Bring on Star Trek :TheNext Generation Greg Norman's pullout from the Canadian Open at Glen Abbey must have been a disappointment for Teenline callers last week. Norman, with 10 votes, was picked by Teenline callers as the over- whelming favorite to’ win the Canadian Open. ’Lee Janzen followed with four votes while Nick Price and Fred Couples received two votes each. John Daly, who also dropped out of the tournament, tallied one vote. ‘ tar Trek: The Next Generation has a fan club ~ among Teenline callers. Asked which television program they were looking forward most to seeing this fall, nine c'aller-s responded by Voting for Star Trek: the Next Generation. - And while Madison High has yet to air this season, the new show received six votes. Beverly Hills_90210 received two votes while the Untouchables and the Young and the Restless received one vote each. In the Lifestyle Poll, Sports was picked as the extra-curricular school activity most Teenline callers were looking forward to this school year. ' Sports topped the list with eight votes while dances and ï¬eld trips received two votes each. Clubs, performing arts and school bands each received one vote. What is your favorite reality based television show? D Cops CI IVVnness Video El America's Most Wanted ' > El Emergency 911 0 Code Red E] Unsolved Mysteries Dial 845-5585, box 5156 to vote. Results from last week's polls were: Did the Toronto Argonauts make the right move in rehiring Bob OBfllovich as the coach and gener- al manager of the football team? CI Yes CI No Dial 845-5585, box 5163 to _ Results of the polls will be print- ed in the next Weekend edition of the Oakville Beaver. vote. Should students be allowed to smoke on school property? ' El Yes El No Dial 845- 5585, box 5170 to We have béen “Frying" since 1,967! Longer than any other “thp Shop" in Oakville. “HADMCK FISH ’N CHIPS ONLY†DAYS __ w.‘ .. a? all I. n Iy H3: 70$ W .V A. {if AI Ali’s Fish Chips 1500 Sixfh Una, 844-9209 Tuesdays are $400 We also want to hear your sug- gestions about possible polling questions and features you would n Tha$1.°ï¬Â§Â¢Â°ï¬‚a‘hfl(WÂ¥W cmrmaaoimï¬iralwu‘w Ii5§rnv§§€$itillttï¬s 33‘3“, Hi I‘ï¬'r-‘v! Q??? , :Resï¬ential consumers with approveg cvsgit. Ofler valldbetween Seplsmber 7 - November 27, 1993. flEEllh'Lek Deferred payment is also availabie lrdm Members of the Union Gas Heating Dea|er Organization. All oiher oflers not applicable. It’s true. Over the course of a year, a natural gas high-efficiency furnace can heat the average home for as little as $1.55* a That’s probably less than your favourite mid-moming pick-me-up. Dollars to donuts, no matter how you look at it, hatural gas is still your most economical fuel choice. In fact, it can save you hundreds of dollars a year, compared to other fuels. Call Union Gas today, and ask about money-saving offers on our range of energy-efficient natural gas fumaces, rental water heaters, and fireplaces. Don’tDeIay - (â€all Today! HEATING YOUR HOME WITH NATURAL GAS like to see in' Teenline. The suggestion box for Teenline is 5179. . ۤnion Gas* ' An Invitation To You! 5 C m. _..-- C .gflm WWI “r Uulluuj , Sept.1-8 19 7. Saturday Sunday, SH IN E . .Se t.25â€" 26 at" UlL lml‘x “WNW . ' gtéa‘ggfl" 1194DundasSLE . ® 257-2577 CENTRE: 1MiIeFastorTn-araygar . .W..... RAIN (u‘ o Samrday _Synday, ‘RAIN g; SHINE ( Ulkltml\\\‘l[1]RHHL 1194DundasSt. E. . o ‘1