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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1985, p. 28

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Page 16 NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Friday, September 13,IW5 Entertainment Concerts INDULGE ME, Friday* and Saturdays at Butter- man's Restaurant, 321 Di­ vision St., Elgin. Reserva­ tions call 312/741-«100. MELISSA MANCHES­ TER, Sept. 14 at the Poplar Creek Music Theater, 4777 W. Higglns Rd. Hotfman Esta tes . $15 /$10 . TIcketMaster. SWEET ADELINES/LE JAZZ HOT, and Chicago Natural Gas, Sept. 14 at 8:07 p.m. at Mundeleln High School, 13S0 W. Haw- ley Rd. In Mundeleln. $6. More Info call 815/33®-2475, 312/356-7528, or 312/362- 0886. HEART, Sept. 15 at the Poplar Creek Music The­ ater, 4777 W. Higglns Rd. Hoffman Estates. $15/$10. TIcketMaster. DEL SHANNON/LQU CHRISTIE, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Shef­ f ie ld , Ch icago. $16 . Tlcketron. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL 50s and 60s fast, Sept. 21 at 7 and 10:30 p.m. at the Holiday Star The­ a ter , Merr lv l l l e , Ind . $15.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. JIM POST, Sept. 21 at 8:15 p.m. at the Woodstock Opera House. $11/$9. Call 815/338-5300. POCO/OZARK MOUN­ TAIN DAREDEVILS, Sept. 21 at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Sheffield, Chicago. $11.50 advance, $13 at the door. Call 312/853-3636. PERRY COMO, Sept . 21 to 22 at the Riverside The­ ater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave . , M i lwaukee . Tlcketron. LARRY GATLIN/GAT- LIN BROTHERS, Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.nmlfet the Holiday Star Theater, Merrlvllle, Ind. $14.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. PETER PAUL AND MARY, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. at the Holiday Star The­ ater, Merrlvllle, Ind. $15.95. Tlcketron or call 312/734-7266. PATTI PAGE, Sept. 28 at the Riverside Theater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave., Mil­ waukee. Tlcketron. TOM PAXTON, Sept. 28 at 8:15 p.m. at the Wood­ stock Opera House. $9/$7. Tickets call 815/338-5300. Theater SPINOFF, to Sept. 29 at the Shady Lane Farm, Highway 20 West in Maren­ go. Showtlmes Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Sat at 2:15 p.m.; Thurs. and Frl. at 8:45 p.m.; Sat. at 7:15 p.m. and Sun at 4:30 p.m. Ticket Prices Sat. and Sun.,$9; all other shows $7.50. Call 815/568-7218. CYRANO DE BERGE- RAC, Sept. 28 at 8 p.m. at Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. $20.50/$18.50/$16.50. Call 312/896-6666. SEASONS GREET­ INGS, Sept. 18 to Oct. 20 at the Body Politic Theater, 2261 N. Lincoln Ave., Chi­ cago. Ticket Information call 312/871-30000. A CHORUS L INE, through Oct. 6 at Marriott's Lincolnshire Theater, Lin­ colnshire. $13/$24. Call 312/634-0200. CATS, Monday-Saturday at the Shubert Theater, C h i c a g o . $40 /$35 /$30 /$25 /$17 .50 . Tlcketron or call 1-800-233- 3123. FORBIDDEN BROAD­ WAY, nightly at the Caba­ ret Continental, the Hotel Continental In Chicago. Call 312-321-0350. PUMP BOYS AND DI­ NETTES, Tuesday-Sunday at the Apollo Theater Cen­ ter, Chicago. $18.50/$21.50. Call 312/935-6100. SUPERSTARS '85 , Wednesday-Sunday a t Drury Lane South, Ever­ green Park. $7.75/$6.50. Call 312/770-4000 or 442- 8000. Dance CHANGING TIMES TAP DANCE COMPANY, Sept. 3-15 at the Goodman The­ ater, 200 S. Columbus Dr., Chicago. $U-$23. Call 312- 443-3800. EMERGENCE DANCE THEATER/ROCKFORD DANCE COMPANY, Sept. 15 at 2 p.m., and Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Egyptian Theater In DeKalb. $5 Adults, $2.50 for children under 12 and senior citi­ zens . More In fo ca l l 815/756-4414. JUDITH SVALANDER DANCE THEATER AN­ NUAL FUNDRAISER, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. at the Becker Home In Wood­ stock. Call Monica Van Fleet at 815/455-2055, or Mary Brennan at 3 ,12/381- 8744 for more details. Vol­ unteers also needed. CHOREOGRAPHERS SHOWCASE, Sept 28 at 8 p.m. at Fermllab's Ram­ sey Auditorium In Batavla. Features five Chicago dance troupes. $6. For more info and reservations call 312/840-3353. HUBBARD STREET DANCE COMPANY, Oct. 10 at • p.m. at the Rockford College's Maddox Theater. $35 Adults/ $30 students, senior citizens. 815/968- 5222. CHICAGO REPERA- TORY DANCE COMPA­ NY, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. at the Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. $15/$13/$11. Call 312/896- 6666. AMERICAN DANCE MACHINE, Nov. 23,24 at 8 and 3 p.m. at the Para­ mount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. Nov. 23 tickets: $16/$14/$12; N o v . 2 4 t i c k e t s $14.50/$12.50/$10.50. Classical ELGIN SYMPHONY OR- CHERSTRA season tickets for five concert series through Sept 30. Five (ion- cert series, $42.50; Pop se­ ries start at $16, Student and senior discounts avail-, able. Alt concerts at Hem- mens Auditorium. Call 312/888-7389. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Oct. 3 to 5 at Orchestra Hall, 220 S. Michigan, Chicago. Tickets $11.50 to $30, available at Orchestra Hall Box Office or call 312/435-8122. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MOZART CONCERT, Oct. 10 to 12 at 8 p.m. at Orchestra Hall, 220 S. Michigan, Chicago. Tickets $11.50 to $30, avail­ able at Orchestra Hall Box Office or call 312/435-8122. TRAVEL AND ADVEN­ TURE FILM SERIES sea­ son tickets on sale now at Elgin Community College through Sept 30. $15 for six t rave logues fea tur ing filmed journeys of coun­ tries around the world. Call 312/741-3491 to order. V I SCONT I ' S 'THE LEOPARD' Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. at the 400 Theater, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chi­ cago. Part of Loyola Uni­ versity's Italian Film Fes­ tival. Free admission. FRANCOIS TRUFFAUT FILM FEST, Sept 13, 14 at the Fermllab Auditorium In Batavla. Sept 13: 'Small Change,' and 'Day for Night' at 8 and 10 p.m.; Sept. 14: 'Confidentially Yours' and 'The Green Room,' at 8 and 10 p.m. $2 Adults, Children under 12, 50 cents. More info call 312/840-3353. K ING OF HEARTS, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. at the Fermllab Auditorium in Batavla. $2 Adults, Chil­ dren under 12 50 cents. More nfo call 312/840-^53. THE DRAUGHTSMAN'S CONTRACT, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. and Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. In Harper College's Build­ ing J, Algonquin and Ro­ salie Rds. In Palatine. $1.50 adults. $1 students with I.D. More Info call 397-3000, ext. 2552. BERTOLUCCI'S 'THE SPIDER'S STRATEGEM,' Sept. 26 at the 400 Theater, OUT ON THE TOWN Pictured are some of the Chain O'Lakes Sweet Adelines during at performance at last summer's McHenry Fiesta Day. In the front row (L to r.) are Ruth Clement, Nancy Scher, Bonnie Cable and Rosalie Lofredo. Hie Adelines will be jazzing up the halls of Mundeleln High School, when they perform there this Saturday. Chain O' Lakes Adelines know where 'jazz is hot' The Sweet Adelines Chain O'Lakes Chapter invites you to join them in a night of Jazz and spiritual songs as they perform in concert "Where Jazz Is Hot" in New Orleans style. "When the Saints Go Marchin' In" is one of the many songs that will start your "toes a tappin and your hands a clappin" at Mundelein High School this Sat., Sept. 14 at 8:07 p.m. Also performing will be the McHenry County Chord Company and Voices in A Chord. Special appearance by Chicago Natural Gas. Tickets are 16 at the door or by contacting Ruth Clement, 1430 Victory Dr., Libertyville, II. 312/362-0686. If you enjoy singing, Chain O'Lakes Chorus invites you to join them in four-part harmony barbershop style on Thursday nights at 8 p.m. at Mundelein High School. Women 16 and over are welcome. For more information, call 312/356-7526 ; 312/362-0886; or 815/338-2475. 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chi­ cago. Pari of Loyola Uni­ versity's Italian Film Fes­ tival. Free admission. ZEFFIRELLI 'S 'LA TRAVIATA,' Oct. 3 at the 400 Theater, 6525 N. Sheri­ dan Rd., Chicago. Part of. Loyola University's Italian F i lm Fest iva l . F ree admission. Exhibits "BASKETS", continuing at Northern Illinois Univer­ sity's Stevens Building . Exhibit of baskets from all areas of the world. Mu­ seum hours: Mon.- Frl., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tues 6 to 8 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sun. 2 to 4 p.m. Call 815/753-1936. JOYCE AYERS' AN­ TIQUE SHOW, Sept. 12 to 15 at Spring Hill Mall In West Dundee. Features furniture, glass and silver. Free admission. McHENRY COUNTY CRAFTS SHOW, Sept. 14 and 15, at the McHenry County Fairgrounds, Wood­ stock. Admission $3 at door. Sat. 10a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food also served. Call 815/3*8-1707. GOOD SHEPHERD'S 'ART IN THE BARN' , Sept. 28-29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Features 100 artists In rustic farm setting. HAROLD ALLEN, PHO- T O G R A P H E R A N D TEACHER, retrospective exhibition at Northern Illi­ nois University'* Swen Parson Gallery through Sept. 29. Gallery hours Mon.- Frl., 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Tues.- Wed., 7 to 9 p.m.; Sun. 1 to 4 p.m. Call 8T5/753-1936. Also features works of photographer Jim Stone. THE WORLD OF GRANDMA MOSES, through Sept. 22 at the La- kevlew Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria. More info call 212/323-3589. ART INSTITUTE'S FAC­ ULTY SABBATICAL EXPO, to Sept. 28 at Supe­ rior St. Gallery, 341 Superi­ or St. Features work of photographer Barb Crane and sculptor Fred Nagel- bach . More In fo ca l l 312/493-3703. AMERICAN CRAFT EX­ POSITION SALE, Sept. 13 to 15 at Northwestern Uni­ versity's McGaw Hall, 2705 Ashland Ave. Features work of over 80 profession­ al American artisans. More Info call 312/988-2335. "TEXTURES," exhibit of fiber art and sculpture Sept. 8 to 21 at Norrls Cul­ tural Arts Center. 1040 Dunham Rd., St. Charles. Hours noon to 5 p.m. Mon- ./Wed./Frl., noon to 4 p.m. Sat./Sun. Free. More Info call 312/504-7200. REMBRANDT ETCH­ INGS, through Sept. ,29 at the Milwaukee Public Mu­ seum. 800 W. Wells St., Mil­ waukee. More Info, call 312/945-9287. ABSTRACT ART/OIL COLLAGES BY CLARK ELLITHORPE, through Sept. 30 at Harper College, Algonquin and Rosalie Roads In Palatine. ARTTRAIN, Sept. 15 to 20 at CNW Railroad Siding, State and Pleasant St. In DeKalb. 'Features 28 art­ ists. More info call 815/753- 1681. DINOSAURS, Field Mu­ seum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Dr ive , Chicago. 312/922-9410. CHINESE EXHIBITS, Field Museum of Natrual History, Roosevelt Road and Lake Shore Drive, Chi­ cago. 312/922-9410- MIDWEST CIVIL WAR COLLECTORS SHOW, Sept. 14, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the DuPage county Fair­ grounds, 2015 Manchester Rd., Wheaton. Admission $2, children under 12 half- pr ice . More In fo ca l l 312/539-8432. NEW COLOR/NEW WORK EXHIBIT, Sept. 9 to Oct. 12 at Chicago Muse­ um of Contemporary Pho­ tography, 600 S. Michigan. More Info call 312/663-1600, ext 104. Admission free. Hours Mon.- Frl. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat. noof^Jo 5 p.m. WORLD OF AGUSTIN VICTOR CASASOLA, Sept. 12 to Nov. 3 at Field Muse­ um of Natural History, Roosevelt Rd. at Lake- shore Dr. More Info call 312/322-8859. Auditions ELGIN CHORAL UNION AUDITIONS, held for new and returning members by appointment a t ECC'S main campus. Call 312/888- 7389 for appointment or more Information. ELGIN AREA YOUTH AND STRING ORCHES­ TRA AUDITIONS for mid­ dle sthool, high school and college age musicians by appointment at Elgin Com­ munity College, Sept 10,11, 17 and 18. Call 312/888-7389 for appointment of mora information. ELGIN SYMPHON- ETTE AUDITIONS. Sept. 16 and 23 for community musicians age 20 and over. Call 312/888-7389 for ap­ po in tment or more Information. ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHAMBER SINGER AUDIT IONS, Sept. 23 at main campus for new and former mem­ bers. Call 312/888-7389 for more Info. Museum TREASURES AND TRIVIA FROM INDIA'S HISTORIC SITES, through Oct. 14 et Indiana State Museum and Memorials. 202 N. Alabama St. In Indi­ anapolis, Ind. Call 317/232- 1637. ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD TRIPS, Every Sat. and Sun. In Sept. and Oct. at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. Char­ tered bus leaves museum at 9 a.m., returns 3-5:30 p .m. Fees vary . Ca l l 312/322-8855 for brochure listing offerings, times, dates and-fees. Festivals GENEVA'S FESTIVAL OF THE VINE, Sept. 13 to 15 In downtown Geneva. For Information and sched­ ule of events call 312/232- 6060. COUNTRY MUSIC FEST '85, Sept. 15 from noon to 4 p.m. at Veteran's Acres Park, Crystal Lake. $2 adults, children under 12 free. Features the Lost D u t c h a m n B a n d , Sweetwater, Silver Dollar Band, and thw American Tradition Blue Grass Band. drive to Wisconsin and bftie* Sugar River State Trait* More details call Florid 312/695-9470, or Norm,' 3 1 2 / 4 2 8 - 5 3 6 2 f reservations. ELGIN S INGLES AT MALONE'S, Sept. 18 et> p.m., at Malone's on RofeNt 25, Elgin. Happy Hour S-fb 7 p.m. Dancing later. Oailt Bill. 312/239-3449. ELGIN SINGLES LA&lt SUMMER PICNIC. Setf* 21 at 4 p.m. at Tyler Creeic Forest Preserve. Dish'tq pass and favorlte'beverede plus $2.. Call Barb at 2750. MCHENRY COUNT> SINGLES 2ND ANNIVgR; SARY PARTY, Sept. 22»at 2 p.m. at Coleman's Counfy Inn, 7320 S. Rt. 31 In CrVa-H tal Lake. More Info qarti 815/455-1234. A W A R E S I N G L E D DANCE, Sept. 20 at 8*3<J p.m. at Arlington Park Hit* ton, 3400 Euclid In Arlln$* ton Heights. $6 for non- members. More Info cat( 312/777-1005. COMBINED SINGLES DANCE. Sept. 21 at 8:3<J p.m. ef the Hyatt Regency O'Hare Hotel. 9300 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. In Rosemont. $6 non-members. $5 mem­ bers . More In fo ca l l 312/769-2800. Kid Stuff P A W N E E E A R T H LODGE, ongoing at the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Mon-Frl at 1; Sat. at 11,11:45 a.m.; 1, 1:45 p.m. Sun. open house 1 to 3 p.m. No tickets Singles YOUNG SINGLE PAR­ ENTS, meets every Wednesday a t the E lks Club in Woodstock. Open to all single parents 21 to 48. More Info call 815/653-3656. v SINGLES DANCE, every Sunday from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at Rlptide's Ip Johns- burg, located 3309 N. Cha­ pel Hill Rd. Features live DJs. More Info call 815/385- 5523. ALL INTERESTED SIN­ GLES, B 'N 'B Square Dence Club Invites you to join square dance lesson class, Wed. 8 to 10 p.m. at Johnsburg Jr. High. More info 815/653-9324 or 312-587- 5955. ELGIN SINGLES IRON SKILLET OUTING, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. for dinner and danc ing . Ca l l Mar i lyn , 312/428-4262. Dancing after 8:30 p.m. ELGIN SINGLESOVER- NITE BIKE HIKE, Sept 14- Ifa" PLACE FOR WONDER, ongoing at the Field Muse­ um of Natural History, Chi­ cago. Mon-Frl, 1 to 3 p.m.; Sat-Sun 10 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 3 p.m. STAR GAZING WITH METEOR MOUSE, every Saturday through Dec. 28 at 10 a.m. at Chicago's Ad- ler Planetarium, 1300 S. Lake Shore Dr. Admission $1.50 per person. Miscellaneous ' NEWBERRY LIBRARY . TOURS, every Thursday at the library, 60 W. Walton St. in Chicago. Call 943- 9090, ext. 256. EIGHT ANNUAL MAM­ MOTH MUSIC MART, Oct. 2 to 7 at Old Orchard Cen­ ter Skokle. Free admission. Oct.3-4, noon-10 p.m.; Oct. 5-7, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pro­ ceeds benefit Les Turner ALS Foundation. More Info call 312/679-3311. RlfcGLING BROS. BAf*- NUM Si BAILEY CIRCUS, Oct. n to Oct. 27 at Rose­ mont Horizon; Oct. 29 16 Nov. 10. at Chicago Stadi­ um. $9.50/88.50/87.90. More info caU»ia/t5»-76«3. I HERAI ^ ]jy -- « MB ,--g mmm |=g 1 II II I HI m DRTHWEST Published Saturday PLAY EDITION ADDITION TODAY'S PAPER SEE TODAY'S PAPER! t

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