P«9» 4 NORTHWEST HERALD Section C Friday, September 13,1W5 Wheels Chevy aims marketing plans at women WARREN, Mich. - Women buyers may soon account for half the new-car purchases in America, a fact that has led Chevrolet Motor Division to launch the most com prehensive women's marketing effort in its history. . A n i n t e r n a l Women's Marketing Committee, drawing upon many disciplines f r o m w i t h i n t h e Chevrolet organiza tions, has been formed to provide strategic direction for the effort to increase Chevrolet's market share among w o m e n b u y e r s . S e v e r a l n e w marketing programs directed toward the female buyer will debut in the 1986 model year. The Committee has identified through research and focus groups some key areas that heavily influence women in their auto- buying considera tions: •-A helpful and k n o w l e d g e a b l e salesperson is more important to women new car buyers than to men; • Women are more concerned with per sonal safety and are more influenced by a reputation for quality; • Credit/financing is particularly impor tant, especially to f i r s t - t i m e f e m a l e buyers who may be less familiar with the available avenues of credit. "Directing our full a t t e n t i o n t o t h i s advertising and mer chandising efforts," said Robert D, Burger, Chevrolet general m a n a g e r a n d a General Motors vice president. Women now account for nearly 50 percent of Nova and Spectrum sales and more than 40 percent for Chevette and Cavalier Hat chback, rivaling the penetration of some Japanese imports. Over the entire lineup, womten now purchase almost a third of all Chevrolets. "With this new ef fort, we expect to see increased sales to women in the coming years," Burger said. The Committee has been instrumental in developing a number of action plans to more fully focus on women and explore new ways of reaching and attrac ting them to Chevrolet p r o d u c t s . A m o n g them: • Strategies for Sue- cess Career Con ference for Today's Woman: Chevrolet is the exclusive sponsor of "Strategies for Suc cess" -- a two-day women's career con f e r e n c e p r o g r a m scheduled in 10 cities between November 1985 and November 1986, expanding to 20 Cities in 1987 and 1988. This conference, the first and only single- sponsor career con f e r e n c e s e r i e s f o r women, addresses the interests of career- oriented women, and includes presentations jjy name celebrities automotive sponsor of "Beautiful You," a traveling mall display appearing in malls across the country bet ween May 1985 and January 1986. Paired with Chevrolet are other national mer chandisers with ex h i b i t s o n h e a l t h , grooming, travel and fitness. The Chevrolet display features the Camaro and Cavalier, two of the top-selling cars to women on the market today, along with information per taining to women and credit. • "Women In Mo- t i o n ' ' S e r i e s : Chevrolet in sponsor ing a series of eight- page inserts on health and fitness beginning in the October 1985 1 s s u e s o f "Cosmopolitan" and "Women's Sports and Fitness" magazines and running con secutively through May 1986. Inserts will include four editorial p a g e s o n v a r i o u s sports written by the editors of "Women's Sports and Fitness" magazine, as well as four pages of advertis ing. • P r e - a p p r o v e d Credit: Chevrolet is in troducing a are- approved credit plan beginning in the Oc- t o b e r i s s u e s o f "Cosmopolitan" and "Women's Sports and Fitness magazines. Special inserts include a mail-back applica tion for "preapproval" of financing on a new C h e v r o l e t t h r o u g h General Motors Ac ceptance Corporation (GMAC). . I • • Women's Sports H a l l o f F a m e : C h e v r o l e t a n d "Cosmopolitan" will be the major sponsors of the Women's Sports Hall of Fame program at the Women's Sports Foundation's annual a w a r d s d i n n e r o n September 23 at the Plaza Hotel in New York. The Women's Sports Hall of Fame was created by the Women's Sports Foun dation, and organiza tion formed to en courage , and support the participation of women in sports. The Foundation provides o p p o r t u n i t i e s , facilities and training for women in sports and educates women and the general public regarding women's athletic capabilities and the value of sports participation. "Women are enter ing the work force in greater numbers, are earning better salaries and holding positions of greater responsibili ty -- all of which has had tremendous im pact in the automotive market," said Jane strategic direction and include: Diane Cronin, make specific recom- Chevrolet Service menddtions in the in-Operations; Janet itiation and develop- Eckhoff, Chevrolet ment of programs in Product Planning; such areas a s Deborah Edwards, share of new car sales marketing, sales/ser- Chevrolet Richmond from 25 percent of vice, product design, Zone; susanne Gat- and finance," Ham- chell, C-P-C Advanced mondsaid. -- - Vehicle Engineering; The Committee is Pat Johnson, Sandy made up of female pro- Corporation; Andrea fessionals drawn from Lighthall, Chevrolet & number of Engineering; Barbara disciplines throughout Munger, Chevrolet the division, the Design Staff; Arlene Chevrolet-Pontiac-GM Reindel, Chevrolet o f C a n a d a ( C - P - C ) P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s ; G r o u p , a s w e l l a s K a r e n R i c h i e , a g e n c i e s t h a t s e r v e C a m p b e l l - E w a l d Chevrolet. Media; Nancy Tuyn, • Other members of Chevrolet Financial the W o m e n ' s and Kathryn Tyson, Marketing Committee GM-10Program. Hammond, Chevrolet Women's Marketing Committee chairper son. " W o m e n b u y e r s have increased their total industry in 1978 to 'nearly 35 percent in model year 1984," Hammond said. "Last year, women were the biggest buyers of four C h e v r o l e t m a d e models that were among the top best sellers -- Cavalier, Celebrity, Camaro and Chevette. " T h e C h e v r o l e t Women's Marketing C o m m i t t e e w a s established to provide market and identify^ such as Sally Ride and ing the needs and con- Barbara Walters. c e r n s o f t o d a y ' s • " B e a u t i f u l Y o u " women will help us Traveling Mall respond through our Display: Chevrolet is p r o d u c t p l a n n i n g , t h e e x c l u s i v e City street guide paves drivers' way Chevrolet has established a 12-member Women's Marketing Committee to explore new ways of reaching and attracting wom en to Chevrolet products. The committe has developed a number of programs in various departments. Shown are, from left, Nancy Tuyn, financial; Janet Eck hoff, planning; Arlene Reindel, public re lations; Diane Cronin, service operations; Karen Ritchie, Campbell-Ewald; and Jane Hammond, marketing information and committe chairperson. DELEVAN, Wi. - Quickly becoming an "essential aid" in driv ing is the latest edition of Turner's "Chicago & Suburbs Street/Ex p r e s s w a y G u i d e , " which is now on the market. Annually revised, this pocket-sized, 160-page book is both compact and comprehensive. Originally designed for cab drivers and other professionals who must find streets quickly and easily, the public has discovered that use of the guide saves driving time, gasoline and wear and tear on a driver's nerves. In addition to major cab companies, the guide is used by utility company service vehi cles, city and suburban officials, police depart ments, hundreds of leading transportation companies, and even TV stations, radio and cable companies. Covering the entire complex expressway and tollway system, Turner's "Chicago & Suburbs Street/Ex pressway Guide" clear ly notes the location of both entrances and ex its, based on the direc tion traveled. All Chicago streets are alphabetically list ed and include their grid location -- north, south, east or west. Also covered are the streets of 241 suburbs and unin corporated towns sur rounding Chicago, plus emergency numbers, zip codes and informa tion about various mu nicipal services. Telephone numbers and addresses for all city and suburban hos pitals, airline|, air ports, points of Interest and various govern ment offices are listed in an easy-to-find index. H e l p a n d h o t l i n e s , many of them toll-free, are another feature of the guide. The section entitled "Thinking of Buying a Used Car?" with its toll-free phone number can certainly save motorists hun dreds of dollars and hours of grief. The T u r n e r G u i d e i s a handy reference for res idents and visitors. Because of its size (3%-by-6^ inches) the guide can easily fit into pocket or purse. It can also be placed on the dashboard or in the glove compartment of the car for quick, easy reference. Then, with a flick of the fingers, you can locate where you're trying to go in a matter of seconds. The latest edition of Turner's "Chicago & Suburbs Street/Ex pressway Guide" is available at local office and book stores. It may also be obtained by sending a check for $4 per copy (includes post age & handling) to: Metro Publishing, Box 345, Delevan, WI 53115. Phone: (414) 728-3800. About a third of the households in America are two car households. NO CREDIT!!! BAD CREDIT!!! BANKRUPT!!! N O T U R N D O W N S OVER 100 CARS IN STOCK Buy Here...Pay Here! 5 MINUTE CREDIT OK...CALL OR DETAILS. SHULTS AUTO SALES 4902 N.W. HIGHWAY RT. 14 CRYSTALLAKE.IL 815/455-1070 OUR LOWEST INTEREST RATE EVER & BEST OF ALL WE HAVE THE CARS! We're on your side at PONTIAC CORNER OF RTS. 31 & 120 (1112 N FRONT STREET) (312) 255-2992 McHenry, IL (815) 385-6000 NOW IS THE TIME TO $AVE BIO! AT MITCHELL OLDS BUICK GMC TRUCK IN McHENRY- Come in TODAY while the Selection is Good! Beat the '86 Price Increase! We've got the New Car You are looking for! GMAC FINANCING ON THESE POPULAR MODELS! 1985 Buick Electra Sedan 1985 Buick Regal Coupe 1985 Buick Century Cutlass Supreme Sedan Cutlass Ciera Brougham Sedan WE'RE OVERSTOCKED WITH CLEAN USED CARS! 1984 BUICK REGAL LIMITED COUPE All the toys & showroom SHARP, 18,000 miles 1977 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME COUPE Brougham package, loaded, 51,000 miles 1978 FORD FAIRMONT 2 DOOR Excellent running car, 6 cylinder-auto 1978F$ Bucket lent running car, * I FOJtD THUND ityconsole, powei THUNDERBIRD power everything, 54,000 miles 1979 OLDS 98 REGENCY COUPE Black with tan leather trim, loaded 1980 CHEVY BEAUVILLEVAN 2 tone paint, automatic & air, 9 passenger 1983 OLDS CUTLASS CIERA "ES" 4 DOOR Loaded, special edition car 1983 CHEVY S10 BLAZER 4 wheel drive, economy, 24,000 miles 1983 TOYOTA CAMRY 4 DOOR Auto, air, p.w, pow. locks, 18,000 miles 1983 BUICK CENTURY LIMITED 4 DOOR Beautitul, mauve with brown velour trim $9495 $2795 $1295 $1995 $4495 . SOLD . SOLD $7295 $8795 $7295 GET THE MITCHELL PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY! MITCHELL BUICK-OLDSMOBILE-GMC TRUCK GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION 903 N. FRONT (RT. 31) McHENRY 815-385-7200 Mon.-Fri.8-9 Sat. 8-5