Higher technology Ink-rested in engineering or architecture ' Then a techno logical institute would he the appropriate place to apply Se rious artists, musicians and theologians should consider specialized schools which fo cus on a particular area of con centration. The next step is to obtain and examine college cata logues from the local high school library or college office or the college s admissions of fice. Peruse the course offer ings: Arc there special pro grams m ytwr favorite sub jects' Are there a number of intensive, higher-level semi nar courses in addition to in troductory survey classes? If a specific vocational cer tification or licensing is de- PAGES-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, AUGUST mv sired, is the school property ' --. -- _ property accredited by the affiliated or ganization? ^ What are the teacher quali fications? Are there a large percentage of full professors with PhDs or are there an over riding majority of graduate student instructors ' mouth bottles can ease school lunch crunch 'Coast to Goast Sate 2188 G.E. AM/FM PORTABLE AC/DC RADIO AFC on FM. lailia battery uvtr iiii. 207-1127 CASSETTE PLAYER/RECORDER PtaturH buM-ta condenser mike, htyhoard controls, suto stN end onto recording Jechs for extra mike, earphone end ad. Operates on 4 "C batte. or AC adap (not IncL). 21I-1S1S C L U • I I I I •Ji l l • 1 1 1 1 • H i 1 /U HWHAM SHARP CALCULATOR cakulatorwltir Squid cryetel rtlMikatt I sttoGoast McHonr) Markot Place 385-6655 Schools across the nation are feeling the pinch of recent federal cutbacks and are now finding themselves faced into either raising school lunch not now carrying lunches from home, you and they may be suffering more than necessary from our nation's economic belt-tightening. Join the minions of mothers whose beck-to-school shop- If this ts happening in your ping lists each year include locality, and your children are one of the many different C tt or eliminating school h programs altogether. "Yeah, kind of." THERESA SMITH Edfebrook styles of decorated school lunch kits thet not only make lunch-toting from home Am for the kids, but ako inexpen sive and convenient for you This year the kits destined to be moat popular with young sters feature ""-fr children's favorites as Annie. fee-Man, The Fall Guy, HeethdifT, The Dukes of Hazzaid and Straw berry Shortcake. The kits most popular with mothers are those fated with wide-mouth thermo bottles, especially designed for carry ing hot or cold solid foods, as well as liquids. The wide-mouth bottles let you send your children to school with a wider variety of lunches and gives you more opportunity to make certain their lunches are up to nutri tional standards. At school the e> child simply eats right from the bottle. These same wide-mouth bottles also have a convenient Pop-Top'M spout that allows children to druik right front the bottle, with or without a straw -- and without removing the bottle slid. Decorative school lunch kits and wide-mouth thermo bottles -- unlikely, but effec tive weapons you can use in the battle against rising costs. c © ^rnrnwrmmw Children'* S M I T H ' S s h o j »Lea* *KtSS* «?« SHIRTS 4 1«. P*"* OONMOOB KHIT Srsssr*.» BN .̂Wto'9.79 t*to- --school ' RITfreei StV^S roiLvnfjotj'**. Intantthro 1* ip«wr«* BUY A SKIRT iow-- 7*1 A) GET ccSwwhawq blouse on top 112 PRICE. PULLOVER SWEATERS 20% OFF .SSSSb F IK-"" Shop 1328 N. Mon. thru Sst. -"J"-".'- * »*«*• * -"*«» . •loam Cops •Lottor Jackets •Gym Bogs MB9SSL NcHmrr MfbiJaiir Gym Suits hrfcystfikb J o r s e y 5" T S h i r t s O 9 9 NIKE-PONY- CONVERSE Football Shoos RCMOVASil CLIATS 15%OFF To All Ar«a W. Rout* 120 llfMonn, •wnnwiii v 344-3580 OAKY f i3»4 (AT. *-4