March but plwse mane. Call Kathy 338-9917 or Verne 844â€"8492. Sunday, Ladies Neighborhood Coï¬ee Hour at Calvary Baptist Church, 1215 Lakeshorc Rd. West, 9:30 to 11 am. ur Weekend, Feature. gift baskets- Building Bridges, p. 111. All adults welcome. MarinaWalker. Speaker: Pat Bissell. All Income Tax Clinic at the Halton ladies welcome. Nursery provided Multicultural Council, 635 Fourth Line Overcast: Anonymous Step Study Unit 48, takes place from 6 to 8 pm. “UPDATE MAXIMUM EXPOSURE A FULL SERVICE A EXPERIENCE A RESULTS (Continued from page 7) CALL FOR A FREE NO OBLIGA'HON, MARKET VALUE APPRAISAL gage/0 0? 35'2ng Meeting at 7:30 pm. at Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn St. You’re no longer alone. Contact Linda 842-1433 or Irene 825-8795. . Royal Canadian Legion Branch 114, 136 Church St, hosts Euchre at 8 pm. All adults welcome. $239' 4 bedrwm, carve ha†plan, namkilchen, recentmoï¬ fumace, sotï¬ls, eaves, new bmadloom and ceramics WW ï¬nished basement ADVANTAGE PLUSREALTY INC. PhoneO‘i‘l‘HJ-l‘l‘l' 7CD Dowel Drive, Suite 103, Dakville, Ontario “Tell Me, What Are You Going to Do When You Leave School?†- a talk by University of Guelph associate professor Dr. John Walsh - takes place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. in the small gym of with Kim Karaskiam. For information or to make appointment call 842-2486 Monday to Friday from 9 am. to 5 pm. “Education The Issue of the Decade†- a panel discussion breakfast sponsored by the Oakville Chamber of Commerce - takes place at Qtello’s Banquet Hall, Royal Wmdsor and Ford Drives. $12. Registration 7:30 a.m.; con- tinental breakfast 7:45 am; 8 am. semi- Eastview Public School, 2266 Hixon St. For information call Jan Murdoch at Eastview, 827-1541. floor-toâ€"ca'lthgï¬leplace, cathedral ca‘ling. Please call Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 337 Kerr SL, hosts “Discipline Without Hassles†with parent support worker Dianne Banks. 9230 to 11 am. WHAM - Halton’s feminist lobby- ing group - meets at 7:30 pm. at Shell House, 3506 Lakeshore Rd _ Representative from WEED (Women ond Environments Education Development) discusses harmful effects of bleaching process on feminine hygiene products and disposable dia- Experience springtime in Italy as St. Thomas Aquinas School hosts its Pasta Night. Tickets from the school or by calling 827-3856/5970. Income Tax Clinic at the Halton Multicultural Council, 635 Fourth Line 'Unit 48, takes place from 6 to 8 p. m. with Dennise Lubinsky For information or to make appointment call 842-2486 Monday to Friday from 9 am. to 5 pm. Oakville Legion holds Bingo at Mayfair Bingo, 483 Speens Rd., at 12:30 pm. Procwds to charity. Queen Elizabeth Park School hosts its annuallasagna Night to raise funds for the Oakville Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. Two sittings, 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Tickets. available at the door, are $7 for adults or $4 for seniors and children under 12. Women ’s Health Conference - Building Partnerships for Better 1pm. at Halton Regional Building, 1151 Bronte, Rd. No admission. For more informaiion or to register call the Halton Disu'ictHealm Council at 842â€"2120. River Oaks Assochzabn of Residents (ROAR) hosts its “First Ever Easter Egg Hunt†from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. at the River Oaks Recreation Centre. (See 'Update‘ page 12) ivls r é-nuaa an: ’€>z$$fg-éi1~ nar. Call Sharon Malloy at the Chamber 845-6613. An Rental and Sales at Gairloch Gallely, 1306 Lakeshore Rd'East, from 1 to 5 pm. 338-0117. A project of the Oakville Galleries Volunteei' Arflental and Sales at Gairloch Gallery, 1306 Lakeshore Rd. East, from 1 to 5 pm. 338-0117. A project of the Oakville Galleries Volunteer Association Sheridan '_United Church in Mississauga holds a Rummage Sale from 9:30 aim. to noon. Bake table, cheese tables, white elephant table and lots of good used clothes. ' ,New Art Space, 83 Reynolds St., begins hosting a new‘ round of art work- shops today from 3:15 to 4:15 pm. Make earthenware bunnies, dogs, cats, sea monsters and more. Suitable for those ages eight to 12. $50 per month includes all materials. Call Ilze Berzins 338-5139. A.D.H.D. Workshop featuring guest speaker Dr. Mahoney takes place from 9 amto3:30p.m inPineSchoolaIKnox Presbyterian Church, 461 Elizabeth St. 1n ‘Burlmgton $25 includes lunch Register now at 637-9285.. East Oakville Community Adult Centre meets from 1 to 3 pm. at Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maple Grove Dr. Cards and games followed by'tea and cookies at 3 pm. Walton Memorial United Church, Lakcshore and Bronte Roads, holds its SpaghettiDinner with seaï¬ngs at 5 and 6:30 pm. Adults $7, youth $3, children under ï¬ve free. Call the church 827- 1643.