Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 1993, p. 19

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Come Home To ’Ifie Diplomat I II l/‘/.I. I‘ )II/I (ii/l /ii III/Il/If II,’ “ Completely remodelled building ‘ Two bathrooms in some suites " Spectacular view of the lake ‘ Includes one parking space Suites start at $793, per month 333-9533 Picturemue Country Lifestyle Residence On-The-Lelre THE CANADIANA 5220 Lakeshore Rd. n's Prime Address! ‘l-Bdrrn. (1100 sq.t’t.) From $838. ‘ Big 20'x26' liv./din.rm *A/C *Fridge, Stove. Dishwasher ‘Heated Outdoor Pool *Sauna *Recroorn ‘Indoor/Outdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm A HIGHER STANDARD or VALUE Exceptional 1.2-3 Bedroom Apartments 0 Magnificent Indoor Pool 0' New Fitness Centre 0 Utilities-included 639-8583 I~;L,'I<I:'IN(;I()\ TOW’LRS PREMIER COURT Luxury two bed- room apart- ments. Air con- ditioning, pool. 338-3342 OHEWIK ERR 731 MO. FREE 1 .' Z’ Ber/rooms From 5570 1110. Riiillal min»: Si BURL IllJl' lillll NIH/III» TRAFALOAR HEIGHTS Large 2 bedroom a artments in a cean well main- tained building. Larg e balcanies. \{anetg Store on si%ht. minutes to station. 2 minutes to QEW. Close to Sheridan Cells 9 and schoo s. 845-0987 THREE BEDROOM apart- ment. ulet bulldl . down- town akvllle. wash- rooms. lrldge and stove. heat and hydro Included. £31755. ,Ianuary tst. 842- TWO Bedroom apartment available December 1111 In a small building located west or 16 Mile Creek. 9650p hydro. Call Joe Rupcich 844-0363. Oakdorne Rest ty Ltd. TWO bedroom apartment available Immediately. Harbourvlew Plaza. corner at Lakeshore and Bronte Rd. 625-1261. ONE bedroom a artment for rent. avallab e Imme- diatel .5 842-2153 or 1 . BASEMENT. large. bright gamma. he:t bus/t mall. . sepa e on rance. utllltlg's. 3 piece bath. laun- dry. Nonâ€"srnokers. Available Janus . First/ last. 9700. 947 8 DOWNTOWN Kerr 8 Re- becca. very large 1 bed- room apartment In quiet building Broadloom and hardwood floors. 5551. Available December Ist. 277-4738 > . o Luxury 2 s 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak- eaovI-IIII Ive OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY - air conditioning . vertical blinds - broadloom - storage rooms - recreational area oparking included o security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- 5pm. ““ 825-3327 lborlIIIll ll. m WANTED- One bedroom apartment. above ground. ulet. you .gentleman. $55 range. ronte area. 338-7513. condoninlrrns torrent BRONTE HARBOUR Club, 1 bedroom lus den. Rent includes utIlItles plus un- derground parking. $1075 per month. Numerous amenities. Available De- cembertst. 827-5464 CONDO for sale or rent. 3 ”sermrwmsi an: a re utilities Included. Call Pentgr or Julie 338-6509. THREE bedrooms. wood bumlng fireplace. live a pllances. air. two bat- rooms.310607month. Dale Athay, RelMax Aboutowne Realty 0011)., 842â€"7000. TWO bedroom condo in Glen Abbey. 5 appliances, air. lireplaoo. broadloom. Who. 5925. Call TWO bedroom. luxurymbulld' lng. OakaIIe. two but live appliances. locker. parking. $1400Jmonth. 674-1774 CLASSIFIED hours are: Monday-Pride 8:30 eJn-5 ‘pHmCal1845-809 - - throughout. label BEAUTIFUL 2 storey y. bedroom home on quiet court. park area. Conveni- ant to all amenities. Air. vac. appliances. S1500. mont 827-9386 belore 9 am or evenings and woe- donds. BRICK bun bedrooms, 2 basement. window covert garage. S1150. BRICK bungalow. three bedroom. ilnlehed base- ment. $920. Imonth. West Oakvllle. family preterred. Cal1847-1770. BRONTE HARBOUR- Iower level at house. new renovated. very brI ht. al appliances. 2 be room, parkln. available January 181.3 00. monthly utilities included. Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultants Inc. 842-8383 BURLINGTON-3 bedroom triplex. I. no appliances. . $825. us. Nov. 15th or Decem r1st.332â€"9203 CLEAN. 3 bedrooms. main level. close to schools. shopping and bus. Ap- pliances. 827-5441 DORVAL/MARY area. 3 lus 2 bedroom bun alow. nlshed basement. 1300 plus utilities. Flexible avail- ability. 847-2087. FIVE bedrooms. three lull washrooms. two kitchens. single garage. iamll pre- ferred. available mme- diatel. $1000. Imonthly. 825-2 1. . LOVELY apartment/cottage on one acre estate down- town Oakvllle with fireplace. S800. 842â€"9538 NEAR Sheridan College. 3 bedroom. main floor. park- lng. laundry. available Im- mediately $875 plus. 270- 6075 SEVEN room house on 5 acres. Winston Churchill. share with mature lady who Is willing to babysit child. 8850/ month Including utili- ties. December 161. 844-2131 THREE bedroom bunga- low. ilnlshed basement. alow, three- hs. finished appliances. s. la 95 Iot/ near shopping/ schools. $1125 monthly. Near Ho- pedals. Available Imme- dietely. 847-3965 THREE bedroom bungalow with one bedroom ln-law su- Ite. Available lmmedlatey. Call 255-1971 LANDLORDSI WE have many screened. tenants available! anytime It you have a va- cancy. 333-5506. Active Management qualilled Mousse torrent Cali - TOWNHOUSE 415 River Oaks Blvd. . 3bedrooms. Avail- able immediately. ap Iiances. a/c, 5as eating. 1- 1/2 athrooms. $1100/ month. > CallLlsa 845-8624 .m. K.C. ll WE LUV KIDS. and par- ents love our rents. Huge 2 and 3 bedroom townhomes. In Glen Abbey, close to schools, parks. ehopglg and recreation centre ale nel hbourhood. irom $885 CalSandra. 825-6161. BURLINGTON. 3 bed- room. 1-1/2 baths. iamily- room. 2 car parking, 5750. Available December. 1st. 416-854-2357 FOUR bedroom. 2 bath. tire- Iace. aid. Sixth Llne/ pper MI die. Available now. 31100. 637-7014 MARINE DRIVE- redeco- rated three bedroom town- house. new kitchen. 1- 1/2 bath plus 112 ensulte bath. underground parking. . rec. room. lreshly painted and newly carpeted. tour appliances lus freezer Ve c.lean 1130/month a 9 November 15th or December Ist.. 827W. SIXTH MONTHS. Glen Abbey 3 bedroom. lull mas- ter ensulte. total 2-1/2 baths. flare e. air/conditioning, ace. available De- cember 1st. 3975. Maple Leai Home Marketing Con- sullslnc 842â€"8383 THREE and tour bedroom townhouses. available lm- medlatel . Ho edale Mall area. 2 . THREE bedroom town- house. 5 ap liances, gas. central alr.g1170/month, available December Ist.. Chris. days, 785-4774. ext 304, evenings 416- 859-1834. BRONTE. 3-bedroom town- house. 1-1/2 baths. e liv- lng/ dining room and ten- en. Rec room. private patio, appliances. $920. plus utilities. Available January 1st. 827- 1885. LANDLORDSI WE have many screened. quaIIlIed tenants avallablel Call anytime It you have a va- cancy. 333-5506. Active WM BRANT/UPPER MIDDLE, Bumngton. 3 bedrooms. 2- baths. completely reno- vated. new carpeting. tin- lehed basement. Immediate. SSSOJIIIo. 1-416-244-2173 GWEEKSRENTFREE Enjo comfortable living in our spacious 3 4Eedroorn townhouses, available imme- diatcly. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool. sauna shower facilities. indoor parking. on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1,000. ‘I up + utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. Burlingt on By Appointment, 639â€"0950 GLEN ABBEY! Spacious 1800eq.tt.. 3 bedrooms. double garage, carpeted appliances ne- gotiable. lamilyroom w/ilre- place, 1-1/2 baths. $1195.l 333â€"5506. Active Man- aomm IooInelorIent awaited BRIGHT new and iarg e. Walk to Sheridan. .glrlvate 4 piece bathroom. 375 In- clusive. laindry. 842-4465. EXQUISITE room. tur- nlshed. seldom available. Third Une/Lakeshore area. utilities Included. non- smoker. 8350. 825-0789. FURNISHED room. $275. monthly. available Novem- ber 131. no parking. iemale prolerred. Call after 5:30 pm 338-9826. ONE bedroom tor rent. $385. month. maln Iloor. Bedroom and slttingroom S475. month. main floor. 595 Winston Churchill. Available December 1st. 844-2131 ROOM available. can be furnished. ~ Dor- val/l.akeshore area. rent ne- gotiable. 845â€"0746. leave message. UNFURNISHED/ Fur- nished bedroom. $325 In- clusive. Suitable for ulet. mature rson. River aks area. 7 UPPER Mlddle/Dorval. large lurnlshed bedroom. . adult home. non-smoker. 3350. Including utilities. share kitchen. bath. 847-5040. BURLINGTON: ALL Inclu- sive room tor rent. Male/Fe- male. BrantlUppor Middle ”SO/mo. Immediate. ReIeI-. encos required. 319â€"2590 (BI/WI . .taoesa-u mornstorrent awaited NEWLY lurnlshed and decorated master bedroom in executive home. Pool. many extras. $450. Inclu- elve. 338â€"8088 roornlbo-d Muted SUITeIngle. Room and board. Burlington. Falrvlew Go station location. 3400. allncluelve. 881-3943. E: AVAILABLE Iar o bed- room with en-su to bath- room In dellghtiul shared house In Bronte with all con- veniences. Non-smoker. 332-0203. FOUR bedroom townhouse. northeast. share with Sher- ldan student. Immediate ossesslon. 4 a lpllances. 240 lus utIl ties per month. 14. OENTLEMAN, early ilttles willng to share beautiful two bedroom apartment with mature person. Bronte area. 9350. month. 825-0126 or leave message. LUXURY condo to share with roiesslonal Iemale near lle Place and GO. Two bedroom. two bathe. sunken Iivlngroom plus den. 6 ap Ilances. complete re- nal facilities. security (905) 338-9719. PREFERABLY lemales. students welcome. one lur- nlshed bedroom. $375 monthly. Above ground basement. $875 monthly. .wommodatlon for two. all above share kitchen. two bathe. main iloor washer. d er. all utilities Included. WI Ford Drive 8294209 or 829-2244 machine. PROFESSIONAL male wanted to share newly built three bedroom house In River Cake with profes- sional female. Non-smoker. no pets. $450. 00/ month and share utilities. Available January 1/94. Leave mes- sage 804-2197. ROOMMATE needed. Roommate needed. Room- mate needed. 842-0145. 842-0145.842-0145. SHARE 4 bedroom condo. Falgarwood a 8th Line. WOO/month. all Inclusive. Utilities. laundry and more. 827-9334 SHARE executive. luxury townhouse. non- smoker. live lances. air. parki.ng close 0 amenities, $80 Immediate. 829-5033. W KNIGHTS OF Columbus Hall available lor weddin . anniversaries. artles e 0. Call for more niormatlon 827-1854 alter 3pm E E DISNEYWORLD - Rent. “Zoom Good rates.2 bathroom town- house. mPool. air. tennis. 827-4020 SEABROOK ISLAND. South Carolina. 21 miles south historic Charleston. one bedroom. 1-1/2 baths. townhouse on 8th fairway. 1/2 mile Irom beach and club. By owner. $54,000 us. Call (919) 454â€"6828 ior floor plan and further In- tonnation. EE ceneda JUPITER. North Palm Beach. Comiortable town- house. all conveniences. heated ol. tennis. beach. Decem er/ January. 825â€"2905 SEAGATE. Indian Shores. Florida. Beautliul beach- front condominium from $495 U. 8. per week. DISNEY 10 mln.. town- house In family resort. great rates. For brochures call see-5749 ' littlest!!!” ANTIQUE Gibbard 5 piece walnut bedroom suite. 4 oster. $1295. (416) 61â€"1931. BED chestertlold green tab- rlc. gas stove. small unlt. both ood condition. 645-7 BILLIARD table sale. now. sold oak. tum s. used ta« bles available. lake' 5 Bil- liard Supply ly.1229 Advance Rd Unit Burlington.336 CARPETS. I have several 1.000's yards new Stain- master a 100% Nylon Car- ri. Will do IIvIn room and all Ior $360. I udes car- pet. pad a Installation. so yards). Steve (905) 6 9- CHILD'S dresser/mirror. child's desk. table. tour chairs. bleached oak. two microphone stands. adjust- able. G. E. sell cleaning stove. lridge. two washers. two dryers. gas barbecue. teak bedroom set. ueen- size. 2teak ente nment units. 3 piece bookcase. tedrwltti bar. 829-2266. Whirlpool 50 Cultured Marble Tops Showroom 12' L-Shaped Kitchen PLUMBING SUPPLIES: Qty. Brass. Co per ABS Pipes Fittings' Qty. Tap Parts 8. Access. Cleaners. Caulking. Touch Ups, STORE FIXTURES: Qty. Counters. Displays, Otice Desks. Slot Board, Clip-on Shelving, Stacking Stock Bins. Cash Register' Subject to Additions Deletions INSPECTION: Mom. of Sale at 9 cm. INFORMATION: Phone (416)630-5241 OUTSIDE TORONTO: 1(800)263-1469 TERMS: $200 Dep.. 25% on Purch. Exceed. $1,000. Total Purch. By Cash or Certified Cheque.- CELLULAR accessories at wholesale prices. Leather cases. batteries, antennas. cigarette lighter adapters. Same day shipping and gogey baokg glaarangel.I r or we to ay a (416)933-6877. COMPUTER TABLES. desks. credenzas. chairs. tireprool cabinet. 3. miscel- laneous. Call to view. 832- 5470 FRE ESTIATES. Custom upholstery. Chairs from 5198. Also. on great sav- ings on sofas. lovoseats. sole beds. dlnlngroom chairs. dinette chairs. Field's Upholstery. Cell 7 Days/Week. 10am-9pm. 333-6202. FAXES, COPIERs. com- uters for home or office. ew andre ssessed. Buy or lease 842â€"8259 Garage Door Openers $1 39.95 Installation . Available. $39.99 Repairs to all types of garage doors. 257-0030 ' LUXURIOUS french provincial sofa and chair. comtortable and solid rust peach. $250. pair. 849-3587 velveteen MOVING. Industrial sew- lng machine (Singer). sin- gle stitch. plus upholstery plies. Best otter. 84 -7708 PRECOR rowln machine. Good condition. lease call 847-5627 SNOW tires. tour. Michelin 195/60. R15 87T. 9250. 845-4922. WOOD burning fireplace in- son. 9400. or best otter. Brass fireplace screen. $150. or best oiler. 338-6707 E FIREWOOD cut and split stored Inside. Pine firewood S45-pe r cord (32cu. It). hard- wood Mag;fl and Oak 970- r cord .Two cords 135. Free do lvery. Call Firewood Express. Camp- bellvllle. (519) 856-9206 FULLY seasoned 100% premium hardwood. pickup or deliveIr. Open 7 days. Halton' s ergest llrewoyod outlet. Marc's Quality Fire- wood. northeast comer Tra- Ial ar Rd/Highway 5. 4366. HOME DELIVERY quallt bag ed llrewood. 0 ha wood. 30% softwood, 1.1 cult. approx. 55 to 60Ibs.) $5. per hm. Full legs up to 15-1/2' lengths and split chunks. Bagged klndlln , kiln dried sottwood .60 cu. approx. 15 to 20 be.) 53. gm lmum order 1 e. 2 kin- dlln . Phone 1- 00- 563- 714 tor to ur door serv- Ice. Currenty baggin wild apple and red oak ard- wood. DELIVERY INCLUDED. Top quality Muskoka the- wood. Seasoned. mixed hardwood. Call Northern Lights Firewood 825-8347. RECEIVER SALE $200,000 QUALITY BATHROOM KITCHEN INVENTORY* We have been Instructed by Scott and Nobel" Limited. Receiver and Manager. CASH paid for frldg stoves. washers. mediate pick- up. 336â€"1852. HIGHEST ricos paid icr Canadian. uropean paint- Ings. antiques. turnlture. sli- ver. porcelain. clocks. etc. Tom 607-5858 E:I:laiItIqIIesert ANCASTER Anti us a Collectibles Chr stmas Show. Friday November 121h. 8-9. Saturday a Sun- day. November 13 1410â€" 4pm. $3. 00 admission. An- caster Fairgrounds. High- way 53 at Southcote Rd. An expanded selection of en- ti use to help your holiday shopping. m BULL do‘g Bupples. two weeks ol art' 8 babies have arrived. Call 905-939- 7760. CAT and caboodle back. to good home. neutered and declawed. white. ilu and lovable. Call 842-104 . Idges. dryers Im- 1 905- W u s. champion-sired. CKC regisâ€" terod. Family raised. Guar- anteed. 8550. Tattooed. Shots. Available Nov. 25th. 335â€"9867. this into. call 845-2017. Graft BI Art Gallery A co-op 01 local artisans selling a large variety oi craits and art In a lovely 3000 sq. it. sent . Open 7 days a week. ew ven~ dors always welcome. Space from $25 or table or week. 35 Grittlt Ct. Burling- ton. (oti Falrvlew be- hind White Rose). Christmas Craft Show Sale Burlington Holiday Inn (off of Guelph Line Q.E.W.) Sun., Nov. 14m 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ALL WELCOME admission to over a 8 run or tree prizes. lots" clI C rigtmas sale. clothing, special PROFESSIONAL o- to rapher will do per on- aI zed iamll portraits in yourhome. 34571 WEDDING Photography - - 100-115 plus neg rints in album ves. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perlect Wedding Photography. 639â€"671 ‘ 1991 MAZDA 323 SE, red. still under bumper to bumper iacto warranty. $7..100 637 2 1991 CHRYSLER LE BARON 4-door sedan air. am/fm cassette. cruise/tilt. 3LV6. immaculate condi- tion. owned by nonsmoker. $11, 000. 827-1496. 1990 ACURA Legend LS Coupe. 89.000 kme. Fully loaded. Leather Interior. Warranty. $19. 800. Call (905)685-9144 1990 JAGUAR SOVER- EIGN. black. maculate. one Iuss owner. approximately 15.0 0km on iacto warranty.S27. 900. 845-1 7. 1989 SUZUKI SIDEKICK â€"soit top, 5-speed. am/tm cassette stereo. good con- dition. reasonable otter. Call 844-0270 after 5pm. Vend r drtiwrs?c°reaE ra.tts toy for ty crarits. For more OUT TO RDUERTISE 1N THIS SECTION PLEASE cau. 845-2809 ~AIICTIOHSALE~ EVERY WEDNESDAY Evening Ulllt M. HAMILTON - (JIISI oil lily. It 205 Nelle Hit. '53) Consisting at New Merchandise. Close-Outs Bankruptcies. Toys. Tools. Glassware. Novelties. Christmas Wrap. Small Appliances, Many Job Lots + 100's of other Items too numerous to list TERMS: Cash or Sale Conducted 9y: Approved Cheque. mama-Ion (senses-soc www.mw to liquidate the assets at SIKINNO INVESTMENTS LTD. 0/A PLUMBING INNOVATIONS INC. DIA PLUMBING MART In Detailed Lots By Auction 0N MON.,NOVEMBER 8, 1993 AT 10:30 A.M. AT 4078 SPEEIIS RD., OAKVILLE, ONTARIO (OEW to Dorval South. Right on Spears RIL. 2 Blocks) SALE CONSISTS 0F $200. 000 American Standard. Kohler. Steel Queen. Kindred, Eljer Acrylica. Moon. etc. s' Tubs’ Shower Stalls' Doors' Walls' Kitchen. Laundry Bath Ta wNanities Cabinets' Qty. Toilets, Pedestal ements. Decorative Wood Vents, etc ’ Faucets‘ Over Inks. Bidets. etc.‘ 5"” DANBURY SALES ; mmCANADA1(800)263â€"1469 U.S.A. 1(800)724â€"5918 loaded/l m- - ii I‘ 9 2'. g E s a E 2 2 :4 as “I

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