71 DODGE RAMCHARGER, } whl dr., ps/pb. am/fm. Ill II* rust, dependable. $1,000, coll before 5 pm, $15/33$ SOS 1 xi cq 0PTMV " r " r - - y m nCTO«zr ' serv ing you 6 days a week ' NORTHWEST HERALD Section B Wednesday, September 25. IMS Page 23 •3 Automobiles tor Sate 13 LINCOLN TOWN CAR For appointment $15/4554979 13 MUSTANG. 4 cyl., Ilk* new. IS,MO mi., loaded, sun root, $7.200/best, W5/4S»774$. $3 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, low miles. Lots of equip. $4 995 FAUL CHEVROLET 312/3012soo •3 PONTIAC PHOENIX, ps/pb, air. 19.000 ml., good cond.. $4,500, OlS/jOS 7963. '13 RENAULT Fuego. am/tm ctssette stereo. air, roar de fogger, leather interior, front wh. drivo, 30,000 mites. 27 MPG. $4,500 or best otter. Must soil Mi* week I $15/455- 2514. 13 RENAULT Reliance, 4 cyl.. 4 spaed. $3,500. Pfaft Auto Sales. Huntley. 312/M9- 3301. •3 TOYOTA Celica Liftback GT, auto, am/tm cassette, air, cruise, alloy wheels, load ed. exc. cond.. 17,MS or otter. 312/741 2440. -12 CAMARO Z2$, auto., am/tm, air, silver, window io- vures I bra, St,400 negotiable. Exc. cond. Eves. 015/459 2403 12 CAMARO Z-2$, ps/pb/pw, tilt. SOS 4 spd.. exc. cond., »7,»S0, $15/330-0457. »• 1902 CHEVETTE 4 door hatcli back, exc. cond., 4 speed, ra dio, new- tires, brakes, ex haust, 59,000 ml. Asking 2,700. I1S/MS 4»7S after 4 pm 1902 FORO EXP. 4 speed. A/C, sun roof, exc. cond., S4.S00. Call 015/720 1517. '12 Grand Prix, mint cond., low miles. Former company car, well maintained. 312/439- 7121, evenings. 312/733-1057 days. « '12 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme Brougham, 2 door, sun roof, loaded! One owner, S7.S00. Pfaft Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/669-3331. 12 OLDS DELTA ROYALE, 4 dr., vinyl top, am/fm stereo, $5,200, IIS/315-6400. '12 RENAULT Le Car, White, 4 door, sun roof, low miles, excellent condition, call $15/459-4799. 12 TOYOTA TERCEL. 4 door, one owner, S speed, air, 50,000 highway miles, excel- lent cond., $3,400. 312/497 3$$$. '81 BUICK CENTURY, load ed, 4 door sedan, low mileage, mint cond., $4960. $15/455*599 after 7 p.m. '•I CHEVY CITATION, very aood condition, 42,000 miles, Cranberry color, new tires, auto, asking $3,900. Call Illi nois Financial, 312/421-5579. 'II DATSUN WAGON, 4 dr., air, 5 spd., good cond., $3,500. Call after 6 pm $15/455-4710. 1911 MERCURY LYNX, 4 speed, good cond., $3,150/ best. Call 115/33$ M77. $1 MONTE CARLO, 2 dr., au tomatic,a/c, $4,300 or best of fer. Call 312/424 l«0$ days only. 'II T-BIRD, white/red, ps/pb, air, stereo, 6 cyl., auto., low miles, exc. cond., $5,250. Call days 115/455 2112. '10 AMC EAGLE, >4 x 4, auto., sharp! $3,500. Piatt Auto Sales, Huntley, 3l3/649-33$l. '•0 CAMARO Berlinetta, V I, auto., air, good cond., $4,295. FAUL CHEVROLET 312/311-2500 '10 CITATION, 6 cyl., 4 dr., ps, pb, 52,000 miles, am/fm radio, air, $2500, 115/459-2199, after 4 p.m. 10 CITATION, needs 2 front tenders, hood i grill, runs fine. $300.115/459-5993 after 4. 10 CUTLASS SUPREME, 2 door, air, am/fm, V-l, tilt, exc. cond., asking $4,200. $15/339-1109. 10 DATSUN 310 GX, hatch back, am/fm, 4 spd., 35 MPG, exc. cond., $1,195. 115/331 4769. 19M DATSUN 200 SX hatch back, new tires, exhaust, exc. cond., $3,100.115/331-7141. $3 Automobiles for Sal* 79 CUTLASS SUPREME 2 door. V-l. Rally wheels, ps/pb. black, runs great, $2,000 After 6. 015/459 1922 •79 FAIRMONT S W„ VI, ps/pb. auto, good cond.. rea sonable, 115/455MM 1979 FIREBIRD. VI auto. K/pb. tilt. exc. cond .44.0M/ St. $15/455-1773 after 4 pm 1979 MONTE CARLO, exc cond., new tires/battery, am/fm. $2,SM. $15/344 277S. '79 PINTO WAGON. 4 spd. radio. $1,750 '79 Fairmont. 2 dr. hardtop, auto. air. am/fm radio. $2450. 312/449 3240 af tor 4 pm. '79 SEL 450 Mercedes. Excel lent Cond. low mi . $20.0M firm, 115/315 2317 79 VOLKSWAGON SCIROC CO. front wheel drive, air. am/fm cass., good condition, $2,2M. 312/639 $$63 after 5 '71 CAMARO. 3SO, auto on floor, ps/pb, a/c, exc. cond , low miles. $2,200 Firm, 115/3314434 *71 CHEVY CAPRKf-WaiWr- excellent cond., low mi., I3.SM. $15/459 $107. 197$ CHEVY MONZA Spyder. V 6. 4 speed, sun roof, 4 new radlals, good cond., $1,275. Call after S pm, $15/455-2951. '71 CUTLASS SUPREME, 2 dr., ps/pb, air, new paint, looks good, runs good, $3,300/offer. '71 Dodge Colt, 4 dr., am/fm, sun roof, very re liable, runs good., $l,M0/of- fer. 115/455-3431. '71 DODGE ASPEN, extra nice, 4 door, 4 cyl., auto, air, garaged, one owner, 34,000 original miles, $2,150 . 312/497 197$ DODGE COLT 2 door, new clutch, brakes, starter, tires. Just tuned, runs great, no rust, $$50.115/331 2125. 71 DODGE MAGNUM, pwr. windows 5 seats, t-top, air, am/fm, $1,1M. 312/42$ 1549. 1971 FIREBIRD FORMULA, 3S0 auto, w/power, am/fm stereo, runs good, S7M/ best. Call after 3 pm, $15/344 041$. 7$ FORD FIESTA, front wheel dr., great on gas, good cond. $950. $15/72$ 1957. 7$ FORD FIESTA whole or for parts, good body. $15/72$-1957 7$ RENAULT LeCar, 40 MPG, $350. Runs oood! 115/331 *1673 7$ TRANS AM ps/pb/pw, blue w/white inf., $2,500 FIRM, 115/455 2109 after 4:30 77 AUDI FOX, new tires, new brakes, body fair,runs good, $1600.312/651 80ti after 4 p.m. 77 CADILLAC, 2 door, 71,000 miles, very good condition, but needs repainting. $1,995. 312/639-77$3. 77 CAMARO, 62,000 miles, 3S0 cu. in. motor, SS00 or best Offer, $15/344-2064 77 CAMARO, auto.,low miles, clean, good cond., call after 4 p.m., 312/451-2239. 77.CELICA HATCHBACK, hi miles, mechanically exc.,$750, $15/459-5139. 77 CHEVROLET IMPALA, excellent condition Inside & outrNo- /OW^M/pbi -lit, 11,995. 81S/4Sj" ) l38. 77 CHEVY CAMARO, 4 cyl., auto, $2,2M. Pfaff Auto Sales, Huntley, 312/649 3311. 1977 CHEVY CAPRICE Clas sic, loaded, runs well, very reliabale, best offer. Call 312/639-5544 or 312/439 4703. 77 FIREBIRD Esprit, VI, M5, 1 owner, air, all power, M,0M miles, exc. cond., must see. $3500, $15/33$ 90$$ '77 FORD LTD II, well equiped, must sell, best offer, 115/459-6654. 77 FORD LTD Wagon, good condition, $795. 115/459 $945, after 4 pm. '77 MAZDA "$W" SW 59k, Zeibart, some rust, am/fm, good tires, $1000. $15/33$$953 *3 Automobiles for S$l$ 74 FORD MUSTANG II. runs good. $575 or best. Carol 3il4HSS74 74 OLDS 9$ Regency. $400, $15/344 2433 74 SAAB Sonette, 4 speed, body & interior excellent! En gine good, am/fm cassette. 7 speakers, $i,3M or best offer. $1S/3$5 74$4. 74 VW Super Beetle, exc cond. 4 spd:, am/fm cass.. $1.2M. $15/459 IS70 after 4 73 FORD GALAXIE. $700 runs great, good gas mileage, new tires $i$/4S9-$72l. 73 MUSTANG Must sell, rear ended, good engine, trans., etc, best offer. Call after 4,115/331 5904 73 PONTIAC GRAND View Convertible, full power, am/fm, body needs work, $450. $15/455 34$). 73 -SAAB .Sonett, excellent condition. Must sell, best of fer. IIS/MS 35M 72 PONTIAC le Mom, excel ;lent work car! Call after 4 pm, $15/455 0979. 1971 FORD LTD, auto , runs good, very tittle rust,, $400 Call $15/72$ 0401. 71 OLDS CUTLASS, must sell, $500 or best offer $15/455 21M. 70 FORD Wagon Runs, $1M. After 6. 115/315 5157 M CHEVELLE.2 dr ht rebuilt 350, 4 spd, new paint, beaut. cond ,$25M. $15/459 2$12 •41 VW, $6M. 74 VW Super Beelle, $400. Many spare parts. 312/439 3427 motor or musf settf •15/64$ 5 DATSUN 240Z, Chevy VI 350 Corvette engine, B 5 M hy dro, Edlebrock, 750 Holley, wire mags, silver paint, mint cond,, $4300 115/459 1271. AUTO INSURANCE Prob lems? Canceled? Renewal do dined? We can & will help you. Call us for a quote. Sun derlage Insurance Agertcy, 115/33$ 3321. LAB MIX, male, 4 mo., black, free to good home, $15/459- 42M NEED A good used car? Call Ray at Relchert Chevy/Bulck. 115/459 4000. 95 Tr$ctors/Tr$ll$rs 75 KENWORTH Tracter, 34" sleeper, 13 speed, wet line, aluminum buds, aluminum frame, new brakes, new bat teries. Too much to list! Call after 4:30, $15/3$S 6561 W Trucks IS OODGE RAM CHARGER 4 wheel drive, a/c. am/tm ra dio. good condition, call be tween 5 4 7 pm 312/413 2941 or 6$3 2$3S. $3 GMC SIS 4 x 4 Pickup Good cond Loaded. W/topper After 7 pm. $15/459 2449 $2 CEVY BLAZER, 4 wh dr.. auto, air, good cond.. $7,795 FAUL CHEVROLET JWM' 2S00 'II DATSUN LITTLE Hustler Pickup, a/c, am/tm cassette, sun root, well maintained Best otter 312/426 4399 79 FORO BRONCO. 4 wheel drive, ps/pb. sun root, good condition, $4,500 Ask for Dan, 312/4399247. . 79 FORO COURIER, runs ?reat. great gas mileage. l.SM/best. $15/455-4724 79 TOYOTA 4x4 with cap. has rust 11600115/72$ 1957 71 DODGE RAMCHARGER. call before 7e FORD FlM, 6 cyl.. stick, runs good. $i.SM. $15/453 7654. after 4 p.m. 77 CHEVY SUBURBAN. 4 x 4, w/plow. Excellent condi tlon, $4,200 Pfaff Auto Sales. Huntley. 312/449 33$! 76 CHEVY, W ton suburen, 350 engine, lots of extras, trailer pgk., snowtlres, , HMO. 115/459 I7SQ 73 JEEP CJS, big tires, new exhaust, battery, starter. 20 gal. tank. Runs good, must sell. $1.1M/best, $15/33$ 9204. '72 FORD RANCHERO, w/cap, auto, p.s./p.b., air. more, 44,447 miles, II195 after 4 $15/455 ISM. 'SI CHEVY PICKUP,$300 without motor, $$00 with. Good condition !jr15/33$ 3141 97 Vans IS CARAVAN/DODGE 4 yr assumable warranty, $9,MO. 115/455 6499 10 FORD MINI CUBE van 12 ft box, overhead rear door Fuel efficient, 4 cyl., stick, recent overhaul, now brakes i tires. In good overall cond Ready for service. Priced to sell at $2,SM. Ask (or Bill G. IIS/315 3194, 10 am to 5 pm., Volo, IL. . 71 CHEVY M cargo van, like new, 25,MO miles, auto., pb. PS, $4,9M, 312/639 5454 71 DODGE Van, 4 cyl . 4 spd., manual, ps, pb, am/fm radio, carpet, & paneling. $2150, $15/455 190$ 7$ FORD E ISO. 4 cyl. 3 speed, short wheel base, cap tain's chairs, ice box, sink, new brakes, good tiros, body has some rust, $4M. or best. MUST SELL. Call after 4 pm, 313/439 3352. WE COVER THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET! BUYING OR SELLING? NEW OR USED At Northwest Newspapers, We are here to SE R VE YOU. We are constantly innovating to EXPAND our SERVICE to YOU, So...We are 'N-D-ING OUR HOURSTOSERVE YOU BETTER We are open MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. ALSO WE ARE NOW OPEN SATURDAY 9..,. 12 NOON that's $ tot$l of SVi additional hbur$ a week for your convenience. come into our office $t 7803 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake or call u$ TOLL FREE 1-800-ADS-WORK (1*800>237-9675) $0 HONDA ACCORD LX, one owner, aufo, air, new tires, Ziebart, 54,000 miles, perfect condition, $3,400. 312/497-3$$$. '$0 HONDA CIVIC, $3200, 75 Fiat, 4 dr. 4 spd., $$50 71 Bulck Skylark, 2 dr., $450 $15/459 3540 or 455-5604 '$0 MERCURY BOBCAT Wag on, air, low miles, clean, $1,$00 or offer. 312/42$-$421, after 4 pm. 19$0 MONTE CARLO, V I auto., buckets, 41,000 mi., clean, $3,195. Call 015/459-5105. 19$0 OLDS CUTLASS Su preme, 240 V-$, ps/pb/pw, air, cruise, tilt, am/lm, exc. cond. Call after 4 pm, 015/305-2445. $0 OLDS DELTA $$ Custom Cruiser wagon. Loaded! 79,000 miles, $4,000. $15/344 1455. ' 19$0 PONTIAC PHOENIX LJ. auto., 4 door hatchback, front wheel drive, am/fm cassette, new brakes, good cond., 73,500 ml., $2,$00. Call 015/459-0167. $0 RENAULT Le Car, Very good condition. $1S/3$S $214 10 SUBARU Station Waoon, 5 speed, verv good cond., '$0 Subaru 4 wheel dr. hatchback, am/fm cassette, very good cond., asking $3,000 each. 312/439-5195. $0 TOYOTA Celica GT, 5 speed, Rusty Jones, air, tilt wheel, $2,$50. 312/497-7403. $0 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4 door, exc. shape, brown, l.$ liter, am/fm cassette, 72,000 mi. $2,990. 312/451-5299. 79 ALFOROEMO SPIDER exc cond., no rust, must sell. 312/439-3009 1979 BUICK OPEL, «uto„ good cond., am/fm, new ex haust, $1,500. 312/439 1505. 79 BUICK SKYLARK, V 4, air, ps/pb, tilt wheel, 40,000 miles, exc. cond., $3,400. 312/439 9234. 79 CADILLAC SEDAN De Ville. exc cond , 54,000 mi., Florida car. must sell, $5,500, $15/33$ 9177. 79 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille, very sharp, $4100, $15/943 7719. 79 CHEVETTE, 4 dr, % spd. new tires, good cond., $1000 firm. $15/4599252 77 MERCURY MONARCH, 4 dr., air, auto., $$00, $15/943 7719. 77 PONTIAC PHOENIX, 1 owner, ps/pb, a/c, $995, 312/524 7071. 77 TOYOTA COROLLA, air, 4 spd., runs good, $550 312/6396$39 77 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4 speed, am/fm, tape, cruise, runs good, $1,200 or best. $15/459-4479. 79 cut CASS Suprem power, 53,00$ ml. Best ofl 312/650 2315 79 FIREBIRD ESPRIT, exc cond . like new tires 5 brakes, a/c, am/fm, 4 cyl., sporty, economical, $4,300. 312/439-6554. 77 VOLARE WAGON, 54,000 orlg. mi., fully equipped. $900 FIRM. $15/455 2497. 74 BUICK REGAL 4 dr hard top, auto, p.s./p.b , air, cruise, more, 60,400 miles, $1,700. Alter 4, 115/455 1519 1974 CADILLAC DeVille Se dan, some rust, $4S0/best. Call $15/33$ 5409. 74 CAMARO, little rust, runs (ood, $700 or best offer «ys, 312/901 572$, evenings, $15/3$5 $456. 76 CHEVY CAPRI, 4 door hardtop, full power, air, body fair, $500. $15/455 127$. 76 FORD ELITE, one owner, low miles, fully equipped, $1,700. 312/650 9246. 76 PONTIAC Sunblrd, runs goad, $450. 312/439 425$, after 4 pm. .. 74 TOYOTA CELICA GT, low mlle», sound system, all op Hons, -gar. kept, sun roof, $2,200, 312/469 3211 after 5 pm 76 VEGA, $750 76 Ford LTD Station Wagon, $650 Both low miles, 312/650 6533 76 VW, 2 dr hatchback, 5 spd manual, good cond, i low mileage, $1,000 or best Offer, $15/315 3365 '75 BUICK REGAL, pur chased new car, good trans Ktat ion, one owner, $600 <4594310. ___ 75 CUTLASS Many new parts, excellent mecnanical condition Best offer $15/305 0973 1975 DATSUN B2I0. 4 speed, am/fm radio, good cond , $795. Call 115/459 1711 _ 75 FORD LTD, good condi tion, $500 or best offer 015/455-2402, after 4 pm A 76 FURY SPORT , Cruise, $400 311/639 7141 1974 DATSUN 240Z, auto , exc. cond, no rust, $2,$00 Call 312/450 2019. 74 FORD GALAXIE 4 dr., runs food, $500 IU/720-067J effer 4 pm HARD TOP $ doors for a Jeep CJ7. $600. Call evenings. oiyas ret. , ' 5 HR 7$ IS Mud $ Snow radi als. $100. 1 Toyota 20 R motor 4 transmission, Best offer $15/305-557$. " 91 i Antique Vehicles 1941 FORO 1/2 Ton Pick Up, no rust, runs good, $2,950. Call 312/639 7362. 92 Motorcycles 1904 KAWASAKI KLT 110 ATC, full-cover, exc. cond., plus new trailer. Will sapa rate. After 5 pm, 312/650-4050. '04 Kawasaki KX 2S0. Best offer. $15/335-557$ 03 Kawasaki 750 LTD, shaft drive, 2700 miles, mint cond., adl. backrest, must sell. $2300. §15/344-1607 after 5. 1902 KAWASAKI LTD 440, mint cond., low miles, $000. Call 312/426-2704. $2 YAMAHA Seca 750, $2,000 firm. Bought new in 'IS. Call $l5/33$-36l9, between 7 am & 3:30 pm. Ask for Paul. PRICED TO SELL • '00 Honda 400, showroom cond., $000, 115/455-3142. 1900 YAMAHA 400 Special, less than 9,500 miles, 50 to 60 mpg. $000/ best. Call after 6 pm, $15/344-0390. 7$ RM 125, comes w/spare, must sell, $500 or best offer. 015/455-2100. 197$ YAMAHA 450 Special, low miles, red, windshield. Bast Offer. Call evenings, 312/639.-0709. 75 BULTACO ALPINA, 250 cc, good cond.. $350. 312/426 5907 after 5 pm. 1975 HONDA 750 FOUR, exc cond.. adult driven Must see to appreciate $1,000 Call 015/653-4100. '73 HONDA. 360 cc. good cond., $325 Firm $1S/3$S 9064. eves. Days, $15/305 $440 1972 HONOA CL 175, good cond., needs tune up. Best of fer . After 4 pm. 015/923 2444. 194$ MUSTANG, $2,400. 197$ Kawasaki 750. $050. 1901 Ya maha 400 Special, $675; 1974 Yamaha Snowmobile, $375, 1975 GMC 4 X 4, $900 Call after S pm, $15/337 0432. 93Automobiles for Sole '$5 CARAVAN/DODGE 4 yr. assumable warranty, $9,900. $15/455 4699. '05 CORVETTE: Loaded with options. Extra low mites. Save HOOO's! FAUL CHEVROLET 312/3$1 2500 '$5 FORD EXP, dark blue, 0,300 R)iles, am/fm cassette, 4 year extended warranty, $4,000. $15/455 1327. $S HONDA ACCORO LX Hatchback, S speed, cassette, grey, 3,000 miles, like new, asking $9,200. 312/639 9503. '04 CHEVROLET Celebrity, 6 cyl., auto, air, pwr. windows & door locks. Extra clean! $7,595. FAULCHSVRQLET 312/3$1-2S00 '04 FIERO Pace Car, 1 of 350 made, every option + more. Listed for $16,000 - $9,300/best, $15/333 3252. '14 HOND/f CRX, 1.5 red S speed, am/fm cassette, excel lent condition, 19 K miles, $7,200. $15/459 765$. We have the right car at the right price. In today's classified you'll find hundreds of models to choose from, both foreign and do mestic. It's the best place to shop or sell. Call a friendly Classified Advertising representative now...you'll be in the driver's seat. / 306-ADS-WORK HUB CAPS, buy fc sell. Thou sands in stock. Wilmont, Wl, 414/062-2914. , TIRE. unused, Bridgestone, off-RD, 10R15, 000. or beat. 312/650-4306. 92 Motorcycles 1933 DODGE SHELBY, 5 speed, A/C, low miles, $6,$00. Call after 6 pm, $15/459 507$. •5 Campers/Tr$llers 19$4 CELEBRITY, 1$ff. |" bow rider, full canvas, moor- Ino cover, 22$ Merc crusler, I/O, stelnless steel prop, low hrs., extra clean, Shorelander trailer, $13,500, 312/672-5703 19$S CUSTOM DeLuxe Travel Trailer, 30 ft., fully self con tained, battery pack $ com pressor, twin beds, large air, double door fridge. Must sell- Mcrifice to best offer. See at M a r e n g o - U n i o n K O A Campground, . '$5 DELUXE Travel Trailer, 30 ft., fully self-contained. Twin beds, large a/c, 2 dr. refrlg., must sell. Sacrifice to best offer. Parked at Marengo KOA Campgrounds. FALL CAMPING. Excellent Condition Skamper pop up, heater, refrlg., atove, sleeps 0, vinyl exterior. $15/33$-1054. AUTOMOTIVE WamadiaBuy eo AumomUv* SenrtlcM ...- m Auto Putt and AccMaorta*. eo AauqueVaMdaa ei Vahtdea (orReal. Tracton/TralWr* Track* N Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY Junk Autos - 7 Day Pickup , 312/439-1159 Auto Parts 90 and Accessorlss FULL SIZE Fiberglass truck topper, excellent condition, best offer, $15/335 1324, Auto Parts fc '76 BAJA 454 Jet Boat, Jeta- > vator, Caulkins Traitor, good shape, good runner, $4,250. (312/524-0413. '"BOAT LIFT,4 Shore Station, heavy iuty, 4,600 lb capacity with elec. motor. Excellent conditton! $1,995. Call 312/$93 , $515, after 6 pm- 'IS CENTURY 3000 Sport. 19', 260 hp, demb boat, approx. 20 hours, $15,950. $15/3$S 4735. - 76 CENTURY, 17 tt. Arabian, IN HP Merc. I/O. Exc. cond., ' .16,500 312/639-4031. CHRIS CRAFT Yacht, 267 beautiful wood decor-trim, ~ galley, head, 2S3 Chrysler r eng. In water at Fontana, Wl Marine. Lots of «xtras, $6,500. 'Call Dave, 414/275-570$, 9 5. FISHERMAN'S DREAM! Stilling due to death! 16' Sylyan Boat, 70hp. Evin >ude mdtor, trolling motor, 19$0 E-t Loader trailer, Vexi- lar sonar,ship to ship radio, down:rlggers, out-riggers, poles, tackle, weights, life jackets, ski ropes, much misc. Must See! €all 312/639-2916. FOR RENT: Secure inside storage for boats, hampers, snowmobiles t etc. Private estate. Reasonable rates. 415/923-2527, after 7 pm. 12 FT, ALUM JON boat, $300 or best; 4;-H.P Evlnrude right angle drive. $400 or best. Both mint cond., low hrs., call af- >r 5 p.m., fl5/344-1756 "79 LARSON, 16' V-Hull, 140 Merc, trulser, I/O, w/'$0 E-Z Loader Trailer. Low hours, exc. cond., $6,000/best, 415/344-1006. LYMAN family boat, 16', 45 hp Merc. & trailer. All exc., $950, $15/455-3162. Boats and 12 Marine Service f / | 4 A S T R O G L A S S . 1 7 1 / 2 ' , .,Bass N-Ski. 115 hp Merc. Min .iota trolling -mtr. Humming bird depth finder. Trailer. ' Show room perfect. Spare prop. Batteries, etc .. $9,000. , *$15/455-4353. '$4 WELLCRAFT 100 Elite, many options, low hours, mint condition. Must see to appre- 312/69S-7361POir>^n>>nt 13 Snowmobiles •72 -AMC MATADOR, good shape, many new parts, low miles. $500. 73 VW Super Beetle eng.. 1600 cc, only 5.000 ml. on rebuild. New Weber carb, $250. 015/344-2172. 14 v Sportlnfl Goods GOLF CLUBS. Meps $ worn- ens, carts-bags, $45. $ $35. $15/553 4932. LADIES' 271 all wood bow $ leather case, $55.115/455-5062, after 6 pm. 1903 TRAN STAR. 20 ft.. 31.000 miles, 350 Chevy en gine, exc. cond., $<1,000. Call etter 4 pm. $15/330-4064. TRAVEL TRAILER. 31 ft,. $0,000. Call attar 4:30 or. wee* ends, $i5/3$0-6006: ™ '15 TRAVEL TRAILER, alt deluxe, double holding tanks, 35*. air, rear bdrm., sleeps 6, $7,975, $15/455 707$. • $1,450 • 1973 VW Po VW Pop Top Camper Call 312/650-0347 -04 SUNLtNER travel traitor. l$ tt. self contained, excellent condition. $4,000. 015/455-1174. PONTOON BOAT TRAILER Heavy Duty • $500 Call $15/459-006$ S^.ILB0AT: must MM , Exc. cond., $$50./otter. 312/650-4715. 70 TROJAN, 25', 225 hp «r7,sl#r' S1'°* 5 pm. 015/344 1669. '03 HONEY. 24' Mini motor home, low mileage, sleeps 6. asking $23,900, $15/305 7065. PICKUP CAMPER, 9 1/2 ft., fully self contalfted, good COWl, 0900, $15/4539597. Boats 4 Marine Service