by tests ot endocrine function. Ask your doctor about it. He may suggest a referral to an endocrinologist, a specialist in problems with the hor­ mone glands. Frank and Krnest I P l P N ' T R E A P MY / UA5T PH<>Ne SILL -- X'M WAITING pop IT •p. TO COME1 our IN flA 0\Pfi|SgAcje. Si|||P # • •• tviav^S 7-17 MEG4TELEC0M TELEPHONE COMPANY net M5*v! ...ifajiceox we usrf«e!...n«vt>ieu W/ND CAMS UP CROSSWORD BARBS f tifeffcry ^ 3 Manchurian bor­ der river 4 Consign ̂ Phil Pastoret Wizard of Id By Brant I'arkiT A Johnny Hart 1 Grassy field (poet) For conversational shock value, try to communicate at the next cocktail party without using any off-color lan­ guage whatsoever. Astronomy made easy: Think of a black hole in space as a sort of celes­ tial garbage disposal that gobbles up galaxies. Sign on the door of the nuclear sci­ entist on vacation: "Gone Fission." NWM, ttm. wmtb&A mie ***&.••• HCWCVW 1 ^ f6£M00tfriHe 1 |\ toe ran Km J VO\W6? J 5 Commerce agency (abbr.) 8 Veal 12 Same (Fr.) 13 Dress style (si.) 14 Outer (praf.) 15 Jewish month 16 New Zealand clan 17 Arabian ship 18 Inoculation tool 20 Fails 21 Struggle 22 Which (Fr.) 23 Hebrew letter 26 Member of a panel 30 Tie up (a boat) 31 Drudge 32 Amazon tributary 33 Siamese coin 34 Forming container 35 Notation 36 Beginning 38 Hereditary fac­ tors 39 Stevedore union (abbr.) 40 Roadhouse 41 Flash out 44 Faltering speech 48 Leisure 49 Actress Balin 50 Take cover 51 Kind of cheese 52 Food fish 53 River in France 54 Evening in Italy 55 King (Sp.) 56 Metal DOWN 1 French women (abbr.) 5 Idol 6 Pigeon shelter 7 401. Roman 8 Olio 9 Repetition 10 On the peak 11 Pulls 19 Nothing 20 Roll up a flag 22 Tobacco chew 23 Federal agent (comp. wd.) 24 Greek letter 25 Words (Fr.) 26 Sudden shock 27 Person's manner 28 Highest point 29 Greek temple 31 Only (pref.) 34 Dissolve Kek and Meek 1. With what meridian does the Inter­ national Date Line primarily coin­ cide? (a) 180th (b) 100th (c) 150 th 2. What is the national motto of the United States? ia) "Give me liberty or give me death" (b) "In God we trust" (c) "E Pluribus Unurr" 3 What U.S. president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? (a) Woodrow Wilson (b) Theodore Roosevelt (c) John F. Kennedy 35 Mint camphor 37 Film 38 Wildebeest 40 Alpine country 41 Horse directives 42 Steeve 43 River in Bavaria I TOLD MOMQUE 1 UUD HER LAST MIGHT SH£ 5A© SHE UUASMT INTERESTED IM USTEWIMG ID GOSSIP 45 Grow weary 46 Novelist Ferber 47 Organ pipe 49 Noun suffix ANSWERS Berry's World low* Alley (top By Dave Graue YOU KNOW, t[ YOU \ NOPE! ONCE TM' KlNGjTHEN IT'S DON'T THINK ( DON'T J IS PRESENTED WITH J JUST A, WE'LL HAVE \ ? /TWO OR THREE OF /QUESTION T'CHASE DOWNNi fC"fHOSE FAKE SILVER ] OF TIME BE TMOSE KNIGHTS J\ fi7 CHALICES, HE'S / FORE YOUR AFTER ALL.' BOUND T'SMELL A/UNCLE FINDS r - ^ r 1 \ R A T / H I M S E L F I N » < <T-V BIG TROUBLE! NOSIR, ALL WE HAVE ( HOW DO YOU \ EASY.' GIMME T'DO IS MAKE SURE I PROPOSE TO ) TH' FIRESTICK, THIS TREASURE STAYS V DO THAT? / TOKO.' IN TH' TREASURE ROOMfL /• ^ By Warner Bros. CARNSARNITVAKWOW i hates Buckshot 1 IN MV HOTCAKES. Bugs Bunny "AND - IF ELECTED PRESIDENT IN BB I LL PUTATATBACK TOGETHER AGAINf 0262 BRIDGE NORTH 7 1 7 8 5 • K 6 3 * A 8 • A 8 5 3 • A K 6 4 WEST EAST • 10 7-5 4 ^98 V Q 1 0 6 2 * 9 7 5 « . . . • J 1 0 7 2 • J 1 0 8 7 2 4 Q 9 3 SOUTH • A Q 2 V K J 4 3 • K Q 9 6 4 • 5 Vulnerable: Both Dealer: North West North East South 1+ Pass 14 Pass 2 NT Pass 3* Pass 4# Pass 4 NT Pass 5# Pass 5 NT Pass 6V Pass 7# Pass Pass Pass no lead: 4J A lesson in navigation The captain of our Royal Viking more than five major suit cards. (He ship cruising Glacier Bay near would not have supported diamonds Juneau has a grave responsibility: He with only three, and most4jkely held must avoid ice floes and coastal four clubs for his opening in that suit.) narrows. Meanwhile. I have an easier If North had two spades and three task. In my daily lectures I tell my hearts, three rounds of spades would audience that when they play a hand, enable declarer to discard a low heart they must watch out for the rocks of from dummy and subsequently raff distribution. Here's another one of the third round of hearts. author Norma Sands' hands to illus­ trate my point. This particular grand slam was After North s jump to two no- easy to navigate. The Bnly danger trump and later show of diamond was that one defender held all four support. South knew he was going to outstanding trumps. If it were West, bid slam. When the Blackwood con- there was no hope. Just in case East vention disclosed that their side had held all of them, declarer carefully all the aces and kings, he decided to played the diamond ace first. He was go all the way and bid the grand slam, now able to pick up East's four That was a little risky since the heart trumps to the J-10, and after ruffing queen was probably missing, but his third heart, pitch the heart jack 6n South felt it likely that North held no the club king, to score the slam. By Lynn Johnston For Belter or Worse ANDiSfV/EUPH RCRF£ER ftS V RN ELBCIftlClflN FORTHlS?!! r NOLO,DID VOU PRACTICE nope.} youft Houfleoor VOURTQNSOe. EXERCISES'? Lno I WCiwwn OF IRB aeA9oN. MIKe! LETS ' (> o 17 Schnc...

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