Dec Neighbourhood gossip surrounds the lady and the lamp think it is fair to say that my I life, on occasion, approxi- mates the workings of a humble table lamp. 1 often look at this old tattered lamp, leaning precariously to one side, its old shade flopping on the and table that is propped up with old bricks from university days and I think oddly that it is very much like many of my own days. Our house, I suppose, is not unlike many - we have the dozens of pens that tion't work that (emain in the mug on the fridge; we have a car heater that only works if you fiddle with it as you drive, possibly endangering an entire car of unsuspecting passen- gers and our toilet has leaked for three weeks. I mean, it's not exactly Home and Garden around here, if you know what I mean. 3 And I can't even turn on my own lamp. This is, as you might have guessed, not entirely the fault of the lamp. When light is needed, Monday, Dec. ti, 1993 Special Council re: Tax Writeoffs 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber There are those who can deco- rate fiendishly, so talented it seems to be in their very blood, the way they eye fixtures and matching carpets and wall color- ings and faux whatever; They can paint l4 walls in one afternoon, buy stunning wall hangings with patching duvet covers and finish off the bathroom by dinner. These are the very same people who are madly delighted with making things, painting tiny commemora- tive brooches after having them hand glazed, hand painted and hand given. Monday, Dec. 6, 1993 Planning & Development/Council 7:45 p.m. Council Chamber Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1993 Community Services Committee 7:30 Oakville Room - COMIVIENT TAKE NOTICE THAT Oakville Town Council on May 26, 1993 did pass By-laws 199842 to 1993450, inclusive, which designated the following Oakville properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act: COQNQIL NOTICES OF tXi$lah'l'l0hl Tuesday, December 7, 1993 "Committee will be addressing the Oakville Public Library, Woodside Branch, renovations and expansion project at this Community Services Committee meeting." 1993 Bg-lie Number 199342 1993-43 1993-44 1993-45 1993-46 1993-47 199348 199349 1993-50 1993-51 1993-52 1993-53 199364 199b55 Pursuant to Section tltlit0ial of the Ontario Heritage Act 1993-56 1 993-57 1 993-58 1 993-59 1 99360 ii'),)'-,)'-.').'.;),, TOWN OF OAKlIJLLEW345-3501 TAN l TOWN HALL MEETINGS CALENDAR of Administrative Services Committee 7:30 pm. Bronte Room Municig LhixEtty Location 38 Burnet Street 59 Chisholm Street 142 Forsylhe Street 159 Lakeshore Road East 166 Lakeshore Road East 179-181 Lakeshore Road East 183 Lakeshore Road East 184-186 Lakeshore Road East 189A-191 Lakeshore Road East 1189 Lakeshore Road East 1493 Lakeshore Road East 2489 Lakeshore Road West Lyon's Log Cabin. Shipyard Park The Old Maple Grove School (original building) - 288 Maple Grove Drive 457 Maple Grove Drive 65 Park Avenue 85 Park Avenue 1107 Rebecca Street 3128 Senaca Drive tgiLttMtr.EE9dEET.LMifi there is that sinking feeling in the stomach as it sinks in that the lamp must be dealt with. I steal myself and walk towards the end table in front of our tall bookshelf that I fear will topple over and kill me in seconds. Still, the room is dark and the lamp must be turned on. This is not the time to act the helpless female. Action is needed. And with a lamp that can only be turned on by plugging it into the wall, it is time to act. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD . OAKVILLE, ONTARIO . um 2L1 _, Oakville Transit _:. , . 315-2020 ':., SERVICE INTERRUPTION IN THE SMALL GYM E.J. JAMES PUBLIC SCHOOL, 338 CAIRNCROFT Purpose of the meeting is to seek public input into a proposal to reroute Routes 11A and IIB by deleting the present routing via Wedgewood Drive and Duncan Road, and operate instead on Devon Road between Wedgewood and Maple Grove Road serving the Oakville Trafalgar High School in both directions. Interested persons are invited to attend. W. AKKERMANS Manager of Operations THURSDAY, DECEMBER s, 1993 AT 8:30 RM. Oakville Transit , . 815-2020 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING The services which are affected are Regular Transit, Care-A-Van and Community Buses. Transit Administration offices will be closed during this period. Full service will resume on Tuesday, January 4, 1994 Saturday, December 25, 1993- Monday, January 3, ISM inclusive. There will be no Oakville Transit Service from PUD be astonished. "How could you just go on?" they would say, open mouthed at the notion of leaving such a problem without a thought. Our neighbors, I should add, 'rtte THE OAKVILLE BEAVER were too polite to look anything but mildly amused as we explained our lamp one day. There we were in their newly renovated home where even the smallest detail had been lovingly taken care of...they have bleached hard- wood floors, cathedral ceilings. an innovative design...and then we laughingly talked of our lamp. They were clearly dumbfounded. Let me explain. We've had this old thing for years, a wedding pre- su-ia-ici-ian-ii-- CX=xET==aaX3Et' 1 I I I I I I 3 I , S It L' I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o N ", I I I I 3 from . I I I I I I I ' . I I I q F, Stile ' . 5 I I I I t' p, : I I I I I I I _ I I ' . l I 3 :osed . I I I he on 3 I I I I I I I I F rrErrrrrErrEETi52 The above project is being planned under Schedule B in accordance with the requirements of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects. Subject to comments received as a result of this Notice, and the receipt of other necessary approvals, the Town of Oakville intends to proceed with the design and construction of this project. CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SOUTH EAST OAKVILLE SATELLITE PUBLIC WORKS DEPOT Public Works road and sidewalk maintenance services in southeast Oakville are being handicapped due to the lack of a satellite maintenance depot. The preferred solution is the construction of a satellite depot on the north side of Cornwall Rd. west of Maple Grove Drive. This depot would be shared with the Parks Maintenance Section of the Parks and Recreation Department. The estimated construction cost of the Public Works portion is $690,700 and is scheduled for completion by late 1994 or 1995. Further information is available by contacting Interested persons may provide written comment to the municipality on the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comments should be directed to the Director of Public Works at the above address. If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved with the municipality, a person/party may request that the Minister of Environment and Energy "bump-up" the project to an individual environmental assessment. "Bump-up" requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within 30 calendar days of this Notice. A copy of the "bump-up" request shall be sent to the Director of Public Works. If there is no "bump-up" request received by December 24, 1993, the South East Oakville Satellite Public Works Depot will proceed to design and construction as presented in the planning documentation. know what I mean, and it has never worked properly. Not that I am so petty as to mention such a thing, even if it never has worked properly, but there it sits in the living room that is used as much as a trampoline area as a refuge from the world. This lamp, I have always believed, will be one of those tragic losses during one of the kids fun fest when they literally This notice issued November 24, 1993 Minister of Environment and Energy, 135 St. Clair Ave. West, 15th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5 Town of Oakville Department of Public Works 2274 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Attention: Mr. Ray Green, Assistant Director, Operations Teleghone tS)tAu4A-.tL6.t11., Extension 3303 NOTICE, OF COMPLETION you turn our living room into a village has of houses made from cushions. tat I The lamp, I pray quietly, will be :h a tossed on its side broken into rked pieces. And we will be forced to go out and actually buy a lamp that works properly. But I don't know. I've kind of gotten used to our battles with the lamp. And, really, what will the neighbors talk about if we turn into proper household- ers anyway? CH. Ellis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works Town of Oakville by Steve Nease V === rm