WMYW mmaomm s33a,goortataErTartctqtiigTt_atp. mmm'llPONASTAR MAM“! WWW“ I I E " Condo board must watch for dangerous conditions 1oCAhmRECruNE "7deaufrokseru. i "euttsGetsusagoat leeagEstaea... Madge: FREEZE i WP I U-I'fww "seaaeetGarotrara--erassi_ 4t9sareakrmsaoge-2ardse-. I 2rassA-rrbezStatreeaturasstr- 540-9611 25.1 tii sal ANNA McLEOO LOCAL DIRECT 54N?611 ANNA MCLEOO LOCAL DIRECT 54th9611 rr S YOURS COME SPRING It Satttthadeanandtrry "r Mmsmm mums zmk “Maximum! I‘MWMW Saasf%aeaseraatae ---H l.-..-- hr REESE! txpatits&iinis8ted an: -------------_ 1k WWII“. I A 'T;';" h " B F33 Wi H n D 11 Id th ti r; n ir " the h " he h * H the th if 1n ife unit if 467 Speers Road 0 m B( M strata contains a provi- sion which indicat- ed that it was the corporation's responsibility. ho keep in a state of tour depth Condominium While riding her bicycle. the ten- ant's daughter rode over the depression and as a result fell and broke her let. The child and her rented to tenants who had an eight- year-old daughter. The tenants com- plained to the unit owner's property agent about a depression in the unit's driveway 5100 was appren- mately four feet in circumference and four inches in unit non elements". Danks new hat the case under ined the need fo and as se able re properly area UK If f an occupier and. then it is n Her avner f able Itch stat at the ca mmon That is s Section 41 " " tt0ommturn . the corpor found liable nation of d nmon Dents after dam- "’ and that "the Danks then ner. It appears that n nn Th mb um ran if " and ser ND The de inc in Briti anon and n br mum corpora es m part 'rporation propert facilit'r maintain n and her ought an ainst the an an an British and the images. Ella nt mnR rp h that milar ofthe rauon iutie em unit m the th h