Planning for your pool will help rr the most of your backyard and the time spend there. To make sure you leave .9 room for other recreational activities, ii A good contractor will provide service and assistance on a continuing basis. You should also get a detailed contract listing every item with its size and brand name spelled out clearly to avoid any difficulties later. pare them; you'll want to hire someone with the necessary knowledge and expertise to build you a quality pool. The Oakville Beaver Real Estate News Once you’re aware of local regulations you should contact a contractor who is well-established in the pool or spa business Try to get two or three estimates and com- about the size and siting of pools. as well as fence and drainage line requirements. but these regulations vary somewhat from one municipality to the next. However, a pool can be one of the expensive items that you and your f, will invest in, so it really pays to around and do your homework before ing a final decision. Before making any plans, consult your local municipal office about the local bylaws that govern pools. Most municipali- ties have specific rules and regulations Are you thinking of beating the heat this summer by installing an outdoor swimming pool? A pool can provide quick relief from soaring summer temperatures. It's also an excellent recreation area that the whole family can enjoy. Today's outdoor pools come i about every size and shape imagin; suit even the most discerning taste most budgets. Be smart before CONTACT A CONTRACTOR pools come in just shape imaginable to local regulations, )ntractor who is ll most amily shop mak- and rr good idea to place the pool at the side of The most expensive type of pool is t traditional in-ground variety which can Ct as much as $15,000. An above-grow pool, which is the least expensive, can Ct as little as $700. Prices will vary, of coup, depending on what you want. Maintaining your pool may require fo to eight hours of time per week. Today, wide variety of automatic pool care pro ucts are available and you should talk to pool and spa retailer for more details. A professional pool maintenance cor pany can be used for the weekly routr jobs, depending on your budget. If yt decide to undertake these tasks yourse you should try to use a professional twice year to open and close your pool. To keep your pool clean, you should fol. low these steps: * Skim the surface to remove debris; . Keep the strainer baskets in the skim. mer and pump clean; . Brush all walls and tiles and remove the debris with the vacuum', . Vacuum at least once a week: . Keep the filter clean: and . Keep the deck clean. This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in the real estate market. The most traditional in as much as pool, which i your backyard, not the centre. You should also look for a spot that has lots of sunshine - to heat the water naturally and make your pool look more attractive. Both you and your contractors should decide on the type of pool that will be right for your needs. The right one for you will depend on your budget, yard size and so on. l pool maintenance d for the weekly r on your budget. ake these tasks yo course 1n cost so on. is the an cost round If m JUt )( If U OCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ft Jo