Stately columns accent a soaring marbled foyer revealing a cross bridge above that looks down into the main level and joins the bedroom area upstairs. Living room and dining room flank the airy foyer creating traditional living space within a very open con- cept. The entire rear of the house com- prises a very large kitchen/breakfast area with washed maple cabinetry and prises a very large kitchen/breakfa area with washed maple cabinetry ar a sunken family room that vaults thh storeys high with a marble firepla< W c raf ted detailed State marbled warmth their new into family will be First family to pioneer Westoak Trails square foot " This Thur af/Mt:-. . , n Drive stages rac10u Intern and finesse exterior to wrsday, Westoak Trails' first ll be taking up residence in Branthaven home on Summit Ne. With early planning and ages far behind. the 3.600 Oxford " ustom Pannapamon - from the the exau mh home xquisitely xudins volved finely ensuite complete the bedroom and with detail is the the light am off the kitche CHRISTOPHER INVIDIATA ith ICN cendinq one bedrooms share fro 1r below. The Mt of the m the Ilk-in ith whirl; View "Me 11ftimate injhzhold" toumhouse fivity overfbokiyg tlie Oakviflé Aaafour ff blot ll lower level our A spacious laundry are lu itioning all. An interesting very Sales Representative Int ntr in lit m WE STRIDGE " tep nter into a new Eeginning, not an inuyinafpace, but one createdout qfa pkiaopfiy qfelbance, and' a quality lifastyfe. 30% Tre-SoU. Calf today for pm-view appointment. 1n the a] u unng more pn U pt 1th 1m Mt advant br " the appomtt Jrroum 1th and In( droom room mall th n net in original plan home be h build: fourth ha Branthav Branthav S15.000 land " The m. Shortly. the inte The final Me Steven Stip new it n "l Summit Rid " own ensuit home both 1pt 338-9000 RF/IWPX uit residents H om< adin worked " its, to modify the sale and ne amilv need rlo 126 include )n the with of this with the iri h lVC The ne Ju ely n and id new heritage for future generations. Branthaven Homes are offered from $399,000 to over $500,000. For infor- mation, please call either Christopher Invidiata at Remax Aboutowne Realtv into laid it will be in Moving into a nev xciting. Being the fir no Westoak Trails orp are wards the continued J.M 00 to over $500,000. For infor- , please call either Christopher ta at Remax Aboutowne Realty it 338-9000 or Tina-May Luker Edwards Associates Inc. at 332- tr (La/Mame pl rails is th It th "" REALTY CORP. trtit buildin )m 1m and the Il pr od