IT] Dorothy Thomson, Sales Manager, welcomes Roger Mather, Sales Representative at Royal LePage, 2448 Inkeshore Rd West Branch. Roger can be reached at our ofriae by calling 825-l 171. Please join us in welcoming him. $238M - INESCAPABLE BEAUTY! Exoelem Bronte location! 1 bdrm. condo. Hrdwd. ha, oeramcs 6 appls. CINDY HUMPHRIES' 845-9180 Sales Represertative ANNOUNCEMENT i2gt,'h'g,Ttgh,tutotaags. Masterbttrm.Fsurte, b‘GO' $39M - SUMMER DREAMS! Beam Mam wm Spa'mus2ttaMiomirvtawsurte F3mmeartttCmAonWaststttsMatr 'oortamtetotomo0ttt:tiiiri. CiNDYhUMPHmEtP 845-9180 Set,e, tg',',',t=1Wt CINDY _HUMPHRIES' 845-9180 2448 Ld_(eshore Rd. W. Oakville 825-] I71 - I [l rt " ROYAL LEPAGE CiNDYhUMPHmES. 845-9180 m.†A" I I i * C) AIO g a CINDY _HUMPHRIES‘ 845-9180 $114900 - ROOM TO GROW! $113900-CUTE AND COZY! $314900 SimPOOL Pleasure! Real Estate News MWMWSOMLEEIOU Sales Rtxoreskiarrk SaksAtihusiiiattU -- tigirdAiduiGata “m" -. SaaRaikriiiiirUrie -_-"_e V m It's hard to find a 3 bedroom bungalow with main floor family room and fireplace and greenhouse kitchen with built-in appliances. Huge entrance foyer, 2 bathrooms, skylight plus much more. Located on a large pie- shaped lot, onl 6 years old. Asking price is $59,900. NEW LISTING TREED GRANDVIEW RAVINE It's hard to find a 3 bedroom Custom-built by Di-Na fbungalow with (Sham flloor Homes. 4 bedrooms, 3 am: room an Ire ace . and gyreenhouse hJ2'i' with btt.hs, greenhouse kitchen, built-in appliances. Huge with walk-opt to larke deck. entrance foyer, 2 bathrooms, Cosy family room with skylight plus much more. fireplae. Professionally Located on a large pie- landscaped garden. Asking shaped It.ot, â€X 6 years old. price reduced to $369,900. Asking pnce IS 259,900. FRED SCHAFER FRED SCHAFER Bus. 842-1630 or 842-1635 Bus. 842-1630, 842-1635 "A-Brrba. it, ".ltrs SjijL% R0 l r _ Canada Trust Realty 1 Panada Tr, no! Cor,..,):,, Inn /Dnnknr l Canada Trust Realty Inc/Realtor {El-I _--'" I 1101 UPPER MIDDLE ROAD 338.2201 'Sales Ream - C x _rt, ai, ',i' . 'r . A, " V 3 " Ie,j, ca ) TW' 'ae T, M. EP% "i IU 'W: tii I and Associates Ltd. Realtor 340 CHURCH ST. OAKVILLE 844-2950 shua Creek - one-of-a-kind, loaded with upgrades, 435,000. ELIZABETH KIROWSKIE‘ 844-2950/842-8134 RALPH F. MCCORMICK .. LVN: l 'llairiiariliiiii 844-2950 Hrdwd., l/ baths, fam. rm, fireplace. IOLA BUTTEIY" '44-2%0/844a611 cr. wmaN NAMES “MM $339,900 IOLA BUTTEIY†WNW/M44611 inr $4 mmomlsn USE mun RAN $185,900 NEWU!mNG EXCLUSIVE COURT PRIVATE GARDEN m St. Cum â€336. 4 bdvm 9,000 IOU IUTIEIY“ WNW/M446" EASTOAKVIJI. mo Ismrm HOYIUM‘ '4629S0/825-8945 HOE WHYPAYRENT? 55+" /"s r"e'i'" ') , “A i ' _. -rri' ; - _ cc-,tt" _ NWT?“ l th' -- _ (h) HIZAIEIH KIIEWSKIE‘ WNW/8423134 ;exqunsite decor, skylites, bay 399,900 BERNETM HOTIUM' 844-2950/82r8945 TREE! POOH PRIVACY! M4.28Sill827683, 1 $244.90) [WITH WWW WNW/8236945 NEW [SIN] RIVER OAKS t, Fe, Nearschools mes w/lake FR off kit kt Full; fenced. “VIII RANKIN. Harden lmmat ï¬n; m B) :0