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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1892, p. 8

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r,: • 7 iy * * * \ {/ ̂ w'ffy . ™ | <> !• ' ;4:i*- %*- ̂ :_S\f,-' •' ,Vfc'-~< Tr?„ JMJUFF AND BMPliO ¥M I3NT. if f-! • PSv • fV:< #'," $N - fe w$.. fe* AawrtOM Follc.y--Mlll^gac MM Alfected^^ (Chicago Inter Oce»n.] -,'0«r free-trade friends eternally are 1MB(ying something that has been„known to all men since the day when Tubal Clin turned out his first job of iron Work, and adding that it is "confirmed *>y the weight of scholarship and au­ thority," It being admitted that "the abun­ dance or scarcity of labor, modified by the existence of labor unions," has much to do with the high or low price Of labor, the question is just this: Does * protective tariff tend toward a rela­ tive scarcity of laborfV* , , Let us see. - Let it be granted Uiai i®em«nd throughout the United States for manu­ factured goods of all'kinds is equal to the product of the labor of 10,000,000 men, and that 10*000,000 men needing labor live in the United States. Let it be granted also that in the ab­ sence of protective tariff, England Would export to the United States man­ ufactured goods equal to the labor of 7,000,000 men. Then it follows that there is but the manufactured product of the labor of 8,000,000 left to employ the labor of the 10,000,000 men in the United States. So that wages must be low, because the supply is equal to the labor of 10,- 000,000 men, while the manufacturing demand requires only the labor of 3,000,- 000 men, which leaves 7,000,000 men de­ pendent on the always lpw wages of agriculture. • Again, let it be granted the demand . for manufactured goods throughout the United States is equal to the product of the labor of 10,000,000 men, and that this number of laborers exists in the United States. Let it be granted also that by rea&on a highly protective tariff England's former exportation to the United States drops to an amount equal to the labor of no more than 3,000,000 of men. Then it follows that there is a de* Sttand for the labor of 7,000,000 of men in the manufactures of the United States. So that wages must increase by this increased demand for labor in manu­ facturing industries, and 4,000,000 of men will be drawn from the compara­ tively low-priced labor of agriculture into the higher paid labor of manu­ factures, while the 9,000,000 left in ag­ riculture inevitably demand higher wages. The very essence of the virtue of the protective system is that it does protect the American wage-earner from un­ checked competition with the products of the European wage-earner. It in­ creases the demand for American labor lay preventing Europe from becoming America's workshop and Europeans America's artisans. W. C. T; If. DKPARTMINT Articles and Notices under the »l»ove bead are furnished by the Parties of the W.O T. U and the editor claims no part or credit for the same. • " .1 There Is no use in potting up the motto, "God bless our home," if the father is a rough old bear, and the spirit of discourtesy and rudeness is taught by the parents to the children, and by the older to the younger. There is no use in putting up the motto, "The Lord will provide," while the parents are shiftleis, the boys refuse to work, and the girls busy themselves over gewgaws and finery. There is no use in putting up the motto, "The greatest of these is charity" while the tongue of the backbiter wags in that family, and silly gossip is dispensed at the tea table. There is no use in put­ ting up conspicuously the motto, "The liberal man deviseth liberal things," while the money clinks in the pockets of the "head of the household," groaning to get out to see the light of day, and there are dollars and dimes for wines and tobacco and other luxuries, but positive­ ly not one cent for the church. In how many homes are these standing--let us say hanging--sarcasms which serve only to pcim u jest and adorn a satire! The beauty of quiet lives, of trustful, hope­ ful, free-handed, free-hearted, charitable lives is one of surpassing loveliness,, and those lives shed their own incomparable fragrance, and the world knows where to find thetn. And they shall remain fresh and fadeless when the colors of pigment and the worsted and the floss have faded and the frames have rotted away in their joints.--Set/ rTHE III PANS TABULES regulate the stomach, liver and boweis, purify i the blood, are pleasant to |ake, safe and always effectual. A reliable rem- f » edy for Biliousness, Blotches on the Face, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Colic, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhoea, Chronic Liver Trouble, Diabetes, Disor­ dered Stomach, Dizziness, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Flatulence, Female Complaints, Foul Breath, Headache, Heartburn, H ives, Jaundice, Kidney •> k . C o m p l a i n t s , L i v e r petite, Mental Deprca Rash, Painful Di^ci Blood to the Head, Salt Rheum, Scald. H e a d a c h e , S k i t * Tired Feeling Brash and every other that results from im in the proper perform Troubles, Loss of Ap- sion, Nausea, Nettle tion, Pimples, Rush of Sallow Complexion, Head, Scrofula, Sick eases, Sour Stomach, Liver, Ulcers, Water s y m p t o m o r d i s e a s e pure blood or a failure ance of their functions by the stomach, liver and intestines. Persons given to over-bating are bene­ fited by taking one tabule after eachmeak Acontinued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothings that can be injurious to the most delicate. J gross $2, l4 gross $1.25.. 5^ gross 75c., 1-24 gross 15 cents. Sent by mail postage paid# " Address THE RIPANS CHEJMICAL COMPANY, JMew York. V-v ^ ^ m ' 'S, "'I I • \ 1 1 • ' \ " ' Wi!' * ' * "U* Mrlll look whiter, will be cleaner and w] lie dont. with less labor If SANTA CLAUS SOAP 14 usedL. The clothes will smell sweeten*ui4 will last longer SANTA CLAUS SOAP is pure, it cleans but does not injure t-hc. fabric* .It does i\ot roughen or chap hands. Millions u.s» it. DoYgUtP N. K. FAl RBANK JICO, Mfta. CH ICAG.O. J. R. SA7L0R & SONS, Hold Them tolfc. 1 "Our enemies have made our cam* puign for us. Hold them to their own deliberately avowed principles. We go to the people claiming that the repub­ licans have given the country a clean, honorable, business-like and highly suc­ cessful administration, that a change Without cause is a business injury to every citizen and that there is no occa­ sion for a change. The democrats want this country to have an immediate and aai absolute change. They want to repeal the McKinley tariff at once. They de­ nounce a protective tariff of any sort or description, refuse to let tariff legisla- > tion have the slightest reference to the i i defense of workingmen's wages, declare that Washington and Madison and even Andrew Jackson did not understand the -j Constitution and that nobody but them- rs»elves and Jefferson Davis ever did; de­ nounce anything but a pore tariff for revenue only as unconstitutional, want to get rid of our reciprocity and de­ mand a return to wildcat banking. Bold them to their doctrine. Never f fcave they rushed so plainly and palpa­ bly upon their fate since the memorable "lveek in 1864, when their taunt in Chi­ cago that the war for the union was a failure was instantly answered by the --Victorious thunders of Sherman's guns from Atlanta and the triumphant cheera 4>f Sheridan's troopers in the valley. ;>3Let us rise up and go forward. They tiave been blinded again to their own I V - destruction and are delivered into our frauds."--Whitelaw Reid at Springfield. The undersigned, having1 derided to open the Central Meat Market, one door East of Barbian's cigar store. 1b now ready with a full supply of Fjresh &. Salt Meats, SAUSAGE, ETC. Also, FED1TS & VEGETABLES, IN TAEIR SEASON. By keeplDg none hut the beet, a neat and tasty market, and strict attention to business be hopes to merit a share of public patroaage. us and we will try and MAT, ST0FFEL. McHenro, June, k892. Call and see please you. -BREEDERS OF Morgan:: Horses, Embracing tb« celebrated General Giflord, Green Mountain and Morrill blood. STOCK FOR SALE. Stallions and Fillies, riendfor pedi­ grees. Essex and Registered Poland China SWINE.: J0Q Mammoth Bronze Turkeys. High Grade Jersey Cattle. For sale. Come and inspect stock r addrces. J. R. SAYIJOR & SONS WestMeHenry, ill. Fall aid Winter Necessities. WARMTH, STYLE. FIT and VARIETY. Are once more to be found in abundance in our store for your kind inspection. With years of experience in the beat markets, first class purchasing power, and a thorough knowledge of the people's wants, haw enabled us to intelligently" buy the best goods only at the least possible prices, Now Receiving over 200 Jackets and Sacques. Has laid in the best and largest stock in the following lines of goods for Fall and Winter trade of 1892-3 that we have ever shown at one time, to which we invite inspection. Honest Goods at living Price# Is our motto. If you stop and think tor a moment you cannot lielp but see that our expenses are less than our competitors, and are thus enabled to give you lower prices on honest goods. We handle none but the best makes of boots, Shoes and Rubbers. In Leather goods we can give you anything, from a child's light shoe up to a man's strongest boot. In ladies' fine or heavy shoes we can show you a larger assortment than you can find elsewhere, as we make the shoe business a specialty. The Woonsocket Hubber Boots are ad­ mitted to be the best by the wearer?, When in need of a pair call. For ladies. Misses and Children, in black and colors, fancy and plain, the newest cloths, most stylish cut3, latest colors, with ele­ gant variety of trimming. Prices vary from $3 to $25. Sizes range from age 4 to bubt measure 44. Call early for best choice, fc * Oood Clothing and Doctors Old Foes. are A Tariff Ditty fbr Farmei prti f iS • Bay, wife, I met Slle Jenkins cojnln' down. With a load of bay on his way to town; % , An' he says to me, says he: "Jake Rus% It's this durn tarifl that's busttn' us." ; An'X says to him, says 1: "Slle, whyT" "Because," said he, -'it makes things high.' "Prices you mean?" says I; an' he Nodded his nubbin head at me. •r-- "I've noticed It some myself," says I; "The price of pertaters is mighty high; An' up to date we ain't been stack Almighty much on our garden truck. i t our wheat an' our oats, It seems to me, ^r?'| , {Has been goin' off our hands right free; -]$rb«r corn ain't slow; an', Silas, that hay • • A j, 4Qi your'n ain't losln' you much to-day. "I reckon the tariff's doln' It, Slle; Givln' us prices in high-up style; Xeastways them workmen livin' in town, Ain't doln' much to keep 'em down. ~r "If them there furnaces, mills an' sich, Keeps on runnin' we will all git rich; Fer the fellers that works have got to eat, And we've got to furnish the bre&d and meat. "The tariff's doln' It, of course It be, 2*uttin' up prices fer yon an' me, An' fur our children, when we are gone;" Then Slle said no thin', but jis' dru von. StO?6S 1 STOVES WE ARE HEADQUARTERS JbOR STOVES Our Fall Stock is Here. The largest f»nd finest assortment of Coal and Wood Beaters, Cook Stoves and Ranges ever seen in town. The world renowned Howe Ventilators, asserted by the highest authorities to be the only correct Ventil­ ating stoves constructed for the promotion of health by perfect ventilation, and for greatest economy in the use of fuel. A complete line of the is n (i-s J < situ via &lt re the most popular stove in the market. A written guarantee with every stove. A full line of Gold Coin Heaters lor wood and coal. The best stove fcr the price yet produced. We will take your old stoves in exchange for new ones, and allow jou their full value. We will repair; polish, and put up yoar stove; on short notice and at reasonable prices. tSiT'See our stock of stoves. It will pay you. STORY & McOMBER. West McHenry, 111. 1892. And to continue the hard feeling look over our stock of . OVERCOATS AND SUIT8 Just received. Strictly new, latest styles, best qualities and lowest prices. W - - Sanitary Underwear, - In endless variety of styles, goods and sizes, in white., gray and scarlet. Swift Conue's Underwear for gentlemen in all sizes. Posi­ tively all sizes of Underwear carried in stock. • * Woolens, Flannels Shawls, Blankets, Yarns, Robes, Mittens, Hosiery, Gloves. New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Window Shades, Curtains, Etc. CLOTHING! CLOTHING I As in the past [two years we are again in the lead this Fall in Suits and Overcoats for men and boys. We have bought and are placing on our counters one thousand dollars worth of new clothing, in ad­ dition to our large sfock now on hand. You cannot afford to buy your fall and winter clothing without first looking us over. Have handled the warranted not to rip Rockford Overalls, Pants and Shirts with success in the past, and haye again placed our order for five hundred dollars worth of these goods. Call in and you cannot help being suited in this liue. GLOVES AND MITTENS. A splendid assortment. Our Hosiery stock has also received its necessary attention. A full line of cotton, fleece lined, woolen and worsted Hose, in ladies' and children's sizes. ftar! All sizes and kinds, double breasted and double back, in cotton and woolen. l^gPHats and Caps, Trunks and Traveling Bags. Fresh Groceries and the best Flour for the least money Yours as ever fbr business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. 4 m always on hand. REIjIABLE FOOTWEAR Can be found at irocfc bottom prices, in great variety as usual, at our store. |SIF"liubber Clo'Shing, New Crockery, New Glassware, Wooden- SSIF"ware. Choice Pure Groceries, Teas. Coffees and Spices, fully warranted. ySI^Flonr. Flour. Yours for Foil Trade, • P&V; - ^They have a correct understanding of the intentions of the republican party, in standing by protection over in free trade cursed England, and the follow­ ing from the Sheffield Daily Telegraph is submitted to such democrats as deny toy such intent or result: "The promoters of the McKinley tariff meant it to push forward the policy Of America for Americans. One method of realizing it was to keep all work ;. : Within their own dominions. The »S7 country was to be made self-supplying; ' could be produced at home wag 4- not to be bought abroad. That was the ^ : keynote of the McKinley Bcheme, and I Til ? ! , , i t i s w o r k i n g o u t t h e i d e a o f i t s d e s i g n e r s I | U 1 | : with the precision and eifectiveneis of i % machine." JUUA A. iTOll, frihVtWhuiii r iw*-- DEALER IN ONE DOOR WEST OF RIVERSIDE HOUSE, Drugs s Medicines • FULL LINE OF- *' 7' 'K - St-..-; It:... ?X- There is an element of moral sub­ limity about the method in which Gov. Pifer steps on the rostrum--and with­ out subterfuge, apology, or evasion, challenges the closest criticism of bi» official acts, in a way that elevates him still higher in the estimate of his friends and disarms prejudice or hos­ tility on the part of his political op­ ponents. ________ The Alabama election puts the demo­ crats where they have abo t̂ the dis- cribed choice of ro ads--wiyi no con' venient woods for cov« Oris, Chemicals. Die M,Paints, Oils Esters Constantly on band. Also a large line of Patent Medicines. Toilet Articles. AMD A COMPLETE STOCK OP ^STATIONERY ASP DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES Call for free sample 1.1. Miller, Agent, t u Physicirfi Carefully and aecuratey ist Ycur patronage is res; { Tea,! seriptions ed by a Registered Phanr a lie i ted. A, STOHYs SIMON West McHenry. 111., 1892, Riverside Block, Mc Henry, > ON HAND WITH A CLEAN, FHE8H STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Caps, 11 is no use to make a noise about what you are going to do. ud less you are prepared to do it "when the tinw comi'S. & Real Bargains of great value to every one of our customers. My stock is complete in every department and comprises Everything Usually Kept in a Genera'1 Stgre. Call and look- us over, "whether you wish to buy or nof» JOHN I. STQRY. DEALER IN- JUSTEN BROS. With two stores, one on the West side and one on the East side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public yon anything from the cheap«st to other bouse in the county. Of all kinds oi Furniture than ever before which we are offering at greatly KEDUCED PRICES JTOW JS THE TIME TO BUY. IC^ITe also keep in stock a full line samples of CARPJBTS, and we can give finest Brussels »t lower priresthtOany We Save taken great pains in selecting our mSIETAillB SURPLUS, Coffins Caskets and Trimmings of the lat­ est designs. Everytblnr new and ele­ gant, We keep nothing but th^ best. Do not fail to call and see us when In want of anything ia our line, r A Splendid Metxr Hearse. In connection, which will be furnished at Reasouoble Rates. JUSTEN BROS. MoHenryf IIL» 1802. liaL. i i C^eeRub!ier w B 0 O f S H O E S . Are the Best Made, Are the Most Stylish and Always Fit. . Made in ALL STYLES and WIDTHS by the L. CANDEE CO., New* Haven, Conn. Ask your dealer for them, if he does not keep them send (Qiu^r an illustrated descriptive list. C. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago. ^ Sale by SIMON 8T0FFEL, Wwt MoH#»rr "••h m ®z>m*

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