FEFINANCIAL HIGHLIG FUND BALANCE EXPENSES Salaries, Wages and Employee Benefits Medical and Other Supplies and Expenses Amortization on Plant FUND BALANCE ASSETS LIABILITIES CAPITAL FUND BALANCE PROPERTY PLANT EQUIPMENT Expended During Year NET Beds in Operation 277 Admissions 11,907 Patient Day 83,013 Average Length of Stay 6.41 Births 1,901 Surgical Operations 12,651 Emergency visits 45,113 Laboratory Units 3,657,771 Diagnostic Imaging Exams 69,617 Rehabilitation Medicine Attendance 64,201 Paid Hours of Work 1,648,507 The comparative figures have been restated to conform with the current year‘s presentation Current Assets Current Liabilities Working Capital Property, Plant and Equipment Total Expenses Beginning of Year Excess of Revenue Over Expenses Donations 246 Transfers (To) From: Building Fund (366) OTMH Charitable Corporation (1,112) Equipment Long Term Debt Ontario Ministry of Health $ 47,654 Other 10.877 Total Revenue 58.531 End of year End of Year COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR THE YEARS ENDED MARCH 31, 1993 AND 1992 (expressed in thousands) Comparative figures for the years ended March 31, 1993 and 1992 $41,998 $41,805 $25,860 $17,635 (20.182) (10.665) 34,300 _ 30,326 246 625 45,668 29,398 «_ (2,104) 51 13,287 â€" 13,201 2210 | 2147 58.495 57.153 5,678 6,970 36 $ 24 6.11 2,013 12,899 46,781 3,514,743 71,268 65,645 1,667,654 $46,381 10.796 300 13,.328 MEDICAL STAFF L HIGHLIGHTS| Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Grants â€" Renovation Expansion Project 366 Donated Funds including Interest Expenses â€" In Preparation for Project Other Fund Balance, End of Year Active Inactive OTMH ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP Expressed in Full Time Equivalents â€"based on paid hours Active Associate Courtesy, Affiliate and Honorary Corporate/Service Clubs/Organizations Personal The comparative figures have been restated to conform with the current year‘s financial statement presentation OTMH «t 3,897 229 2.761 493 208 701 160 125 298 96 15 (111) 3,554 454 257 2.879 541 200 741