WHEELS Friday, Septem ber 20,198S Soction C SPRING FIELD- A 1953 Buick owned by Robert Williams of Chatham received the special Marquis award at /the 34th annual Secretary of State Antique Auto and Sports Car Meet in Springfield, Sec of State Jim Edgar said. "Mr. Williams' Buick was one of 243 excellent vehicles entered in this year's meet that resulted in some extremely tough competition and a good show for both p a r t i c i p a n t s a n d s p e c t a t o r s , " s a i d Edgar. The Marquis award, w h i c h h o n o r s a diffeent automobile manufacturer each year, heads the list of awards presented to five division winners and first, second and third place winners in 46 classes. " B e s t o f S h o w " division awards were presented to Joe Tex, Pana, 1910 Maxwell, Division One; Donald Henley II, Tovey.1927 Ford, Division Two; E v e r e t t B r a n n , Peoria, 1940 Lincoln, D i v i s i o n T h r e e ; G e r a l d B u r n e t t , C h a t h a m , 1 9 6 5 C o r v a l r , D i v i s i o n Four; and Chuck and S u e T u r n e r , S p r i n g f i e l d , 1 9 5 7 Herald photo by Steve MeUch '85 CIO FLEETSIDE PICKUPS OVER IS TO CNOtfU FROM 4.3 liter V-6 engine, 3 speed automatic, power steering, rear step bumper, P195/75R15 radial tires, spare tire, gauges, vinyl bench seats, dome lamp. ASTRO w CONVERSION VANS Self adjusting front disc brakes, fully sychronlzed 4 speed manual transmission, 1000 pound payload package, 1.9 liter 4 engine, P195/75R14 steel belted radial tires, AM radio. Completely loaded, cruise, power seats, power locks, stereo, couches. As low As As Low As ;; As Low SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 1967 PONTIAC 6T0 "GOAT" Memories! Memories! Memories! MUST SEE