"New construction was pulled down during the January-March period as a result of exceptionally harsh winter conditions mainly in Atlantic and cen- tral Canada. The lower activity also reflected the sharp weakening of the resale market during the closing months of last year and the gradual pace of the economy's upturn," said Gilles Proulx, chief economist at Housing starts fell 13.6% to 145,500 units seasonally adjusted at an annual rate (SAAR) during the first quarter of 1993.' reported Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. During the fourth quarter of I992, housing starts had reached 168,500 units SAAR. First quarter housing starts fall P. NICHOLSON‘. MO CONNELLY' J.LUMBERS' 8446061 "THE STANbARD OF EXCELLENCE" FORD O'BRIEN‘ 844-6061 FORD O'BRIEN' 844-6061 JANE LUMBERS' 844-6061 FORD O'BRIEN' 8446061 I T "pï¬u SOLD $73M?“ m-‘M r w; i ' V ( __ "t A; L" K _-'. ix; " "t LI‘ ' fiihiii 24 If 'Wee' ‘3, s Starts levels in British Columbia slipped 7% yet remained strong at 41,300 units SAAR. The trend in multi- ple-unit construction was actually up as scarcity of single lots and high prices Ontario starts fell l8.9% to 42,600 units SAAR as the decline in most mar- ket segments was compounded by a low level of construction started under provincial social housing programs. =,...=z.=.="'i'1"i""? CMHC's Market Analysis Centre. Starts fell at a similar rate in urban and in rural areas. Within urban areas, however, multiple-unit starts showed resilience as this type of construction is becoming more popular especially in the west. w, .. . ' 1 W - . at = ' 4' , Mr. H " , ' .1 ‘ " A.“ " PP. J, , g " _ . V . - Sk. Li Fa' ' 3:12" -t' â€In". _ ' Gr,',.'," r?. ‘ â€a ' .,"Z‘L,- T x, If, U! a " m' .4. h ' l T _ .. tat .. -V, - F '. T .2 . "q g, " V ' . L, .1 -. A“ !h" _r" .=== m " ee -, _ ... x . - t_rt_e W' «up. - _ , =arre"'" in“ r, __ “Mum...†299 LAKESQQEESEQN E/l!il'a,tetlliym1lii 844-6061 high/LE OF THE WEEK J0fHhlS'"LC2tyLec DANIEL . SUSAN FLYNN' 844-6061 EDNA KING' 844-6061 EDNA KING' 844-6061 LIMITED . REALTOR A. SlNGLEHURST' B. NEWELL' Alberta starts dropped nearly 16% to 19,100 units SAAR - still a strong level after two years of almost uninter- rupted growth. Contrary to national trends, starts activity jumped in Saskatchewan by 64.3% to 2,300 units SAAR, mainly due to stronger rural starts. reduced single-detached dwellings th activity. re Activity in Quebec was down 9.4% to 30,000 units SAAR. The decline was o, concentrated in the single-detached lo segment of the market while multiple qt units edged up mainly due to starts of Bi semi-detached and row houses. un if“ _', g... i'"?. E, J Manitoba starts dropped by more MO CONNELLY‘ 844-6061 SUSAN FLYNN' 8446061 8446061, 825-1087 MORAG CONNELLY' $710,000. 3 lots off Lakeshore near Appleby. $990,000. 9 acres future development south of Hwy. 5 SOUTH CENTRAL , BDRM. 99,900, Main floor additnon mstr. bdrm s walk-out to mature fenced garden ilk to bake, "GO," shops, schools. BEV ELUS' 8446061 or 845-2388 than a quarter to 1,900 units SAAR as a result of weakness in urban centres. Starts fell in all Atlantic provinces. On a SAAR basis, starts were as fol- lows: Nova Scotia starts fell about a quarter to 4,400 units SAAR; New Brunswick down about half to 1,800 units SAAR; Newfoundland down in line with national trends to 1,900 units SAAR; while P.E.l. starts were down more than half to 200 units SAAR. CMHC's revised forecast for 1993 and 1994 will be issued in early May. The SAAR is a quarterly figure that is adjusted to remove seasonal varia- tion and multiplied by 4 to reflect annual levels. BEV ELLIS' 8446061 or 845-2388 BILL HUMPHREYS" 844-6061 BILL HUMPHREYS" 844-6061 LAND TO BUILD ON, LAND TO INVEST IN! JACOUIE JOUANET' 8446061 bdrm. with 9 ft kit, hardwood in ad private garden. lends torey Cape Cod. 3 ll dining rooms. ‘le tself to be D