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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Aug 1985, p. 28

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P«9«12 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wodnosday, August7,NB5 -CLASSIFIED- RATES/INFORMATION td ,he F,RST inser,ion dj,c »" *»«>• ol an error Mmoioe?IhiMh?.? m '"Pon»»Me lor ONLY H.c Mrs! Incorrect .merlion The "™" w""h" aIIuAu'? Ollf a tI?UV b!«m,?e ,0r ih"e ad$: • Bul,ne" 0pp0'»««i»" • Sillers flu. . AV. e^ «'C# (Bwiine" Services) . Employment Wanted . Garage AbI c kV •' Sh4w Frec Pfe" Clrculalion Area • Folilical . Houses. x;.̂ oR;„;o.;"i'cV,icnv'n,i ,,c •A" w'""a 10 • *» PAPER PACKAGE * 3 LINES, 5 DAYS, $9.00 A total of 25 Insertions In the following newspapers The Herald. Crystal Lake and Cary Editions • The Herald. Cardunal Fret Press Edition • McHenry Plaindealer Herald • Richmond Gaxetle • Woodstock Sentinel Herald The following publications are also available al additional cost: The Herald. Citizen Trl County Shop per. Sentinel-Herald. Saturday Extra ®Ths PAPER PACKAGE may be cancelled, however, due to this special, low rate, no refund or adjustment can be made to the original billing upon cancellation Our helpful, courteous sales stall Is al your service during the following hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 1:00a.m. 5:00p.m. DEADLINES CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad: For MONDAY publications, 12:00 noon on Friday For TUESDAY-FRIDAY publications, 5:00p.m. two days prior to publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS 3:30 p.m. IWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION The Herald, Crystal Lake Edition The McHenry Plaindealer Herald The Herald, Cary Grove Edition The Richmond Gazette the Herald, Cardunal Free Press Edition The Woodstock Sentinel-Herald TUESDAY NOON Sentinel Herald, Saturday Extra FRIDAY 5 PM The Herald, Citizen Tri County Shopper For Our Readers: PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of telephone prefixes and the cities they represent which are commonly found in the Shaw Free Press Classified pages. 815 AREA CODE 3I2AREACODE 337-8--Woodstock 675 .- 344 -- McHenry 678 - 385 --McHenry 728 • 455 --Crystal Lake 459 -Crystal Lake 784 • 568 --Marengo 895 • 648 --Hebron W3 - 653 --Wonder Lake 943 - -Spring Grove -Richmond •Wonder Lake/ Ring wood -Genoa -Sycamore -Union -Harvard 381-2-- Barringlon 669 --Huntley 426 --Dundee/ 683 --Hampshire Carpentersvltle 695 --Elgin 428 --Dundee/ 697 --Elgin - Carpcntersville 740 --Round Lake 551 --Dundee 741-2-- Elgin 639 --Cary 888 --Elgin 658 -LITH Algonquin 931 -Elgin To place your ad, call: I-8OO/ADS-WORK CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Legal Notices 01 Cemeteries fc Lots 02 Card el Thank* 0) Notices 04 Lost! Found 0$ Personals 04 Instruction .0/ Car Pools 01 Travel and Transportation 0» Grand Openings 10 FINANCIAL Ouslness Opportunities II Slocks. Bonds and Investments I) Financial Services .. * 14 Personal and Business Loans ..IS EMPLOYMENT E mploymeni Agencies 1/ Employment Wanted U Household Help Wanted It Sillers Available ..30 Sillers Needed 31 Help Wanted ?J MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy IS Appliances H Art and Antiques. i; Auctions -- II Building Materials 2» Clothing JO Computers and Software 31 Crallsand Hobbies 33 Food and Produce 1) Health and Fitness 34 Livestock. Farm Supplies and Equipment JS Horses and E qulpmenl 34 Pets and Supplies 3/ Musical Instruments 31 Office and Store Equipment 3» Household Goods 40 Lawn, Garden and Landscaping 41 Machinery/Tools 43 Garage Sales 43 Misc. Merchandise 44 Trade or Barter 4S - RENTALS Wanted to Rent SO Rooms lor Rent SI Houses. Apartments To Share . S3 Apartments lor Renl S3 Homes lor Renl S4 Condos, Townhomes lor Renl.. SS Store, Ollices lor Renl U Industrial lor Rent 57 Farm and Farmland lor Rent St Storage Space lor Rent $9 Misc. tor Rent 40 REAL ESTATE Wanted lo Buy 45 Business Properly lor Sale 44 Industrial lor Sale 47 Open Houses 4t Houses lor Sale 4* Condos ft Townhomes lor Sale 30 Lois and Acreage 31 Mobile Homes tor Sale 73 Farms lor Sale 73 RECREATIONAL Aviation N Bicycles II Boats and Marine Service f3 Snowmobiles 13 Sporting Goods . . . 1 4 Campers/Trailers IS AUTOMOTIVE Wanted to Buy Automotive Services If Auto Paris and Accessories-- V0 Antique Vehicles.. ft Motorcycles *3 Automobiles lor Sale f 3 Vehicles lor Renl f4 Traclors/Trailers *5 Trucks 94 Vans »7 OB Cameterles 8, Loft Co. Mqm. Park, 1 ><rf plot location, anlte, t vaults, lut. for $2000.; 815/648- LOOKING FOR A PLACE To hold your rummage sale? McHenry store fronts available by the day. Start at $10 per day. 815/385-8885. SPECIAL DANCE BLUE MOON Aug. 9,9-1 Bob Doszak's Orchestra LOCAL Crafters Club Is seek­ ing new members for their Fall Boutique. Many categories open - Call for more info. 312/587-94110T81S/459-5791. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? IMMEDIATE TEST RESULTSI ALL SERVICES "FREE!" 24HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 RUST? DENTS? Get your car- van in shape. Quality work. Free estimates. Wallace, 312/649 5240 04 NotlCM We Have Been Responsible For 5 Marriages So Far! Call: MCHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 8151338-2290 It Works! NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOURADS We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but If the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am • 5pm. ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, Invitations & ac­ cessories. Silk Flower 8i Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. 05 Lost& Found DOGS LOST, Rottweiler male and female, large black and brown, lost In Richmond/Spr­ ing Grove area 7/30. Reward offered for information or return. 815/675-2760 LOST LIGHT BROWN and white male dog. Near McHenry Hospital, kids heartbroken, call 815/344-1782 06 Personals PHOTOGRAPHY BY Ed Arm­ strong, wedding, annlv., building, aerial, people, 112/639-5617. 06 IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or write, "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8i confidential help line, day or night. 815/338-8080 PREGNANT NEED HELP? CALL Birthright Office open 9-11 am. and from 7-9 pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 815.385-2999 12 Business Opportunities DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderiage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. LOSE WEIGHTi Stop or con­ trol your smoking Si drinking, Improve your child's study haolts ft more, easily at home without effort. Inexpensive & guaranteed. Call Phyllis, 815/338-6677 for free Info. SUCCESSFUL MAN, 33, look­ ing for fun loving woman. I like outdoor activities, good food 8> fun of all types. Reply to BOX 102, Northwest Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, <0014. THREE TONS of central air cond. installed for only $1,450 + get a new furnace free. Special discounts to senior citizens, nMdy folks, apt. owners, 312/844-1675. 07 Instructions PIANO INSTRUCTIONS Long-time teacher. Member of MTNA and ISMTA. All ages. 312/428-8912. PIANO LESSONS • exp. teacher has B.A. Degree in music/piano. Member of I.M.T.A. & N.M.T.A., 815/344- 1786. ENROLL NOW for choice time for* Piano Lessons by an ex­ perienced teacher. 312/428- 3539. OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULKTRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 FAST FOOD By owner. Elgin area. Hot dogs, Beef, & Gyros, Gross $95,00. Low rent, seats 24. Owner will finance. Asking $38,000. Sunday through Friday after 6; 312/456-4231. Business To Business COMPUTER CENTER Franchlse Opportunity I FREE Seminar Reservations only. CIBB 312/742-6130 JJR Selling Your Business Is Serious Business! FREE Seminar Aug. 29 CIBB 312/742-6130 JJR HOBBY SHOP N.W. Sub, 25K dn„ Est.'73 LAUNDERETTE w/apart. on Fox River bRUGSTORE Owner retiring-Fox River Twn. Est. 27yrs., terms SERVICE BUSINESS $30,000 Dn. Locate anywhere. AUTO REPAIR $30,000 Dn. Est.'59. Complete Clean shop. Steady Customers RESTAURANTS From $50,000 to $1,000,000 $0 to choose from. Terms. Call Jack at: 312/742-6130 Corporate Investment Business Brokers SEEKING Ambitious, ex­ perienced person to form part­ nership in Lawn Mower/ Snowblower repair business In McHenry county. Some capital required. All replies kept In strict confidence. Reply to P. O. Box 763, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. 18 Employment Wanted NEED A D.J.? All types of music for all occa- slons. Call John 312/289-7259. WILL STEAM Clean & deodorize carpets. Living room, $25. Additional rooms, $10. each. 6 years experience; 815/943-4793. STOP IN THE WHITE HEN & WISH GREG A HAPPY BIRTHDAY. KIRKLAND FLEA MARKET Route 72 & Pearl Street, Kirkland, III. v Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. All Indoor Dealers '1.00 Admission . 10 yrs. & Under Free Antiques. Crofts and Collectibles FUTURE MARKET DATES: August 11 & 25 September 8 & 22 Dealer Space Available Call 815-895-6697 All Indoor! Rain or Shine! It Employment Wanted PAINTING, Carpentry Estimates, 815/344-4354 or 815/385-3533 HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality work at lowest prices! 815/678-4452 CLEAN OUT your garage, attic or basement before fire does. Call Tony for cleaning and hauling. Reasonable price. 815/338-1874, after 6 p.m. DO YOU NEED a handyman for that special evening or weekend project? Call Bob at 815/344-132}. PAINTING, Interior 8i Ex­ terior, free estimates, references. Call Jim. 815/338- 8768 R&R PAINTING INTERIOR 4 EXTERIOR •FREE ESTIMATES 815/653-4699 • "LOVE L E T T E R S" Calligraphy By Carol Invitations, poems, signs, & notes "A special look for that special person" 815/385-8799 BROOM'S AWAY Houseclean- ing. Reliable Cleaning Service, Reasonable. 815/455-4816 after 4 pm. WHITE GLOVE Cleaning. Homes, offices, etc. We do win­ dows. Carpet shampooing. Post construction clean-up. 815/459- 8742. WILL DO LAUNDRY cleaning,8i start evening meal. 312/639-3991 SMALL ENGINES repaired. Over 15 years experience. Jim, 815/455-5286 or 815/459-1946. CARPENTRY- For the best price, quality l service, call G.M. Troy Carpentry, 815/337- 0152. PEARSON'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Painting Low Rates Free Estimates 815/459-3697 SCULPTURED NAILS: stu­ dent who needs practice, $1 nail to cover cost. 815/459-6957. L I V E I N W O R K E R : Housekeeping, custodian, floor maintenance, farm worker, r e s t a u r a n t w o r k e r , dishwasher, busboy, yardwork, factory worker, business clean­ ing, office and church cleaning, service station worker, 815/459- 3077, (1pm-5pm). QUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam method. 815/459-7194 after 5 D.J's Exterior & Interior Pain­ ting. Reasonable rates! Free Estimates! 815/385-2335, Den­ nis. 312/587-9185, Matt. EXPERIENCED DRUAAMER looking fur a steady job with a band. Any type of rock. Leave message at 815/459-3963. PAINTING or HANDYMAN, Int. or ext., experienced, reliable, 312/658-4203. EXPERIENCED TRUCK driver with class D license is looking for job driving local. G o o d d r i v i n g r e c o r d , references, dependable, D.O.T. certified. 815/338-8862, ask for Jeff DRAFTING BACKLOG? Mechanical*Electronlc*Deslgn Call AL 312/639-4560 Electrical • Plumbing Carpentry • Dry wall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB •815/459-4400* WE HAVE AUDIO/Vldeo equip., for parties 8i weddings etc. Will provide music >i or video tapelng. 815/459-0766. NEW TENNIS racquets for sale, or will string your ra- quets. Very low prices. 815/459- 0766. RELIABLE person will wash 8i wax any size car at reasonable price, 815/385-4588. RN available for Private Duty. Experienced. Call Sue, 815/455- 1463. STANC. JOZEFIAK Decorating Painting 8> Papering 815/923-4333 19 Household Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, reliable live-In person to keep house for a single parent. Clean, cook, drive (car provid­ ed) 8i child care for 4 school ag­ ed children. Must have refs., exp. prefered. Call Robin 312/648-1400. YOUNG WOMAN to live-In w/- teenager 3 or 4 days a week. Small child OK. Must have exc. references. 815/678-4348. 20 Sitter* Aval labia CHRISTIAN MOTHER will babysit your 2-7 yr. old children, M-F, In my Cary home. Prefer full time youngsters. Call 312/639-3899. DAY CARE Provided In my McHenry home, fult/ part time. Call 815/385-6662 after lpm. TEACHERS-PROFESS., quali­ ty daycare for your 2 to 5 yr. olds In a loving family home, dally learning activities, music, crafts, nutritious meals 8i snacks, refs. avail. 815/459- 4035 ask for Meg. EXPERIENCED MOTHER Will babysit in Lake in the Hills home. 312/658-3964. MOTHER OF an 8 mo. boy would like to babysit In your McHerny/Crystal Lake home for children of any age. Prefer full time weekdays. 815/385- 3530. SITTER HAS room for 2/3 kindergarten children, exp. Good location to take bus. Woodstock, Call 815/338-6569. 30 Sitters Available CHILD SITTING, part or full time, experienced, in the West school area. 815/455-3559. BABYSITTING In my home near Hussmann Grade school. 815/459-1589, after 11:30 PART TIME Babysitting. Pre school pick-up avail. Refs. Cary area; 312/639-3629. CHRISTIAN Mother will babysit your 2 or 3 year old girl in my Algonquin home. Full/part time; 312/658^5958 21 Sitters Needed HELP! I net will take the time with a 7 year old boy wltt- behavior pro­ blems. Someone good with children. Full or part time. Call after 6; 815/728-0682. SITTER NEEDED In my home for 2 yr. old boy, Wednesday Si occasional eves. 815/455-0972. BABYSITTER FULL-tlme for l yr. old Sleepy Hollow child, my house or yours. Call 312/729-2598 after 6 pm. BABYSITTER, Tues. thru Frl. for our 7 mo. old In our west side Wonder Lake home. Refs. req., 815/728*0208. MATURE Responsible babysit­ ter needed for 2 toddlers In our Fox Ridge home In McHenry. Full time school year. 815/385- LIVE-IN Help Wanted to babysit my 3 year old girl. Ex­ perience I references re­ quired. Fox River Grove. Evenings, 312/639-8277. SITTER NEEDED, beginning Aug. 19, my Woodstock home, 4 days/ wk., 6 hrs./ day, mature lady preferred. 815/338-9159. PART-TIME p.m. from 3-11 I nights 11-7:30. Refs. req., over 16 pref. 815/455-1463. RELIABLE SITTER for 2 young children In my Algon­ quin home, 4 days a week, star­ ting Aug. 12, salary negotiable. 312/658-4894. SITTER NEEDED In West School area for school year. 815/455-5877 after 5:30. MATURE BABYSITTER need­ ed while we are on vacation. 2 children Huntley area. 312/669-3192 RESPONSIBLE Young Lady needed occasionally for sitting In McHenry Shores area, ex­ perience preferred. 815/385- 9188. WANTED: Reliable, responsi­ ble, babysitter. Call 815/344- 5584, anytime after noon. DEPENDABLE PERSON to watch 2 yr. old 8i 5 yr. old In my home, 5 days a wk., 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 815/385-8473. LOOKING FOR Mary Popplns. Teacher needs sitter In her McHenry Home. 815/344-2256 22 Help Wanted OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 SELL AVON In Wonder Lake, Spring Grove or Richmond areas, Part or Full-time. Eam Up to 50%. Call 815/344-2951. OWNER OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT, INC. 312/298-8636 ATTENTION! FUN JOB PART-TIME FREE $300. kit showing toys l gifts. No investment, collecting or delivering. Call 312/742-3776, or 312/426-2082, or 312/426-3409. WORKING WORLD NEEDSYOU! Secretaries, word processors, typists, CRT, general office. New to area? Listed with us before? Call now. 815/455-4490 GENERAL FACTORY Packing 8i Machinists, etc. WORKING WORLD 815/455-4490 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Fast growing company needs ambitious people. •Office Help •Sales/ Marketing •Manager Trainees •Students are welcome. Can earn: Part-Time $7./hr. Full-Time $360. per wk. Mr.Owriis 312/449-1920 • EXPERIENCED OPTICIAN • For pleasant modern office. Send reply & salary re­ quirements to: Box A T V, Nor­ thwest Newspapers, P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. HAIR STYLIST Wanted with some experience. Elgin. 312/695-2255 NORTHWEST SECURITY Ser­ vice needs security guards for Full-Time 8i Part-Time weekends & holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk, 201 Janous Rd., Cary, IL AVON IS BETTER Than Ever! Venture Into the world of suc­ cess! Call 815/338-4349. ASSISTANT COOK (4 Days A Week) Usually 11 AM-7 PM. We will train. Pleasant working conditions. We need a depen­ dable, caring parson who can work compatibly in a non­ smoking environment. We also have openings for part-time aides. Apply at: SHELTERED VILLAGE 600 Borden Woodstock, IL TOWTRUCK DRIVER Wanted Must have good driving record. References required. Apply In person only. Algonquin Towing 601 W.Chicago St. Algonquin DAY WAITRESS & Part Time Prep Cook Call 312/639-7800 CARDUNAL SAVINGS &LOAN LOAN SECRETARY Apply in Person 704 W. Main West Dundee 22 Help Wanted QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS For a Metal Stamping Com­ pany. Experience with close tolerance parts and govt, specs. Excellent working con­ ditions and company benefits. Call 414/248-8873 _ WANTED IMMEDIATELY! Person with previous Party Plan Experience to develop area. Top earnings plus car program 8i bonus. Call: 312/742-3704 x50 HAIRSTYLIST Wanted part time evenings & Saturdays. Experienced. 3T2/458-44S5 312/658-7560 BOOKKEEPER, full time. Typing, computer, , filing, phone, etc. Send resume to TO 80x686, Woodstock, IL, 60098. PERSON, full time, for Hunt Club, experienced In farmino, dogs & hunting: Send resume to B o x A V B , . N o r t h w e s t Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL. HAIR STYLIST WANTED Full or Pert Time Guaranteed Salary Plus Commlslon 4 Paid Vacation THE HAIR EVENT 6000 Northwest Hwy. Crystal Point Mall Crystal Lake • 815/459-9654 • • MID DAY HOURS We are now hiring for part time office help. Pay w hour, hours to am to 2 pm, Monday thru Friday. Work Involves typing, record keeping fc computer en­ try. We will train on out1 com­ puters. If you are Interested, ne In ana apply at FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS 640 Industrial Drive Cary, IL60013 Ask for Mrs. Gibson NURSERY SALES Full Time/Part Time Knowledge of plant material usad In Northern Illinois Is essential. Students of Hor­ ticulture may be considered. COUNTRYSIDE FLOWER SHOP* NURlSERY 5301 East TerraCotta Crystal Lake, Illinois • 815/459-8130 • macKitftts £ LABORERS Experience Preferred RICHARDS MASONRY COMPANY Call Between 6 & 8 815/344-1547 * PORTRAIT SALES * PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS (NO BPQUENCE REQUIRED) FOCUS ON SUCCESS W1THPCA NATIONAL... N«'r* • leader In tft* color portrait i» dwtnr optntint l« pmtHmii doport- mtflt stores tod fintncM institutions Mtiomrido. At M ixpond in the Mid­ west. we km ciroor openings lor Photomphors and Silts Consultants. As e PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY, we'll |nt you the finest treii«He| in tke in­ dustry . . . training that will equip |0n for woptiowal totem. As • PORTRAIT SALES CONSULTANT, you'll handle soles of finished portraits to oar customers. If you how « poo- pt*ori0ftt9d, protoioMl portonality and ippaoraoc*, with tome direct soles experience . . your success is certain. No cold ctilinf or coovoiiMif. Both posit*** roQtiifo o dopondibto cere, ehllity to trowel ownitht end wort occassional Sotwdays. Ih ea* chonte far year enthusiasm end to- lent PCA offers e street commission structure (1st jeer's eorninp poten­ tial. Sll.000-tt2.000). Comprehen- si* bonofiti FOCUS ON YOUR SUCCESS NOW! Cad: IdaSandera 1-M0-M2-0U9 PCA NATIONAL •/f Htip Wanted KITCHEN HELP (Part Time) Evenings 8i Weekends CarNecessary Call for Interview f am to S pm weekday s 815/338-1032 MATURE PERSONS Wanted for dry cleaning, pressers, spotting, ft counter clerks. Full A part time PEACHYCLEANERS East Dundee 312/426-4333 RN'S NURSE AIDES NURSE TECHS Float Pool All ShlfH ' Available Experience Required 815-344-5000 Ext. 3260 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEDICAL CENTER 4201 Medical Center LDr. McHenry, IL 80050 equal opportunity employer m/f H«lp Wanted RETAIL SALES Part-Time evenings & Satur­ day. Computer Knowledge helpful. Fast growing com- 312/312*6811 Between88i5 CLEANER NEEDED for an apartment complex in the Nor­ thwest Suburban area. Full time position; good salary and benefit package. Call 815/455- 5510. CAFETERIA HELP 4 to 5 hours par day. Apply in parson at the WoodstodcSchool District business office, 501 W e s t S o u t h S t r e e t i n Woodstock, IL. P A R T , T I M E , n i g h t s a n d waakends. Apply at Open Pan­ try, 4811 Northwest Highway In Crystal Lake. DENTAL ASSISTANT (Part Time) Woodstock Office 4 20-25 Hours Per Weak Experience Preforred A p p l y t o B o x A U D Northwest Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL, <0014 SECRETARIES We have several immediate opportunities for individuals with excellent typing & general office skills coupled with an interest in learning to operate Xerox Word Pro­ cessors. Positions available are: • secretary •rorsonnw aKifiiry i nvcvpuonisi • Part-Timo Socretary (22-30 to. p* wk.) Our Full-Time' positions offer many attractive benefits including profit sharing. For further information call: Mrs. Behring 312/381-1980 THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY 617 W. Main St. Barrington, IL 60010 T Elepac, a growth-oriented manufac- tuer of components to the electronic industry is looking for enthusiastic & energetic persons to fill the following openings: • ASSEMBLERS • WINDERS • MACHINISTS • QUALITY CONTROL (EXPERIENCED) Applications are now being accepted: 740 Industrial Drive Cary, IL 3: DATA ENTRY " OPERATOR We currently have an opening for an ex­ perienced data entry operator. Must be able to key punch 8,000 to 12,000 strokes per hour, both ALPHA & NUM­ ERIC. Present in-put is via IBM 129 with conversion to a System 36 shortly. Experience on a System 36 would be a plus; however, we will train the right person with strong keyboard skills. We of­ fer a complete benefit package. Call For An Interview Nancy Taylor 312-639-5383 GENERAL PAINT ft CHEMICAL CO. A Division Of Cotter & Co. 201 Jandus Road, Cary, IL An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F • MACHINE OPERATOR AND SET-UP For Horizontal Mill and Drill Proa*. Muet be able to road Blue Printe and uaa Measuring Instruments. McGILL METAL PRODUCTS CO. 1421. Fulfil St. Marengo, Illinois <0152 Phont 11$ 5Ct 7244 Equal Opportunity Employer 107 Ih d • MACHINE OPERATOR AND SET-UP For Horizontal Mill and Drill Press. Must be able to road Blue Prints and uso Measuring Instruments. McGILL METAL PRODUCTS CO. .. 142 E. Prairie St. Mirmp, llliitots 40152 Plfcnc HMM7244 1

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