Community LASWGAS Commun i t y Ca lenda r Las Vegas winner Plaindealer photo by Anthony Oliver is Eleanor Perry of Sussex Drive, McHenry, cen- Did You Know? AND ALONG CAME WALLY...Wal- - ly Weidner, a McHenry Township Road foreman, helped extinguish a "> fire that had ignited in a pick up truck engine on Wilmot Road. He - said two men were struggling to put out the flames with shirts, but the shirts caught fire. Weidner remem bered having a fire extinguisher in . the back of his vehicle and used - that. When the fire was out, the two Obituary Elinor Pries Shadle . Elinor Pries Shadle, a former Mc Henry resident, died of cancer Aug. 24, 1985 in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., at the age of 61. She was born in Waukegan, 111., lived in McHenry from age five and graduated from McHenry High School in 1941. Her father, Bill Pries, ran the Cen tral Market in McHenry many years; brother Bill and sister Helen lived in McHenry and Waukegan un til retirement. Mrs. Shadle attended Lake Forest College and Northwestern Upiversij *~ty. She married Paul Shadle June 13, 1947 and they lived in southern •J California since 1952. Surviving are her husband Paul; > three daughters, Sally Gottlieb of the San Francisco Bay area, Dr. % Christine Shadle of Cambridge, N Mass. and Dr. Paula Shadle of Goet- . tingen, Germany; a brother William ** Pries, Jr. and sister Helen Wargo, Nboth of Clearwater, Fla.; and moth- >^er-in-law Anna Shadle of Lomita. * * A memorial service was held Aug. *! 30 in Rancho Palos Verdes. In lieu of v; flowers, the family asks that contri butions be made to the League of **Women Voters Education Fund, c/o men thanked Weidner for his assis tance and left without leaving any names, Weidner said. CAMPUS CAPERS?... Parents, the next time you visit your college- aged kids in their dorm room, you may look around for road signs. Their former owners, thge McHenry Township Road Commission is not too amused at losing the signs. It seems the sign theft rate goes up every fall just as students are re turning to college. BAD RATINGS...The cameras of Lakes Cablevision were no where to be found Wednesday night when the City Council met. To be sure, the council action does not rival the high drama of a "Hill Street Blues" but didn't the cable company agree to provide a certain amount of local progranvming in the franchise agreeffient with the city? Maybe they'll be there next time. ^ LET'S SEE WHO SALUTES...The city will be sponsoring a contest among residents for a design to put on the official city flag of McHenry. A flag for the city is being created in honor of next year's sesquicentenni- al. More details later. Got any tidbits of information about friends, relatives or neighbors you would like to see in "Did You Know?" If so just give the Plain- dealer a call at 385-0170 or drop us a note at 3812 Elm St., McHenry. (USPS 335-200) Founded 1875 3812 West Elm Street. McHenry. Illinois 80050 Telephone: 815 385 0170. Circulation: 815 385 0178 Office Houn: 8 a m. • 5 p m Monday through Friday Published Monday through Friday except New Year's Day. Memorial Day, Independence Oay. Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day and Chnstmas Day by Northwest Newspapers. Robert A. Shaw. Editor and Publisher. Thomas C. Miller Associate Publisher; DomM J. Lyons. Bureau Ma nag ing Editor. Sutocriptioft rates in McHenry County: By earner. 50 cents a week. 1 year, by mail, $19 00 (Where carrier service not available only) Subscription rates outside McHenry County: 1 year by mail $27 00 Northwest Newspapers. Illinois Press Association American Newpaper Publishers Association; Audit Bureau of Circulation Second class postage paid at Crystal Lake. Ill 60014 Pottmaater: Send address changes to the Crystal Lake Herald. 7803 Pyott Road P 0 Box 250 7 A.M. NO PAPER YET? SORRY! CALL 815-385-0178 FOR DELIVERY SEPTEMBER 13 Register To Vote-5-7 p.m.-Sullivan Foods-Rt. 120, McH.-Sponsor, Wdstk- McH League of Women Voters. Fish Fry-50's-Ws k Polka Music~McH. Moose Ldg. McH. JArea Toastmasters-Mtg. 8:30 a.m.-NIMC Exec. Din. Rm. SEPTEMBER 14 Friendship Club-Potluck Dinner & Mtg.-Noon-Fellowship Hall-First United Methodist Ch. Auction-Ringwood Church, Noon-Viewing 11 a.m.. Register To Vote-9 a.m.-Noon-Sullivan Foods-Rt. 120, McH.-Sponsor, Wdstk-McH League of Women Voters. SEPTEMBER 15 McH. Moose Ldg.-Legion of The Moose Breakfast-Serving 8-11 a.m. lEMBER 16 THEOS-Meet 5 p.m. Dinner-Busy Bee Rest -Then, Evening of Fun & Fellowship. Bus & Prof. Women-Soc. 6:30 p.'m.-Dinner 7 p.m.-Orsolini Rest. Rich mond-Speaker, Nora C. O'Malley. ' • A • I ' SEPTEMBER 17 ' McH. Area C of C-Retail Council Mtg. 7:30 a.m.-Whale's Tail. WOTM-Business Mtg.-8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Reg. Mo. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Comm. Ctr. <? SEPTEMBER 18 Day of Recollection-Sponsor, St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Parish Hall 9 a.m. SEPTEMBER 19 League of Women Voters-Bd. Training-Home of Cindy Swartzloff-1503 W. Morgan Tr., McH.-All Members Welcome. 385-3908. UMW Gen. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Tea-First United Methodist Ch. Catholic Daughters-Mo. Mtg. 1:30 p.m.-Uberty Hall, McH. SEPTEMBER 20 Fish Fry-Dancing Music-McH. Moose Ldg. NAIM--St. Margaret Chapter-Reg. Mtg. 7 p.m.-Cards. SEPTEMBER 22 Peace Sunday-Mt. Hope United Methodist Ch.-1015 Broadway-Pistakee Highlands-Following 10:30 Service, Slide Presentation-Discussion-Potluck. SHARON SPECTOR j .. - •i"^" v' 'r , r T" • \- • * Spector is Miss Teen finalist Sharon Spector, daughter of Jean nette Spector of McHenry, was cho sen as an area representative in the official Illinois state finals of the 1985 USA Teen Miss Scholarship Pageant, held Sept. 8 in Springfield She competed with other area final lsts in communications, evening gown and interview competitions for the state title and crown of Illinois Teen Miss; plus a $1,000 cash schol arship award. - Sharon is 14 years old and a fresh man at Crystal Lake Central High School, where she is a member of the chorus. Her ambition after graduation is to find a college with a good drama department and become an actress, and her special Interests are darn ing and singing. DR. KENNETH T. REISER,D.C. McHENRY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 4901 W.ELM(RTE.UQ) McHENRY, IL. FREE SPINAL EXAM (X-RAYS ADDITIONAL, IF NECESSARY) 8 0UT0F10 ILUN0ISANS WILL HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEIR BACKS SOMEDAY. WITH YOUR LUCK, HOW 00 YOU FIGURE YOUR CHANCES? PINCHED NERVES CAN DESTROY YOUR HEALTH! KNOW THE DANGER SIGNALS INSURANCE CASES ACCEPTED WHERE APPLICABLE • MEDICARE • W0RKMANS COMPENSATION •GROUP • AUTO CONTOUR ANALYSIS PHOTO Hf DANGER SIGNALS OF PINCHED NERVES: I. Hudichis. Duiinesi 2 N«ck Pun, Tight Mutcltt Spurns 3 Shoulder Pun. Pun Down Aims, Numbneu m Hinds 4, Pun Betwctn Shoulders 5 loan Bach Pun, Hip Pun. Pain Down lt|i IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT (815)344-1025 SUMMER HOUM M0N THURS 9am 10pm F R I i S A T 9 a m I I p m SUNDAY 9 a.m. 9 pm. QELLIIQUORS «*] I merchants K| of fini wines and liquors mm a 4610 W. Elm Street (Route 120), McHenry 385-3200 . ,*Vi Iungerich, 28255 Trailriders Dr., ! Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274. ' V :v. Xv,, v •y/ffiMyfflz •••••• ... mi • • 9.90% interest rate • 3 points • Payments up to 30 years • 80% financing ' : •/. ii: . 4 1 | wmmm \ single umiiy owner oeeuj towards closing costs* more information eon- W§mm •NHP ~ jj 2MH. . PRODUCT SBC SPECIAL PMCI MA** RESATK NIT COST YOU SAVK Ten High Bourbon Whiskey 1.75L $7.99 N/A 7.99 m 3.00 Walker's Deluxe Bourbon 1.75L 10.69 N/A 10.69 113.49 3.00 Old Weller 90 Spec. Reserve 750ml $S.99 N/A S.99 %Jd 2.S0 Calvert Extrs Whiskey 1.75L $8.99 2.00 6.99 6.00 Fleischmenn's Preferred 1.75L $9.49 3.00 S.49 S.00 Imperial Whiskey 1.75L $9.99 N/A 9.99 it.* 2.00 Canadian Club Whisky 1.75L 14.99 N/A 14.99 m S.00 Windsor Canadian 1.75L $9.99 N/A 9.99 fm 3.00 Walker's Canadian - 750ml $4.49 N/A 4.49 i m 1.S0 Canadian LTD 1.75L $8.49 J 3.00 S.49 S.00 Canadian LTD 750ml $4.49 ' 1.50 2.99 Wm 3.00 Black Velvet Canadian 1.75L $8.99 4.00 4.99 7.00 Cutty Sark Scotch Whiskey 1.75L 14.99 5.00 9.9ft 11.00 Ballantine's Scotch Whiskey 1.75L 13.99 3.00 10.99 m 8.00 BaHantlne's 12 yr. old Scotch 750ml $9.99 N/A 9.99 m S.00 GHbey's Vodka 1.751 $7.99 N/A 7.99 {m 2.00 Walker's Vodka 1.75L $7.49 N/A 7.49 m 2.00 Rlkaloff Vodka 1.75L $6.39 N/A 6.39 IJT 2.00 Silhouette Imported Vodka 750ml $3.79 N/A 3.79 «.7f S.00 Beefeater's Imported Gin 1.75L 14.99 N/A 14.99 S.00 Fleischmsnn's Gin 1.75L $7.99 , 3.00 4.99 m S.00 GHbey's Gin 1.75L $8.99 2.00 6.99 \tn 4.00 Bacardi Rum (Silver or Amber) 1.751 $949 1.50 7.99 XIM 4.SO Captain Morgan Rum 1.75L $9.99 3.00 6.99 itff 6.00 Captain Morgan Rum 750ml $4.99 1.50 3.49 3.00 Emmets Irish Cream Liqr. 1.75L 12.99 N/A 12.99 m 4.00 Emmets Irish Cream Liqr. 750ml $6.99 N/A 6.99 w 2.00 Venetian Cream Liqueur 750ml $6.99 N/A 6.99 iff 2.00 BAB/Benedictine Liqr. 750ml - 14.99 N/A 14.99 tiff S.00 SambucadiGalliano 23oz. $9.99 N/A 9.99 Ufl 4.00 | Save on these and many more! We don't want to pay the tex Increesel * Oct. lot prices aft appreiiaate. Actual prices wi prehaMy bo higher. Accurate Oct 1st pricing *M ho hao«a lata September. i Blatz Beers $499 2 4 J 2 o / b o t t i # i Mil OATH: THURS. SEPT. 12-WE0. SEPT. IS x-Save everyday on 24 pk. can beer»!-> HtteUf Brie Beer IMMKM 24*12 ft. cm 111 0ly«pii-0ly 24*12 ex. mm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PiM Iwrs 24*12 ex. em 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0U Styli*Uglit*LA ..24*12 tx. cms *7.99 Str«h'»*Stroh Uftit 24*12 ex. cans ..*7.99 Mier*Ut«Beer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24*12 ex. cms 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *7.99