Page 4 McHENRY PLAINDEALER Section A Monday, September23,1915 Community t Toast masters compete MR. & MRS. WILLIAM BRUCE Wed 60 years The former Henrietta Fell and William J. Bruce were united in holy matrimony Aug. 29, 1925. They re sided in Cicero, 111. until 1948 when they became residents of McHenry. In 1962 Mr. Bruce retired from the Riviera Yacht Basin in McHenry, which he had founded and owned for 25 years. He is also the former own er of Bruce Marine in McHenry. The Braces have two sons, Wil liam H. and Kenneth R., both of McHenry and the present owners and operators of the marina; one daughter, Mrs. John (Irene) Horn of Fullerton, Calif.; 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. In commemoration of their sixti eth wedding anniversary, the couple was honored at a reception held re- centy for 35 guests at the Polish American Legion hall in McHenry. A special guest in attendance was Mrs. Brace's sister and maid of hon or, Mrs. Edward (Bernice) Thomas of Evergreen Park, 111. Hold annual canoe trip Saturday, Sept. 28, the McHenry County Chapter of Illinois Audubon will hold its annual canoe trip. Dwight Dalton, leader of this field trip, reports that the participants will canoe down the Sugar River, putting in at a point about 10 miles west of Beloit, Wis. The trip will last four to five hours. According to Dalton, the ca noeing is downstream and not stren uous. Most of the stream runs level with the banks, giving good views of wild life along the river. The only "bluff" aipefl is in the vicinity of the Super Star The 5-year-old daughter of Beaux and Denise Fidler of Mc Henry, Megan, received a tal ent award, was crowned Illinois State Super Star at a pageant in June and has a year of travel and excitement ahead of her. She will be an honored guest at the Second Annual Lake-Mc- Henry Stars of Tomorrow Re gional Preliminary Pageant Sunday, Oct. 27. r* •' ' "I'hV in'^' memo: ii UeM Call by 10 AAA to guarantee delivery of your hometown newspaper today! McHenry • 815-385-0178 Crystal Lake/Cary • 815-459-4040 Carpentersville - 815-459-4040 If you call after 10 AAA your paper will be delivered by your carrier the next day. CLIP AND SAVE nORTHWEST Tuesday evening, Sept. 17, the Crystal Speakers Toastmasters Gub of Crystal Lake hosting a Hu morous Speech and Evaluation Con test at Northern Illinois Medical Center. Advancing from the local club level, the dual contests covered Area A-l of District 30. With Carol Vavroch, Area A-l governor acting as toastmaster, the evaluation con test was presented in the fore part of the evening. Target speaker Pam Reynofrte Barrington Club No. 2236 titlecfner speech "Next Year I'm Going To" and gave the grounds for the con testing evaluators. Through her inci- teful observations and listening skills developed through Toastmas ters, Liz/Nolan won the evaluation trophy and will proceed to the Divi sion A contest at Fort Sheridan Oct. 10. The second part of the evening's program found the audience being regaled by contestants presenting humorous speeches. With a home spun delivery and comical gesticula tion Arlen Fowler of Crystal Lake Toastmasters won hands down with his "Save the Bugs" speech. He, too, will proceed to the division contest in October. Presentation of awards was made by Frank Guyer, District 30 Educa tion Lt. Governor. Other dignitaries of Toastmasters in attendance were Jerry Boehm, District 30 Governor., Pat Blanchard of Barrington, Area A-2 governor, Vance Bradford, Divi sion A lt. governor, George Ames, Division B lt. governor, Alyda Miller, district secretary and Carl Miller, past lt. governor. Toastmasters Inc. welcomes all who are interested in learning and pracUcing communication skills, de veloping the ability to speak before groups and in having a sense of camaraderie and social enjoyment. The local club meets at Northern Illinois Meelcal Center the second Saturday morning and fourth Mon day evening of each month. The welcome mat is always out, Awana starts AWANA is calling all Sparks, Pals, Pioneers, Chums, Guards and new this year, a JV program for 7th and 8th graders. The Awana Club, sponsored by the McHenry Evan gelical Free Church, is beginning a new year Wednesday, Sept. 25, at Valley View School. The meeting time is 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sand Bluff Bird Banding Station. Sugar River is considered one of the wildest rivers in Illinois, indicat ing that it runs through an almost pristine environment. If the group wishes, a stopoff may be made at the bird banding station which will be in operation at that time. Each group should bring its own lunch. Participants are reminded that life jackets are required by law. For further details and directions for reaching, the "put-in" point, call Dalton, 459-6069. Hold annual family fest McHENRY - The fifth annual Kamholz family fest was held Sun day, Sept. 15, in Veteran Acres park, Crystal Lake. This reunion is a gath ering of the descendants of the late Fred and Bertha Kamholz, formerly of McHenry. Traveling the longest distance were Marie Valentine Kamholz For- man and her son Paul Kamholz Jr. of California. Marie's presence marked the first time in almost 30 years that the Kamholz daughters- in-law (Anna, Helen and Marie) were able to be together* Also joining the clan were Robert L. Kamholz Jr. and his mother Hel en Kamholz, formerly of Cary. Rob ert is the graridson of Albert Kam holz, a half brother of Fred. He has been able to trace the family tree to a mutual great-grandfather Johann Kamholz in Germany. Perfect weather afforded the fam ily the opportunity to meet the youn gest great-great-granddaughter of Fred and Bertha, four-week-old Dana Michelle Wattman. Baby makes five Five generations got together recently for the above family picture. From left to right, standing, are the new mother Donna Lynn (Er- win) Haanpaa of Woodstock and grandma Sue (Low) Jette of Mc Henry, holding 3-month-old Dale Edward Haanpaa. Seated are great-great-grandmother Mabel Thomas who was 82 in August, and great-grandmother Doris (Thomas) Low of Ringwood. There are also five generations of the Haanpaa family. II 8 If You Fail To Receive Your McHenry Plaindealer Before 7:00 a.m. • Please Call Our Circulation Dept. Before 10:00 a.m. at 385-0178. We'll Bring One Right Out To You! Plaindealer Circulation Dept. 385-0178 'Full Service' 1985 Style When all of us began buckling up last July 1, we were told that this little annoying act would cut traffic injuries and deaths immeasurably. The statistics were on the side of those who made that promise so we selected to remain quiet on that point. Distasteful as it was to snap and unsnap for the frequent, short trips we made by car, it was legal and we have abided by the law. But before proponents throw their convincing evidence our way a year from now we'diike to clear the record. If traffic deaths are down in the summer of '86 it is no real gafci because deaths this year have increased markedly. And in all likelihood they're up because an older law on the books isn't being enfor&d. A few years ago we were asked to comply with a 55-niile-per-hour speed limit. Some did, others didn't. /It might have been easier to,get compliance if there had been stiff fines for offenders and if more drivers received tickets for flagrant violations. As it is, Illinois traffic fatalities increased 13.7 percent over July, 1984 and were up 5.7 percent compared to July, 1963. If this is true in Illinois, where we have less evidence about the number of arrests, it certainly must be true in Wisconsin, where you can go for miles in a steady stream of traffic driving between 60 and 70 and never see a driver stopped. This is in spite of huge signs that read: 55 means 55. This is just to clear the record when someone tells us next July that usin'& anderin BY ^ fatalities are down. They had better be down or it only means that we are not only refusing to enforce the speed law but also the seat belt requirement. The subject of cars invariably brings up a related topic of gas prices and service received. The answer may well be that drivers would be prudent to soil their hands and fill it up themselves rather than leave it to a service station employee. This observation comes from first hand experience. The following was our own encounter with what is commonly but often mistakenly termed 'full service:' Driver: Fill it up. The car is fairly new but maybe I should have the oil checked. Attendant: No response. Driver: (Stretching out the window). While you're under the hood would you also check the radiator? Attendant: No response. Driver: Maybe you didn't hear me, but I wondered if you would check the radiator. Attendant: I couldn't check it. The engine's hot. Drtver: What would you suggest, that I drive the few blocks from home when the engine cools and have you check it? Attendant: Yeah! > Attendant: Thirty dollars! Driver: What? That's a lot of money. I had it filled in a tank that had even more gas last week and it was $23.50. Attendant: You've got a big engine. Driver: I know, but I had the same big engine last week. Attendant: No response. We drove away, bewildered and with a substantially reduced billfold. This was full service? In telling friends they, too, uttered a small gasp. Ours was bigger, it was our money. -- * Legal Notices PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF MC HENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT,CHANCERY DIVISION I5CH197 LAND OF LINCOLN SAVINGS AND LOAN, an Illinois Corpora tion. Successor In Interest by Merger to FINANCIAL SECURITY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff WILLIAM D. SHERIDAN, RUTH ANN SHERIDAN, and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants PUBLICATION NOTICE 'MluWta Affidavit having btan duly fllad haraln, NOTICE IS HEREIN GIVEN YOU, "UNKNOWN OWNERS"DafendantsIntha abova entitled action, that an action is now pending in the Court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose the Mortgage with respect to the following real estate: Lot 20 in Block 1 in Mineral Springs Park, a subdivision of part of the West Vi of Section 36, Township 45 North, Range I, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March 20, 1911, as Document No. 1M27, In Book 3 of plats, Page 37, in McHenry County, Il linois. commonly described as 417 Mineral Springs Road, McHenry, Il linois. NOW THEREFORE, you are further notified to file your ap pearance In the office of the Clerk of the Court above stated on or before October-*, 1985, and if you fall so to do, or do not otherwise make your appearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint w'*hout further notice. ~STIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and a it seal of this Court at my office In Woodstock, Illinois, this 3iw»», jf September, 1985. (COURT SEAL) (s) Vernon W. Kays Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court ,_ ... v .. . • _ of McHenry County, Illinois (Published in McHenry Plaindealer Sept. 9,,H, 23,1985) M6039 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOFTHE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS No. 85 CH 216 MARENGO FEDERAL SAV INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA TION, a corporation existing under the laws of the United States, Plaintiff vs. ROBERT C. NICHOLS and JUDITH R. NICHOLS, his wife; WILLIAM KREINKE and SUSAN KREINKE, his wife; ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES, INC., a c o r p o r a t i o n ; U N I T E D STATES OF AMERICA; DEEP SPRING WOODS COUNTRY C L U B ; a n d U N K N O W N OWNERS, Defendants PUBLICATION NOTICE The requisite Affidavit having been duly filed herein, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN YOU, UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defen dants in the above-entitled ac tion, that an action is now pen ding in the Court as shown above, wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose a mortgage made by ROBERT S. NICHOLS and JUDITH R. NICHOLS, his wife with respect to the following described real estate . Lots 26, 27 and 28 in Block 16 in Deep Spring Woods Subdivision, Unit c No. 2, a Subdivision of part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meri dian, according to the Plat thereof recorded October 7,1936 as Docu ment No. 122968, in Book 8 of Plats, page 148, in McHenry County, II Mnois. Commonly known as 7702 E. Sunset Drive, Wonder Lake, Il linois 60097 NOW, THEREFORE, you are further notified to file your Ap pearance in the Office of the Clerk of the Court above stated on or before Oct. 30, 1985, and if you fail so to do, or do not other wise make your Appearance on or before said date, this cause may be heard and judgment entered as prayed for in said Complaint without further notice. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock, Illinois, this 16th day of September, 1985. (COURT SEAL) (s) Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois KELL, NUELLE & LOIZZO Attorneys for Plaintiff 121 E.Calhoun Street P.O. Box 588 Woodstock, IL 60098 Telephone (815)338-4511 ( P u b l i s h e d i n M c H e n r y Plaindealer Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, 1985) M6059 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Education of McHenry Community Con solidated School District 15 will receive sealed bids on gym nasium bleachers and a full size pick-up truck until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, October 8, 1985. Bid specifications may be secured at the District 15 Administration Office, 3926 W. Main Street, McHenry, IL 60050. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any bid technicalities and award the bid in the best interest of the school district. Joan K. Miller Secretary Board of Education, McHenry Community Consol. School District 15 (Published in the McHenry Plaindealer, Sept. 23,1985) M6061 Classified ads are for... SHOPPING