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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1985, p. 13

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CLASSIFIED. RATESdNFORMATION NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Monday, August 12, 1985 Pag* 5 PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES, DEADLINES INFORMATION (Additional Rates Available for a Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or omission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error, in case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial-A-Servlce (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • ttit of Northwest Newspapers Circulation Area • Political • Houses, Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • All Wanted to Buy Classifications • All Wanted to Rent Classifications. ^ 3 UNES--5 DAYS 9 25 INSERTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPERS: THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS • PLEASE NOTE: THIS MAY BE CANCELLED, HOWEVER DUE TO THIS SPE CIAL LOW RATE, NO REFUND OR ADJUSTMENT CAN BE MADE TO THE ORIGI NAL BILLING UPON CANCELLATION. DEADLINES VA­ LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad: FOR MONDAY NEWSPAPER- 12 NOON ON FRIDAY ALL OTHER PUBLICATION DAYS -5 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR DISPLAY ADS 3:30 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS SENTINEL/SATURDAY EXTRA 12 NOON TUESDAY CITIZEN/TRI-COUNTY SHOPPER 5 PM FRIDAY Our helpful, courteous staff is at your service: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL: I-8OO/ADS-WORK CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1-10 FINANCIAL 12-15 EMPLOYMENT 17-22 MISCELLANEOUS 25-45 RENTALS 50-60 REAL ESTATE 65-73 RECREATIONAL 80-85 AUTOMOTIVE 88-97 nORTHWEST PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of those prefixes served by Northwest Newspapers. 815 AREA CODE 337 8-Woodstock 344 -McHenry 385 -McHenry 455 -Crystal Lake 459 - Crystal Lake 568 -Marengo 648 Hebron 653 - Wonder Lake 675 -Spring Grove 678 -Richmond 728 -Wonder Lake/ -Ring wood 784 -Genoa 895 - Sycamore 923 Union 943 -Harvard 312 AREA CODE 381-2-Barrington 426 -Dundee/ -Carpentersville 428 - Dundee/ - Carpentersville 551 -Dundee 639 Cary 669 -Huntley 663 -Hampshire 695 -Elgin 697 -Elgin 740 -Round Lake 741-2-Elgin Elgin I 658 -LITH-Algonquin 931 -Elgin ANNOUNCEMENTS Ugal Notice* Cemeteries li LoU Card of Thanks Notice* Loatt Found Induction Car Poola Travel and Tranaportatlon Grand Opening! 02 Cemeteries 8t Lots FOR SALE BY OWNER. 2 grave lots in Windridge cemetary In Cary. $1,000, 312/639-4271. 04 Notices NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOURADS We would like to check each ad as It appears In the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day it was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi­ ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Office Hours;' Monday through Friday, ,8am - 5pm. ; LOOKING FOR A PLACE To hold your rummage sale? McHenry store fronts available by the day. Start at $10 per day. 815/385-8885. FINANCIAL 1 AwAnetsOpportunitiesT'tTTIt* 4 • -swcso«9ri«r *" investments IS Financial Service* 14 Pertonaland Business Loans IS PREGNANT? NEED HELP? IMMEDIATE TEST RESULTS! ALL SERVICES "FREE!" 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 D. Ellegood. You have 31 days from Aug. 8, 1985 to make full payment for all charges owed on 1979 Ford Fairmont serial i 9X92T270060 or I will file for Mechanic's Lein Title. BRANCH'S SINGLES DANCE 7:30PM to 10:30 PM Every Sunday at RIPTIDES Johnsburg, IL t.'s ilg Leigh ALL SINGLES WELCOME! ira, IL Music by D.J.'s Tom Warren & Craig Leigh 05 Lost 8. Found DOGS LOST, Rottweiler male and female, large black and brown, lost in Richmond/Spr­ ing Grove area 7/30. Reward offered for information or return. 815/675-2760 LOST: Chocolate Poodle, has McHenry tags, reward. Call collect 312/540-0814. BROWN Sl^White Cocker Spaniel dog. 10 yrs. old. Reward. Call815/338-4523. DOG FOUND 08/07 on North Shore, Crystal Lake. Appears to be Whippet mix, young female, tan 2677. white. 815/459- 06 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8> confidential help line, day or night. 815/338-8080 PREGNANT NEED HELP? CALL Birthright Office open 9-11 am. and from 7-9 pm. Mon. thruThurs. 815.385-2999 IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or write, "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. LOST DALMATIAN 11 Year Old Male White w/Black Spots & Ears Answers To The Name "DUFFY" Shy, but likes people. May be running with another dog that looks like a Doberman. DUFFY has a VERY W0R- MED FAMILY watting; any information, pleaat cat 312/428-9560 or 888-2944 06 Personals 18 PHOTOGRAPHY BY Ed Arm­ strong, wedding, anniv., building, aerial, people, 312/639 5617. THREE TONS of central air cond. installed for only $1,450 + get a new furnace free. Special discounts to senior citizens, needy folks, apt. owners, 312/844-1675. LOSE WEIGHT! Stop or con­ trol your smoking 8i other pro­ grams using inexpensive subliminal tape method. No ef­ fort! Money back guarantee. Call Phyllis, 815/338-6677 for free info. 07 Instructions PIANO INSTRUCTIONS Long-time teacher. Member of MTNA and ISMTA. All ages. 312/428-8912. ENROLL NOW for choice time for Piano Lessons by an ex­ perienced teacher. 312/428- 3539. VIOLIN LESSONS Available. All ages. Violin ren­ tals available. Member of Aurora 8i Wheaton Sym­ phonies. Call for appointment. 815/338-3200 PIANO LESSONS, beginner 8i intermediate in my Woodstock home. Experienced w/music degree. 815/338-7872 after 4. VOICE LESSONS Master's Degree, Nor­ thwestern University in music education with emphasis in voice. Barb Newman, 815/455- 6885. 12 Business Opportunities OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 HOBBY SHOP N.W. Sub, 25K dn„ Est.'73 LAUNDERETTE w/apart. on Fox River DRUGSTORE Owner retiring-Fox River Twn. Est. 27 yrs., terms 27 vi SERVICE BUSINESS $30,000 Dn. Locate anywhere. AUTO REPAIR $30,000 Dn. Est.'59. Complete Clean shop. Steady Customers RESTAURANTS From $50,000 to $1,000,000 20 to choose from. Terms. Call Jacket: 312/742-6130 Corporate Investment Business Brokers SEEKING Ambitious, ex­ perienced person to form part­ nership In Lawn Mower/ Snowblower repair business in McHenry county. Some capital required. All replies kept in strict confidence. Reply to P. O. Box 763, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. ~ 14 Financial Services NEED MONEY? When banks stop - we start! Bad credit no problem. Write for information: L. 8, S. In­ vestments, 219 South Madison, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098. Employment 18 Wanted WILL STEAM Clean 8. deodorize carpets. Living room, $25. Additional rooms, $10. each. 6 years experience; 815/943-4793. CLEAN OUT your garage, attic or basement before fire does. Call Tony for cleaning and hauling. Reasonable price. 815/338-1874, after 6 p.m. R&R PAINTING INTERIORS. EXTERIOR •FREE ESTIMATES 815/653-4699 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam method. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. McHENRY COUNTY BUSINESSES FOR SALE * LIQUOR STORE 254K Gross, 25K Down, $60,000 Plus Inventory. * PIZZA BUSINESS Shopping Center Lo­ cation, 10K Down, $24,900. * TAVERN BUSINESS Excellent Location, H i g h T r a f f i c , W / L i v l n g Q u a r t ­ ers, 30K Down. Ws Have Many Others! Al Sates Confidential KAPLAN COMMERCIAL 81S/4SS-SSI2 Employment Wanted 20 EXPERIENCED TRUCK driver with class D license is looking for job driving local. Good driving record, references, dependable, D.O.T. certified. 815/338-8862, ask for Jeff Electrical • Plumbing Carpentry • Drywall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB «815/459-4400» RELIABLE person will wash 8i wax any size car at reasonable price, 815/385-4588. DJ's Exterior 8i Interior Pain­ ting. Reasonable rates! Free Estimates! 815/385-2335, Den- nls. 312/587-9185, Matt. EXPERIENCED DRUMMER looking for a steady job with a band. Any type of rock. Leave message at 815/459-3963. PAINTING or HANDYMAN, Int. or ext., experienced, reliable, 312/658-4203. HANDYMAN SERVICE Quality work at lowest prices! 815/678-4452 RN available for Private Duty. Experienced. Call Sue, 815/455- 1463. STAN C. JOZEFIAK Decorating Painting & Papering 815/923-4333 PROFESSIONAL MAN 32, seeking administrative, management position, McHenry County area. Marketing, sales, administra­ tion, communications background with nationally known insurance compaiw. Ex­ cellent work record! Salary open. References on request. 1- 815-728-0853. CARPENTRY- For the best price, quality 8i service, Call G.M. Troy Carpentry, 815/337- 0152. SSkUTIFUL sculptured nails, $1 JO per nail. Introductory of for, new product. 815/459-6957. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE CLAUDIA 815/459-3392 TYPING IN HOME: Fast, ac­ curate, reasonable 815/455-3991 RETIRED: Looking for small painting jobs. Interior or ex­ terior. In Woodstock/Harvard area. Free estimates. Ed Foy, 604 W. McHenry, Harvard, IL 815/943-7407 Household Help Wanted 19 BABYSITTER/housekeeper for 7 month old glri, in Nor- thbrook. English speaking, non smoker, ret. req. Live in or come 8i go. 5 days a wk., week ends off. App. $130 wk., 312/272- 5688. WANTED live-In or five days a week experienced lady to assist an M.S. person. English speak­ ing, light housekeeping in beautiful country home. No children. Able to drive; preferable not necessary. Ex­ cellent live-in quarters. Must be neat and trust worthy! Salary negotiable. 815/344-2743. Call after 5pm. 20 Sitters Available CHRISTIAN MOTHER will babysit your 2-7 yr. old children, M-F, In my Cary home. Prefer full time youngsters. Call 312/639-3899. BABYSITTING in my home near Hussmann Grade school. 815/459-1589, after 11:30 LICENSED DAY Care by lov Ing mother, preferably 6 weeks - 2 years. Full time only, reasonable rates. 815/455-0911 PART TIME Babysitting. Pre school pick-up avail. Refs. Cary area; 312/639-3629. BABYSITTING in my Lakeland Pk. home. Infants welcome. 815/344-0756. CHRISTIAN Mother will babysit your 2 or 3 year old girl In my Algonquin home. Full/part time; 312/658-5958. BABYSITTING MY Home, Carpentersville area. 312/426- 8479 LOVING MOTHER Wilt babysit in my Woodstock home; 815/337-0656. '81 BUICK REGAL Limited. Loaded! 33,000 miles, best offer over $5,000.815/338-8610. Sitters Available WILL BABYSIT any age in my Cary home. Large indoor 8i out­ door play area, snacks, lunch- $40/wk. 312/639-3102. WILL BABYSIT in my West Dundee home, no infants, 312/428-4793. EXPERIENCED CHILD CARE, by mother of 2. Reasonable rates, meals, snacks, West side, Crystal Lake. 815/455-3581. WILL CARE for your child in my McHenry home. Call weekdays or evenings 815/344-4693 HOMESTYLE MONTESSORI Day Care, licensed, 3 to 6 year olds, limited full 8i part time openings. Call 815/455-4817. MOTHER WITH teaching background will care for your child, fulltlme, weekdays. Please call 815/344-4771 Former teacher will babysit in my non-smoking, pet-free, toddler-proof home, Spring Green area of Cary. 312/639- 8184. WILL BABYSIT your child in my Algonquin home. Hot meals, good atmosphere. 312/658-3668 RELIABLE DAYCARE in a loving environment. 1 acre yard w/sand box, slide, 8i sw­ ing set, large indoor play area. Husmann grade school zone. 815/455-3122 or 312/639-0001. 21 Sitters Needed SITTER NEEDED, beginning Aug. 19, my Woodstock home, 4 days/ wk., 6 hrs./ day, mature lady preferred. 815/338-9159. SITTER NEEDED in West School area for school year. 815/455-5877 after 5:30. RESPONSIBLE Young Lady needed occasionally for sitting In McHenry Shores area, ex­ perience preferred. 815/385- 9188. WANTED: tillable, responsi­ ble, babysitter. Call 815/344- 5584, anytime after noon. DEPENDABLE PERSON to watch 2 yr. old 8i 5 yr. old in my home, 5 days a wk., 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 815/385-8473. LOOKING FOR Mary Poppins. Teacher needs sitter in her McHenry Home. 815/344-2256 BABYSITTER NEEDED for St. Peter 8i Paul 1st grader for 2 hrs. after school in Cary. Jan, 312/639-7344, eves. SITTER NEEDED, 3-11 pm 8i 11 pm-7:30 am. prefer over 16, refs. req. 815/455-1463. RESPONSIBLE BABYSIT­ TER needed in our Woodstock home, part time days. Nice working conditions, 815/338- 9184 RESPONSIBLE babysitter wanted in my McHenry home, 3 pm to 11:30,3 or 4 days a week. Own transportation, 815/344- 5317. COLLEGE STUDENT or grandparent to care for my two daughters ages 8 & 10 in my Cary home. Starting Sept. Flexible hours-some overnight 312/658 2029 NEED RESPONSIBLE care, full time for 3 children. Chapel Hill/ Rt. 120/ Hilltop school area. 312/526-2640 or 815/344- 4366 SITTER NEEDED for two children in LITH. Must be on school bus stop. 312/658-8782 WANTED student that lives near Hussman school for babysitting. Hours 4-8pm. 815/459-2069. Someone to care for my two children in my McHenry home 1 or 2 days a week. 815/344-3009 EMPLOYMENT Employment Agencies Employment Wanted Household Help Wanted Sitters Available Sitters Needed Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted* PROP BY THE WOODSTOCK VETERINARY CLINIC AND WISH ROSEMARY A HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY. OWNER/OPERATORS SEMI DUMPS Prepare for next Winter now (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT INC. 312/298-8636 OWNEROPERATORS SEMI DUMPS (Trailers Available) BULK TRANSPORT, INC. 312/298-8636 ATTENTION! FUN JOB PART-TIME FREE $300. kit showing toys 8i gifts. No investment, collecting or delivering. Call 312/426-2082, or 312/426-3409, or 312/742-3776. WORKING WORLD NEEDSYOU! Secretaries, word processors, typists, CRT, general office. New to area? Listed with us before? Call now. 815/455-4490 GENERAL FACTORY Packing 8i Machinists, etc. WORK ING WORLD 815/455-4490 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Fast growing company needs ambitious people. •Office Help •Sales/ Marketing •Manager Trainees •Students are welcome. Can earn: Part-Time $7./hr. Full-Time $360. per wk. Mr. Owens 312/449 1920 HAIR STYLIST Wanted with some experience. Elgin. 312/695-2255 GENERAL OFFICE Fast growing computer com­ pany needs person Part-Time. Filing & various office duties. Call: 312/382-5244 Ask for Diane AVON IS BETTER Than Ever! Venture into the world of suc­ cess! Call 815/338-6349. PRESCHOOL TEACHERS Full & part time. Experience & degree preferred. Call 312/526- 6122. REAL ESTATE Sales people wanted for our Residential, Commercial & Business Brokerage divisions. Call Bruce Kaplan for informa­ tion. ERA Household, 312/639- 2000 or 815/455-4700. YOUR TIME is worth money! Sell Avon. Set your own hours. Call 815/459-5757. CARPENTERS- Experience, for new homes tor small builder. Call after 6 for appoint­ ment. 312/546-9359. BAKER To work as night manager. Must be experienced with bread, rolls 8> coffee cake, must be able to manage men, 8i be willing to work nights 8i weekends. Apply in person: Riverside Bakeshop 1309 Riverside Dr. McHenry II. 60050 CRYSTAL LAKE Country Club Is seeking full time experienced waitress personnel. Various hours & shifts. Please call Rose after 5 pm, Tuesday through Sunday. 815/459-1237. SALES PEOPLE 3 POSITIONS This is your chance to work in a resort at­ mosphere with a winning team and also make a tremendous income. TRAINING & BENEFITS CALLTODAY FOR INTERVIEW! 7 days per week Ask for Mr. Hill 312/546-7778 * PORTRAIT SALES * PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS (NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED) FOCUS ON SUCCESS WITH PCA NATIONAL... We're * le*det in the cokx portrait in dustry opefttinf in preitifious depart­ ment stores and financial institutions nationwide As we eipand in the Mid west, we hate career openings for Photographers and Sales Consultants As a PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY we'll line you the finest training in the in­ dustry training that will equip you for eiceptional success As a PORTRAIT SALES CONSULTANT you'll handle sales of finished portraits to our customers If you have a peo pie-oriented, profesional personality and appcarance. with some direct sales experience M your success is certain No cold calling or canvassing Both positions require a dependable care, ability to travel overnight and work occassional Saturdays In e> change for your enthusiasm and ta lent. PCA offers a strong commission structure (1st year s earnings poten tul S18.000t22.000). Comprehen sue benefits FOCUS ON YOUR SUCCESS NOW! Call: Ida Sander a 1400-942-0119 PCA NATIONAL NMl WHIM*) mtm «/t 22 Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted CARPENTER With brake experience. Must know how to cap windows. Work year round. Call after 6 pm. 815/455-53)0 DRIVERS Film courier service has im­ mediate openings, part time, some weekends. Car furnished. Prefer mature persons. Apply In person, Emil's Garage, 1028 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL. AAAINTENANCE (Part Time) FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME 471W. TerraCotta Crystal Lake 815/455-0550 COOK {Full/Part Time) FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME 471 West TerraCotta Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-0550 CERTIFIED NURSESAIDES (Full 8. Part-Time) Days&PM's FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME 47W. TerraCotta Crystal Lake, IL 815/455-0550 NURSES Full 8> Part Time) Nights-No Weekends FAIR OAKS NURSING HOME 471W. TerraCotta Crystal Lake, II. 815/455-0550 LPN-RN (Part Time) CHARGE NURSE 7AMto3:30PM Long-Term Care. Must be ag­ gressive, take-charge person. Excellent starting salary 81 benefits. Call or apply in per­ son: WOODSTOCK RESIDENCE 309 McHenry Ave. Woodstock, IL 8)5/338-1700 CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS Full time day shift available for 70-bed ambulatory health care facility. Contact Ms. Valek* SHELTERING OAK Island Lake, IL 312/526-3634 ~ RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Full time position available in a medical office located In Elgin. Past Reception experience desired. Medical office ex­ perience a plus. For further In­ formation please call between 9 a.m. and5p.m.... Personnel Department 93120469-9200 ext.200 equal opportunity employer m/f LEGAL SECRETARY Full Time Position Shorthand 81 typing requ i red . Book ­ keeping experience he lp fu l . Sa la ry commensura te w i th exper ience . Many Bene f i t s . Send resume to: BOXAUM Northwest Newspapers P.O. Box 250 Crystal Lake, IL <0014 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Our centralized Medical Transcription Department has a part time evening position available. One year of previous hospital experience is required, familiarity with word process­ ing equipment. We provide an excellent salary. For complete details, please contact the Per­ sonnel Department at: 312/381- 9600, ext.5017. EVANGELICAL HEALTH SYSTEMS Good Shepherd Hospital 450 W, Highway 22 Barrington, IL 60010 equal opportunity employer m/f LIGHT ASSEMBLY WORK Immediate, permanent, full time positions are available with ACCUTRONICS In Cary. Good finger dexterity is re­ quired. Hours: 7AMto3:30PM APPLY IN PERSON ACCUTRONICS 225 N. First St. Cary, IL Eaual Opportunity Employer m/f EARN WHAT YOU ARE WORTH! We are interviewing both licensed and non-licensed in­ dividuals for a profitable career In Real Estate. Exten­ sive trainino available. Classes start soon. Call today! ERA WOLF & ASSOC. 815/455-0660 STOCK PERSON Si CLERK (Part Time) Hardware/Home Center Some plumbing 8r electrical helpful, but will train. Must work Saturdays Bi have drivers license. iSkf for Vilgh school student. Call 815/459-6060, ask for Mary. SALES CLERK, days 8i even­ ings, will train. Apply in person to Dunkin' Donuts, 4504 West Elm St. In McHenry. PAINTING/DECORATING Part time help needed to sup­ plement present staff. Only ex­ perienced individual need app­ ly. Flexible hours. Apply In Person Woodstock Residence 309 McHenry Ave. Woodstock, IL BRICKLAYERS Experience Preferred RICHARDS MASONRY INC. Call Between 6&8pm 815/344-1547 22 Help Wanted 22 Help Wanted GENERAL OFFICE Help Wanted For full time permanent posi­ tion. Accurate Typing, some bookkeeping required. Self motivated attitude a must. Will train. Apply in person. KRAMER BOAT CO. 82 N. RTE.12 FOX LAKE IL. 60020 WE'VE GOT A JOB FOR YOU! • Waitress- Full or part time,* must be over 21. •Bus People-Must be over 16. » • C o o k O p e n i n g i Taking Applications i At 2 PM Daily « COLEMAN'S McHenry County 1 nn 7320 S. Route 31 t Crystal Lake WANTED Receptionist/Sales Support Person tor factory show room. Hours 12 to 5 pm. to start. Ex­ panding with business needs. Call Jeannette at 815/455-4100. ••• PRINTER ••• A.B.Dick 360 w/ T-head Experience Required Full Time Days-Good Pay Woodstock 815/338-7161 WE'VE GOT A JOB FOR YOU! • Waitress- Full or part time,* must be over 21. •Bus People-Must be over 16. » • C o o k O p e n i n g i Taking Applications i At 2 PM Daily « COLEMAN'S McHenry County 1 nn 7320 S. Route 31 t Crystal Lake WANTED Receptionist/Sales Support Person tor factory show room. Hours 12 to 5 pm. to start. Ex­ panding with business needs. Call Jeannette at 815/455-4100. ••• PRINTER ••• A.B.Dick 360 w/ T-head Experience Required Full Time Days-Good Pay Woodstock 815/338-7161 SECRETARY Self- starting individual able to' plan 8i execute varied duties.. Typing, filing, good phone, presentation, & Initiative. Call* Barbara at: i 815/385-7336 WAITRESSES Needed now, evening shift. L- Station, Gilberts (4 miles west of Spring Hill) 31^/428-8333 COMPANION. Male to take! older gentleman to lunch fort rides 8i on short outings twice a » week. Call Barbara at 815/385-' 7336. * PART TIME KITCHEN HELP Day Or Evening DAY WAITRESSES Call 312/639-7800 COOK'S HELPER Mature Person Wanted * For Permanent Part Time Call 815/344-4178 Between 8 & 9 am ONLY ACCOUNTANT/ BOOKKEEPER Full Time Experience Required Apply In Person Or Send Resume To: Personnel Department COILCRAFT 1102 Silver take Rd.,' Cary, IL, 60013 DATA ENTRY OPERATOR We currently have an opening for an ex­ perienced data entry operator. Must be able to key punch 8,000 to 12,000 strokes per hour, both ALPHA & NUM­ ERIC. Present in-put is via IBM 129 with conversion to a System 36 shortly. Experience on a System 36 would be a plus; however, we will train the right person with strong keyboard skills. We of­ fer a complete benefit package. Call Fdr An Interview Nancy Taylor 312-639-5383 GENERALPAINT ft CHEMICAL CO. A Division Of Cotter & Co. 201 Jandus Road, Cary, IL An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F MACHINIST FOR MACHINE BUILDING Automated machine mechanisms, electro-mechanical and pnewmatlc devices. McGILL METAL PRODUCTS CO. .107 Ih 142 E. Prairie St MaranfOt Mm* C0152 PhoM 815-5W-7244 CJ SALES AIDE PART TIME/FLEX TIME Entry level position perfoming deliveries, pickups, filing and various support tasks for the advertising department. Neat appearance and dependable vehicle are required. Ideal for earning extra income while learning advertising, meeting people. Apply in person x CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD „ CAROUNALFJtEE PRESS 7803 Pyott Rd. and 250 Williams Rd. Crystal Lake, III. Carpentersville, III.

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