85 Campers/Trailers 74 VW DELUXE Camper Van. low miles, rebuilt engine & trans., recent brakes, clutch 1 exhaust. Excellent inside & out. $2,500/offer. Must sell. 115/455-3820 »3 STARCRAFT Pop-Up. sink, stove, refrig., privacy curtains, canopy, I extras, S3,500, 815/385-8517. /? PUMA Pop Up hamper, stove, ice box, sink, needs canvas, $200. Call •15/721-0131. 79 MIDAS RV, 31,000 mi., 110 V Generator, 2 air cond., many extras; 115/455-1922. 1972 Ford Motor Home, 20 ft. 51,000 miles, $5,000.; 720-0015. ajiimiLi i AUTOMOTIVE Wanted 10 Buy • Automotive ServlkM m Auto Putt MtdACCMSOrtM M Antique Vrtdctaa tl Motorcyta K Automobiles for Sale M vehicles lor Rent , M Tracton/TraUet* as Track* •• vim tr 88 Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Junk Autos - 7 day Pickup 312/639-8159 Auto Parts & 90 Accessories ENGINE & TRANSMISSION, Chrysler 311, complete, good radiator & steering assembly trom '72 Plymouth Wagon. 115/455-5261. SUN MACHINE, lg. scope, $1200; 11 H.P. three generator, 300 amp starling unit, $1200; 30,000 lb. shop ortSSV-lSOO; i ft. high transmission jack, $450; 7Vi ft. Weitern electric hydraulic srtbwplow for Chevy truck, $600; 2 mobile, 1 base, Motorola 2 way radios, all antennas Inc., $1800; Sears high preasure steam cleaner, $750; air over bubble tire balancer, $150; super boost battery charger, $150; misc. stock items, oil filters, fuel filters, fuses, light bulbs, nuts, bolts, & hoses. Call after 6 p.m., 815/728-0071. FOUR TIRES, never used, B.F. Goodrich radials, T-A's 15" by 33" by 12.5, $450,312/658- 7969. NEVER USED ROOF vent, $15; engine stand, $20; solvent- tank, $10; all prices firm. 312/639-3017, after 5 p.m. NEW WIRE WHEELS for 85 Thunderbird. Will fit any 14 in. wheel. Sell-for $110 each, will sacrifice for $300/set of 4. Call 312/639-4924, after 5pm. 91 Antique Vehicles '67 BUICK WILDCAT Coupe, 49M miles. Mint cond., orig. owner. Best Offer 815/459-1467. '71 MERCEDES BENZ 250C Coupe, rare model. Electronic sunroof, a/c, am/fm stereo. $6700/best. 815/459-1467. '68 VW CONV'T., Ghla, classic, $600/best. Restorable, 815/338- 8575. 92 Motorcycles 1981 YAMAHA 650 Special, mag wheels, fairing, sissy bar, $900/best. 312/658-6927. '79 HONDA CX 500 Custom V twin engine, shaft drive, water cooled, low miles, $1000. or best offer. Call after 6; 815/459-1306. '78 KAWASAKI KZ1000, 14,000 mi., exc. Cond., $l,400/best of fer. 815/459-4135. '82 YAMAHA, 650 maxium, adult driven, gar. kept, low miles, 815/455-1940. '83 KAWASAKI 250 Ltd., like new, $750. Call after 5; 815/459- 2833. '• '• '77 HONDA ATC90: Good con dltion, $500.; 815/34*3375. GT 80, Yamaha '80 dirt bike, $425,815/459-9403 after 3 p.m. '84 HONDA Astencade, back rest, CB, intercom, full cover, 8i more. $6500 or best offer, 815/455-6619. 1972 HONDA 750 $500 or Best Offer 312/639-5209 '85 KAWASAKI ATV 4 wheeler, must sell, used less than 3 wks., in exc. cond., $1400 or best of- fer, 815/344-4946. 1971 HONDA 750 w/Vetter fair ing, low miles, $1,200. Call 815/338-9442. '82 YAMAHA 750 Maxim, bought new Feb. '84, $l,600/best offer.815/338-6793 '79 HONDA CX 500 Custom, shaft drive, adult driven, 8,000 miles, perfect condition, $950. 815/459-5035. 1972 SPORTSTER Kick/elec tric, lots of chrome, $1,800. 815/459-1198 93 Automobiles tor Sale ROBIN'S REPAIRS- Auto & Truck. The One Stop Shop. Quality Work at the Right Price! Welding. High Per formance Work! 312/697- shop. ; '78 BUICK REGAL: air, ps. pb, am/fm, good eonditioni S2400/best; 312/639-4094. '77 PORSCHE 924: silver and black, rebuilt motor, 15,000 miles, sunroof, am/fm radio, $6700/offer. 815/459 1657 or 459 3222, after 5 '62 STUDEBAKER GT Hawk, bargain at $2600/offer. Runs well, 815/459-1657 or 459 3222, after 5 '72 CORVETTE 454: auto., air, Eagle tires, all stock, good mechanical cond., needs body work. $5800.815/344-4253 after 5 pm. '84 MERCURY MARQUIS Brougham, 20,000 miles, fully loaded, A-l cond., must sell, best offer. 815/385 7620. 93AutomobilMfor Sale^ '84 CUTLASS CIERA, 4 cyl., ps/pb, cruise, stereo, exc. cond., $8,500/offer, 312/639- 9343 or 815/338 7343 after 5. '84 FORD TEMPO GLX, 4 door, s speed, sun roof, a If, loaded! 26,000 miles, extended warranty, Zlebart. Good look ing car. Must sell. $8,650. 312/658-9358. '83 CHEVY CAVALIER WGN, ac. ps/pb, am/fm, 5 spd.. clean int. exc cond., $4900. 312/364-4544 '83 TOYOTA CELICA GT Coupe, cass. w/equalizer. 5 spd., a/c, ps/pb, alum, whls., $7,800; 312/658 4993 eves. 1982 CHEVETTE 4 door hatch back, exc. cond., 4 speed, ra dio, new tires, brakes, ex<- haust, 59,000 mi. Asking 2,700. 815/385-4875 after 6 pm '81 MONTE CARLO, V-8, LOADED, 47,000 mi., mint , must see! $6,900, 815/459-7669. '81 T-BIRD, white/red, ps/pb, air, stereo, 6 cyl., auto., low miles, exc. cond., $5,250. Call days 815/455-2112. '79 FORD MUSTANG, very good cond., $2,200, call after 6 pm, 312/658-3511. '79 MALIBU • rebuilt V8 w/5,000 ml., hitch, am/fm, snow tires, $2,500, 815/728-0007 '78 CAMARO, 350 auto;, 63,700 mi., asking $2,600. '73 Cadillac tor parts, 815/338-6634. '78 CHEVY IMPALA, 4 dr., a/c, ps, good cond., $2,100/best offer. 815/344-4215. '78 TRANS AM -ps/pb/pw, blue w/white int., $2,500 FIRM, 815/455 2809 after 4:30. '77 CHEVY Malibu wagon, a/c, p.s., p.b., am/fm stereo, gd. cond., $1400. 815/338-2638, after 5. '77 MONTE CARLO, red with black tinted windows, Craiger sst wheels, with BF Goodrich tires, new exhaust, vinyl top, front springs, front fenders, carpeting, also newly uphol- tered bucket seats, new bat tery, am/fm stereo, 50,000 miles, $4,200, 815/459-1716. '76 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 81.000 mi., auto. New tires, brakes, shocks, muffler, bat tery 8i windshield. $700, 815/385-8512. '75 DODGE DART, 6 cyl., stick, many new parts. $800. Call 815/459 8135. 1973 BUICK 4 door LeSabre, $300. Call 312/639-6686 after 6:30 pm. '77 BMW 530-1: Sun roof, leather interior, excellent con dition! $6,500; 312/639-3329, after 6 pm. 1978 LINCOLN CONTINEN TAL Mark V, blue w/white vinyl roof, exc. cond., loaded, $5,300,815/653-9413. '76 CHEVETTE: runs well, must sell. Asking $400.; 815/728-1355. '71 MERCEDES BENZ 250C Coupe, rare model. Electronic sunroof, a/c, am/fm stereo. 86700/best. 815/459-1467 1974 FORD Pinto, 4 speed, runs good, body needs work, $300/ best. CaU 815/344-5523. '74 AMC HORNET Station Wagon, 6 cyl. stick, a/c, am/fm stereo, new tires, brakes & ex haust, low miles, $700/best, 312/639-9203. 'ft DODGE OMNI, 4 dr., exc. cond., auto., a/c, am radio, new brakes, red, $2,050. 815/338- 5911. '74 LINCOLN Continental Town Car; low miles, needs body work, $575. or best offer. Call after 6; 815/459-1306. 1977 CADILLAC, very good cond., fully equipped, $70,000 miles. $2,895.312/639-7783. '74 JEEP Cherokee, 4 wheel dr., V-8, western snow plow, 4 good snow tires, body rusty, good plowing vehicle, 68 K miles, $900.; 815/385-2444. OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME, '82, 6 cyl., 25 m.p.g., ps, pb, am/fm cassette, cruise, rear defrost, new tires, shocks, bat tery, 59,000 miles, sharp. $5495/offer. 815/455-2704 eves./weekends. PROFESSIONAL AUTO Body and paint work. Reasonable prices. Years of experience. 312/428-2047. '84 TOYOTA TERCEL hat chback, air, 5 spd., 40 M.P.G., stereo cassette, $5200, 815/344- 5279. '75 AMC PACER: 6 cyl. auto., good condition, $675.; 815/344- 5043. '81 FORD ESCORT, 50,000 milks, auto., $3200, 815/455- 2932. 1982 MERCURY Grand Mar quis, loaded, am/fm cassette, sun roof, wire wheels, 67,000 miles, $6,500. Call 312/639-1093. 7i MALIBU wagon, ps, pb, air, good cond., $2200,815/344-1921. '73 SUPER BEETiE, semi- auto., exc. cond., $1,100, 312/551-1838 eves. '81 OLDS CUTLASS Calais, full power, cruise control, full In strument panel, crushed valour interior, factory mags, Alpine stereo, 260 V-8, floor shift auto., low miles, no rust, Immaculate condition inside & out. $6,800 or best. 815/568-7050. Jim. '77 LINCOLN Continental Mark V. loaded! Clean, $3,100.; 815/385-5554. '80 PONTIAC PHOENIX, all extras, inc. sun roof, very clean. Teacher transferred to Hawaii. $2,600, eves. 815/338- 1228. 1982 FORD Station Wagon LTD, all options but power win dows. Call 312/639 4449. '77 FIREBIRD Loaded! Exc. cond., $3,000 or best offer, 815/459-1308, home, or 815/455- 1825, work. 1980 PONTIAC Sunbird, 4 speed, am/fm cassette, air, great gas mileage, very good cond., must sell- just bought new car! Asking $2,500.815/459- 3560. VILLAGE OF ALGONQUIN 2 S. MAIN VEHICLES FOR SALE • 1974 Ford Maverick • 1974 Chevy Impala • 1982 Ford LTD • 1967 International 2 Ton Dump Truck For further information 312/658-4322 93 Automobiles for Sale '79 TOYOTA CELICA, 59K, new exhaust, new brakes, runs' jreat, no rust, $3425, 312/639 '79 VW RABBIT: 4 dr.. auto, trans... am/fm radio, no rust, good cond.! $2,000. 815/338 75 DELTA 18. School teacher has Virginia car for sale, exc. cond., asking $1850. 815/338 1683 1968 CAMARO 327 auto., beautifully restored, excellent condition, $3,300/ best. Call 312/639-66786-7pm only. '71 OLDS, runs good. $200, 815/459-6843. '78 FORD FAIRMONT, very good cond., 6 cyl., air, auto., ps, pb, 47,000 miles. $1,875.312/658 3842. '75 MAVERICK. 4 door, 6 cyl. auto., new tires, 44,000 miles on engine, $1,200 or best offer, 815/385-3647. '71Z 28. all options, inc. T-Tops, exc. cond., $4600 firm, 815/653 7711. '76 CADILLAC OeVille sedan, some rust, $750./best, 815/338 5409. 81 RENAULT 181 WAGON, loaded, good condition, 32,000 miles, $3750/best. 815/455-6100 ask for Chris; after 6 pm. and weekends 312/365-2122. '77 CHEVY CAPRICE, ps/pb, p/w, air, am/fm, very clean California Car! $1,850, 815/455- 5513. '80 DODGE OMNI, am/fm stereo, cloth seats, rear win dow de-fog, 4 sptfT, $2,500 or best. Call after 7; 815/385-4668. '77 MERCURY Bob Cat, low mileage, igood condition, V-6, door, $1,500; 312/639 '7TPORD LTD, 6 pass, wagon, good cond., auto., air, ps, pb, power rear window, split power front seat, good tires, 2 new, new battery, 65,500 miles, $2,000 or best offer, 815/459- 6735, after 5 p.m. or week ends. '81 DATSUN 310, hatchback, $2,500; '78 Mercury Marquis Brougham, $2200/best, 815/338- 4262. 1965 IMPALA 396,4 speed, posi rear end, $1,900. 1971 Muncie M-22 rock crusher, 4 speed, for GM cars, $350.815/344-2479. 79 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE exc. cond., 57,000 miles, Florida car, loaded, must sell, $5500.815/338-9177. '79 DODGE ASPEN, 4 dr., auto., am/fm stereo, rear win dow refog, clean, $1750.815/455- 0164. 1979 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 2 door Coupe, 52,000 miles, good condition $1000/ best offer. 815/455-4630 or 815/459-6537 '67CHEVY IMPALA, V-8,auto, trans., am/fm, air, good transportation, $350.; 815/338- 2219, after 4. '78 CHEVY CAMARO LT, T- tops, power windows, am/fm cassette, air, auto., good cond., inside 8i out, $3,000 or best, 815/338-4902. '78 CUTLASS SALON, V6, ps, pb, air, am/fm cassette, good cond., $1850/offer, 312/639-1092 after 7 p.m. '79 FORD GRANADA, exc. cond., ps, pb, air, new brakes 6> exhaust, $2100 or best offer, 815/459-4012. " '76 BUICK REGAL • parts or whole, 2 dr., 350 V8, new trans, radiator. Chrome wheels. Runs - needs carb. 815/385-4406 after 5 pm. '81 MERCURY, loaded, like new, $4995. Free dinner for 2 with purchase, 312/639-9488. 1983 CAMARO. V-8 auto., ps/pb, air, cruise, $9,500. Call 312/551-1505. '73 V.W. "Thing", German gas heater, good top & tires, 60,000 miles. Asking $1,600, 815/344- 0253. 1971 CHEVY IMPALA, auto., good running transportation, $550. Call 815/385-0793. 1977 T-BIRD, 77,000 miles. Best Offer. Call 312/639-1753 after 5 pm. '77 LINCOLN Town car. New tires, low mileage, exc. cond., $4,000,815/728-0247. SACRIFICE 1984 Chevy Cavalier, ps, pb, air cond., 34 MPG, $7,100,815/344 2387. '81 FORD ESCORT Hatchback, blue w/blue inf., ps/pb, auto., air, clean, $2,895. evenings 312/658-5288. 1978 BLACK LT Camaro. 4 speed, exc. cond. Garage kept. Also 1974 Dodge Dart, good beater car, good running condi- tlon. 815/338-4059 '80 PONTIAC SUNBIRD, 4 spd., am/fm cassette stereo, new brakes & muffler system, sun roof, 41,000 mi., ps/pb, runs exc:, $3,800/best. 815-338-3364. '82 CHEVY CAMARO, red sport coupe, V6, 4 spd., air, ps/pb, rear defog, inter wipers, am/fm cassette, cloth int., $5,600. 815/459-5477 or 312/991 1142 '78 FORD T BIRD, 2 dr. landau, ps, pb, air, am/fm, new tires, low miles, exc. cond., $3,500. 312/658-5839. '81 DODGE OMNI: 2.2 liter engine, auto trans., air, 4 door, cloth seats. $3,000; 815/344 3375. '84 CAMARO BERLINETTA, fully equipped, digital dashboard; 3,000 miles, white- excellent condition. Must sell, by owner. 815/459 2949. '77 CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM, V8. 2 dr.. ps, pb. air, am/fm stereo, $3,000 or best. 815/459-1319. after 6 p.m. '77 GRAND LEMANS good run ning cond., $1100/best offer, 815/459-9411, atter 5 p.m. '83 BUICK REGAL Ltd.. am/fm stereo, air, excellent condition, $6,200. or best offer. 815/455 1638. '78 OMNI, 4 dr., hatchback, 4 spd., a/c, radio, ps/pb, rustproofed. 30 mpg, 815/459 1154. '79 DODGE OMNI: 4 speed, gas saver! Good shape, $1,850.; 312/639 9355 1983 VW RABBIT GTI, 5 speed, air, 31,000 miles, new tires. New was $9,575, Asking $6,000 w/ bank financing available. $179.73 per month. Call 9 am 5 pm, 815/678-2491, ask for Den nis. '81 FORD ESCORT L. 63.000 mi., $2,450/best offer, 815/459 1945. . '77 MUSTANG II, 4 speed manual, 55,000 mi., good condi tion, $1,000 or best offer. 312/639-7068. after 5 pm 93 Automobiles for Sate 79 AU DI 5000 S. 4 door. 5 speed, sun roof, iir, stereo, velour in- tenor. Excellent condition. $3.300, 815/385 6929. 1978 MONZA 305 V4. 4 speed, posi. tech & guages. sport suspension, 39,000 miles. $2,600. Call 815/728-0014. '83CHRYSLER LeBaron, 2dr.. 5 spd., air. am/fm stereo, cruise, wire wheels, radials, rust proofed, rear defoger, pin stripeing, exc. cond.. $6200, 815/344-1386. 1983 FORD EXP, 2 tone gray. 5 speed. 4 brand new Mlchelin TRX tires, sun roof 6 nose pro tector, am/fm stereo, exc. cond., $5,200/ best. 815/923 2459. 1982 FORD GT MUSTANG. 4 speed, brand new engine w/ under 400, 302 high out put. 2 new tires 6 rear control arm. Pioneer stereo w/eqalizer., iouveres, fog lights, $400 Chap man alarm system. $6,800/ best. Call Doug, noon to 6:30 pm. 815/569 5257 '78 BUICK SPORT. COUPE, 6 cyl., new engine has only 32,000 miles. Good gas, pw, ps, pi, ac, leather int.. $1495,815/34401319. '73 VW SUPER BEETLE, runs good. $800 FIRM. 815/3388575. '82 PONTIAC Bonneville, ps/pb, p/w, p/seat, am/fm stereo cassette, wire wheels, like new. $4.500. 815/385-3458. 1974 DODGE DART, tan, i door sedan in good mechanical con dition. $800 or best oHer. Call 815/459-7823 after 6pm. '77 CHEVY MALIBU. a/C, am/fm cassette, $500. Call days, 815/385 7167. 1979 FORD FIESTA $1,000 Or Best Offer »815/455-1*13» '73 CAMARO LTRS $1,300 815/653 9070 1977 BUICK REGAL, auto., blue 2 door coupe, air, am/fm radio, tilt, ps/po, $1,850/ best. After 6 pm, 815/459-1726. '81 CITATION, 2 dr. hatchback, silver, auto., air, am/fm cassette, many options, $3150, 815/338-7953 after 6 p.m. '75 PLYMOUTH Valiant, 4 dr.. $550. 815/455-5887. . 1980 TOYOTA Corolla, 5 speed 2 door lift back, ps/pb, am/fm cassette, good cond., $3,100/ best. 312/658-8123. '77 OLDS DELTA: 2 door. Clean! $2200., Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. '78 FORD FIESTA, runs exc., great on gas, good body. + parts car. Asking $1350, 815/728-1957. '69 CHEVELLE Malibu. 2 dr., 22,000 original miles, asking $2500,815/728-1957. '76 FORD PINTO: Good run ner! $600., Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley. 312/669-3381. 74 AMC HORNET, 2 dr. hat chback, 6 cyl., auto., nice car, $600/offer, 312/639-1389. ft '80 CHEVY CITATION: auto, air, $3,000, Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. '80 CHEVY MONZA: 6 cyl. air, one owner like new, $3,200, Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3381. '73 DODGE DART Sport 340, V 8 auto., ps, power disc brakes, sun roof, rear down rear seats, Goodyear radials, 70,000 miles, asking $950.; 815/338-1404. '83 CHEVY Cavalier Type 10, 2 door hatchback, air, auto trans, am/fm, excellent condition, $6.500; 312/658-5156. '83 CHEVY 9-Pass. Wagon, 30,000 ml., air, ps/pb, stereo, luggage rack, cruise, etc., $9,500,312/658-2005. '84 CAVALIER, dk. brown wagon, exc. cond., 39,000 miles, air, stereo, cruise, ps. auto. 8i much more. $6895.815/338-9148. '84 FICRO air, sun roof, am/fm cassette, well kept, low mileage. $8700, 312/658-5245. eveittngs, or before 11 a.m. '82 TOYOTA TERCELL, 5spd., 2 dr., 52,000 + mi., new brakes, no rust, $3,200, 815/455-6233. '83 PONTIAC Parissian station wagon, $7,000 or best offer, 815/344-0219, after 7 p.m. 1978 El DORADO, loaded, front wheel drive, white on white Ian- dau, $2,500. 312/497-3710. '82 CADILLAC COUPE, load ed, 39,000 mi., mint. Asking $10.500; 815/455-5948. '80 TOYOTA COROLA, hat chback, 5 spd., sun roof, very low miles, am/fm, very good cond., runs exc., $3,600 or best offer. 815/338-8191. " '76 DATSUN, 710, rusty body but runs good, $250, 815/455- 0543. . '73 PLYMOUTH Duster, slant 6, 3 spd., manual trans., exc. winter starter, exc. runner, $500,815/34 3850. 1979 MERCURY CAPRI RS, 4 speed, hatchback, am/tm stereo, sun roof, hwy. miles, good cond., $2,700.312/658-2105. 1979 PINTO, 2 door hatchback, 4 speed, good commuter car, $1.500/best. 312/658-8208. '78 OLDS Custom Cruiser 9 Pass. Wagon, 1 owner $2,950, 815/455 3544 1 ' 1977 VOLKSWAGON Rabbit, automatic, 2 door, good condi tion, $1,700.312/658*634. '57 CHEVY, no motor or transmission. $1500/firm. 815/648-2083 days until 2, or 815/943-7641 after 5. '84 PONTIAC FIERO SE. red/gray, p/w, tilt, am/fm, exc. cond., $8.895 312/669-3036 '79 CUTLASS: silver, exc. cond., air, am/fm, 61.000 miles, $3,995./best. 312/669 3036 '78 CORVETTE, leather in terior, p/w, tilt/tele., white/black. $8,495. 312/669 3036. '76 DATSUN B210.$895 73Dat Sun 1200, 45,000 mi., $450. 815/459-8711 de-fogger, fold Is, rally wheels, 93 Automobtloe for Sale •73 TRIUMPH TR*. exc. shape. Must sell. $2,800 or best offer. 815/675-6370. '79 Z28. ALum. wheels, auto., ps. pb. air, stereo, trusie. exc. cond.. $5900.81V459 5458 or 459 1600. '72 MERCURY MONTEREY, good runner, good cond., $500/best offer. 815/344 3562 atter 5 pm. USED CAR FACTORY '82 Mercedes Beni240D $14,500 '81 Chevrolet Chevette 2,195 '79 Toyota CelicaGT 2,595 '79 OMs Starf ire 1,695 '79 Ford LTD Landau 1.895 '79 Mercury Zepher 1.955 '77 Ford Thunderbird 1,495 '77 Malibu Wagon 1,295 '72 VW Super Beetle 295 76 Pontiac Bonneville 995 75 Plymouth Fury r 995 4700 Rt. 176 '••• Crystal Lake xA 815/455-2870 WE BUYUSEDCARS! ' FOR A GOOD » Pre-Driven Auto call JOE KENNEDY USED CAR FACTORY 815/455-2870 '78 MUSTANG II. 4 cyl., auto.. $1.300/best. 815/338-8845 '83 MAZDA GLC sport, 4 dr.. air, moon roof, stereo, 29,000 miles. 5 spd., $6,000, 815/338 / 8815. f '78 HORIZON, HB. 4 dr., 4 spd.. stereo, recent tires, battery & brakes. 76.000 miles, $1300. 815/338-8815. '74 MONTE CARLO, no rust, ps/pb, air, tilt, am/fm, runs good, $1,500 FIRM. 312/428 '80 BUICK SKYLARK. 4 dr., V6, ps. pb, air, must sell, $2,000 or best offer. Located in Union. 815/877-3451 eves. '78 FORD FIESTA, good cond., $850, 815/385 9439 78 FORD LTD II, 1 owner, 2 dr., am/fm tape, air, ps/pb. $l,800/best, 815/455-2243. '83 MUSTNG GL Fastback, exc. cond., a/c, 'ps/pb, am/fm, $5,500,815/455-6531 after 6 pm. '77 MERCURY Cougar p.s./p.b., add air., factory new engine, clean, $2050. 312/428- 3007 '84 FORD EXP, silver. 5 spd., sun roof, 12,000 miles, mint cond., 312/658-2147. 95 Tractor s/T ra I ler s 2 8N FORD Tractors with equipment. 1 for $1,900, & ft* other $1,800.; '15/728-0085 96 Trucks '83 CHEVY S-10 BLAZER, two tone, 2 or 4 wheel drive, a/c, am/fm, auto., Tahoe, luggage rack, $9,450. Call Kevin 815/459- 3786, after 6 pm. 72 DODGE STAKE Truck w/hydro tailgate, current safe ty sticker. Needs some repair. $500. Ask for Elaine. 815/459- 6060. 77 BLAZER, Cheyonne Pkg., 4 wheel drive, auto., air, radio, tilt, cruise, 312/658-5805, after 5 pm. 8 FT. INSULATED truck cap," $350, 312/497-4255. 76 SCOUT - 4WO, 304 V8, ps/pb, a|r, 4 speed with 2 speed case, spoke wheels/radials, excellent condition. $1900 815/459-7054 76 CHEVY ¥• ton heavy duty all around, $1775 or best offer, 815/338-0294. '72 IH 1/2 ton pickup, 8500/best offer, 815/344-4934 before 7 am 8i after 9 pm. '67 GMC pickup, parting out, good motor, $150, 815/344-4934 before 7 am 6 atter 9 pm. 1979 CHEVY 4X4 Step Side Sport Truck, .ps/pb, auto., stereo, radials, very good cond., $3,900.312/382-3382. 84 FORD RANGER XL, 4x4, blk. auto., a/c, ps, pb, am/fm. $10,000.815/728-0792. '79 DODGE power wagon 200,4 wheel drive, auto., new oversiz ed tires, much more. 815/943- 5268. 77 FORD pick up, w/cap. Senior citizens second car. 55,000 miles, fine mechanical cond., some rust. $1300 firm, 312/639-3114. 72 BLAZER w/plow. good tires, $1,295.312/669-3036. '84 TOYOTA LONG bed w/cab. 5 spd., am/fm stereo, 4 whl. drive. $6,900. 312/658-9569 after 6pm. 1983 FORD BRONCO XLT, 4 wheel drive, auto., 2 tone paint, heavy duty pkg., all electric, exc. cond., 46,000 ifcLMver off road, never plowed, $10,500. Call 815/455-0947. 79 CHEVY 3/4 Ton, 4 whl. drive, 7 1/2' W/P, auto., ps/pb, tilt, low miles, $5,500/best. 815/455-3397. '75 JEEP CJ 6. 4 wheel drive, new top, $1,800. 312/658 4240 97 Vans 78 FORD VAN, V8. rusty, needs some repair, $3300, Ask tor Elaine. 815/459-6060. 1978 CHEVY VAN. 3/4 ton. panel, blue, very clean, $2,000, 815/6539413. • 77 DODGE VAN. 37.000 miles, good cond., $1300 firm, 815/653 '82 GMC CONVERSION van, loaded, new Wttery, new ex haust, exc. cond., $9,000 or best otter. 815/728-0598. 78 GMC VANDURA, very good cond.. $3,400.75 Monarch, $450. After 5.815/459-8541. 78 FORD CHATEAU Club Wagon, good cond., a/c. ps/pb. dual tanks, cruise, (3.500, 815/455-6531 atter 4 pm. '83 CHEVY, luxury SanteFe conversion. 10.004 mi., 2 a/c. elec. windows & locks, 113.900. 312/658 6239 or 312/683 4550 77 GMC VAN, new tires, stick shift, good condition, $1,100 815/385 2903 Are you a Tennis buff? Bowling enthusiast? Golf nut? Ski bum? Whatever name they tag on you, you'll find the perfect equipment to enjoy your favorite sport in to day's CLASSIFIED PAGES • READ FOR PROFIT! • USE FOR RESULTS. NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Tuesday. September 10, lftS Pa«ell CLASSIFIED WHETHER IT COMES FROM THE O / OR THE BASEMENT, CLASSIFIEDS CAN SELL IT! 1-800--ADS-WORK nORTHWEST -urn 'TiTTTT-u