i.750 sq." alleommercual Spears Road, I $3.00sqtt 8 WANT TO BUT, Condo or Villa. 2 bedroom. 2 lull baths, Indoor t'!f3lto,"" bonasonabh.634-9 , GLEN ABBEY. Rev-no Lot 3176sq.ft Scarlel O'Hara staircase. main Mttt tami- Iyroom, don. many up- grades 827-3089. OPEN HOUSE Sundays 2. dpm H30 Thistlodown Rd Glen Abbe; 8219.500. 3 bedrooms, M? bathrooms. cenlral arr, high omcnency lumeoe. finished basement. large deck. golessuonally landscaped. 5-0153 AUTO Service Connors Be your own boss. Help ro- wards. Proven est. lumey system. 7334962 ONE bedroom apartment tor rent, 338-9345 or 634- BACHELOR apartment, downtown area, $545 monthly. Unliues, parking and washing facilities in- cluded. 849-3691 TWO bedroom apartment m home. Private entrance Laundry and parking. Aval- abla immediately, all Pam 842-8958, 9NE bedroom apartment, *ONE Bt BASEMENT apartment with separale entrance. Near Shendan College. All 1acmnes $599 monthly. 842-1 55 ONE bedroom apartment for rent near Sheridan Col- lege, $600, monthly includ- mg utnliues. Partially fur. rushed, May Ist, 849-4760 BACHELOR 5tmiabit May Three bedroom Rancher with attached ga- rage on 60 ft. wide lot and an unusual I70 ft, _titrt.rp property, heavily wooded in a quiet es- tablished part of Oakville Interior completely renovated with CANAC kitchen cug‘timardsr Ready to move inl $189,500. ll 825-0576. "9or!y.tirtesenytit,yirttartfttaegmuuts .Potant'aHoralrmtsttmrtttitautmtt0ttticmtit, ift'gassg'iene?gr""a"d 1mttt$40mtmirtt989 to$500 in1992 .cattrepursuedparrtittteortuMrtttr .GreatertxsntrtgovarrrsurtmtrmgMurstettvtmttmant .TraimNandsuwottprrhitrd .L0t*'mgiora_tsrttrsstxxxsttmity !R,1',',1e',,',Y,'lr, I m :fiegfg tyobsorweus a eriraiMhlrtrwtet $219,900. Glen Orchard built, 3 bed- rooms, 2'/, baths, huge family room with brick fireplace, central air and vacuum, deck. . LOANS . LINE OF CREDIT REDUCED LOT FOR SALE M “vile mo up front has "Op to 95% firmoing 'In-hotm C0ttsaltaion "li Days. 9 am-g pm "tENT" FEE 1/2 MONTHS RENT tto MINIMUM . III] houses for sate 844-0141 '1st-2nd ' 3rd mos masidentiaWomm. International Marketing Opportunity Health-Nutrition-Weight Management )1 housing wanted ci, MllmiliriMlBtl Al’lx’lLZH, [USU . Lawn "For Sale" Sun . Open Home Sign a . Legal Advice . Future Sheets . Comma Forms . House Photographs . Unlimlled Consulmlon . Mow Money . CLS-Computer Lining Services 865-3033 weekdays or 847-6416 evenings 8. weekends Call to agarggeAa buslnets presentation ittthtgMgl Wishes Imam business. ttAtortmlties a May liith. Call 6 p m, and a pm. RIVERSIDE DRIVE AREA TOTAL C(ETWS INCLUDES dose I0 Than " dwidod, GLEN ABBEY 338-9032 nous If You Are To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 am.- 5 p.m. Two 2 bedroom span- ments in houses, first and second ttttttr. June and itt 151.3712 and 5790 me - my all militias. Ott Kerr St. must have good romances. 332-1366. PRIME OFFICE SPACE- QEthrTrauugar Ra Approx 600 to 2500 sq ft Audible immqqulo'y, Tummy Prop- SPACE FOR HEN 849 OAKVILLE ' two bodvoom 5680 inclusive. June lst non-smoker. 233-7441 DUMP silo wanna lot asphalt. concmo or slant [tlr'" 544-4330 or 634- REASONABLE OAKVILLE Eu 6Cqtrom $250 m Units lot rent 1.0 sq.tt Seem-n. on pmrmus 875 416-275-6834 3597 or 344-1592 SMALL slow Iron! tty Bronte Harbour. 400 Good vlslbiluy Ava, Jun“: VARIOUS ONE bedroom baseman! apartment, near Kerr 5 Spears. $450. monthly m- cludmg laundry. 338-6137 PENTHOUSE 2 bedroom plus ktft, 5 appliances, walk to shoppm and Go 51150 plus utilities. 845-2154 LARGE 2 bedroom base. mam apartment, separate entrance. air, $650 ummes included, June Isl. 847-8371, evenings. EXECUTIVE 1 bedroom apartment. private entrance, ensuite laundry, dishwash- er, oenuall air and vacuum. cable. microwave. Parking. Non smokers. no pets, Avail- ablo June Ist, $625. momh- Iy all inclusive Suit Single female Two bedrooms tor a gouple_ negotiable, 84941176 TWO bedroom private basement apartment. Lo- cated In bean of Oakville, near everyifELng. 5500/ ONE bedroom suite. $800 monthly and open concept suite. 5675 monthly in qunel beautifully maintained build- ing, Old Oakville. Walk to shops and Go. No lease. Call 8445952 month, 368-9256 TWO bedroom, fridge move. faxing. $615, Avail able une l, No pets Classic Kerr. Ms-1040 IMMACULATE 3 bedroom hi) be; use. All renovated with aumul new kitchen, large rd and garage. $1090. mes Included. 844-0988 33tt 'la house tor sale nmammm HE OAKVILLE BEAVER I low Ions tot we MI. W mtm business. -turtlo" industrial nonmetal span $250 momn all in .F'P'Jaem. 338 Animus tes-t up ttt 1000 , “999%!!! net good I03200 " ot BRIGHT one bedroom. basement apartment, sepa- rate entrance, Dorval and Mar . sun single female, 'lll's? includes utilities. laun- dry and parkmg. 849-9789 BRIGHT Condo Apts. 2 a 3 bedrooms trom $275 PY month. . “Incas :lidg'lig, . air conditioning . vertical blinds . broadloom . storage rooms . museums] are: . parking included . socurtty entrance Please call bot- wean 9 a.m.- 5p.m. at: 825-3327 air conditioning. mo balconies. lake View from some sunes. Friendly, gun. Budinilgn luxury 1. and 3 Groom apa Tent homes._Huge I FAIR RENT GOOD APARTMENTS TERRIFIC LANDLORD LARGE UNITS AT REASONABLE RATES Luxury 1 ' 2 bdrm plus dens. Air condi- tioned. sunken he. ingrooms, fireplaces, pool, sauna. squash court A seCumr. $750. & up. Available immediately. Call 842-6051 days or 842-1292 or 844- 5219 evenings. RICHARD TOWERS 36 East St.. Bronte MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 2 a 3 Bedroom Apartments Available Close to Sheridan College 8 Oakvnlle Place OUlet park-lik? settrng_ o_r [mfg call Spacious 1 ' 2 bedroom apartments. Available immediately From $ti00/mo. Quiet, clean bldg. Apply: Rental 0"ch 2386 New St. Mon. thm Sat. 11 am-1 pm, or call: 639-5761, Anytime . mins. tmm " Z-Bedmom APARTMENTS All three bedroom suites, now rented. How- ever we have large two bedroom suites available in our Stl well cared for building in downtown Oa ville, Indoor parking, pool and saunas. Reasonable leases. For appointment call: OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY THE CANADIANA 5220 Lakeshore Rd. BuHUgton's Prime Address! ‘l-Bdnn. (1100 sqft.) From S838, . 2-Bdrm, (1425 sqft.) From $965. . Big 20'x26' Iivydin.rm "AJC "Fridge, Stove Dishwasher 'Heated Outdoor Pool 'Sauna *Recroom 'indoordhstdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View S32-l5686 Daily 9 am - 7 pm DEW/GO Ex well- outdoor pool lactation 1 new». 3.5.51.» 827-9169' Stunning Lakefront Apartments For Rent Luxury, Newly Renovated LARGEti3Bedroomsuiter, l-Bdrln o Den Buttes The Diplomat I & " 5 Itb6 l 5170 Lakeshore Road, Burlington 333-9333 or 333-9522 " ems. ' flats for rent 845-9502 639-8583 OAKVILLE COURT OPEN DAILY 9 tm. to 9 p.m " plus u0lmes. mmedlalely. Call lacevLarge kitch J, laqpdry, sepa Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On- The-Lake 844-7332 9 poo 842-5518 KERR/Lake bedroom apa BACHELOR APAR available d cable $450 monthly able May Ist, 845-16 BACHELOR APARTMENT 1tN wélk-Jut to ience available downtown Oak- yard, WOO/month plus um ville Parking after 7 pm. ities.489-5897. LAKESNOHEIKERR. ' bedroom 5875 plumdro On 2 levels. Bnght spa CIOUS Balcony. onsuni laundry. parking lmmme male. 5354937 COUNTRY. two bedroom apartment. private, Stt"rles/'Tratalgar, no pets, no appliances $725 plus plex. Separate Albert McDI cab'Ie $636 able May Ist TWO bedroom basement apartment, newly renovated. separate entrance. Cable, utilities, parking including. No smoking, no pets. June 1st, S675/ month, 845-2323 tram. ar .'$un 1 pm son AF/fasts/d. ttttttl extra. Available Juno " 259-8697 NEW two bedroom base mam. QEW/Tratalgar. sep arate entrance. woodslove parking and laundry. $725 utilities included. May Ist 844-3733 evenmgs. $673 j" 847-9039 EAST OAKVILLE bas mm m. 1 beam plus Michâ€, bat TWO bed CLOSE to Oakv Largo pool. low. . fmrltrPyyu1, J. LARGE 'qtanrmmt.timmttyematms 338-3590 pols-value“ 1AtArALGArvaEw Lung m In we, may mg in" humo- unc NEWLV baud >d Jo SPEERS ROAD Luxury Apartments )ne and two bed "amt. Office in!!!“ who on" 338-3342 baseman! 398nm apts. t flats tor rent o_rytry 5990 monthly Ava! 845-T665 n.860 Menu UPGRADED good to arm Really 'MENT cation, close to transit, Pre- fer non-smoker, Share bath, laundry. Separate kitchen. Immediate. 83251 month. 845-8521, CLEAN turmshed room Own fridge, cable. nea Sheridan. On bus route share kitchen, bath, ant laundry. $325/month 849-8762 CLOSE to Oakville Place one room, share all facili, ties. Parking. $350/momn anilusjvg. May 1st FURNISHED 507-3762 WATERLOOMLU UPPER 'tg'1"tie,tel', Una: 3 bedroom town ouse. 1 1/2 baths. garage, rec room. laundry, walk-out to lencod THREE be tral air, electric our“. opener. raking. 240mm MP cumy. abulous rec an". and more! Availablo Immo- dmoly. 839-2233 or 637. RIVERSIDE SPECTACULAR VIEW. S995 won't lasl' Luxurious Lakoshore. Oakvlllo. 2 bod- mom, 2 bath, 1200 sq ft. in. cludes flvtt new appliances. CuBtttm wall coverings, eon- Bloom 10mm 0-1“an not". doublo pug; may emu $1.00 is“. to» "rt-rm" REIT OAKVILLE. Glen Abbey 2 bedroom condo. 3 ap- pllances. parking. all amon- hiss. aviailable' May Is! 62th04s3ttr23898t4 Elma sum 3 mam mm the loom OAK VILLI house for mm with option to ht Call John 238-9258 or 2 9156 LUXUHIOUS 3 bedroom. 1 1/2 baths, sunken living- room. Indoor parking. Fool, recreation. laundr; incl ities. Immediate, 827- 880 aner 6 pm. LUXURY 2 bedroom pent OAK VlLtE EXCLUSIVE downtown condo. cholce location, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. sunroom, "replace. 4 ap- pllances. alr conditioning. [iv-liable June Ist. $130 t month Ctall844-4i900 1 bedroom apanmem avall- awe June l, overlooking lake. 5 appllancos. amon- tles loo nurnorous lo men- tion. For tunher into contact "one at 827-5464 BRONTE HARBOUR Club 4 Mtett comm! air . no pets No h - "Joanna . Luxury Mum-level Tn bdrm. Ivanhoe. tarnity rm. 5 and. air eond Emma-SIJOMM-Exec 4tttttttt, 2n Property Management North -. 392531.025 mo __ 2 & 3 bdrm T H BRONTE-$t.050 mo. Incl UN 2 level 2 bdrm apt MSSlsSAUGA-$1200./mtrcory 3 bdrm sem A aophances Central arr no pets "i3rIC"; new fer"" car;" aciW '%"'lii'Gifa CAN FIND YOU A NONI! NEON?!" NOW-N0 FEE FOR DUI IEN‘I'AI. MATCH SERVICE OTHER UNWS AVAILAILE Steps ttt We and Emma HarbourSEMl detached Modem 3 bedroom. eat-in kitchen. 2 1/2 baths, large master bedroom with 4 mace bath ttrtsuitet games June lst possessnon. Enjo comfortable living in our spacious 3 a 4 Ui',",',?,,',',' townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances. 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool, sauna & shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping & transportation. Starting at $1.000. & up ' utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. & Ghent Ave. tit tmmnouses " Iowan! 6 WEEKS RENT FREE Harbour Property Managetnem Ltd. Realtor Carman Munro 827-1168 ones. 847-5877 Burlington By Appointment, 63M950 Wm BRONTE $1 l70-MONTH MODERN 2 STOREY rooms tor rem & wanted how-Moran! but! condominiums for mm 338-1 1 30 ""1510†TRAFALGAR Rentals 8: "mm means" WEI-E 340.52! - NORTH Oakville, heat, hy- dro, cable4 tour apgllances all included. $3 0/5325 with walk-in closet Nae bus route, Sheridan Col lege and Oakville Place Laundrm and kitchen recur lies. on-smoker. Ken 842-0789. t3EAR SHERIDAN 'trllege Room for rent, $325. month- ly. Suit male or lemale. Use of pool, sauna, hottub. 338-1502 tttf" 510", quot lunar) condo‘ 03¢th mung. t bedroom. plus an sums all-m Inner-on, "rlit Ion on moon“. CIA. can†s â€plane“. vonotlanl $va. “1.632408 A rage furnished r near hondan. use of an. bath and laundry I bus stop. non-smoker weekly, 644-6423. LARGE, in IENYAL NO "1865 IAVINE mm IEAUTIFULLV MAIN level, 3 bedrooms. close to schools. shopping and bus or can be out". houso with 1 or 2 bedroom baseman! apanmont. Ap- pliances. Availablo Immo- diamy. 827-5441 NORTH Oakvlllo, 3 tttttr rooms, semi detached f/ld/ vacancy with quali- iod/screoned town's Maple Leaf Home Marketing Contrultants Inc We spacial- lzo In Oakvlllo prop'enlu 842-8383 private sanity. bright, spa cious. 2 be room Sepa rate "ing/dining with sun room, gaming. $1800 849-999 . DETACHED on cuI-davsac 2 car garage. central air, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, main tlot" famlly, largo lenced ard, 5 appliances. Lima/month Call Flags! res 349-7381 845-9180 work. LAKEFRONT, spectacu LANDLORDSI We can H VERY allowable. cute 3 bedroom. emclant utl0es, Large backyard, hardwood floors, blinds. 345-0687 days, 827-5375 evenings 1.IOO sq. ft, Ian off White Oaks Boulevard, 3 bed- rooms, 3 baths, no ap- nuances. lmmgdlate pos- Bl an Available May lst 0606 rooms for rem l wanted houses for rent $1 IT INCENYIVE 50/mdnth a“ was REAL ESIATE 100-165 .3 mm REN'IAIE 170-196 I! my; LEISURE LIVING 200-265 'E! urn MERCHANDISE 300-385 Ii DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue Wed. 4 pm. for Friday Issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday issue . ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability for nuvcn I Iamu cur-run: "No UMIabIUNb: lne uakvme Beaver assurr typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than that by the error. Claims tor errors must be made prior to next publication date room Near 'oom, . $75 544t BEST CASH pad tor fridg- es. stoves. washers, dryers and air conditioners, Call (416) 62%7377 ttt A babe of a deal Cars and trucks wanted, Dead or alyye. best price; Call 855- SWIMMING POOL. 20 tt octagonal mground/above ground In good condition, all equipment to operas and maintain, $1,000 or best offer. 338-7164 UPRIGHT piano, recently rtthmshed. $500. Megan- able, Call 827-1072 ROLL top desk, solid Oak. IOOgears old. "tfinished, " 0 00. CONGO/2 and table. leather tops. 1940's style. $225. Call 642-2358. SAILBOARD. Fanatic Bat, complete. $1100. Mlelo ttlite 12 speed racmg bike. $300. Call 844-4987. FAiES NIKON equipment tor 3310, 301 camera $700, Nmkor 20mm. 12.8 Ions. mint, $525. Nikhor TC200, $150. Nikkor 300 14,5 ED 900. Vivitar 285HV Hash, $95, Nikon FM2 camera mm M012. 5700. Nikon F3 camera mm yq1 any Ngad ballpry. MOVING. Chesterfield. 2 chars. 3300/5131. Chester- holds/chews sun cottage. Girl's Mute bedroom suns. Assorted household. 257-116‘. donzu. chum. con-win lulu. and "I. “atom. Cal ttt I... 032-600 canon. PRE-FAB; Must all "alumna ‘992 ml: Immediately, Hal 33.4â€. 2-ear 83.9". In. stance! Contact. wont u- " 1-300-307-1001 any- In», FURNACE. electric. 20KW an cottagq ttfo, Poo GOLF cums. llke new used any arm Wuson Staff Pwrosswo Irons. 2 through P . stiff . Furosuck sisal shafts, pad $900, will sam- titat. 336-6t42 3824 FRIDGES model 'tNo-too. swath“: Otter, 827-1906 '286 mu; SHORT OR long term room for rent, available Imme- dlalaly. northeast Oakville, $375. mommy 338-9242 SINGLE MI ASSORYED DE0tttt, c1. hon/month. bun “an. an summer or longer, near Oakvllle Place, Sheridan Collect Rent negotiable. Call collocl. 613-549ur875 SHERIDAN 665-5 VREMENDOUS Em." cars wanted ROOMJurnlshed. 5289 Share home. Non-smoker Close to all transportation, 622-0211 ask for Mtchello. 849-696t ROOMS FOR RENT lor COMPLETELY furnished, sharod accommodation , arkinq lacilih‘as. éOO/momh irteltmttNt. Glen “my area, closo to buses and plaza Velma 842. 5800, Mada 847-0391, 822- FEMALE to share lawn- house, wllh small llmlly. Fun-shod room. mm!- balh. plenum anvimnmom. 025-9206 I00! "ammo. our Sheridan Collect. '300tmontrtlr. Hum-dim nonunion. parting Iv."- lblo Protosstonal male or at CLAHKSON- Room for rent, near GO Station. Pool. alr. etc Var; Hoasonablt 822-9403 or 2ih1694 FURNISHED ROOM tor rent for non-smoker, new home Share kitchen and bath 829-2072 RIVER Oaks area, close to transportation. share 13cm- lles. suitable tor quot re‘ sponsiblo person. $325. 84ty-4397, Ing, 842-3896 HOME awa£ from home, Quiet nelgh ourhood. big backyard. single bedrooms. share kitchen, bath and laundry. $350 month. Close In GO train, 'trea Shedgpp Cpllago, No pa - WRHD tmmttrteruqFttems. unmatched»... “New In For“. nun: WINS! anmmauny Set4tdtMttTerMestktttersftxiettt39S. 1httodsdqrtttmtrft%trtt.t.Be6mmt Sattm.ftr8Hrtrt.Fstmtts PENWOOD FURNITURE OUTLET gltag,',' " accommodation " Ill-unlaw- loamy articles wanted "Wherethesadeneverereds" rooms tor rem ' wanted WW them at Bonluupt $9M Ooh. (may a Hardwood Forum COPIERS all Pom at 545 Orttrvtthrtrtttmurttmn t2EWtithmmlthttmNqettt non-smoker mam; Bankrupt but. Mun. 044-8519 (no) “1-3653 him .190 wwq 633-64 m WA " year: on pounce. Ranch and ru- [£99ch Photogra Inlenor " and. Istun $500. 845-3998 after 7pm. g 1970 GRAND PRIX- am/tm assent). an, buckets and console. v8. poqy and Saubla River. Log cabin with clock. 3 bedrooms bath, Swimming, Pty: ',"4'3S'liinfa'""'inir 63 . 1430Al . COTTAGE FOR RENT on ORLANDO villa tor ram. 30 miles lrom Disney including pool. tennis, with gall avail- ablo lrom $300 U a weak. Call Bill tmF1t7S. 1907 WI FOX chin In?! kins hula rust Great o, student-I second car 32500 2574942 DISNEVWORLD . Rom, 'lit/lt,',',',? Good rates, 2 be room/2 bathroom town- house. Pool. air. tannin. 827-4020 OFFICE FUINITUII. Dull. no. Chum 810. I“. tttr, FM.- 'MY. um Md smug. Buy/Soul Atb 3356636. KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available tor weddings, anniversaries, Fania: etc Call tor more nformation 827-1854 after 3pm 100-165 731 AUTOMART 400-455 170-196 HELP WANTED 500-570 200-265 IIE-z-ale ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-696 300-385 Im- SERVICES 700.794 All sizes for privacy hedges. Picked up and je,',',"",', & delivered. we trst. "an“: newâ€???6 Acton. 1419-86 27 Sectional couch w/quoon sized pull- out. Blue, 2 1/2 years old. Asking $800. MI- prawn" oven, 650 ram. t.3 cut.“ M000; 58.†ar us a'. 5. Call 'gth't?, th 257-2649. Hm] an tar sale Situated directly on the world's finest beach on Siesta Key, near Sarasota Florida, this fabulous 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apart. offers every luxurr. Full}l lur- nished, it aso inc udes tennis court, pool, local golf course and tlve miles of white, quartz sand. Minimum 1 month rental in off season with a 3 month minimum during high season. Current less- ee will not be renewing do to health. Please call 849-8808 for addi- tional Information. Reporting to the Chief Fire Prevention Officer, your important contribution will be to review all building plans, drawings and specifications to ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code, Ontario Fire Code, Municipal By-Iaws and other fire safety standards. You willalso maintain files for buildings underconstruction and actas a resource person on fire safety standards to your colleagues in the Department To be appointed, you will demonstrate substantial experience in a similar capacity, which has given you knowledge of the relevant legislation, NFPA Fire Codes and Insurance Standards. Familiarity with building construction methods, special processesand hazardous operations is also important. The salary range is $46,710 - $55,226 (under review) with a comprehensive benefits package. Please forward your resume, in confidence, by May 5, to: Director of Human Resources, Town at Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, P.0. Box 310. Oakville, Ont. LBJ 5A6 An Equal Opportunity Employer Only applicants selected lur inlorviews will be contacted Thank you hr your Worm. BEACHFRONT HI] vacation properties n ankle: for sale "STUFF" FOR SALE Plans Examiner I Fire Prevention Officer WW CEDAR TREES halls ' lodges otography ‘vumes no tinandal liability for pm Gonna! Auction ha- Sa 1987 Bath Slyhrk. an! to at Humo’. ounh Lmo. north ot Milton. Sto- phon would. Audion“! 06-625 M. mango" Apr" 29 Ir30 Houswaru. tools. mou0 tam bi". ftsNng and goat lo ogulpmom. no. - Men,Women, Children all ages needed now as TV/Movie extras and Catalogue models. Experience not necessary Call Now. AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY IST AT 10:00 AM. SHARP Loeatlorr. In the Agricultural Hall, on Robert Street, Mllton Falrgrounda, Mlllon. FOR ONE OF BRAMPTON?» OLDEST LIFE LONG RESIDENTS "MRS. JEAN 000K" PLUS ADDITIONS. SALE INCLUDES, Household glass & china, old lewellery, Sp. items, antiques, lurniture, washer, dryer, fridge, home a garden tools, lawn mowers, utility trailer, to h.p. Wisconsin water pump, 8 It Conveyor, over 30 oil lamps. Filter Queen vacuum (like new) etc. etc . USUAL TERMS GIANT CRAFT SHOW Over 120 Vendor: SATURDAY, MAY 1 SUNDAY, MAY 2 10-4 E.C. DRURY HIGH SCHOOL . 215 Ontario Street, S. Hwy. 25, Milton, Ontario 2 gyms full of vendors, Admission " per adult; children free GARAGE/YARD SALES I A GAIRLOCH “HAPPENING" SUPER GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. May 1 8 am - 4 pm 1042 MANCHESTER CRES. oc?iti,,,,to ot ROCKTON WOOD SHOW th, Date Sun (Vendor Inquiries Welcome) Rockton Agricultural Society Hwy.#8, Btwn. Cambridge & Hummon 519-647-2502 "Home of the Rockton World's Fair" MOVIES * T.V. MODELLING AUCTIONS, SALES p AT GAIRLOCH 1306 LAKESHORE RD. E. Friday, April Mth, 12 Noon . 9 pm Saturday, May Igt, 10 am - 8 pm Sunday May 2nd, 10 am - 5 pm Fri. April 30 1 p.m.-8p.m. Sat. May 1st. 8 am. -5 p.m. OAKVILLE GALLERIES ace o0cupie Bring this ad tor 1 free admission CRAFT SALES 897-2323 Auctioneer, Don Colllng d All classUied ads must be prepaid ,',',5'lu,',,',E,,'l,itr,',efr,',at m90 Inmates aunt-Mu . 842-7947 Chegue or cash “.1 careers We Accept