WE LUXURY GALORE!! ADD THIS UP! [HEOAKV GO! " le " k " EA Se "I Iélll Tsr,", A". at th/ [AKFSHOPF RU W DEBBIEYARDO’ 338-9000 LLOYD mum» 338-6550 EXECUTIVE CALIBER . . . CALLING ALL BRITONS SEEING IS BUYIN( it res and shrubs, 1e Lakeshore, this ew ensuite bath- wdwood floors, ished lower level wroom addition. $1.950 oer mo. FEATURE HOME of the week Itt acear RICARDO MORALES" 845-9180 VERONICA mama? 845-9350 Expect the best WHBC LINDA COOK* ANELL FRANCIS REAL ESTATE 849ANt00 " DUNN STREET BOSI IA Miller Real Ethic Lid Mamba! Broker 849-9800 ", In." M “54130 321 Lakeshom Rd. E 845-9350 LEY a co LTD REALTOR REALTOR --- l