Page* NORTHWEST HERALD SectianB Monday, September 23.1985 / I HATE WALKING ^ ( I PICK OP &OGS By Jim l>a\is ANP LfTTLt fl06S WITH SHARP TEETH By Charles >1. Schulz T7iI Peanuts % MY BROTHER IS 60IN6 TO BE 60NE TMIS AFTERNOON J | I HAVE TO BEA6LE-5IT' By Art Sansom The Born Loser I KNOW 60METHIM6? ^WTWOOWi Frank and Krnest B.C. By Bob Thaves PUNNIN6 TH15 *HlP Woulp A pi^Ni£ IF IT WEREN'T Fof* ,V4. THe IPVfRf' cpuAPFELf! THAVES Bv Johnny llart DotaJTrtMiTsRietfr THAT Trie CLUB CWNeK WS VCOR KCCKie G3UA#cTE#5»SCK ICC? TIMES WHAT HE fft/S t*J f He/, FISM-FWCE / GOT A M1AJ0TE P . CAN WE eer tke mm OF THE QUARTERBACK? TMATSUP To THE CWN6K euf^E.1 COACA Wizard of Id ifcxieor/MeoFPf frt ...toUf2 7W£. cot&ecurm up^ ^NTjZHCeZAfte howcohcu&ZKT! By Braiit I'arkcr <JC Johnny Hart • " ' • • '; v 1 K<M> m Kek and Meek Bv llou ie Sehneider ?7 ^HK>MVBABV...NO,Slfc. I POUT MEAfO M^E£.,. SOU AOD/wompuc. GOTIIOG ALOOG all right ? MW...WD StUGtVG AllOCUED.. afywiUv? \lley Oop Bv Dave Oraue ( S H E S A I D T H I S C O I N , I F S P E N T V^WISELY, WOULD BECOME MANY.' tt£==*^ JOTLY PURSUED BY UJDELLA'S GUARDS, ALLEY OOP. TOKO AND PRINCE THOMAS DASH FOR THE CASTLE GATES! HEY. THE COIN SPLIT WHEN IT HIT THE GROUND; »T BECAME TWO COINS.' _ AND THOSE ] SO THAT'S SPLIT, TOO! J WHAT SHE MEANT.' Bugs Bunny X WANTT It BOWWOW J D0N7 KNOW, IW.FUDD, EN0U6H MONEY1D BuV VOUC CFEPfT iSNf SEEDS FOR NEXT >£AR5 VgRV CrOOD. CAWWOT CWOP By Warner Bros. I'LL HAVE TO TALK WE SAVS WE LL. GLVE WITH OUE BANK Vou ONE MOEE CHANCE PE£SID£NT. &ANK For Better or Worse Bv Lvnn Johnston MlCHA£L,y00 LEFT SOCKS OM THE PUW flQRlMl MICHFTE-L, DO YOU heap, MB'? l-H'HIilill'TTii'miiiD ASTRO GRAPH .1 i.uii.11 Ji-iim Make the most of opportunity qfour (Birthday Sept. 23,1M5 What you already have going for you is better than you think. It will prove re warding in the year ahead if you make the most of it. Don't implement changes for change's sake. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Although your intentions good today, you may \lack the follow-through needed to honor commitments you make to others. Make your word your bond. Trying to patching up a romance? The Matchmaker set can help you understand what it might take to make the relationship work. To get yours, mail $2 to Astro-Graph, c/o this newspaper. Box 1846. CiiKihhati, OH 45201. / SCORPIO (Oct. 24-NOV.22) It could prove wise today not to mix socially with an individual who has been previously deceitful. This person is still as wily as ever. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Oec. 21) Be ex tra mindful of your possessions today if you have to go to an unfamiliar part of town. Put your packages in the trunk and lock your car. CAPRICORN (ON. 22-Jan. 19) This is not a good day to tell tall tales or exag gerate your accomplishments. An unbe lieving listener might pin you down and make you attempt to verify your statements. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Do every thing you can today to help the deserv ing. but. by the same token, keep your guard up so that you're not taken in by one with devious motives. PISCES (Feb. 29-March 20) Be careful today not to be drawn into the compli cated affairs of a friend, especially if he or she has a financial problem. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Someone ..;.k whom woiiVa nrps#»ntlv acauainted might be less than he or she pretends to be Evaluate your associations carefully so you won't be misused. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) A person on whom you're depending may not be in a position to assist you today. Don't make him or her feel unduly embarrassed. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Be extra pru dent and cautious in investment situa tions today. Don't jump into anything where the facts can't be verified. CANCER (June 21-July 22) A business associate may say yes today to some thing you request just to get you off his back. However, he's not apt to follow through. . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Unless you're ab solutely sure you know what you're talk ing about, it's best today not to give oth ers instructions on how something should be done. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Financial de cisions shouldn't be made today without knowing what it will cost you in dollars and cents. Do some homework before spending. w HEALTH B y D r . L a w r e n c e E . L a m b , M . D . , N e w s A m e r i c a S e t v i c e Hearing loss and ear noise bother "T By Dr. Lawrence E. Lamb DEAR DR. LAMB: I have a sound in my left ear, and my doctor says there is no cure for it. He sent me to an ear doctor and be said the same, also that I have only 45 percent hearing in my right ear. I went to the dentist and he said my teeth are OK. Is there no cure? Sometimes at night I can't stand it and then I get a headache that lasts all day. It feels like someone hit me on the top of the head. I press the top of my head and it feels like there is a bruise. DEAR READER: Ear noise is a common problem. It frequently ac companies hearing loss. Even if a per son doesn't know there is a hearing loss, testing often reveals it. Sometimes that is because the hearing loss is in high-frequency ranges that do not involve the frequency range of nor mal conversation. When the hearing loss can be cor rected it often corrects the ear noise, too. So it is important to know what kind of bearing loss you have, and if it can be corrected or not. If you can be helped with a properly fitted hearing aid, that may give you relief. Ear noises are often more annoying at night because everything is quiet and you will notice them more. If you will sit in a very quiet room during the day you will notice this, too. For that reason some background noise at night often helps. You can tune your FM radio between stations and let the background noise help, or you can use other sources of constant sound. It may help you sleep. I have discussed this common pro blem in more detail in a recent issue of The Health Letter, Special Report 51, "Ear Noises (Tinnitus)"which I am sending you. Others who want this issue can send 75 cents with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope for it to me in care of this newspaper, P.O. Box 19622, Irvine, CA 92713. Headaches are not part of ear noises, except for the nervous tension tinnitus may cause. The combination of headaches and ear noises suggests that you also need an evaluation by a neurologist. There could be a common cause that is unrelated to your hearing loss, and you need to have that check ed. DEAR DR. LAMB: My 25-year-old daughter has always had a boil every so often at the base of her spine. I treated her with home remedies, hot soaks and bread poultice until she join ed the working world as an office worker. When she was 20 doctors diagnosed it as a pilonidal cyst. It was removed surgically but within two months a boil occurred again. The doctor lanced it and gave her antibiotics. Now after four years it occurs almost every month. Can you help? DEAR READER: That Is a birth defect. Many people have such a cyst and it never bothers them. In other cases it ge(s infected and becomes a boll. It occurred so often in Jeep drivers in World War II that it got the name," Jeep driver's disease." The bumpy ride was believed to have ir ritated the cyst and caused the infec tion. It was also learned that keeping the area free of hair by shaving, and abolutely clean, helped. Hair tends to grow into the cyst below the surface of the skin, and starts the infection. Some of these have sinuses in the tissues. If the area is removed surgically the sinuses have to be in jected so they can all be seen and all removed. I suspect that some hair got into the healing wound after surgery. Have your daughter see a surgeon and learn about the possibilities of trying to remove all the Involved area so she won't have future problems with it. YRIGHT 1985 NEWS AMERICA NDICATE CROSSWORD BARBS ACROSS , ! 1 French women (abbr.) 5 Hit or - 9 Nettle 12 Farmyard sound 13 Greek coin 14 Crime 15 One of an ancient race 16 Sinewy 17 Conceit 18 Fooled (si.) 20 Most aged 22 Mrs. Peron 23 Black bread 24 Fireplug 28 Indian weight 32 3, Roman 33 -- degree 34 Japanese sash 35 Environment agency (abbr.) 36 Retirement plan (abbr.) 39 Married 40 Betray (si.) 42 Artlessness 44 Rage 47 Island (Fr.) 48 Polar region 51 Courage 55 Debtor's note 56 Particle, as of dust ' 58 Wood instrument 59 Small spot 60 Enthusiasm 61 Lord 62 Netherlands commune 63 Paving stone 64 Hauling wagon DOWN 1 Female parents 2 Bearing BRIDGE •„S ln~r(eoml>.;; ,, form) ' * long pin 5 Caustic 6 Nigerian tribe 7 Profound sleep 8 Craftily 9 Words of under standing (2 wds.) 10 Prepares 11 Gnarl 19 Author Hunter 21 Young socialite, for short 24 Speeds 25 Cry of pain 26 Control 27 Slender 29 Sewing machine inventor 30 Sanction 31 Midway attraction to Previous Pu 'I' TBT" Phil Pastpret Fairy tale for grownups!" Once upon a time a tour-bus passenger had a seat from which he could see the scenery described by the bus driver. Any day now you can expect to hear that the used car you're looking at was driven by a geisha doling her teij- making breaks. Q & A 37 Apparel 38 Wing (Fr.) 41 Lighted 43 Rejected 45 Icy coatings 46 French school 48 Military assistant 49 Quarter acre 50 Pretty 52 Construction beam (comp. wd.) 53 Tree snake 54 Slippery 57 Make lace r 10 11 r 1. Where is the Lyndon Baines Johnsoi) Library located? (a) Johnson City, Texas (b) Washing ton, D.C. (c) University of Texas at Austin 2. Which of the following rulers of France was known as the Bald? * (a) Charles I (b) Eudes (c) Lothair p 3. Who invented the mercurj thermometer? (a) Galileo (b) Celsius (c) Fahrenheit J I ANSWERS a £ «' I By Jim Berry-Berry e World FRESH FISH Without PCBs is extra.' 48 49 SO I ss 59 62 (c) 1985 by NEA. Inc B y J a m e s J a c o b y N e w s p a p e r E n t e r p r i s e A s s o c i a t i o n South left hanging high nRE-SOO USTfeNlNG^ OOH,BFLBV VR-VEAFIHH OOOn VflRH YEFLRT-H-H When the opponents open the bid ding at the nasty level of four or five, you will need good judgment. You will also have to hope that your partner won't hang you for doing the right thing. At rubber bridge, your non-vulnera ble right-hand opponent (RHO) opens with five diamonds. If you're like me. you bid five spades. Now North erro neously believes that since you bid at the five-level, you must have 11 tricks and that A-K-Q of clubs are icing on the cake. If you don't already know it, make a note right away that a game bid oyer an opponent's pre-empt usu ally Weeds whatever help the Compan ion hand can give it. Be glad that you've got some tricks when partner decides to bid a game in the dark. West led the king of hearts. Despite the absurd bid by North, declarer had some chances, but bear in mind that he had a much stronger hand than he might have held to bid five spades un der the pressure of East's pre-empt. If both black jacks come down, South would actually make a grand slam. First he tried trumps Alas, West had four to the jack. What now? The an swer is that declarer must engineer four heart discards on dummy's clubs to make the slam. There's only one club combination to allow that -- J-x- x-x in West's hand. Declarer finessed dummy's club 10. which held, but West had only three clubs to the jack. West trumped in on the fourth club and cashed the queen of hearts for down one NORTH 1-M-tS • 9 V8 6 3 • 7 4 2 • A K Q 10 6 4 WEST EAST • J 8 4 3 • 2 » K Q J V 10 2 • 6 5 3 • A K Q J 1 0 9 8 • J 9 2 • 8 5 3 SOUTH • A K Q 1 0 7 6 5 V A 9 7 5 4 • --- • 7 Vulnerable: North-South Dealer: East West North East South 5 4 Pass 6 • Pass Pass Pass | Opening lead: V K A