MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER NOW OPEN MONDAYS SPECIAL V2 PRICE SALE . < •& .7 '• $M| » ^ 4 : J GREAT GROCERY BUYS •M Inflation $lows, housing costs up Soviets propose star peace By Vincent DdGindtoe \ would have remained at July's level. June and July -- the annual U.S. United Prw» International "Housing is volatile and will inflation rate through August slowed ' bounce around from one month to to 3.3 percent, an 18-year low. ' WASHINGTON -- Rocketing hous- the next," Dr. Donald Ratajczak, a if igss ends with the same low tag costs nudged consumer prices up Georgia State University economist, rate, it will be the best year $r 0.2 percent in August, but the U.S. said. "Housing rates can't acceler- inflation since 1967, when consumer inflation rate is holding at perhaps ate too much longer because of high buying power was offset by a io its best year in almost two decades, vacancy rates." percent inflation rate. j the Labor Department said Food, energy and used car prices "The strong dollar created compe- Tuesday. were down. tition for American producers, stop- Without the surge in housing costs, Despite the slight increase in the ping them from raising prices" Rja- August's consumer price index price index -- the same as in May, tajczak said. UNITED NATIONS - New Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard nadze made a proposal for "star peace" In his debut before the U.N. General Assembly Tuesday and Uruguayan President Julio Maria Sanguinetti appealed for more flexi bility in the handling of Third World debt. Shevardnadze said also his coun try was interested in a "successful outcome" of the November summit in Geneva between President Rea gan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. "We perceive the greatest peril in the fact that the nuclear arms race has taken ... a fresh start and is forging ahead," he told the 40th an niversary assembly session. Delegates from the 159 U.N. mem ber states missed Andrei Gromyko, the veteran Soviet foreign policy spokesman who has addressed most assembly sessions since the United Nations was founded but now wears the mantle of Soviet president. Shevardnadze said the Soviet pro posal on the assembly's agenda to keep outer space demilitarized. "To counter the sinister plans of 'Star Wars,' the U.S.S.R. is putting before the international community a concept of star peace," he said. Sanguinetti, like the presidents of Brazil and Peru before him, warned that unless rich nations assume a more flexible stance toward the multi-billion dollar debt of the Third world, democracy win suffer Treaty could weaken defense Sanguinetti said Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay have returned to civil- WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Any trea- one prepared on the president's ian rule after long periods of mill- ^ limlts weapons used to knock "Star Wars" plan, as critics have tary dictatorship out satellites could slow work on dubbed the Strategic Defense Initia- President Reagan's Strategic De- tive, intended to knock out missiles He said, "If the industrialized fense Initiative anti-missile re- and warheads. countries ... do not assume their search program, a congressional re- share of responsibility for the situa- P°rt said Tuesday. Requested by the House Armed tion that prevails in the developing Services Committee and the Senate world, if they do not soften their The report by the Office of Tech- Foreign Relations Committee, the inflexibility with regard to just de- nology Assessment, which examines report notes the United States de mands for more equitable treat- complex issues for Congress, noted pends more heavily on military sat- ment, then all our sacrifice be the technology needed to blast satel- ellites than does the Soviet Union,, a solitary and wasted effort and out of oroit OVOgiaBSi.wUiNtech- * AadnU saki current Soviet military there wiHU^ndTeasott to\>e optimls- aotogy needed to pAvmlmmm&e* aatottltes poee un>y a UniKed* threat tic regarding the survival of warhead hurtling through ®aee to- to U.S. jnihtary capabilities but fu- democracy." ward a ground target. turt gystems might pose a greater The document was a companion to ' threat. Also scheduled to speak Tuesday were the foreign ministers of Fin land, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Greece, Iceland and Luxembourg. The first day of debate Monday heard two Latin American presi dents warn that the burden of for eign debt was strangling democracy in their continent. Jose Sarney of Brazil, which owes $100 billion, said "the foreign debt problem is a joint task for creditors and debtors alike, or we run the risk of setting fire to the powderkeg that threatens the whole continent." Alan Garcia of Peru, at 36 the youngest Latin American head of state, said "we are faced with a dramatic choice -- it is either debt or democracy." (X-RAYS ADDITIONAL, IF NECESSARY) WILL HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEIR BACKS SOMEDAY. WITH YOUR LUCK, HOW 00 YOU FIGURE YOUR CHANCES? PINCHED NERVES CAN DESTROY YOUR HEALTH! KNOW THE DANGER SIGNALS INSURANCE CASES ACCEPTED WHERE APPLICABLE • MEDICARE • W0RKMANS COMPENSATION •GROUP • AUTO DR. KENNETH T. REISER, D.C MCHENRY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER 4901W. ELM (RTE. 120) McHENRY, IL, DANGER SIGNALS S OF PINCHED NERVES: * 1.Htadacta. Diuiattt 4 2. NKK PIM, Tight Muscles Spasms 3. SkMldtr Pai«, Pain Dana Anns, Nwakatta ia Han* 4. Paia Baton Shoulders 5. Lever Back Pan, Hip Paia. Paia Dewa lets IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE SYMPTOMS. CALL TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT. (8IS1344-I02S UPI photos The Soviets listen intently as U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz addresses the General Assembly of the United Nations on Monday. Shultz said national laberation movements will sweep away "the new colonialists" of communism in Asia and Latin America. Join one of our many Leagues! 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