A) 3-Subject Theme Book in a variety of useful sizes. 120 sheets, w/margin. o5746/48/67io 34® B) Spiral Thomo Book has 70 pages, 5 holes and margins. In wide or narrow rule. 05510/2 C) Ttapper" Portfolio has 2 ver tical pockets, useful information tables. Colors. 33100 1279331/F48] 1.00 D) Typing Papor for clean work at school and home. 200 sheets measure 8V2XH in. 392001260117/F12) E) Classmate Portfolio has 8 big pockets, wirebound together for convenience. Colors. (259945/F241 3.99 F) Ttapper" Keeper includes 3 portfolios, note pad and clip. 10V2X12 in. Colors. 29096 (278580/fi2) 5«. 1.00 2-Pockot Folder has a 3-hole binder of embossed paper to keep many projects organized. Choose from many colors. 54828 125261 9/fsoi 4~57c 2-Pocket Subject Folder has generous folders to hold many papers. 11 x8V2-in. pockets. In as sorted colors. 50825 (256479/F50) G) Flex 3™ Carryall Notebook has 3 expanding pockets, note book, more. Colors. 29500 |469189/fi2] 63° H) Filler Paper is 5-hole, with margin. In your choice of narrow or wide rule. 200-ct. 15326/15200 II7C RIBINNEYBJ fifiO A 9 77 Spray Adhesive dries OI Ifl&SMrTHIf UU L.I I fast, ideal for paper and 24-Pk. Crayons have a wide, Elmer's* School Glue provides fabric. 4Y2 oz. 6osia (343327/F6) bright variety of colors that all a strong bond fast on wood, paper, CCC Magic Transparent children will love. They come in cloth, etc. Nontoxic, washes out. UV Tape won't yellow. Holds the handy tuck box. 24 1273979/F121 4-oz. bottle. 304 1293860/F12] securely. Y2x450 in. 104A [194621/F24) Carnival of Values J) 3-Ring Scholar Sot has 5 sec tions, notebook, dictionary and more. 29610/29630 ( 508994/F12) 3.99 K) Data Center contains 3 poc kets, note pad, pencil holder, Vel- cro* closure. 29300 1259796/F12]