Nation y Airline fined for transporting cocaine load MIAMI (UPI) - The U.S. Cus toms Service said Thursday it fined Eastern Airlines $1.3 million be cause agents discovered nearly a ton of cocaine hidden in suitcases aboard two jets that .arrived in Mi ami from Colombia. The cocaine, worth $400 million, was packed in luggage stashed in air conditioning compartments be hind the forward cargo holds on two Eastern Airlines Boeing 727 jets -- one from Barranquilla, Colombia, on Aug. 11 and the other from Cali^ Colombia, on Aug. 24, said Edward Kwas, southeast regional commis sioner for the Customs Service. Eastern officials announced a sus pension of flights to Barranquilla while security procedures are re- . viewed. No action was announced to deal with flights from Call. Kwas said the cocaine -- 894 pounds from the Barranquilla flight and 828 pounds from the Cali flight -- was turned over to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which is con ducting an investigation. No arrests have been made. Eastern was fined $1,337 million under a federal law. An Eastern spokesman said the airline is con sidering whether to pay the fine without dispute. . "the law provides a penalty of $50 an ounce for cocaine discovered aboard a common carrier," Cus toms spokesman Ed Kittredge said by telephone from Washington. "We have to fine them because the law requires it," Kittredge said. "It is a large amount of cbcaine." The two seizures were the first made aboard Eastern planes since April 24,1984, when Customs agents seized an L-1011 plane because^ drugs had been found 22 times in sitf months. "We're not seizing the plane this time because Eastern has been co operative to such an extent since April of last year," Kittredge said. "The law provides that we can seize the aircraft but because of their cooperation, we're not going to rub their noses in it, so to speak," he said. » The seizure raised to more than 31,000 pounds the amount of cocaine confiscated by Customs agents in the Miami region during the fiscal year that began last Oct. 1 -- about 3,500 pounds more than was seized in the entire nation the year before. In the Miami region, 16,691 txwnds was seized during thedftast fiscal year. McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Friday, August30,1985 Page 11 LOBSTER FEST AT ST. ANN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH S03 WEST JACKSON STREET WOODSTOCK SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1985 SERVING TIMES 4 PM -7 PM , LIVE OR STEAMED NEW ENGtAND LOBSTERS $8.00 EACH! From the Atlantic in the morning to you in the afternoon U.S. working to locate missing soldiers By Ted Chan UnltedPress International HANOI,. Vietnam -- Vietnam and the United States proposed Thurs day separate plans to determine the fate of nearly 1,400 Americans listed as missing in Vietnam, officials said. "We had a brief working session here today, a very productive and substantive one," said Richard Chil dress, National Security Council staff member and co-leader of the U.S. delegation. Childress' comments came after a one-hour meeting with Acting For eign Minister Vu Bong Giang. During two days of negotiations that ended Thursday, the U.S. and Vietnamese negotiators outlined plans of action to determine the fate of Americans still missing in Viet* nam, Childress said. Of the 2,464 Americans still not accounted for 10 years after the end of the war, 1,375 are listed as miss ing in Vietnam. The remainder pf the MI As were listed as missing in Laos and Cambodia. Giang said Vietnam wanted im proved relations with the United States in return for help on the MlAs. "What we expect from the United States is a contribution to an atmo sphere of detente conducive to na tional reconstruction so we can have more favorable conditions to mobilize people to take part in the search for the missing in action," Giang said. Vietnam said Wednesday it had a plan to locate the remains of many of the nearly 2,246 Americans listed as missing in the Vietnam War but insisted on U.S. trade and political concessions in return. Vice Foreign Minister Ang Bich Fon declined to reveal details of the new MIA plan but said it could determine within two years what happened to many of the Americans Childress said Thursday the sepa rate Vietnamese and U.S. plans had some common elements and that technical teams would resolve the differences in further meetings this year. Childress declined to give details of the proposals, but possible mea sures are believed to include joint investigation U.S. planecrash sites, the exchange of MIA information and the establishment of a U.S. liai son office in Vietnam. Giang said Hanoi would proceed with the accounting of American MIAs even if the technical-level talks were delayed. ORDER BLANK FOR OCEAN FRESH LOBSTERS ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR ORDERING: SEPTEMBER 4, 1985 NAME: ; _____ ADDRESS: CITY: __ TELEPHONE:. (ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID CHECKS PAYABLE TO ST ANN S EPISCOPAL CHURCH) ALL LOBSTERS ARE BETWEEN 1 and 1 % POUNDS! ONLY $8.00 EACH! I NUMBERORDERED: AMOUNT ENCLOSED: LOBSTERSLIVE:. LOBSTERSSTEAMED: ' Live lobsters may be picked up between 4 pm and 5 0m only. Bring your own containers PICK UPTIME: 4pm:__ UPI photos The Rev. Jerry Falwell tells listeners it is his dut Christian fundame speak out on the racial situa tion in South Africa during a speech Tuesday at Southwest Missouri State University. Before the speech, about a dozen protestors, including Linda Heidenreich (right), gathered to criticize Falwell. for further information, call: St. Ann's Church 338-0950 or Phil Clarke 338-6238 NEW DIMENSIONS NEW I0HNSBURG LOCATION NEW CO-ED CLASSES 5:30 & 7:00 Come try our Low-1 mpact Aerobics with AMF Heavy Hands! Aerobics Stretch & Tone Tues-Thurs-Sat Mon-Wed-Fri WORKOUT TIMES Mon-Fri 8:15 Tues.Thur 7:00coed Mon-Fri 9:45* Saturday 9 am only Mon-Thur 5:30coed 'BABYSITTINGFREE! OWNER • MARRILOU HUEMANN Mm 2), Sxercise (Jludto ofsvn o 2610TRIVOLITR. intensions jqhnsburg 815-385-3535 -Studio 815-385-7232-Home J J ONE DAY HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN With our new One Day Home Improvement Loan we can make it Easier Than Ever to do all those home improvements you've been thinking of...And funds are usually available within 24 hours after you apply... Loans to qualified homeowners are available up to $10,000 with a convenient repayment schedule. 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