Page 4 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Tuesday, September 17,1985 mm--ma Community McCullom Lake: Gates is ready helper Dewey shares ministry Community Calendar Southern belle Donna Houtchens married the handsome soldier Glenn Gates July 2, 1966. Donna lived in Louisville, and Glenn was stationed at Fort Knox. They came to reside as man and wife in the village in November of that year and pur chased Glenn's grandparents home. .•.You may remember Art and Maude Stulfier, and the paper "Pic- Dawn Miller 385-4901 / • torial Newsletter" that Art owned and publlished. Lots of remodeling has been done to the house since then. The Gates have four children; Glenn, age 15, Roger, 14, Brian, 10 and Diana, seven. Donna is always busy getting involved when the call for help goes out such as on the baseball and soccer teams. < Donna was one of the first ladies to organize and form the Beach Gals in the fall of 1972. As a matter of fact, she is the only original charter member left. She has served as president, secretary and treasurer through the last 13 ygars, along with chairing many of the^vents. Donna had worked at Valley View School for two years as a playgound aid. She now drives a bus for Pio neer. Her hobbies include writing, reading and bowling. She has been writing a book and hopes to have it iblished one day. Donna says it iter out of trouble. A few weeks ago, Donna had some surgery and is still recuperating. We wish her well and hope that you all have enjoyed getting to know her. LADIES OF THE LAKE Twelve members attended and en joyed the meeting Thursday Sept. 12. This was the night of the annual Surprise Package Auction. The ladies discussed their Hallow een party, which will be held at the Oct. 10 meeting. Each member is to dress up. If not dressed in costume, president Barb Reiter stated that there will be fines to pay. The ladies have a "mystery." At the August picnic at the beach, Dorothy Weber came home with an extra set of keys. They were dropped into the outside pocket in her purse. Does anyone know about this? Cake was enjoyed by all which was Drought by Annie Lehnert. See you next month, trick or treat, and the treats will be cider and donuts. FAMILY RUNNERS A1 and Lottie Kopczyk must be awfully proud of their children. Two of the four are runners. Mitch and sister Sue ran in the Run for Poland > 10K race Sunday, Sept. 8. Mitch came in first place in his age catego ry and Sue came in first place in her age category. Congratulations Kopczyks. BOARD MEETING Our finance trustee, Joan Beck was absent from the Sept. 10 village board meeting. She missed approv ing the full page of bills we had. During communications, it was stated again that the beach was sat isfactory. David Pedigrue from the McHenry County Health Depart ment attended. The board is consid ering letting the county do our septic permits and so David explained the procedure. Now the board will have to go over all the information and make its decision. During police reports for the month of August, it was learned that 1,637 miles were put on the squad car along with 64 citations being issued. Our newest officer, Luns- mann has successfully completed his 120-day probationary period. There were septic complaints again during health reports. Resi dents, you have to understand that not all septic systems can accommo date laundry. There are many of us who travel to town to do the laundry. It saves on the septic system and our neighbor's noses. Vandalism was done again to the beach house. Someone got fancy, painting the back of the beach house. Also some of the playground equipment is for the small children, so let's leave it that way. Remem ber, we were all small at one time. The next meeting is Sept. 24. Plan on attending and meeting your offi cials who govern the village. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Judy Pendleton, cele brating Sept. 19; Diane Michels cele brates Sept. 20; Julie Mass shares Sept. 22 with Sergio Martini; and Mike Mazur toasts in another year Sept.23. Many happy days to all for the entire year. ANNIVERSARIES Anniversary wishes are extended to John and Chris Larson, sharing 16 years of marriage Sept. 20; and Rich and Angie Wolf celebrate an other year of togetherness Sept. 23. Tim Dewey of Nashville, Tenn. will be sharing his ministry of sing ing and preaching at Maranatha As sembly of God. 1309 Court St., Mc Henry, Sunday, Sept. 22, at 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m., the Rev. Larry Thompson has announced. His distinctive vocal music, along with powerful gospel preaching, has won him entrance into churches from Coast to coiist in the United States, Canada and Latin America, as well as concerts in fairs, colleges and conventions. The Deweys also have been ac tively involved in mission 'work for many years. With of family and friends, they have financed the building of churches in Central America, and everyone will hear first hand what is happening in other countries. TIMDEWEY Learn How to listen For thp Past year McHenry High School faculty has been focusing on listening as an emphasis with their students. Working with the adminis tration in the leadership of this pro gram is East Campus speech and English teacher, Beverly Aweve. Aweve, a member of the Interna tional Listening Association, has re cently returned from the ILA's an nual Summer Conference held at Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minp. At the ILA conference Aweve made a presentation on the activi ties taking place at McHenry high school. During the 1984-85 school year MCHS was involved in several listening activities. These included a speaker at one of the district inser- vice meetings, participation by three faculty members attending a State Board of Education workshop on Listening, and a faculty work shop put on by the MCHS staff re garding listening ideas which could be implemented in teachers' class rooms. The approach MCHS used was well received by ILA members. One response was, "MCHS is a mod el school; the fact that your efforts a r e a c r o s s t h e c u r r i c u l u m i s unique." Aweve pointed out suggestions to parents that help them to see rea sons "&hy they don't listen effective ly, and ideas they can follow to help them listen better. She pointed out several reasons that get in the way of skillful listening: 1. We're preoccupied and don't pay attention. 2. We make up our minds in ad vance, waiting to say "no." 3. We're angry at the child. 4. We let words upset us. 5. The story or explanation is too long. 6. We listen for bits and pieces of information. 7. We jump to conclusions. f 8. We interrupt. 9 . W e e n g a g e i n s e l e c t i v e perception. 10. We misunderstand because wo r d s h a v e d i f f e r e n t m e a n i n g s f o r different people. Suggestions which parents can fol low to help them listen betters 1. Realize that listening takes real effort. i 2. Look at the child when s/he is speaking to you. 3. Turn off feelings as much as possible and listen with an open mind. 4. Don't jump to conclusions until you have heard the child out. 5. Separate fact from inference. 6. Listen between the lines to hear what is not being said. 7. Pay attention to the feedback you provide. Anyone interested in more infor mation regarding listening may con tact Aweve at McHenry High School East during the regular school day. SEPTEMBER 17 McH. Area C of C-Retail Council Mtg. 7:30 a.m.-Whale's Tail. WOTM-Business Mtg.-8 p.m. - - Whispering Oaks Garden Club-Reg. Mo. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Comm. Ctr. SEPTEMBER 18 Day of Recollection-Sponsor, St. Patrick's Ladies Guild-Parish Hall 9 a.m. Family Serv. & Comm. Mental Health Ctr. For McH. Co.-Bd. of Directors Mtg. 7 p'm.-McH. Office--4302-G W. Crystal Lk. Rd.-Open To Public. SEPTEMBER 19 League of Women Voters-Bd. Training-Home of Cindy Swartzloff-1503 W. Morgan Tr., McH.-All Members Welcome. 385-3908. . UMW Gen. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Tea-First United Methodist Ch. Catholic Daughters-Mo. Mtg. l:30p.m.~Liberty Hall, McH. SEPTEMBER 20 Fish Fry-Dancing Music-McH. Moose Ldg. NAIM-St. Margaret Chapter-Reg. Mtg. 7p.m.-Cards. SEPTEMBER 22 Peace Sundav-Mt. Hope United Methodist Ch.--1015 Broadway-Pistakee Highlands-Following 10:30 Service, Slide Presentation-Discussion-Potluck. Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets Post & Chapter 188--Joint Installation 2 p.m - Food & Music Follows-Liberty Hall-1304 Park St., McH. St. John's Walk-A-Thon -sponsored by St. John's Home and School Assoc., St. John the Baptist School Gounds-1 to 4 p.m.-pledges accepted -for more inform, call Linda at (312) 587-4378 or Kim at (312) 587-4378 SEPTEMBER 23 Lions Dinner Mtg. 7.30 p.m.-1304 Park St., McH. McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Mtg. 7p.m.--East Campus. SEPTEMBER 25 • - Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Luncheon Mtg.-Fashion Show-Comm. Ctr. 1 p.m. Cr~--~ T7 T'TTTTi?iTTTTTT;H7iTii>»1iDlMlM>: Make Your Grandchildren MILLIONAIRES IN 40 YEARS (Federal Tax-Free) For $16,300 each In A.G. Edward's* inventory on August 28, 1985, LaGrange, Ga. Housing FHA 12-1-25 Zero Coupon Bonds. Subject to call 12-1-93 at $38,950. Subject to prior sale. AAA Rated. fnc. Woodstock Exchange Building 231 Main Street, Woodstock (815) 338-2550 Remember April 15th? You felt the government was taking everything. * * 9.01% ••INSURED MUNICIPALS INCOME TRUST Insured* "AAA" Rated Tax-Free Income In order to equal this tax free current return ** you would hane lo recede taxable income equal to If your |oint taxable ' Your taxable equivalent income is. yield" is $25,000 12.18% $40,000 13.87% $60,000 16.08% • Units rated by "AAA" by Standard &r Poor'sf • Interest exempt from Federal Income Taxes • No redemption or management fee • No coupons to clip or call notices to worry about • Monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual distributions • Units in multiples of $ 1000 • Automatic reinvestment of dividends option •The terms of the insurance policy are more fully described in the prospectus, no representation is mid< it to the insurer's ability to meet its commitments The insurance does not remove the market risk since it does not guarantee the market value of the.units "This figure represents the net annual^jUeteSI income after annual eipenses. divided by the public tlfinni prices as ol September 13. 1985. It varies with changes in eithei amount and with the partic ular payment option. Portions ot this return may be sublet to state or local taxes (he rating is due (A an insurance policy issued by AM8AC Indemnity Corporation and relates only to units ol the Trust and not to the bonds in the portfolio A prospectus containing mo>e complete information about the IM II Trust. Series 151, including all chtigtt end eipenses. will be sent upon request Read it carefully before you invest Send no money This it neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any Units of the Trust The offer ing ol Units is made only by the Prospectus and only in those states which Units may legally be offered Sponsor: Van Kampen Merritt Inc. A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. -- InvwtmenU Since 1M7 SlfC 231 MAIN STREET WOODSTOCK, IL 60098 (815)338-2550 Please send me mora information on IM-IT, Insured Municipals Income Trust ' Name ---- -- Address. City State Home Phone. Business Zip My A. G. Edwards IB i» Office ! Who Find out here, October 1st. Jh • V