^McM^N^YPLAINOEALER^^Ktlon^^ Community fCommision prepares'paper mountain' mch*N(«v *m*. •»§>** Ili The documentation for the Certified Cities presentation for the City / 5>f McHenry is displayed for the review of Certified Cities Commis sion members. The material will be delivered to Springfield in the two boxes (at end of table) bearing the Certified Cities emblem. Delivery is scheduled for the end of September. Over four feet of documentation is included in the presentation of busi ness, industry, and community facil ities for the city of McHenry. The Certified Cities Program is a self- assessment of a community. Docu mentation of all 21 categories of development are required by the Il linois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for this evalua tion process. This assessment of McHenry has been compiled by specialists in each of the fields of development within our community. Authors of each of the sections are: COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT; Kathy Marinangel (McHenry Sav ings Bank), with assistance from Bill Bolger (Director, Economic De velopment Commission). INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Kit Carstens (Wm. Tonyan & Sons), with assistance from Jim MacGilv- ray (Brake Parts). AGRICULTURAL DEVELOP MENT: Lee Brotcke (McHenry Sav ings Bank), with assistance from Chuck Weingart (President, McHen ry County Fair Association). GOVERNMENT MANAGE MENT: Barbara Gilpin (City Clerk), with assistance from Bill Busse (Mayor of McHenry). FIRE PROTECTION AND PRE VENTION: Wayne Amore and Chris B e n n e t t ( M c H e n r y F i r e Department). LAW ENFORCEMENT: Chief Patrick Joyce (McHenry Police de partment), with assistance from Commander Ray Donahue (McHen ry Police Department). HEALTH SERVICES: Paul Lau- dick (Northern Illinois Medical Cen ter), with assistance from Kathy Loehr (Northern Illinois Medical Center). AMBULANCE SERVICES: Paul Laudick (Northern Illinois Medical Center), with assistance from Bill Riggs (Northern Illinois Medical Center). LIBRARY SERVICES: Karen Kent (Library Board). CULTURAL ENRICHMENT: Adele Froelich (former editor of the McHenry Plaindealer). overwhelmed by the turnout. "It makes you fed dresses parents during the school's annual open good to know parents really care about what - - -- - happens at their child's school." (USPS 335-200) Good turnout Edgebrook School Principal Jim LaShelle ad dresses parents during the school's annual opei house Wednesday night. LaShelle said he was Airplane (continued from page 1) •mechanics and welding classes. ] "I plan on continuing in avia tion, with both flying and main- !tainence" Klappernich said. Danczyk said he plans to enter "the Coast Guard where he will 'concentrate on the flying aspect. ; Carlson noted that although •most of the students this year plan .to join the services, past students went on to college majoring in •related fields, like engineering. Cina said most of his first-year s t u d e n t s a r e m a j o r i n g i n engineering. ^Building the plane calls for a great deal of concentration and Expertise. Only one-sixteenth of an inch is allowed for error in align ment, he said. *- Chris Neumeier, junior, said she has enjoyed building the plane and would like to do it again next year. AN EDITION OF THE NORTHWEST HERALO Founded 1875 3812 West Elm Street. McHenry. Illinois 80050Tatephont: 815 385 0170; CircuMiM: 815 385-0178. Offka Horn: 8 a.m. • 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Published Monday through Friday except New Year's Day, Memorial Day. Independence Day. Labor Day Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Oay by Northwest Newspapers. Robert A. Shaw. Editor ind Publisher. Tkomt C. Miller Assocute Publisher; Donald J. Lyons Bureau Mintg int Editor »in McHenry County: By carrier. 50 cents a week, 1 year, by mail, $19 00 (Where carrier service not available only) Sutecripbaaiataaoutside McHonty County: 1 year by mail. $27 00 jr; Northwest Newspapers. Illinois Press Association. American Newpaper Publishers Association: Audit Bureau ot Circulation Second class postage paid at Crystal Lake. Ill 60014 rwlninita Send address changes to the Crystal Lake Herald. 7803 Pyott Road. P 0 Box 250 7 A.M. NO PAPER YET? SORRY! CALL C15-MS-017S FOR DELIVERY v DR. KENNETHT. R£iSER,D.C. McHENRY i CHIROPRACTIC CENTER . 4M1W. ELM (RTE. 120) McHENRY, IL. FREE SPINAL EXAM (X-RAYS ADDITIONAL, IF NECESSARY) 8 0UT0F10 HUN0ISANS WILL HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEIR BACKS SOMEDAY. WITH YOUR LUCK, HOW DO YOU FIGURE YOUR CHANCES? PINCNED NERVES CAN DESTROY YOUR HEALTH! KNOW THE DANGER SIGNALS INSURANCE CASES ACCEPTED WHERE APPLICABLE • MEDICARE • W0RKMANS COMPENSATION . • GROUP • AUTO ' CONTOUR ANALYSIS PHOTO - DANCER SIGNALS OF PINCHED NERVES: I. Headaches, Dizziness 7. Neck fain. Tiflit Muscles Spawns 3. Shoulder Pain, Pain Down Arms, Numbness in Hands 4. Pain Between Shoulders 5 Lower Back Paw, Hip Pain, Pain Down Lags IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS, CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT. (815)344*1025 PARKS AND RECREATION: Pete Merkel (Director, City of Mc H e n r y P a r k s & R e c r e a t i o n Department). TRANSPORTATION FACILI TIES: Gary Schaefer (Northern Illi nois Planning Commission). HOUSING FACILITIES: Dave Gelwicks (Essex-Costello Real Estate). WATER SUPPLY FACILITIES: Bill Bolger (Director, Economic De velopment Commission). WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT: Gene Hester (Chief Operator, wastewater Treat ment Plant). SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: Tom Scolaro (McHenry-Woodstock IR POLLUTION HEALTH AND SAFETY: Jim Rulseh (Modine Manufacturing Co.). EDUCATION AND EMPLOY MENT TRAINING: Sandy Pierce (RAE Corporation). FINANCING DEVELOPMENT: Tom Bolger (President, McHenry State Bank). COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRI AL ATTRACTION: Ron Bykowski (Century 21 Care Real Estate). TOURISM: Fran Olsen (Execu tive Director, McHenry Area Cham ber of Commerce), with assistance from Joan Schwegel (Chairman, McHenry Planning Commission). NARRATIVE WRITERS: Jim Sailors and Connie Hart (McHenry County College). This assenbling of community in formation is the first part of a two- part evaluation process. The second part will be a visit to McHenry by a Certification Team from Springfield. A complete tour of the McHenry area and all its devel- 3>ment related facilities will be in-uded in the itinerary for this team of judges. WHO CAN PROTECT YOUR DODGE AMD YOUR GARAGE? CHUCK LEWANDOWSKI 1212 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, IL 315-2304 i „• \ V Your AiMricM Family insurance agent has af fordable coverage for alll your family Insur ance needs. Insure your car, home, family, and business • under one roof, your American Family insurance agent gives you a Personal Insurance Review, so you can count on cover age that's right for you. You get security and convenience, too Obituary Edward Rossdeutcher 0 Edward L. Rossdeutcher, 74, of 4511 N. Elmleaf Dr., McHenry, died in his residence, Thursday, Sept. 19, 1965. Mr. Rossdeutcher was born Aug. 14, 1911 in Volo, the son of Charles and Louise (Drach) Rossdeutcher. He was educated at St. Peter's Cath olic School in Volo. He moved to Chicago and became a manager at Bowman Dairy for more than 30 years. He retired in 1974 and returned to McHenry in 1979. He was a member of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Survivors Include his wife, Laura (Miller) Rossdeutcher, whom he wed on Jan. 18,1964 in Chicago; two daughters: Mrs. Peggy (Jim) So- beski of Arlington Heights and Mrs. Ginger^Vaughn) Paessler of Hano ver Park. Five sons: Lawrence (Ma ria) Rossdeutcher of Sycamore; Bob (Jean) Rossdeutcher of Arlington Heights; Ralph (Rosalyn) Freund of Chicago; Gene (Jean) Freund of East Troy, Wis., and Marvin (Joan) Freund of Bloomlngton, Minn. Grandfather of 20, great-grandfa ther of 21. Brother to Adeline O'Leary of Volo and Sister Martha Capeller oi Chicago. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Margaret, on Sept. 21, 1962, and by seven brothers and three sisters. Visitation will be Friday, Sept. 20, after 4 p.m. at the George R. Justen and Son Funeral Home, McHenry. Funeral Mnss will be at 10 a.m., Saturday. Sept. 21 at St. John the Baptist Church. Interment will be at St. Mary's Cemetery, Evergreen Park, IU. Simple ReMtf of 1 iwMhw, Hmmfto--, H--I Pain, Warti, In-grown Nigs |porti MUatlw, lam lnypcy, CiMum, Conn, foe! luimy A FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. Martin Marks 1311N. firm, McHaary For Faat RaHaf CaH Today. 385 5669 You' VEGO A FRIEND AT AMERICAN FAMILY. ummmrAmmi m (formerly Johnny Murphy's) 1211 N. River Rd. McHenry, IL (815)385 2014 UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP ALL NEW -- MENU mmmammmm BREAKFAST WITH A FRIEND rmbm rDFr BREAKFAST • IfEEi ENTREE WITH PURCHASE OF RREAKFAST ENTREE AT RES. PRICE MON. THRU SAT. • 7 AM T011 AM (FREE MEAL MUST BE OF EQUAL OR LESS VALUE) (OFFER VALID THRU FRI. SEPT. 27, 1985) HUCKLEBERRY INN COUPON ----• Plaindealer photo by Eddy Montvllle McH MDRUG GOOD THROUGH 9-23-85 MIT I TO I SAM tl I SWAT (SURE) I TO 7MI SVNU! (NURIMCT) 0 !• Sfi tft RtSCRVE TIKRIONT TO LIMIT MARTITKS. PRICIS N (FFtCT WNMIMNJITKSUST PNARMACT (019) 1094420 112?«. RIVIRSI0C OR. MCaiHRV PEPSI -PEPSI FREE -DAD'S SLICE-MT. 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