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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1985, p. 26

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olntMenfor : ' (Ibn.. ;-'i COMBINED SING Li DANCE, Sen*. 21 At 8: p,eh.. et the "Hyatt Roger OHeraHotei, mow. & MW Aw. In RosemonL npn-members,. $$ mm bers. More Info ci Page M NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Friday, September 20.19S5 _• j. Entertainment swa * M mm* r o V - : f *>• tr- .&tC Concerts INDULGE ME. Fridays and Saturdays at Butter- man's Restaurant, 321 Di­ vision St., Elgin. Reserva­ tions call 312/741-6100. DEL SHANNON/LOU CHRISTIE, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Shef­ f ie ld , Ch icago. (16 . Ticketron. HOLLY AND TOM STANFIELD, Sept. 21, and Sept. 28 from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. at the Old Courthouse Inn, Woodstock. LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL 50s and 60s test, Sept. 21 at 7 and 10:30 p.m. at the Holiday Star The­ a ter , Merr iv i l l e , Ind . $15.95. Ticketron or call 312/734 7266. JIM POST, Sept. 21 at 8:15 p.m. at the Woodstock Opera House. $11/$9. Call 815/338-5300. POCO/OZARK MOUN­ TAIN DAREDEVILS, Sept. 21 at the Vic Theater, 3145 N . Shef f ie ld , Ch icago. $11.50 advance, $13 at the door. Call 312/853-3636. PERRY COMO, Sept . 21 to 22 at the Riverside The­ ater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave . , M i lwaukee . Ticketron. LARRY GATLIN/GAT- LIN BROTHERS, Sept. 22 at 7:30 p.m. at the Holiday Star Theater, Merriville, Ind. $14.95. Ticketron or call 312/734-7266. PETER PAUL AND MARY, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. at the Holiday Star The­ a ter , Merr iv i l l e , Ind . $15.95. Ticketron or call 312/734-7266. PATTI PAGE, Sept. 28 at the Riverside Theater, 116 W. Wisconsin Ave.', Mil­ waukee. Ticketron. TOM PAXTON, Sept. 28 at 8:15 p.m. at the Wood­ stock Opera House.' $9/87. Tickets call 815/338-5300. RONNIE MILSAP,. Sept. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at the Holi­ day Star Theater, Merri­ ville, Ind. $14.95. Ticketron or call 312/734-7266. SPYRO GYRA, Oct . 4 a t 7:30 and U p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Sheffield, Chicago. $15. Ticketron. WOODY HERMAN, Oct. 4 at 8:15 at the Woodstock Opera House. $16/$12. Call 815/338-5300. JUDY COLLINS, Oct. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena B l v d . , A u r o r a . $16.50/$14.50/$12.50. Call 312/896-6666, ROBERT KLEIN, Oct. 5, at 7:30 and 11 p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Shef­ f ie ld , Ch icago. $15 . Ticketron. DAVID BRENNER, Oct . 12 at 6 and 9 p.m. at rthe Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. $18.50/S16.50/$14.30. Call 312/896-6666. ARLO GUTHRIE /JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oct. 16 at 8 p.m. at the Vic Theater, 3145 N. Sheffield, Chicago. $15. Call 312/853-3636. HAPPY TOGETHER featur ing the Tur t les , Grass Roots and Bucking- hams, Oct. 1Q at 8 p.m. at the Holiday Star Theater, Merriville, Ind. $14.95. Ticketron or call 312/734- 7266. Theater SPINOFF, to Sept. 29 at the Shady Lane Farm, Highway 20 West in Maren­ go. Showtimes Tues., Wed., Thurs, and Sat at 2:15 p.m.; Thurs.' and Fri. at 8:45 p.m.; Sat. at 7:1$ p.m. and Sun at 4:30 p.m. ticket Prices Sat, and $uh.,$9; all other shows $7.50. Call 815/568 7218. SLY FOX, through Oct. 20 at the New American Theater In Rockford. All seats reserved. More Info call 815/964-8023. RAT IN THE SKULL, Sept. 12 to Oct. 27 at Chica­ go's Wisdom Bridge The­ ater, 1559 W. Hdward St., Chicago. $1 .5 t i cke ts by phone, 312/743-6442. Group discounts available. CYRANO DE BERGE RAC, Sept. 28 et 8 p.m. at Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. $20.50/$18.50/$16.50. Call 312/896-6666. THE GOVERNMENT INSPECTOR. Oct. 14 ti Nov. 10 at. Chicago's Good man Theater, 200 $. Colum­ bus Dr., Chicago. Part of Goodman's 1985-86 Season .For subscription Info, call 312/443-3810. SEASON ' S GREET­ INGS, to Oct. 20 at the Body Politic Theater, 2261 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago. T icket in format ion ca l l 312/871-30000. MARK TWAIN TO­ NIGHT, with Hal Holbrook, Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd. In Aurora. $18.50/$16.50/$14.50, 'Call 312/896-6666. A CHORUS L INE, through Oct. 6 at Marriott's Lincolnshire Theater, Lin­ colnshire. $13/S24, Call 312/634-0200. CATS, Monday-Saturday at the Shubert Theater, C h i c a g o . $40/$35/$30/$'25/$ 1^.50. Ticketron or call 1-800-233- 3123! FORBIDDEN BROAD­ WAY, nightly at the Caba­ ret Continental, the Hotel Continental In Chicago. Call 312-321-0350. . PUMP BOYS AND DI­ NETTES, Tuesday-Sunday at the Apollo Theater ten­ ter, Chicago. $18.50/$21.50. Call 312/935-6100; SUPERSTARS '85 , Wednesday-Sunday a t Drury Lane South, Ever-, green Park. $7.75/$6.50. Call 312/770-4000 or 442- 8000. Dance JUDITH SVALANDER DANCE THEATER AN­ NUAL FUNDRAISER, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. at tne Becker Home in Wood­ stock. Call Monica Van Fleet at 815/455-2055, or Mary Brennan at 3 12/381- 8744 for more details. Vol­ unteers also needed. CHOREOGRAPHERS SHOWCASE, Sept 28' at 8 p.m. at'Fermllab's Ram­ sey Auditorium In Batavla. Features five Chicago dance troupes. $6, For more info and reservations call 312/840-3353. HUBBARD STREET DANCE COMPANY, Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. at the Rockford College's Meddox Theater. $35 Adults/ $30 students, senior citizens. 815/968- 5222. CHICAGO REPERA- TORY DANCE COMPA­ NY, Nov. 10 at 3 p.m. at the Paramount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. $15/$13/$11. Call 312/896- 6666. AMERICAN DANCE MACHINE, Nov. 23,24 at 8 and 3 p.m. at the Para­ mount Arts Centre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., Aurora. Nov. 23 tickets: $16/$14/$12; N o v . 2 4 t i c k e t s . $14.50/112.50/110.50. Classical OPERA SERIES, spon­ sored by the Crystal Lake Park District. $175 resi­ dents, $185 non residents for six operas, Including tickets, door-to-door trans­ portation via chartered luxury bus, and narration by instructor Marie Ann Vos. Begins Oct. 7, Call 815/459-0680 fdr details. ELGIN SYMPHONY OR- CHERSTRA season tickets for five concert series through Sept 30. Five con­ cert series, $42.50; Pop se­ ries start at $18. Student and senior discounts avail- le. All concerts at Hem- ens Audi tor ium. Ca l l 312/888-7389. NAUMBURG VOICE COMPETITION WINNER, Sept. 25 at Ravinia, Lake Cook Road In Highland Park. $14. Tickets avail­ able at park box office in Highland Park, or down­ town box office, 22 W. Mon­ roe Chicago. 1985 INTERNATIONAL BACH COMPETIT ION, Sept . 26 a t Rav ln la , Lake ' Cook Road in Highland Park. $14. Tickets avail­ able at the park box office Highland Park, or down­ town box office, 22 W. Mon­ roe Chicago. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, Oct. 3 to 5 df? Orchestra Hall, 220 S. Michigan, Chicago. Tickets $11.50 to $30, available at Orchestra Hall Box Office or call 312/435-8122. CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MOZART CONCERT. Oct. 10 to 12 at 8 p.m. at Orchestra Hall,' 220 S. Michigan, Chicago. Tickets $11.50 to $30, avail­ able at Orchestra Hall Box Office or call 312/435-8122. TRAVEL AND ADVEN­ TURE FILM SERIES sea­ son tickets on sale now at Elgin Community College through Sept 30. $15 for six, travelogues featuring filmed journeys of coun­ tries around the world. Call 312/741-3681 to order. THE DRAUGHTSMAN'S CONTRACT, Sept. 22 at 2 p.m. and Sept. 23 at 7 p.m. In Harper College's Build­ ing J, Algonquin and Ro­ salie Rds. in Palatine. $1.50 adults. $1 students with I.D. More Info call 397-3000, ext. 2552. BERTOLUCCI'S 'THE SPIDER'S STRATEGEM,' ' Sept. 26 at the 400 Theater, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chi­ cago. Part of Loyola Uni­ versity's Italian Film Fes­ tival. Free admfsslon. K ING OF HEARTS, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. at the Fermilab Auditorium In Batavla. $2 Adults, Chil­ dren under 12 50 cents. More nfo call 312/840-3353. ZEFFIRELLI 'S 'LA TRAVIATA.' Oct. 3 at the 400 Theater, 6525 N. Sheri­ dan Rd., Chicago. Part of Loyola University's Italian F i lm Fest iva l . F ree admission. ART INS UL'TY EXPO, -rr--m. . iTWTfIS'FAC- ti #.'**> • p.m., and Sept. I CAfc 29from 11 a.m,,totp.m. #t 2*et Sypie- the Kane' County Fair- "Sl'lVfi to Sept. 28 * rlor St. Gallery, J41 Superi ground^ St. QwNfc.83 per Folkslnger Jim Po$t Post's concert will help fund Defenders' projects CRYSTAL LARE -- Jim Post, folk singer and accomplished . guitarist, will perform a benefit concert for the Defenders at the Woodstock Opera House on Saturday, Sept. 21, beginning at 8:15 p.m. Local folk singer Megan McDonaugh, a former Crystal Lake resident, will begin the evening with a half hour of Ecology-related songs. Jim Craig, a perceptive Chicago singer/songwriter, says* of Post: "I watched him -- he was amazing. You know what he's doing? It's theater, it really is. It's just him and his guitar, but „ he turns it into theater." "The Defenders are pleased to offer two talented performers, Jim Post and Megan McDonough, for out benefit night at the Opera House," said Mike M'ontes, chairman of the Defenders fund-raising committee. "By purchasing a ticket to tht con­ cert, you are assuring your self a fun-filled evening and helping to support Defenders' local environmental action projects.",. Refreshments will be served after the concert in the Opera House Community Room. The Defenders will also .haVe- displays which will highlight many of its projects, including the' Spring Hill Farm Fen, the Huntley-Union Marengo Railroad Prairie and recycling. . 1 Tickets are on sale for $9 or $11 at the Woodstock Opera4 House Office; 338-5300, and the Defenders' office, 459-0450. Exhibits 'BASKETS", continuing at Ngfthern Illinois Unlver-, slty's Stevens Building . Exhibit of baskets from all areas of the world. Mu­ seum hours: Mon.- Frl., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tues 6 to 8 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.'m. to 4 p.m.; Sun, 2 to 4 p.m. Call 815/753-1936. JOYCE AYERS' AN­ TIQUE SHOW, Sept. 12 to 15 at Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee. Features furniture, glass and silver. Free admission. MCHENRY COUNTY CRAFTS SHOW, Sept. U and 15 at the McHenry County Fairgrounds, Wood­ stock. Admission $3 at door. Sat. 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Food also se'rvfed. Call 815/338-1707. GOOD SHEPHERD'S 'ART IN THE BARN' , Sept. 28-29 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Features 100 artists in rustic farm setting. HAROLD ALLEN, PHO- TOGRAPHER AND TEACHER, retrospective or ,S>t. Features work of photographer Bafb jErahjl and sculptor Pratt Nagel bach ' . .More In to 'ce l l 112/433 *703. ' , ,"TEXTU*fS," exhibl,t. of flbdr art and icolpture Sept. S tb Jl atlNorris Cul­ tural Arts Renter, 1040 bpnham.Rd., St. Charles. . Hours neon to 5 p.m. Mon- /Wed./Fri., noon fo 4'p.m. Sat./Senv Free. MOre Iftto •call 312/564-7200. ' REMBRANDT ITCH 1INGS, through Sppt.,29 at .the Milwaukee Public .Mu- Sfunit 80$ W. wdlls Str, Mil­ waukee^ More into, cell 312/943-921?.' ABSTRACT ARt/OlL COLLAGES BY CLARK gLL'ITHORPE. through Sept. 30 at tterpfer College, Algonquin end Ro»eile Roads In Palatlne.. ' ' DINOSAURS,. Field Mu­ seum of Natural History., iidren ender 1J free. F»«fi*4|**r|d9 aborts ment of craft items. , CRAFT F^mUSA; Sept 28 end 29 at the Wisconsin, State Fair Park. Hours to ejm. tMi. both days. Adults $2; chtldren *tx li'.SI.i .Perking ' Mere info catl 414/321' 4566. • V FARM FES­ TIVAL, Oct. 4 'to ,6 at the GaMieild' Farm, located 5 . pf . Geneva on and Oarfldltt Rd. " eMail* More t>30 et the Hyett Re­ gency OHere Hotel, 9300 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Rose* moot. Admission $6 non- members, $5 members. PAWNEE EARTH L&>GE, ongoing et the Field Museum of Neturel History, Chicago. Mon-Frl atl; Sat. at 11,11:45 a.m.; i; 1:45 ,p.m. Sun. open house l to 3p.m. No ticket* S i n g l e s i,i V> YOUNG. SINGLE PAR­ ENTS. , mee4»>ev ,dry Wednesday at the Elk* Ctub'tp Woodstock. Open to' all single parents 21 to 41. More info call 81S/6I3-3656. T SINGLES DANCE, every Sundey from 7:S0'to 16:30' p.fti. et Riptlde'e in Johne- burg, located 3309 N. Che Roosevelt, Road £nd Lake Shore,' prfve', Chicago. 312/922 ^410. CHINESE EXHIBITS, Field'Museum of Natr/ed) H>s*ofy„ Roosevelt Road and Leke .ShOlre'Orlve, Chi­ cago. 312/922-9410. ' Pel Hill Rd. Futures Hve NEW. COLOR/ N.E W OJS. Ajiefe jnWcall 815/385- W0RK EXHIBIT, tp Qc*. r . 12 at Chicago Museum,of tNRY B. 'N ' B Contemporary .Photogra- Sqoere'Dence Club Dance, .'phy.,'60lrS. Michigan. Moi'e Sept. 20 at JohnsbOCg Com- Info ca l l . 312 /669-1*00 , ex t W#Xtv» , »1S W. , 104. Admlssidn free. Hours,,. Church St., Johnsburg. Mon.- Pt\. 10 e.m. to $ Round daWdng • p.m;;, p'm.; Set. noon to 5 p.m. t Squere dancing 8:30 p.m. WORLD OF AGUSTIN No. par.tner neceslary.' VICTOR CASASOLA, SdpK More Iftfo cell 312/SM-0147, 12 to'Ndv. 3 at Field Mude- or 815/6J3-9324. um of Natural Histoty, Ay. INTERESTED SIN- Rooseve l t Rd . « t Lake- , Gt ES, .B 'N 'B . Square sHore' Dr. More fnfo cell Dance Club Invites you to ^2/322-MS9. ... . lolrt square dance lesson Wed. 10 p.m. at <'-l" t PLACE FOR WONDER, Ongoing at the Field .Muse­ um of Neturel History, Chi­ cago- Mon-Frl, 1 to 3 p.m.; Set-Sun 10 e.m. to noon. and!to3p.m. , STAR GAZING WITH METEOR MOUSE, every Saturday through Dec. 28 et 10 e.m. et Chicego's Ad- ler Plenetarlum, 1300 $. Lake Shore Dr. Adrpission $,1.50 per per spn. Miscellaneous M ELGIHCHORAL UNION AUDITIONS, held fer new ' end" rdturoma i*»e<nbaii» tiy appolntihehi at (fee s main campus. t^in<3 7389 for ap Ca MCHEf<R YCOU NT V SlHGLES 2NDt ANNl VER1 'PARTY, St^t.*42 at ETTE AUDITIONS, Sept 2 p'm. dt Coleman's County 23'tor community must- (hn, 7320. S. Rt. »Vm Crye 20 end over- Call - tat Lek«: 73W for • appoint- 815/455-1234. Information.-.; dans aiato mpntoeiridreInformation. AWARE S {SSW® SINGER AWOlTIONS.N'tdh, aiwfiueltt in Arllng- Sept. 23f at main .c^mplw . tdN Heights. $6 for non- for new end former mem- mertittrt. .'More Info cell bers. Cdll 312/88S-73W for Ji2^>7-W , • \ NEWBERRY LIBRARY TOURS, every W library, 60 W. Welton St. In Qilcago-' Call 943- 9090, ext. 256. . CHICAGO MUSIC EXPO, Sept. 20-22' *t the Contlnentel, 505 N. len Ave. Chicego. _ s showcases and. ilhaVs.. More Info call .31^27*4318. ' I ;-V; EIGHT ANNUAL. MAM MOTH MUSIC MART, Oct 2 to 7 et Old Orchard Cen- 1 ter Skokle. Free admission. Oct.3-4, noon-10 p.m.; Oc*. S-7, ll e.m. to 7 Pro- ceeds' benefit Les Turner Foundation. More info . Call j>12/67^-3311. LORD AND LADIES 'NAUTICAL NIGHT' SQUARE DANCE, Oct. 5 , from 8 to 11 p.m. at Kim­ ball Jr. High School, 451 McLeen Blvdi, Elgin. More; Info cell 312/742-91592, or 312/741-6697.' • * • >' - T : ? LORDS AND LADIES 'GHOST AND GOBLINS' SQAURE OANCE, Oct. 19 from 8 to 11 p.m. et Klfn- bell Jr. High School, 451 at {8:30.. 'M«Leen Blvd., Elgin. More Igb, More awar- S L A S T CNIC, Sept. Creek to Into ceil 312/742-9592 312/741-6687. or Museum TREASURES «•; exhibition et Northern I III-' nois University's. Swen Parson' Gallery through Sept. 29. Gellery hours Mon.- Frl., 9 e.m. to 4:30 .p.m.; Tues.- Wed., 7 to 9 p.m.; Sun- 1 to 4 p.m. Cell 81^/753-1936. Also feetures works of photographer Jim Stone. THE WORLD OF GRANDMA MOSES; through Sept. 22 et. the Le- kevlew Museum of 'Arts and Sciences, Peorle. Mere Info cell 212/323-3589. A f t TRIVIA FROM, INDIA „ HISTORIC.SITES, through Oct. 14 et Indi Museum and Mei 262 N. Alabama arfapoiis, ind. Call 317/231 1637. ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD TRIPS, Every Set. ^nd Sun. in Sept. 4nd Ott. et Chicago's Field Muieum of Neturel History. Cher- tered bus leaves museum et 9 a.m., returns 3:5:36 p.m. Fee$ v^ry. Cell 312/322-8855 for brochure listing offering!, timet, dates end fees. Festivals irn yimn n I fv t • laijd State SLEEPY +tc Adfndrtfeie. , 22 ef 2 jkm. St: In Indi- . 312/428-1962 « 49-3108, ELGIN StNOCCS: H I K E-T H R O PY HOLLOW, Call 312/4?8-»62 for tions. Che'es^ o fafterwerd*. . . ELGIN SINGLES PY HOUR AT O'SM > Sept. 26 |t 5 p.m. O*Shea's is located on Rte. 31 in South Eigiri. . ELGIN, S INGLES e i - • NOCHLE, Sept. 28, for those interested In starting e group. Cell Flora, et 312/695-9470, for detalje: ELGIN SINGLES OIN- ; NER AT RIVERS BEND, Cafy, Sept. 29 at 4 p.rti. »C Dancing to: live' bend fol- MVf et 7:30 p.m. Cell Flo- yaiT;Sl2/69S-947r tor ANNUAL HOLIDAY SPITAL1TY> TOUR) et tha McHenry Farigrounds, Wood- Fee tures tour of five . Falrgcourtds open to 3 p.m., home e-am' tos p.m. $6.; infor cell Virginle 6 et U5/33f-6544 OUR OF Y, Oct from College scenic county more MCC '3. Ion Of Oct. M mont (I- Nov. Ifl um. S9l Info cell 3] S. BAR- CIRCUS, et Rose Oct. 29 to 'cago Stadi; $7.50. More 7683. • COUNTRY' FESTIVAL FOLK A*T 28 from EO CLUB- SIN- ' JANICE BORGIA QUIN­ TET, Sept. 26 et 12:15 p.m. et Herper College's Bund­ ling P, Algonquin and Ro­ settes Roeds, Peletina. More Info cell 312/397-3000, ext. 2552. (

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