Page 2 MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Monday, August 5,1965 Today Weather TEMPERATURE & PRECIPITATION h WERS 90 100 Figures indicate maximum temperatures FRONTAL SYSTEMS & AIR FLOW 30.00 30.24 (g) - High (p- Low National Weather Service Forecast UPI Weather Fotocast <& Forecast By United Press International Illinois: A chance of showers ear ly Monday then becoming partly sunny from the northwest during the morning and afternoon. Warm. Highs in the 80s. Fair Monday night. Lows in the 60s. Mostly sunny and warm Tuesday. Highs in the mid 80s to low 90s. Southern Illinois: A 30 percent chance of showers early Monday then becoming partly sunny by af ternoon. Highs in the low or mid 80s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Fair Monday night. Lows in the mid 60s. Mostly sunny and warm Tuesday. Highs in the upper 80s. National temperatures McHenry: A 30 percent chance of showers early Monday then becom ing partly sunny by afternoon. Highs in the low 80s. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Fair Monday night. Lows in the low or mid 60s. Mostly sunny and warm Tuesday. Highs in the mid 80s. CHICAGO - Extended Illinois forecast Wednesday through Friday: „ A chance of thunderstorms state wide Wednesday and in the south half Thursday. Fair Friday. Warm. Highs mainly in the 80s. Lows from the low 60s to low 70s. By United Pnaa International Loa Angeleahz 86 66 City 4 Feat Hi Lo Pep Louisville pc 87 70 Albuquerque pc as 83 .06 Memphis pc as 76 Amarlllo pc M 67 .... Miami Beach ta 90 76 Anchorage pc 66 53 .... Milwaukee pc 82 67 Asbevlllepc so 58 .... Minneapolis pc 83 65 Atlanta sy 83 67 .... Nashville pc 88 70 Baltimore cy 86 68 .... New Orleans pc 91 73 Billings sy as 58 .15 New York ay 84 69 « Birmingham pc 87 68 .... Oklahoma City pc 98 74 Bismarck pc 78 52 .02 Omaha cy 78 63 Boise sy 90 56 .... Orlando ta 88 73 Beaton pc 81 66 .... Philadelphia sy 85 64 Brownsville pc •5 75 .... Phoenix sy Pittsburgh sy 107 82 Buffalo ay as 64 .... Phoenix sy Pittsburgh sy 83 63 BurMngton vt ay 82 56 .... Portland Me. sy 81 50 Charleston B.C. ay 8S 66 ... Portland Ore. pc 80 56 Charlotte 82 62 ... Richmond ay 85 63 Chicago pc M 68 .... St. Louis ts 82 70 . Cincinnati ay 88 65 .... Salt Lake City sy 91 63 Cleveland iy 85 63 .... San Aatotaiopc 96 78 Cotumbua «y 88 64 .... San Diego f 79 69 Dallas sy 101 78 ... San Francisco pc 69 56 Denver ay 88 57 ... San Juan hz 90 76 DaaMotneaah 78 64 .... Seattle pc 77 56 Detroit pc 85 65 .... Spokane pc 84 54 Duluth cy 72 57 .... Tampa ts 89 74 BIPaaopc M 68 ... Tulsa pc 98 72 EvanavUlepc 88 71 .... Washington sy 86 71 Hartford pc 82 61 .... Wichita ts 92 72 Helena ay 85 55 ... c-clear Honolulu pc ao 75 .... d-dearing Houston pc Indianapolis pc M 85 74 ... 68 cy-cloudy f-fair sh-ahowers sm-smoke Jackaon Miss pc 80 n ... fy-foggy sh-ahowers sm-smoke Jacksonville pc 87 75 .10 hs-haxe MDOV Kansaa City ta Laa Vegas ay 83 104 60 2.04 73 .... m-mlssing pc-partly cloudy *y*sunny ta-thunderatorma Little Rock pc 88 71 .... r-rain W-WIUUJ Hitchhiker/thief lost $70 BROOKFIELD, Conn. (UPI) - A hitchhiker snatched an unsuspect ing motorist's wallet, but he found the billfold empty and lost $70 of his own in the process, police said Sunday. A warrant is being sought for the arrest of the 25-year-old suspect who robbed a motorist of an empty wallet and left his own money pouch containing $70 in the victim's car, police said. Police said the suspect punched the motorist in the face and stole his wallet after the motorist picked up ROFESSIONAL & SERVICE DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARL R. WALSI1. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS Fir*. Auto. Form. Ill* R»pr*»nting , RfllASU COMPANIES SOMW ilmSt .McHanry J»5 3JOO STEVEN J .CUDA AlTORNn AT I.AW 101 Von Sur»n Str*«t-Wood stock ((15)115-7332 (»15)33« 1334 HOMI OFFICE AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE IN: P»r»ohol Injury Corporations Partnerships Triols Zoning. Wills Proboto. Divorce Real Estct* and Criminal law DENNIS CONWAY auto life fire State Farm Ins. Co. 33HW flmStrMt McM»nry III 385-71II DR. LEONARD BOTTARl 1303 Richmond ltd McHtnry Eytt Eiomined-Contoct lemti G1oti«» Fitted Mon Tuei. Thwrt. Fri. 4 4p.m. Tutt Thurs. Fri.. 71pm. Sot.. 130-3 p.m. Phon* 315 4151 or 3t5 2242 JAMESM. McINTEE. LAWYER AVAILABLE TO PRACTICE IN: Ptrionntl Injury Triols. tvsiffots Corporations Wills Probate. Divorce. Real Istoto Workman's Compensation UU W. Ilm stroot NkHonry. Ill. For oppointmont phono 3t5 2440 Farm iquipmon* GEORGE P. FREUND. / INC. Casfr<N«*i Holland 410 J W. Crystal lokaU.. McHopry Bus. SOS-OIK Mcl IKNRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.J. LL'DFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPEN 3 EVENINGS A WEEK UNTIL 1:30 P.M. A SAT. 345-1340 N,0,(laughing Oas) t Valium (I V. Sodation) Available I I R E L U RADIAL TIRES , ALL CARS F.UROPA MOTORS. INC. MIBRta. INMcHanry • 15-345-0700 Reagan's popularity soars, 'Time' magazine poll shows By United Press International NEW YORK - President Rea gan's popularity is at an all-time high, although 75 percent of Ameri cans have little confidence he can reduce the deficit or negotiate an arms control agreement, Time magazine reported Sunday. A telephone poll of 1,013 regis tered voters -- taken between July 25 and July 27, nearly two weeks after Reagan underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his colon -- also found that many Americans were concerned about Reagan's health. -Some 40 percent of those surveyed called the president's medical prob lems "very serious" or "serious." Nevertheless, eight out of 10 polled thought he will finish out his term. Only 5 percent thought it was "not likely at all" Reagan would com plete his second term. The poll, conducted for Time by Yankelovich, Skelly and White, showed Reagan's popularity at an all-time high. Asked# to rate the president's performance on a scale of l-to-10, some flfr percent placed it in the top half of the scale. That's up 6 percent from May and 17 percent from Reagan's lowest rating in the summer of 1982, Time said. u The survey showed Reagan's pop ularity once again mirrors the na tional mood. Some 68 percent of those surveyed thought things are going "very well" or "fairly well" in the United States -- down slightly from the aftermath of the 1884 Sum mer Olympics when 74 percent of Americans felt that way. But the survey also showed that 75 percent have "only a little confi dence" or "none at all" in Reagan's ability to reduce the deficit. Just one of four people surveyed had "a lot of confidence" that he could close the budget gap -- now considered the most pressing prob lem, the poll found. They responded in much the same manner when asked about the presi dent's ability to reform the tax code or negotiate a nuclear arms control agreements with the Soviet Union, Time said. The survey found the federal defi cit has replaced the fear of nuclear war as the biggest worry among Americans. Some 55 percent of those polled said the deficit con cerned them "a lot;" 51 percent worried about the economy in general. But only 14 percent expressed "a lot of confidence" the president and Congress would agree on a budget that would close the budget gap. Still, despite a tripling of the defi cit during Reagan's administration, only 18 percent said he is most "1e for the budget woes, the blame instead on Con gress and past Democratic presidents. The poll found that more than seven out 18 believe the poor and elderly have suffered from cuts in public programs. Some 56 percent said the cuts have adversely affect ed Macks and-the middle class. Reagan's tax reform plan got a lukewarm response. Only 27 percent were "very familiar" or "fairly fa miliar" with it. The poll showed a Jump in support for military spending, with 40 per cent saying it should not be cut substantially, up from 26 percent in March 1883. Almanac By United Press International Today is Monday, Aug. 5, the 217th day of 1885 with 148 to follow. The moon is moving toward its last quarter. The morning stars are Venus and Mars. The evening stars are Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Leo. They include French novelist Guy de Maupassant in 1850, film director John Huston in 1806 (age 78), and astronaut Neil Armstrong in 1830 (age 55). On this date in history: In 1861, the U.S. government imposed the first income tax. Incomes over S800 were taxed at the rate of 3 oercent. In 1862, actress Marilyn Monroe died of an overdose of barbiturates. In 1863, the United States, Britain and Russia signed a treaty outlawing nuclear tests in the Earth's atmosphere, in space or under the sea. In 1874, President Richard Nixon admited ordering the Watergate investigation halted six days after the break-in. Nixon said he expected to be impeached. In 1864, actor Richard Burton died in Switzerland Of a brain hemorrhage at age 58. A thought for the day: In "Animal Farm," author Geoi "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal Orwell wrote, others." Quakes hit California No injuries reported Illinois temperatures By United Proas International City Weather HI Lo Pep Peoria cy Chicago O'Hare sy 81 SO .... Qutncy cy Decatur cy so M .... Rockforday MoUnecy 7# SB .... Springfield cy 79 57 76 sa 80 56 80 58 COALINGA, Calif. - Two moder ate earthquakes Sunday shook the much-shaken area of Coalinga, which endured a devastating quake two years ago and many smaller temblors since then. No injuries were reported and such minor damage as broken win dows and water mains and a col lapsed porch, the Kings County sheriffs office said. Most of the damage was in the community of Avenal, about 20 miles south of Coaling*. A Kings County sheriffs dispatch er said there was no panic, "in fact they wanted to know when the next one would hit," she said. A quake with a magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter scale rumbled through the area on May 2, 1883, causing $31 million damage and in juring 45 people. Since then, the area has been hit by many after shocks, but they have been much smaller. r Bias list ed at 5.5 by the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo., but Dennis Meredith of the California Institute of Technology recorded a 6.0 read ing on the Richter Scale. The 5:02 a.m. PUT quake was proceeded by a 4.5 quake in the same area-- agriculture land about halfway between Coalinga and Avenal. Meredith said he had reports that the quakes were felt in Sacramento, 185 miles north of Coalinga, and Santa Barbara, 125 miles to the south. A1 Clendenon, a resident of Oak- dale, about 120 miles to the north, said there was no damage there, "but the pheasants started to crow and the cows mooed." Santa Barbara County Sheriff Rex Apperson said, "We felt it. One deputy said he spilled his coffee." the hitchhiker Saturday in Danbury and driving him into Brookfield. The suspect went home and found the stolen wallet had no money in it and also realized he left his money pouch with $70 in the victim's car, police said. The hitchhiker called the victim and offered to exchange the wallet for his money pouch. The victim also called police who sent a Brook- field detective along to watch the meeting in front of a club in Danbury. 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