•v NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Friday, July 19# 1M5 P«9« 9 Regional m m i i State Sen. Jack Schaefer, left, and Jim May, ar- tion, declaring July 21 "Illinois Storytelling tistic director of the Illinois Storytelling Day" in honor of the Illinois Storytelling Festival, hold Governor Thompson's proclama- Festival to be held Sunday in Spring Grove. Naturalist to identify prairie flowers On Sunday, July 21, noted McHenry County naturalist Bill Wingate of Crystal Lake will pre sent a program at 2 p.m. at the McHenry County Historical Museum in Union. Wingate, an educator, en vironmentalist and trustee of the McHenry County Conservation District, will explain how various plant uses have changed over the years and will show how some plants were introduced into this area. He will also tell how prairie YMCA gets awards of achievement Doug Neuswhander. associate di rector of the Lake Region YMCA in Crystal Lake, recently accepted four excellence awards in behalf of his organization at the Physical Education and Program Congress, sponsored by the Leaning Tower YMCA in Niles. Illinois. The areas of achievement were in gymnastics, physical fitness, youth sports and leadership. The awards are based on training provided for instructors in skill development, safety. ( and national progressive guidelines Neushwander said these awards were a great accomplishment, as the criterias to get them are very stringent and require a great deal of committment by all the YMCA staff. Neushwander also said also that out of more than 50 YMCAs served by the Chicago region, only a few received as many honors as the Lake Region plants fit into the scheme of natural history. Visitors will learn of chickory, goats beard, lamb's quarter and pig weed. There will be plenty of time foF questions concerning plants. Museum visitors may bring in plants for Wingate to identify. The Wingate program is part of a season series of such programs designed to cover topics of local historical interest. Upcoming topics will include chair caning, local archeology, historic Illinois bridges, pioneer crafts and foods. Crime of the Week This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on two burglars who celebrated Memorial Day by committing a crime. On Monday, May 27, two men broke into the Cycle Craft Yamaha-Suzuki motorcycle shop on Route 47 in Woodstock. They gained entry by breaking the glass from a side door. A passerby noticed a red Ford Mutang parked by the shop and saw a man coming out the door carrying what ap peared to be a helmet. The suspects then fled the scene in the car and the witness followed them and an apple cider festival. Grafton Township residents will be admitted free on Sunday, July 21. The museum is open from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Satur day and Sunday afternoons. It houses early agricultural equip ment and devices, a music room, military and professional room, an early 1900 school room, log cabin and costume/quilt room. A local historical research library in the museum is open by appoint ment. North on Route 47 until they turn ed east on Country Club Road. ^ Police were then called to the scene. The burglars escaped with six or seven windbreakers and five or six motorcycle jackets. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation leading to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders. If you have any information about the burglary at Cycle CraftJn Woodstock, or in formation on any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800*762- STOP. Estate zoning wanted A petition has been filed for hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals by petitioners Ralph C. Whitehead and Marianne Whitehead for an amendment to the McHenry Coun ty Zoning Ordinance from "A-l" Agriculture District to "E-3" Estate District. The property is located in McHenry Township at 3019 N. Ringwood Road, McHenry, and consists of approximately 20 acres. The hearing on this petition will be held on August 1,1965, at 2 p.m. in Room 203 of the McHenry Coun ty Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. All those who are interested may appear and be heard. McHENRYfTfe in vf-D ' ^DRUG^USBSSSSES SALE JULY 17 thru JULY 22 M&Y ITDI SAT. SIII SIMMY (STORE) 9 TO 7PM SIMMY (PHARMACY) 9 TO 3PM WE RESERVE THE RISHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES M EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST PHARMACY (115) 3I5-442S 1327 M. RIVERSIRE DR. MCHENRY COKE • DIET COKE - TAB - SPRITE 12 PACK CANS $299 REG. $3.69 Star-Kis* STAR-KIST TUNA INWATER0R0IL 6VJ0Z. 59° REG.79t QPP INSECT REPELLENT 6VSt 0Z. '1.99 REG. $2.69 RIUNITE WINES 750 ML *2.19 BIANCO, D'ORO, R0SAT0, LAMBRUSC0 9" PAPER PLATES 100 COUNT 69c REG.Wt DOVE DISHWASHING LIQUID 220Z. BOTTLE 89 REG. $1.19 vguRRtte) VITAMIN C ill --«• 100 COUNT-500 MG. *1.49 REG. $2.39 MILLER BEER 12 PACK NR BOTTLES *3.99 SALE PRICE LESS MAIL 4 aa IN REBATE "l-Uv FINAL COST *2.99 GOLDEN GUERNSEY ^ MILK Itt HOMO. *1.89 GAL. 2% $1.79 GAL Governor, county board declare Sunday Illinois Storytelling Day } In honor of this weekend's Il linois Storytelling Festival in the Village of Spring Grove. Governor Jim Thompson and the McHenry County Board have declared Sun day, July 21 "Illinois Storytelling Day." The governor's proclamation read in part: "Storytellers have captivated thousands of genera tions of humankind with tales of warmth, joy, sadness, love, foolishness and ghosts," and "The people of Illinois, McHenry Coun ty and Spring Grove take a back seat to no one when it comes to telling tales." The second annual Illinois Storytelling Festival will be held Sunday, July 21, with a program featuring professional storytellers from across the nation. This year there will be two sessions: the main session from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and a special after-dark ses sion from 9 p.m. to midnight, which will be devoted solely to ghost stories. All of the sessions will be held in the new village park, just behind St. Peter's Church. Spring Grove is located on U.S. 12, five miles north of Fox Lake and south of the Illinois-Wisconsin state line. Refreshments will be availahle and festival-goers can also bring their own picnic baskets. Tickets are $5 in advance and $6 at the gate. Children 16 and under and accompanied by a parent will be admitted free. For ticket- ordering information cal l McHenry County College at (815) 455-3700, ext. 234, the College of Lake County at (312 ) 223-6601, ext. 550, or the David Adler Cultural Center at (312) 367-0707. Tickets will also be on sale at the Interna- Arthritis group slates speaker Hie McHenry County Arthritis Action Council will hold its free regular meeting on Monday, July 22 at 7 p.m. at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, 527 W. South St., Woodstock. The guest speaker will be Karen Dicken, RN, MS. from Family Services. She has a masters in psychiatric Mental ing and will be speaking oft depression and intervention. " For more information call Carol, 459-1576 or Chris, 344-4715. tional House of Wine and Cheese on north Route 12 in Richmond and at the Spring Grove store at Main and Blivin in Spring Grove. The festival will feature a wide range of storytellers representing traditional Appalachian, midwest rural , humor, family stories, and folk tales from around the world. An authentic Indian tee-pee will house children's stories. Musi cians will perform old-time music on banjo, fiddle, dulcimer and the bagpipes. Featured storytellers will in clude the Armstrong Sisters, Michael Cotter. Beth Horner. Chuck Larkin, Jim May, Ed Stivender and Marcie Telander. i RED * BRANDY WINE RASPBERRIES OPEN 7-DAYS 7:30-7 FOR PRE'PICKED ORDERS OR MORE INFORMATION . 5/3; INOIS I AHGfST 8f MR* \ Woodstock on Rt North on Queen AnneRd July Specials ... TRIPLE GLAZING with TILT OUT WINDOW Offer good July 20 -- 31 , 1985 "We guarantee the lowest prices in town for quality products." cM & cM 706 BALDWIN SHARON, Wl 414-73642SS or-414-736-4771 . ONE MONTH REBATE EXTENSION! Because of the Program's Popularity, Apple has extended the rebates til' July 31st SIT $78 OFF FROM US GET $75 CASH BACK FROM APPLE GET $25 OFF FROM US GET $25 CASH BACK FROM APPLE GET $75 OFF FROM US GET $75 CASH BACK FROM APPLE •X.X;J w mm GET $2S OFF FROM US GET $25 CASH BACK FROM APPLE Eight now, you can get a rather sub stantial check direct from Apple and the same amount off from Micro Com puter Center.. Apple's giving cash back on all kinds of Apple II accessories and Micro Com puter is matching the offer! An incredibly expandable Machine, the Apple II E can run, by itself, more ; \ppu-t 'ijy.puirrInc \pp.t Vjp.t software than any other computer in the world e.g. word processing, data bases, spread sheets, and accounting. We have a store-full of friendly ex perts who can help you put it all to- gether-they'U even show you how easy it is to qualify for up to $2500 of instant credit on Apple products. 4 fcithonzrd Drakr '•!isci"',i%r, > a 'itfMv.T.iirK '.rr.DJUT Inc fIJCflO COMPUTER CENTERSmc. 22 Crystal Lake Plaza Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 455-2223 546 S. Randall Road St. Charlas, IL 60174 (312) 584-9505