93 Automotoll8S for Sate ) 93 Aut6mobllw for Sale 93 Automobiles for Sale ! »3 Automobiles for Sale '79 MERCURY CAPRI. 6 cyl., avge.. cond, asking $2,400, State Bank of Woodtock. 815/338 2223 ' 73 TR6, exc. cond., must.see. best offer 815/675 6370 '82 CHEVETTE, 2 dr , auto, $2.300 FIRM. 312/639 3297 1978 FORD FIESTA, economical, orage with blk. fiesta stripe. 4 spd., S1300, or best offer. Call after 6. 815/385 6261. '76 FORD LTD, white, fair cond., S650.815/459 6280 1976 FORD GRANADA Ghia. 90,000 miles, gray/wht., vinyl top. good cond., ps. pb. $1100 or best offer. 815/455 4585. 1979 OLDS 98 Regency, maroon, exc. cond., all power, qir. $3500,815/455 4585. 1978CHEVY CAPRICE wagon, 9 pass, wht. w/wood paneling, ps, pb, power windows, air, tilt, V8 engine, exc. cond., no rust asking $2200,312/658 9085 "'67 MERCURY COMET 289 V 8, $850 or best offer. 815/385 5653 after 4 1978 BUICK CENTURY special, 2 dr., l owner car, very nice. dependable. $2200, 312/658 2408 after 7 p.m. 1974 TOYOTA Corolla wagon, auto., 66,000 miles, $500 or best offer. 312/639 8002 73 CUTLASS SUPREME, tires like new, runs good, good cond , $750/best. 815/338-2528 1974 MUSTANG II. auto., many miles, but runs great, $750 or bestoffer, 815/455 6337. '66 CHEVY CAPRICE, ps/pb, air, tilt steering, good cond., $35<f/best . 312/426 7860. '78 HONDA CIVIC, looks & runs almost like new, no rust, no dents, good tires, 60,000 miles, $1695/best. 815/459 0666 1979 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Brougham, 2 dr., ps, pb. air. Clean West Coast car. Reliable. Economical sm. V8. $3,495. 312/639 1913. 82 CHEVY CAMARO: Char coal gray exterior, light gray deluxe interior, air, ps/pb, * spd., V 6, exc. cond! Must see! $6,350, 312/658 4233. '77 GRAND PRIX, black with gold velour. bucket seats, air, auto trans., power windows & locks, cruise, body needs some work, $1650,312/639 1222. 1975 PONTIAC WAGON, V8, air, pb, ps, runs, needs some work, $400, 312/658 8595, after 5 p.m. 1977 MONTE CARLO, ps, pb, air, am/fm radio, 49,000 miles, new tires, & brake shoes. $2600, 815/338-7875 mornings.. '77 OLDS 88, ac. ps/pb, exc. cond. 9000 miles on rebuilt engine. $1750. Call 312/639 7151 after 7 pm. weekends anytime. 1981 OLDS OMEGA, exc. cond. ,air, ps, pb, V6. $2,900, 815/455 5021. '84 MERCURY TOPAZ, auto., ps/pb, air, extended warranty, $6,750,815/455 1352. '77 PLYMOUTH VOLARE, 2 dr., 6 cyl., auto., $800/firm. 815/728 0737. CALL * ' 815/455-2870 USED CAR FACTORY 4f -79 MONTE CARLO Landau, V6, stereo, air. $2,995, Used Car Factory. 815/455 2870. '77 TRANS AM. bright red, velour int., $2,495, Used Car Factory, 815/455 2870. '75 MERCEDES 280S. exc. cond., must sacrifice. $9100. 312/658 3535 1977 CHEVY MONTE Carlo, 350 auto, runs & looks good, very clean, $l,375/best, Call 5 pm 7 pm ONLY, 312/639 6678. '78 JEEP CJ 7 Renegade: Levi inferior. no rust, clean, $4200.; '815/344 1580. 1968 VW, new brakes, chrome rims w/wide track 60's, mucH more, great shape. $895. 815/455 1589 after 4 p.m. '79 PLYMOUTH HORIZON: 2 door hatchback, air, moon roof, good gas mileage, good condi lion, $1800.; 312/639 6766. '71 OLDS CUTLASS, ps/pb, air, am/fm casette. new 350 eng., $l,850/best, 815/455 3569. '82 BUICK REGAL, 4dr., auto., clean, extras, 1 owner, best of fer. 815/455-6786. 74 PONTIAC Le Mans: $500. or best offer. Good Beater I 815/385 1616. FULL BED TOPPER for 3/4 ton truck, 7 mo. old, $275, 815/385 6101. 1979 LINCOLN Versailles, red & white, loaded. $4,900 312/639 1552. 1978 JEEP Wagoneer, engine & interior exc. cond., some rust, $3,000,312/639 1552 1984 PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 5 spd., 2.2 liter engine, extended waranty & rust proofing, 20,000 miles, $4,900, 815/455 3294. 72 BUICK ELECTRA. good cond., many new parts. Call Mike. $1.000/best. 815/338 7287. '70CHALLENGER. Texascar w/extra parts, new tires, restorable. $l,500/best. After 5 pm. 312/639 0976 78 CHEVY CHEVETTE. blue 2 dr. hartlhback. AC, new tires & batt . $1500 firm. 312/639 6861 '81 SUBARU. 4 whl. drive - hat chback, approx. 17,000 mi. $5.500/best, 815/459 6198 j 77 THUNDERBIRD Very' good condition! No rust, 50.000 ! miles, $2,000 or best; 815/923 2220 < 1977 924 PORSHE, exc. cond., silver & black, rebuilt engine, 15,000 mi.; sun roof, am/fm j radio, $7,000/ offer. 815/459 1657 or 815/459-3222 after 5 pm., 1952 MGTD Replicar: yellow convertible w/soft top, tonouh cover, spare lire, luggage rack j and many extras. Priced to sell Call Jerry, 312/658 9140 '72 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass: ex cellent running condition, ps/pb, a/c, am/fm cassette, 815/338-0053 after 4 p.m. and weekends call 815/338 4404 '78 AUDI new eng., new tires, needs body work, $750, 312/639 5544 before 5 p.m or 639 4 703 after 5 p.m '73 BONNEVILLE : One owner mechanic, excellent runner & tires, 84,000 miles, am/fm cassette, $725. 312/458 6466 73 OLDS TORONADO 2 dr:, all power, new tires, am/fm radio, good condition. $800 312/658 3396 '79 MERCURY Capri RS Hat chback: 4 cyl., auto, ps/pb, air. am/fm cassette. No rust! $3500 , 815/459 8583 1980 AUDI 5000 S diesel. 4 door. 5 speed, white, loaded. $6,000. 815/338 1673. ' '72 PLYMOUTH DUSTER 6 Cylinder $300 815/455 2497 '71 MERCEDES: Exc. shape! $4500; '77 IMPALA: Good shape! $210a.; 312/428 8807 '79 TOYOTA Celica: 59 K, new exhaust, new brakes, runs good, no rust, $3750. 312/639 9164. eves. 75 MONTE CAR LO. good body, ps/pb & pw, new trans., needs engine work. $350 815/459-6861 '79 DATSUN 280ZX. exc. cond., 5 spd.. loaded, best offer, after 6 pm, 312/658 5583. '82 ESCORT, a'c. rear wiper, sun roof, cruise, 52,000 mi., $4,000,815/728 1366 '77 CHEVY CAPRICE Landau, loaded, 350 eng, $l.200/best, 815/455-5918 75 CHEVY CAPRICE Conver tible. Good condition Loaded! $3300. or best; 815'459 9535. after 5:30 pm 1981 MERCURY Zephyr station wagon, exc. cond. low mileage. $3200 or best, 815 338 7985. 1961 TOYOTA COROLA wagon, 5 spd., exc cond., am/fm stereo cassette, $4500, 815/455 1638 '83 RENAULT Fuego white, leather interior . Loaded! $10,500 or best offer 815'455 6371, or 312/658 8036 '78 FORD GRANADA, new tires & battery, rebuilt eng. & carb., int. & body good, a'c. am/fm stereo, needs brake job, shocks & power steering pump. Asking $2,450. 312 658 5733 '79 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD, full power, blue leather int., exc cond , asking $6,100 or best offer, 815/459 8263 1976 GRAND PRIX, good cond., am/fm stereo, a/c. ps. pb, new tires, runs great,.$2100- or best offer, 815/344 4507 after ' 5:30p.m., weekdays 75 VW DASHER Wagon, 4 spd am/fm caSs, good cond., dean, $2750. Priced to sell quick! 815/459 3305 '75 FORD PINTO Station Wagon, excellent condition, on ly 56,000 miles, $800. 815/338 2139, after 6:00 p.m. '74 CADILLAC: 2door, loaded, exc. int., runs great, somerust, $675,815/459 8491 '84 DODGE Charger: takeover payments or $6800 . 4 cyl, air, ps/pb, am/fm stereo, good on gas, 815/459 629$ •84 MONTE CARLO SS: blue, like new, many options. $11,700; 815/338 .0360 • '76 Le SABRE, p/s, p/brcruise, am/fm, runs good, $675. 815/385-4215 eves. '85 DODGE CHARGER, 2.2 HO, sun roof, rear louvers, ps/pb. 5 spd. $8,500/best, 815/338 6370 after 6 pm '73 NOVA good condition, $300/firm 815/455 5519 .1962 STUDEBAKER GT Hawk. A Bargain at $3,200! Call 815/459.3222 after 5 pm '75 PLYMOUTH * Dependable. $375 312/639 5265 '78 CHEVROLET MONZA. 4 cyl,, 4 spd , 54,000 mi.. $1,295, Used Car Factory, 815/455 2870 USED CAR FACTORY '80 Chevrolet Citation $2,695 '79 Pontiac Firebird 2,995 '79 Monte Carlo Landau 2,995 79 Ford F100 2,995 '78 Pontiac Wagon 1,995 '78 Ford Fairmont 1,495 '78 Chevrolet Nova 695 78 Chevrolet Monza 1,295 '77 Pontiac Trans Am 2,495 76 Plymouth Volare 695 '73 Fury 11 595 '74 Ford Mavrick 395 4700 R 1.176 Crystal Lake 815/455 2870 '84 BUICK SKYHAWK: 4 cylinder, perfect cond., $7200. Call 815/344 2718. '81 FORD MUSTANG, 4 cyl.,4 spd., am/fm, very good condi lion, 55,000 miles, $3,700. 815/455 3012. 1980 200SX Hatchback, rally red, 13,500mi.,rhint cond., load ed. 5 spd.. Rusty Jones. $5,500 or best offer. 815/455 3897 '80 CITATION: auto, ps/pb, sun roof, $1800./.offer; 815/455 4623, or 815/459 0684. '76 MERCURY MONTEGO Wagon, good cond.. new tires, $650/best. 815/459 8721 after 4. , '83 PONTIAC Grand Prix: wire wheels, sunroof, exc cond. $6200/best. 815/728 0010 . 1979 MUSTANG Must sell leaving for school. Exc. cond., like new tires, brakes & ex haust. ps/pb, 4 speed auto., am/-fm stereo, $2,500/ best Call 312/639 4829 evenings only. '76 LE MANS Wagon As is. $300.' 815/385 4519 '78 NOVA: 4 door, 6 cyl., new auto trans., ps.. stereo, 52000. like new, must see, $2085 , 312/4266224. FORD MAVERICK, runs good, 2 dr., 6 cyl., 3 spd ,$300, 815/3856482, . HANSFORD CHEVROLET * A m Mr-Goodwrench PER HOUR Service A!i GM Cars & Trucks Service Loaner by Apoointment Route 47 In Huntley (312)669-5155 tmc uaTimi coumiromtt hansforgpS? TT AREA AUTHORIZED NEW CAR DEALERS W> BUICK McGRATH BUICK 945 E. Chicago, Elgin 312/695 6700 JERRY BIGGERS Chevrolet, Inc. 1385 E. Chicago St., Elgin 312/742-9000 GMC HERITAGE GMC 909 E. Chicago St., Elgin 312'742 4900 HONDA McGRATHHONDA 945 E. Chicago, Elgin 312 695 6700 ^CHRYSLER Plymouth FENZELMOTOR SALES Chrysler Plymouth Cars Dodge Trucks Dodge Cars 106 S. State, Hampshire 312/683 2424 MAZDA HERITAGE MAZDA \ 909E.Chicago,Elgin 312.742-4900 PONTIAC m DATSUN BROTHERSDATSUN 1040 E. Chicago St., Elgin 3V2 888 2030 HERITAGE PONTIAC 909 E Chicago St , Elgin 312 742 4900 SUBARU ALGONQUIN IMPORTS .S^les !vService 3722 B Algonguin'Rd ;R'e 62) Algonquin 312 658 4100 FORD BERGAD0N DANZ FORD, INC. 151 N. State, Hampshire 312 681 3100 TOYOTA TOYOTA VILLAGE 900N. LaFox (Rte. 31: South Elgin 312-741 2100 '81 TOYOTA COROLLA Litt back 5 speed, am/tm stereo, sun root, one owner. Very clean | in & out! 815/338-0369 , 1976 PACER, good tires, ex haust, engine, great transpor tation, $850 or best otter, 815/459 9416. '83OMNI DELUXE, loaded. 26 K. Ralley suspension $5500 815/459-5049 . '77 TOYOTA WAGON: 4 cyl.. 5 I speed, ps, air, $400., 312/639 , 7466, atter 6 pm '82 PONTIAC Bonneville: tan, loaded w/ all options, exc. cond 55.00(6 miles. Must see! S5000/bestotter. 815/385 3458 j SLEEK, SPORTY & spacious! ! 1976 2-dr Olds Cutlass Brougham, exc cond., $2,000. • What a steal! Call 815/338 7030. 1979 CADILLAC, Sedan DeVille. exc. cond, 57,000 miles; Florida car, loaded, must sell. $5,700,8f5/338 9177 '74 PLYMOUTH 'STATION Wagon sport suburban,$200 or best. 815/455 5894 atter 6 '77 PINTO 2 dr wagon, custom , paint, am/fm cassette, exc cond., best otter. 815/728 1830. • '69 CAMARO, fully restored, excellent condition, $4,000, 815/338 9584. • low mileage, started all winter, good body, $600 or best offer, 1976 PINTO WAGON, sage. si d body, 815/385 3978 eves. 79 CHEVY MALIBU: 2 door, V6, auto., looks and runs great, asking $1700.312/639 2Q54 '77.CHEVY NOVA: 2 door hat chback, V8, rebuilt auto, trans., good cond., asking $1000. 312/639-2054 1971 VW SUPER BUG. auto.. air, niw exhaust, good runner, $550 or best. 312/658 7526 after 4:30p.m. © 9i Automobile* for Sale 1974 CORVETTE. New paint and interior. MUST SEE. best Offer. 815/459-1712. 76' 280Z Completely restored, mint interior, new clutch & Struts, $3,100 815/459 7810 1979 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. must sell, $4,800 312/639 0549 or 312/525 4772 i '77 GRAND PRIX: a/c, ps/pb, tilt wheel, very good cond., runs great, $1500. 815/455 7056, after 6 p.m. '79 TOYOTA COROLLA SR5, liftback, exc. cond, justoverhauled. 815/3850332. '84 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE: airt Rusty Jones, am/fm. 11.000 miles. $8750. 815/455 4059 '80 PLYMOUTH HORIZON 4 door, manual, good cond . $2500. 312/639 9230 75 MONZA 2 - 2, V 6 4 spd , many new parts. 60.000 miles, best offer 815/4552187 after 6 pm. '76 VW.RABBIT, 4 door, auto., brown. $750. Call 312/639 2088 1976 CUTLASS, auto., black, good cond., ps/pb. sun roof. $1,700/ best. Call 815/385 5651 after 5:30 pm. 1982 FORD ESCORT WAGON GL. air, ps, pb. am/fm stereo, sport wheels, clock, 4 spd., 34,000 miles, beautiful cond., $3900/best offer. 815/459 1308. '*7 PACER HATCHBACK, air, p.s„ p.b., good cond., needs some body work, reasonable of fer. 815/385-7932 after 6.' '78 PONTIAC PHONIX, 58.000 miles, aufo., ps. pb. am/fm cassette, new battery, shocks, muffler & exhaust. Well main tained, good cond., $1,650. 815/338-6796. 1980 MERCURY CAPRI, 4 speed, good cond., 50,000 miles, sun roof, am/fm stereo, new tires. Asking $3,000. Call 312/551 9709 after 6 pm. 93 Automobile* for Sale "69 DODGE CHARGER 383. ps/pb. a/c. auto.. $700. 815/459 6961 1984 BMW 318. ps. pb. a/c. SR. 7000 miMes. best offer. 815/385 9284 I '67 PONTIAC Bonneville, * door Old. but dependable! j- $375 312/428 7454. '80 OLDS OMEGA 4 dr.. auto, air, cruise, well rrtaint Very j good cond Asking $3300 815/338 6017 v! '78 DATSUN 280 Z 5 speed, air, ! loaded! $4500. firm. 815/344 , 0420. if no answer, 815/455 4042 '76 FORD GRANADA ps pb. 89,000 miles, Fair, $350 815/459 i 5914 : ; i '71 OPEL GT, blue", exc. cond . J no rust, auto, $1,800 FIRM. 815/4596652 until 6 pm.- '69 CHEVY CHEVELLE Malibu. 20.400 orig. miles, car ; completely orig., int. perfect, ext very good, have all I receipts. $2.750. 815/728 1957 I '79 PONTIAC GRAND Prix, V 6, exc. cond., air cond , p s., pb, 53900/best 312/639 5540 before 6 or 639 1799 after 6 . '81 BUICK REGAL Limited low miles, loaded 815/338 8610 1982 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Brougham 4 dr all options, exc. cond., low miles, reasonable, 312/695 0775 or 695 3375. '79 CORVETTE L 82. 4 spd.. fully loaded, low miles, many extras, exc. cond. $12,000. 815/9234423. '78 DODGE ASPEN Wagon Runs well. $1100. 815/344 4137 '78 Z28. blue, new trans., tires, exhaust, paint, am/fm cassette, $4200/best. 312/426 5351 ask for Joe. '73 MONTE CARLO, rebuilt 350, am/fm, runs great, $695. 815/385 9421 after 5. NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, July 24,1985 Page21 93 Automobiles for Sale 96 Trucks 97 Vans '82 DODGE 024 Hatchback: Good condition! Avail. Aug 15th, Asking $3150 ; 815-385 8272, after 5 pm 95 Tractors/Trailers 78 KENWORTH CABOVER 3406 375 hp., Cat engine, wet kit, many extras, beautiful con d .asking $19,750 For info call 815/338 6200. Ext 268 96 Trucks 1979 DO0GE Ram Charger SE. ps/pb. auto., 42.000 mi.. 7'} ft Western plow, good cond . $5,100 Rich 815/344 5917 '74 DODGE: 1 ton with fiberglass utility.bed. 44,000 ac tual.miles,N$3300., Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntley, 312/669 3381 CHEVY LUV pick up, 1978, tong bed, needs clutch, $700 or best, 312/658 5965 CHEVY 1/2 Ton, green/green, a/c, ps/pb, p/dr. locks, am/fm ~ CB. dual tanks. Silverado Pkg . exc. cond.. asking $5,400, State Bank 6f Woodstock, 815/338 2223 '84 FORD. 1/2 Ton, auto, ps/pb, air, am/fm cassette, 2,200 miles Exc. cond., asking $7,800, State Bank of Woodstock. 815/338 2223 '81 GMC 1/2 Ton, w/topper, 6 cyl., AM radio. 3 spd.. black, short bed, asking $5,500. State Bank of Woodstock. 815/338 2223. '76 CHEVY SUBURBAN 4X4. 350 V 8, auto., ps/pb. $1500. 815/455 2694. 1983 FORD RANGER 4 X 4. black on black, ps/pb, dual gas tanks, am/fm stereo, sport rims i tires, exc. cond., must sell, $7,500/ best. 815/455 5433 CHEVY 1975 Pickup '78 CHFVY 1 Ton Pick Up: 454 Eng. Heavy Duty, ps, 4 spd., $2300; 815/459 1939 '77 CUSTOM FORD Pickup, a/c. good cond . low miles. $1,950.815/923 4289 1985 CHEVY S10. 4 by 4. extend ed cab pick up. 2 8 leiter V6. 4 spd. auto w/overdttve. 1500 • pay load. 20 gal fuel tank. Tanoe equip.. SiO value pgk., ps. pb, air. am/fm stereo. Rus ty Jones. - more. Exc cond., must sell. $12,500 or best offer, 8 1 5 / 7 2 8 1 9 2 4 , a f t e r 6 p m 1973 FORD F100, 1/2 ton, 105,000 miles, good running truck, $500.815/338 7066 '47 DODGE 1" j Ton truck, good condition, make offer 815-338 4489 1972 DODGE Flatbed, 4 X 4, w/plow, low miles, some rust. $l400/best offer 815/455 4151 '76 FORD, set up for heavy low ing, ideal for fishing & hunting. Exc. cond. Must see to ap preciate. $2750/best, 815/459 7257 leave message 83 GMC CONVERSION Van, loaded, full power, good cond.. good gas mileage. 24,000 original miles Asking $lt,0M or best. Serious only 815/^85 9630 - 1984 GMC Conversion Van. low miles, loaded. $15,000/ best. Call 312/639 2068 97 Vans 454 engine 815/653 9623 '72 DODGE 4X4 with Western snow plow, 360 engine, auto, runs good, body fair, $850./of fer; 815/338 1941. •75 FORD VAN 6 cyl , new paint job, no rust, exc for tradesman. $1800 Call after 5. 815/385 9357 1975 FORD VAN 6 Cyl., Sacrifice $75 815/455 4977 1985 CHEVY V-8 Cargo Van, auto., cruise, heavy duty rear suspension & cooling systen,. exc. cond. $9,000 Call Joe at 815/4556100 '80 FORD Club Wagon V 8. auto trans.. 8 pass. air. 65000 mi.. $5200.; 815/459 8816 '77 OODGE Maxi Van Fully equipped incl. sink. 360 engine. $2900./offer, 815/568 7547 1975 DODGE window wan. sportsman custom, manual, pb. ps, 8 passenger, carpeted floor. $2,000/best offer. 312/658 5231 '79 GMC VAN. loaded. $4,900 Call after 5 pm. 815/728 1927 1976 CHEVY VAN, runs great, mechanically sound. $750, 815/459 2225. WE COVER THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET! NEW OR USED BUYING OR SEUIN8? Wa haw MM t%M ear at fte I%M price, hi Mar* ciatsNM VmH Itad Iwadrede of Models to ctioose koa, botk fortifa tm4 do- •Mstk.ri Me best place la stop or soft. Call a frioadty Classified Advertising representative ae»...you'll H ia Ike driver's 1-m/ADS-WfORK 1 ...an a^ana It's just that simple! We're playing you a savings tune! Use our TOLL FREE classified number and ask for our "345 SPECIAL"! LINES DAYS BUCKS LINES DAYS BUCKS LINES DAYS BUCKS YOUR AD WILL REACH OVER 115,000 READERS EVERY DAY IT RUNS!!! . TURN THOSE EXTRA ITEMS AROUND YOUR HOUSE INTOCASH! eg CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR OUR "345 SPECIAL" 1-800-ADS-WORK NON-COMMERCIAL ADS ONLY OFFER GOOD THRU JULY 31,1985 MINIMUM GARAGE SALE AD IS 4 LINES - NO VARIATIONS ALLOWED TO THIS SPECIAL