McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section a Wednesday, S«pt«mb«r II, IMS !•< ("Nation Reagan questioned on South Africa, summit BjrNonaaaD, talk about it with a smile. then," -I'm ; WASHINGTON -- President Rea i called his first formal news con- in three months Tuesday night to face questions on the ap-' preaching superpower summit, tur moil in South Africa and his rela tions with Congress. Reagan was expected to open with a statement hailing recent good news on the economic front, while using the opportunity also to warn Congress of the dangers of protec tionist trade legislation. In the midst of a propaganda war with Moscow and a series of skir mishes with restive lawmakers on Capitol Hill, Reagan met with aides [ to prepare for his half-hour, prime- time exchange with reporters in the [East Room. While meeting with his blue ribbon • commission on Pentagon spending [practices, Reagan fended off ques tions about Soviet charges that he is 'stirring up hatred" toward Moscow 1 in advance of his Nov. 19-20 summit with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorba chev In Geneva, Switzerland. "My response is that there's a press conference tonight and let's Reagan said saving every- His talks next week with Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard nadze and subsequent meeting with Gorbachev topped the list of issues confronting Reagan at the first for mal news conference he has held since his cancer surgery. * % Key among the questions raised in the pre-summit posturing by Wash ington and Moscow has been wheth er Reagan will go to Geneva deter mined to resist any curbs on his "Star Wars" missile-defense pro gram or signal a willingness to ac cept limits of some type in exchange for reductions in Soviet nuclear missiles. , Senior officials have acknowl edged disagreement within the ad ministration between Pentagon hardliners opposed to such compro mise and State Department officials who favor some sign of flexibility to break the deadlocked arms talks in Geneva that resume Thursday. The Soviet Union has accused Reagan of waging a ."hostile anti- Soviet campaign" that threatens to poison the atmosphere for the sum mit and doom the talk* to failure. The Soviets also denounced last week's test of a U.S. anti-satellite weapon as a dangerous "act of mili tarism" that could undermine the Geneva arms talks or the summit. The White House contends the al- U.S. hails test success By Richard C. Gross United Press International WASHINGTON -- A high ener gy chemical laser beam success fully destroyed a Titan booster rocket rigged to simulate a nu clear-armed Soviet missile in the first full-scale demonstration of the potential weapon as part of the "Star Wars" project, the Pentagon said Tuesday. "It was a success," said Lt. Col. Leon DeLorme, the spokes man for the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization. The test firing against the sec ond stage of the Titan I, which was upright on the ground, was conducted Sept. 6 at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M., the announcement said. legations are part of a "sophisticat ed Soviet public relations cam paign" leading up to the summit, largely aimed at public opinion in Western Europe. Reagan last held a formal, hour news conference on June 18. His prime-time appearand night was his first since his back- back bouts with colon and skin can cer during the summer . The warning was to be the latest step in a White House campaign over the last few weeks to spotlight the trade issue and blunt a drive in Congress to retaliate against other countries for a trade deficit that could hit $150 billion this year. Administration officials said that effort will intensify next week, as Reagan lays out a broad, new ad ministration trade policy and Con gress moves closer to passage of textile import quotas or other pro tectionist legislation that could face a presidential veto. , ̂ Senate moves toward 1! passing immigration llliL { ' B y E l m e r W . L a m m ! ^-United Press International WASHINGTON - The Senate, In its fifth day of debate on a long- awaited immigration measure, ££{moved Tuesday toward passing a aimed at stemming a rising of illegal aliens across U.S. ^ The controversial measure would J grant amnesty to hundreds of thou- QN sands of illegal immigrants now liv- Sfing in the United States. Among major issues still facing Senate was an already-defeated amendment that would let growers Low-Cost profit protection. Need tkat eeaipetitive eife? Ceaeard Syitea* give yoi thai aid aaek mk. YMil be ia year kaiMiag qakker whk Ceacord. They Mead with aay exisliaf Mraetare. 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IK. •ill letciiwtll, .uiltotiitJ h» tit wan- I rrdrrm ihn coupon .1 Ikc nlw aim a wni loupom loi itd«mpiion Void I ctottloi handling iltootlilKMH of uMtl where rvprnduifil. prohibited. or a have bee* complied mill hi you and returned liwd only in II S A , lit I four cutlomer Inwicet piovini pur terntoeinandPuenuRan • rantkrred C muit pay any talet ui Caah I MM (.oupontwHInolhehoiioetdil pretenied through oulude afenciei. broken or oihen who art not retail ditirthutort ol our merchandnc or tXH'l STORE COUPON lo retailer on pun ham ol BEER & WINE The amendment was offered a second time by Sen. Pete Wilson, R- Calif., after an earlier me with no limit on the number of foreign work- as was defeated 50-48. The landmark legislation, similar to bills that failed in the final days of the last two Congresses, is spoih sored bySen. Alan Simpson,^* Wyo., the assistant Senate Republi can leader. It seeks to stem the tide of illegal migrants into the United States by ^strengthening border controls and, '«f0r the first time, by imposing civil £ and criminal penalties against em- 'ployers who knowingly hire illegal !aliens. Penalties against employers of il- ' aliens, however, would not be during a one-year transi- i period. The bill also calls for granting 'legal status to otherwise law-abiding laliens who have lived and worked in United States continuously since gat least Jan. 1.1960. S An amendment by Sen. Edward ;Kennedy, D-Mass., to allow even <more illegal aliens to remain by J moving the cutoff date to 1961 was ited 65-26 last week. A House bill by Rep. Peter Rodi- D-N.J., would make the cutoff ate the beginning of 1962. The number of illegal aliens now in the United States is un- j with estimates ranging wide- from about 3 million to 12 million more. Attorney General Edwin Meese Congress recently that more 1 million Illegal aliens have apprehended at U.S. borders i year in the past three years. Employer sanctions, which spon- call the heart of the bill, have i opposed not only by employers, also by Hispanic groups and ^members of Congress who say sanc- may lead to discrimination st job applicants who may look -sound foreign. The Senate bill would authorize ly $1.7 billion, about twice what House bill would provide, for AMERICA'S DRUG STORE •Blanco *RosatoH •Lambrusco •poro 1750 Seagram's cooler Four, 12 ounce no returnM bottlesM^H •artits a. jaymes Win# cm •Old Style 24 Can Case Four. 12 ounce no return bottles •Regular •Light »L.A. 12-ounce cans vour Choice Osco Sale Price Your choice Oscc Sale Price •Miliar •Lignt Six, 12-ounce no-return bottles. 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