CLASSIFIED, MmfiNromunoN . r*!:'1-*; w ««•"»" i~«»> dM>.h.ih.MMMMvnr<r .* r"W"* » ONLY ft, IW taM in*.,. Th, ^ - » ' » « - « » ESS ?D^iTw ,̂|^e ̂ cf* thes< •<h: • Bu#ine#s Opportunities • Sitters ̂ (Bu*tf*ss Sefvicw) ' Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • SSSKS-~ssssn: s^gss 3 LINES-5 DAYS V 25 INSERTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPERS: NORTHWEST HERALD Stctlon B Tuesday. Seotembar 17. )9®J Rao* s THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS 52?1 J!,!?e?AY BE CANCELLEO. HOWEVER. DUE TO THIS SPE T"CAN BE MA0E T0THE 0R,G1 \ DEADLINES LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling an ad: FOR MONDAY NEWSPAPER 12 NOON ON FRIDAY ALL OTHER PUBLICATION DAYS 5 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR DISPLAY ADS 3:30 PM TWO DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION THE CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD CARY-GROVE CLARION THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THE DAILY SENTINEL THE CARDUNAL FREE PRESS SENTINEL/SATURDAY EXTRA 12 NOON TUESDAY CITIZEN/TRI-COUNTY SHOPPER 5 PM FRIDAY - Our helpful, courteous staff isat your service: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL: 1-800/ADS-WORK CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS M0 FINANCIAL 1215 EMPLOYMENT 17-22 MISCELLANEOUS 25-45 RENTALS 50-60 REAL ESTATE 65-73 RECREATIONAL 80-85 AUTOMOTIVE 88-97 nORTHWEST PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of thoit prefixes served by Northwest Newspapers. •IS AREA CODE 337-1- Woodstock 344 McHenry 315 McHenry 4S5 -Crystal Lake 4S« Crystal Lake SM - Marengo 643 - Wonder Lake 475 Spring Grove *71 -Richmond 7M Wonder Lake/ •Rlngwood 7U Genoa It5 - Sycamore fa Union 943 Harvard 312 AREA CODE 311 2-Barrington 426 Dundee/ -Carpentersvllle 421 -Dundee/ -Carpentersvllle SSI - Dundee 639 -Cary M9 Huntley M3 Hampshire 69S Elgin 697 -Elgin - 740 Round Lake 7412 Elgin Elgin 6S8 LITH Algonquin 931 - Elgin ANNOUNCEMENTS tegal Notices 0 Cemeterlei 4 LoU a CardofThaitlu a Notice® o Uwt ft Found at Personal* 01 Instruction Car Pools oi Travel and Transportation ot Grand Opening* H 2 Cemeteries & Lots CRVSTAL LAKE, Union Cem etery on Woodstock St., 3 spaces, & perpetual care. 414/241 3818 (.all collect. WINDRIDGE Cemetery Lots (Cary), family package plan, will accept offers. MUST SELL! Call 815/455 7174. Notices ADULT D A Y T I M E C A R E . Supervision, socialization, meats, affordable daytime care for your loved one. 815/344-0195 BRIDAL GOWN SALE Special selection of discontinued gowns, $50/ea. 815/338-1682 C R A F T E R S W A N T E D ! For St. John's Arts & Craft Show, Johnsburg, IL., Oct. 5th, 8 am to 4 pm, $15 for 8' space. For more information call Irene, 815/385-4105.. $40 FREE MERCHANDISE TO HOSTESS House of Lloyds, toy & gift party plan now booking par ties. 815/459 3845, 815/648-4551, 8)5/338 3997, 815/648 2216. HIGH SCHOOL COMPETENCY TEST REVIEW CLASSES Beginning now. For information, call THE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT CENTEft 312/658-2454 PEOPLE WHO VIDEOED Sky Divers in Wonder Lake. We want copies! Susan. 815/568 2490. PREGNANT? NEED HELP? IMMEDIATE TEST RESULTS! ALL SERVICES "FREE!" 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 Fflnmarf fllMKET ON THE WOODSTOCK SQUARE Wed., Sept. 18 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Sponsored by Woodstock Chamber of Commerce, Lost Si Found CAT LOST, 9/11, Old C'Ville area, black female w/white flea collar. Very timid Fam ily pet; Reward offered. Call 3)2/428-1472 or 312/428 3122. DOG FOUND, West Wonder Lake Rd., 10:30 pm Sept. 12. For information, call 815/728 0960 between 7 & 10 pm. GORDON SETTER LOST, 9/9, vicinity Maple St., Fox River Grove. Black 8> tan, friendly, answers to Jake. Re ward offered. 312/639 0326 Lost& Found LOST: 2 DOGS, Poodle & Samoyed. Between Tee Rd. & Fairview, Carpentersvllle, 9/9. REWARD! 312/428-6403. LOST CAT, grey with beige spots, reflecting flea collar, lost in McCuilom Lake area, "Fuzzy", REWARD $100., 815/344 5823. LOST! * Gold diamond bracelet. Senti mental value. NICE REWARD! 815/455 3506. LOST: Older black male poo die. Vicinity Williams St. near downtown Crystal Lake. 815/459 3556. REWARD $100: Missing 9/10/85 2 German Shepherds, male, 130 lbs., female, 70 lb. Tan/brown/black. Call 815/648 2828. Personals Multi facited, successful, professional,man, 38, 5' 8", trim, 165, new to area, seek ing a woman who also keeps physically fit and attractive. Doesn't smoke and might en joy: dancing, movies, travel ing, running, biking, writing, or the pursuit of the great hamburger, who is a positive thinker with a romantic soul. Send a verbal portrait and photo to Northwest Newspa pers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lk, IL 60014 Box 120 S.W.M., 26, 5'10", 165, blue eyes, brown hair, good job on railroad, loves sports, roman tic dinners, and movies. Send phone number and photo to: Box 110, c/o Northwest News papers. P.O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. PREGNANT NEED HELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office Open 9-11 am And From 7-9 pm Monday - Thursday i>**8«/3lf-2999»» DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. IF YOU are single, divorced, or widowed, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7545, or write, "Listings", Box 62-L, South Elgin, 1160177. 07 Instructions CERAMIC CLASS opening, Tuesday mornings, McHenry area. Please call 815/675-2111. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 12 Stocks. Bonds and Investments 13 Financial Services 14 Personal and Business Loans 15 12 Business Opportunities AUTO UPHOLSTERY $46k net, est. 5 yrs. $20k dn C IB B 312/742-6130 RAL FAST FOOD needed on this Bl lot, between bank & li brary, across the street from firehouse, 4 miles to nearest restaurant. For Information call Mort, McHenry Realty, 815/653 2211 or 815/653-9349. GARAGE FOR RENT, approx 1,800 sq. ft. Twin pole, 20,000 lb. hoist & compressor. 3 14 x 12 overhead doors. Weber Fu els, Rts. 22 & 14, Fox River Grove, II., 312/639 2333. METAL FABRICATING S425K price, terms $11 IK net CIBB 312/742-6130 DSK BID NOTICE The Board of Education for Commun ity Unit School District No. 200, 501 W. South Street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 is seeking bids for plumbing for Building Trades House #14 for Dis trict No. 200. Such bids will be due in the office of the Ass't Supt. of Business and Opera tions at the above address before 2:00 p.m. on September 26,1985. For additional information contact John A. Radka, Ass't Supt. of Busi ness and Operations (815)338-8200 at 501 W. South Street, Woodstock, Il linois 60098. Woodstock Community Unit School District No. 200, 501 W. South Street, Woodstock, Illinois by John A. Radka, Ass't Supt. of Business and Opera tions. Business 12 Opportunities 18 ICE CREAM/Home made Gourmet, candy, popcorn $35k dn, $ll5k price NW Sub CIBB 312/7426130 DSK RESORT CLASS RESTARANT. 1984 Sales $594,450. House included on approx. 2V* acres. Owner fi nancing. $740,000. Kaplan Commercial. 815/455 5512. RESTAURANT/Bar Italian food, seats 110 NW sub $150k price, terms, gd net CIBB 312/742 6130 DSK RESTAURANT, lounge & Banquet Hall, 2 acres of park ing. 2 complete bars, fully equipped kitchen. Seating cap. 210, approx. 5,000 sq. ft., $2,500 per mo. with sec. dep. Includes heat. Weber Fuels, Rts. 14 & 22, Fox River Grove, II, 312/639-2333. LOOKING FOR ambitious peo ple who have a desire to earn extra money & are willing to work 5 to 10 hours per week. Call for appointment- 312/658- 4656. EMPLOYMENT Employment Aftneles Employment Wanted.. Household Help Wanted Sitters Available Sitters Needed Help Wanted 18 Employment Wanted Carpentry • Drywall Painting • Roof Repair Small Home Repair CALL BOB » 815/459-4400 » CUSTOM COMBINING We Haul Anywhere. 815/344 5754. Employment Wanted r OUALITY CARPET Cleaning that's affordable. Steam method. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. HOUSE CLEANING! Ex- ienced, Professional Quali- Competetlve Rates! Refs. available. Openings early Sept., 815/459 6338 after 5. WILL DO CLEANING, Woodstock area only, have references. After 5 pm, 815/338- 3659. WILL STEAM Clean & deodorize carpets. Living room, $25. Additional rooms, $10. each. 6 years experience; 815/943-4793. WILL DO CLEANING, laundry, days, 9-3. 312/639-3991. HOUSE CLEANING 5 yrs. ex perience, excellent ref., 815/653-5247. FREE THE HOSTESS In Home; Services. Help With Dinners Or Parties. House Cleaning. Exc. Refs. 312/651 7153 GET THOSE tree care needs taken care of NOW! FREE ESTIMATES NORTHERN TREE SERVICE 815/459 4351 I'LL CLEAN Your Home! Af fordable rates. Dundee area. Call Nancy 312/551-1218. PAINTING Interior & Exteri or, Residential & Commercial. Free Estimates. 815/314-6761 SCULPTURED NAILS $25. a set. By Vickie 815/4551048 S & S BUILDING MAINT. Free roof, gutter and chimney inspection. Carpentry work, painting and general home improvements. 815/455-7476 or 312/289-1523. TOP NOTCH Cleaning Lady has days avail. Excellent ret. 115/459 6585 after 6. VINYL REPAIR For offices, restaraunts, hotels, motels, and vehicles. 815/385 0697 WILL DO HAULING & mov ing with my pick up. Odd |obs too. 815/561-5792. eves. Fkmily Restaurants FULL-TIME GRILL PERSONS Now hiring full and part-time days and evenings. Comprehensive benefits and excellent starting wage. APPLY IN PERSON 3-6, Monday-Friday CRYSTAL POINT PLAZA 6000 NORTHWEST HIGHWAY (Previously occupied by Golden Boar) I M M E D I A T E O P E N I N G S C R Y S T A L L A K E P L A N T Experience Preferred ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY Knowledge of blueprint leading necessary Benefits include group insurance, paid holidays educational reimbursement Apply in person at Crystal Lake Plant 0 power conversion products inc forty two east street p o box 380 crystal lake Illinois 60014 phone 815/459-9100 OFFSET PRINTING Inexperienced $8 52 Per Hour Experienced Journeypersons, $14.20 Per Hour Wfe have immediate openings for both experienced & inexperienced persons interested in newspaper print ing press operations This is an opportunity for mechanically inclined individuals to learn a highly skilled craft in one of the most outstanding printing plants in the country These are career oportunities in one of the most sta ble businessess in the country Despite the unfortun ate STRIKE CONDITIONS that presently exist, we have been able to maintain our product at the previ ous high level of quality If you desire a challenging & rewarding position, simply call collect to apply. CHICAGO TRIBUNE COMPANY 435 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago. IL 60611 3121222-2399 *1 L I J J I 0 3 3 5 - 1 J N IV O \ J IC V f 18 Employment , Wanted WORD Processing & Typing , Business ft Personal. Guaran teed! Mary, 81S/385 3996 19 Household Help Wanted CERTIFIED NURSES AIDE. Needed on weekends for inva lid. 615/365 2615. __ 24 HOUR LIVE IN to car* for elderly lady in McHenry. Cooking ft light housekeeping. Room, board ft salary. Call 615/336 0366. MATURE PERSON, 3 days per week to do housekeeping, errands, cooking, etc., for old er couple In Algonquin area. Must drive. Call after 312/6SB-7763. S p m , 20 Sitters Available ng in my Cary home. Full or part time. 312/639 5147. CHILD CARE BY loving mom ly Cary home. tlrr DAY, EVENING, Weekend child care my Algonquin home. Refs. avallabTe. Rea sonable rates. 312/656 7204, af ter 4. EXP. MOM will babysit for you In my Crystal Lk home near West School, days or evenings, hot lunches, play room, lots of TLC. Very rea- sonable. S1S/4SS-I397. I FULL TIME opening in my home. Must be toilet trained. 815/459 3663 LOVING MOM will babysit in my Hilltop Dist. home. IIS/344 0863. 20 . Sitters Available LOVING MOM will babysit in Cary home, full or part time; 312/639 1342. MOTHER JJF 2 will care for your child in McHenry home. US/344 3909. PRESCHOOL TEACHER, now Mom, will care for your child weekdays 815/344 477V. SLEEPY HOLLOW mom will babysit, full or part time. 312/426-7414. STARTING OCTOBER 1st pre school classes, Tufs. ft Thurs. mornings, cerjt.itied teacher, numerous activities offered 615/455-45*6. 'X WILL BABY sit for 2nd shift mothers, full time, part time, McHenry area. ref. avail. 115/344 2701 WILL BABYSIT in my Lake In The Hills home. Call 312/658 6943 WILL CARE for your child in my McHenry/Lakeland Pk. home, 615/344 4693. WILL SIT in my McHenry home, mon. Frl., 7 5:30 pm. Call Colleen 615/315 §519. WOODSTOCK: Starting Sept. 30, 2 mothers will provTde full ft part time daycare in Ig. farm home. Projects ft activi ties. All ages. 815/338-8969. 21 Sitters Needed CARING babysitter wanted in my Coventry home 2 to 3 days per week for a 3 yr. old ft a 6 mo. old. Refs. required. Please call 815/455 0033. CHECKING N.O.W. DEPT. CLERK Light typing, filing, customer contact, statement reconciliation, previous banking experience desirable. CONTACT SUE FLETCHER McHENRY SAVINGS BANK 1209N. GREEN, McHENRY 385-3000 •MriHENRl _ SAVINGSI BANK McHENRY RICHMOND HUNTLEY PROGRAMMING Systems & Programming Manager with the following background: Two years in programming on a D0S/VSE DB/DC environment. One year experience doing systems analysis. One year of supervisory experience. Thorough knowledge of COBOL IN BATCH & On-line using DL/1, CICS & VSAM Excellent benefits & salary plan. CONTACT MR. PETERSON 312/359-3300, Ext. 237 op°4'rt*rl Oca* ̂ to -K AO** d w*10 ^ tor 21 Sitters Needed Babysitter needed before school for 2 children. Crystal Lk/North Shore area. Own trans 615/459 5621 CHILDCARE steady, 2 3 times a week, my Harrington Hills home. 2 Children, own trans., references a must 312/658 2262 IF YOUR'RE a loving mom or granny with lots of loving care to share, I need you in my Lake In The Hill home, to share It with my 2 ft 4 yr. old sons. Tues. ft Thurs., hrs., 11,30 AM to 1:30 p.m.? Must enjoy kids ft be dependable Please contact me at 312/658 3399Jietween 8^a.m. ft 7 p.m. LOOKING FOR NANNY to love ft care for our I year old girl ft 2 1/2 year old boy In our Sunnyslde home. Hours: 6:45 5:30 Monday Friday. Call 815/344 5386. RELIABLE BABYSITTER for 2 boys, II ft 3 years in my McHenry home. Frl., Sat. ft Sun. nights. Perhaps some weeknlghts. 815/315 3034. GENERAL MAINTENANCE FULLTIME Monday ,Through Friday Call Phil For Interview CRYSTAL LAKE IMPORTS To^vw 815/459-7100 21 Sitters Needed 12 Help Wanted RELIABLE. Responsible per son to babysit Frl ft Sat eve nings In my Woodstock home Near St Mary's. Call 615/338 0951^ SITTERS NEEDED Thurs AMs for church group Reliable person with own transp preferred. Refs req 615/459 5272 after 3 pm TEMPORARY (Appro* 10 weeks) babysitter wanted to put 5 year old on school bus in AM ft for new born child McHenry. Will come to your home. 815/315 5742. 22 Help Wanted CARPENTERSVILLE JANITOR Needed for large apartment complex. $4 00 per to start Full benefits. Applications accepted Mon • Frl., 9 to 12 at Fox View Apartments. 3 Oxford Rd. Apt. 14. 312/428-7771 RESUMES Job Placement Diane's Business Service 615/455 6665 TV TECHNICIAN Part or Full Time Best TV 312/658-9588 SILK SCREENER WANTED Some U Z Ink experience preferred Good starting salary. Medical ft dental in surance Call for an appoint ment. 815/344-4420 AVON IS BETTER Than Ever! Venture Into the world of sue cess! For a limited time only 15 tostart Call 615/330 6349 LIMITED TIME ONLY! Start your Avon Business (or as little as %S 00! 815/459 5757 TAKING APPLICATIONS tor full time help for lawn care. IB years ft older. Call 615/3S5 4S47 after 7 pm. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Wanted to secure listings for expanding firm Generous commissions. Some leads pro vided. Call Mr Kaplan. 312/639 2000or 615/455 4700. SECRETARY EXECUTIVE Headquarters for national chain of retail stores seeks dependable person with good secretarial skills. Word Processing a plus, but we will train. Must have professional phone presentation and organizational ability. We offer an attractive and friendly work atmosphere. Excellent starting salary & company benefits. Please phone Fran at 312/697-0113 for interview appointment, or send resume to GMOC PO Box 540 Elgin,IL 60121 aily Sentinel Routes Available Hebron Mead Ave., Church St. 8t Main St. Area $15 Proflt/29 papers Harvard Brink St., Marengo Rd. & Admiral Dr. area $22.00 profit/42 paptrt Harvard Brainard St., Ayer St. & W. DisslnsSt. Area $14 Proflt/26 papers Wonder Lake Algonquin Dr., Mohawk Dr. & Oak St. area $20.00 profit/36 paptrt Wonder Lake Wonder Lake MacArthur Dr., Patton Dr. & Summervllle Ave. area $19.00 profit/37 paptrt Bayview Dr., West Shore Dr. & Wonder Lake Dr. area 20 paptrt McHenry Myang Ave., Old Oak Dr. ^ & Sterling Dr. area $10.00 profit/17 paptrt Wonder Lake Woody Tr., Acorn Path & W. Sunset Dr. area $23.00 profit/44 paptrt Wonder lake Birch Dr., Center Dr. & Hancock Dr. Area $16 Profit/31 paptrt McHenry High St., Anne St. & Timothy Ln.area $10.00 profit/17 paptrt Woodstock Walrose Estate & Country Club Rd. Area $7.92 profit/30 paptrt Call circulation 338-1600 •9fc nORTHWEST HI nEWSPAPERS