" YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MEDICAL SUPPLY DEALER" 10v SR. CIT. DISCOUNT 4450 W BULL VALLEY RD A C R O S S F R O M N . I . M . C McHENRY. ILLINOIS (815)344-3000 ©littfeRmcab Robert Bedford (I.) is a former superstar who wants out of the spotlight, and Jane Fonda is a TV reporter Who wants the spotlight almost as much as she wants him. in "The Electric Horseman," "The ABC Sunday Night Movie" airing SUNDAY, AUGUST 11. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME ©tMtCompulog Phil Collins doesn't think much of video directors Q MOVfc 'Mmin fllery* A smaN town girl lakes h*r atpira- tioni (or a itafl coftir wry uf- Kxniy. Katharine Hepburn, 2:15AM (D MC Wrndwalket (SubHHtd) Byi mill nw wiini, uw man who proved that you can be bald and have a hit vid eo, is now satirising vid eos. That's mighty strange from somebody who owes his popularity to the medi um he's parodying. His sharpest jabs in "Don't Lose My Nuntfber" ere reserved for video di rectors who try to pitch ideas to him. We see po- tential directors pitch vari ous movie spoofs, as well es blatant copies of popu lar videos, such as the Po lice's "Every Breeth You Take" and the Cars' "You Might Think." Collins is not the first to portray (he video director aa a pretentious fool. Ste- vte Nicks and Steve Perry have done a fine job be fore him. The difference is that nettter-of them owe their success to the work of vid- SMIS • SEMCE • I0MLS WE BILL MEDICARE FOR YOU! •HOSPITAL BEOS • WHEELCHAIRS • BATHROOM SAFETY AIDS • INCONTINENCE SUPPLIES •WALKERS •CANES •REHABILITATION NEEDS [ • SELF-HaP AIDS Qjj 100 Hunttoy Street €D little H»uw on the Prairie Motley Crue's remake of the classic "Smoking in the Boys' Room" is a typi cal teenage fantasy, but it has a far-better-than-av- erage intrd. A nasty dog steals a stu dent's paper, and the poor kid can't get anybody to believe that a dog really dlW eat It. After an ugly ecene In the princlpel's of fice. he goes into the bath room, where the bend members puK him through the mirror. "AHoe"-etyte. The rest of the video is typical heavy metal junk. Tunee en your TV On Saturday night (Aug. 17). check out the Clash in the Mm "Rude Boys" on "Night Flight" on the USA Network. This was shot before the band was popu lar. The concert footage is brilliant but crude, and the narrative material is bor ing at best. AS •...In .I *" 1 - ' "•v "Illy rnKKVyl © (69 aMmon/Ookuy Trie 9:00AM 8 (2)fM BWy Joel's latest cHp. "You're Only Human," cost a mere quarter of a mWon dollars and por trays Billy not only as a star, but as an angel who keeps a heartsick youth from jumping off a bridge. This clip dearly demon strates that spending a lot of money doesn't neces sarily ensure a winner. Bil ly. who has been wy vid- eogenic in the past, trys too hard here. His panto- mining is too forced for the CD Marking Mother