Dear Sir: It all happened so quickly. I was sit- ting at a red light at the corner of Rebecca and Dorval Drive and peered to my right. A burly guy I would guess to be around seventeen, dressed in a burgundy jacket was walking with a menacing grip on the shoulders of another youth to his left in a yellow jacket. The latter walked along expres- sionless. Not a moment after they were off official school grounds did the burly fellow release his grip and tlung his fist back and straight into the face of the other. The struck youth fell to the ground at which time the burly fel- low began kicking him savagely in the ribs and stomach. The youth just lay there on the ground. Now, while all this is happening, several students stood about watching. No one took any initiative. Several even seemed thoroughly indifferent about what was Sight ofboy being attacked as students looked on was sickening THERE ARE NO SCHEDULED COUNCIL OR STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 20, 1993. SHARE WITH THOSE LESS FORTUNATE The Town of Oakville is accepting donations of canned goods and non-perishable food items tor distribution by the Salvation Army. Please bring in your contributions to Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, by Wednesday, December 15, 1993. Donations will also be accepted at ALL Fire Stations in Oakville, until Friday, December 24, 1993. TOWN OF OAKVILLE BOARD APPOINTMENT Applications will be received by the Town Clerk until 4:30 pm, Thursday, December 23, 1993 from any resident of Oakville who would like to be considered for an appointment to the Library Board. Library Board 1 2nd and 4th Thursday (evening) each month For further information, please call Pat McPherson at 845- 6601, Ext. 3136 or Magda Kitteringham at 338-4393. it is requested that applicants submit the application form which is available in the Clerk's Department. Judith Muncaster Town Clerk TOWN OF OAKVILLE 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6H 2L1 GARBAGE COLLECTION NAME f wasusolutely amazed. I had a CALENDAR OF TOWN HALL MEETINGS COUNCIL & STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS Please ensure that your garbage receptacles and your recyclables are placed at the roadside before 7:00 a.m. Remember, Don't Litter! Put garbage where it belongs, in garbage bags or cans, not on the ground. Please help keep Oakville Clean. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CO- OPERATION. 1003 It/i/ll-l-ii'",,. TOWN OF OAKVILLE 845-6601 QE BQARQ NOTICE Nl,lhMtEB_f1E YAMMtlEfi NOTICE O.H. ELLIS, P. Eng. Director of Public Works A few moments later I drove by again on my way home. The boy was still in a fetal position on the ground. The ambulance, as well as, a couple of fire trucks had arrived. What appeared to be another student was crouched over the victim who had since been covered with a blanket to keep warm. I As I drove off and peered in my rear view minor, I could see some stu- dents and a pedestrian reluctantly approaching the victim who lay very still in a fetal position. nauseous feeling in the pit of my storm ach. How could the students not act?I had so wanted to jump out of my car, but I was in the left turning lane and was in the process of dropping my son off to his kindergarten class, and I had my four-day~old daughter in the back seat. Just not the occasion to be nm- ning out to attempt a rescue. The bully looked around smugly. fixed his jacket, approached and entered a maroon car. 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD 0 OAKVILLE, ONTARIO ' um 2L1 PUD don't know the extent of the damage that was done, nor the reason for it, but what lingers in my mind is the awful feeling of my own helplessness, Facilities Will Be Closed From Noon Friday, December 24th until Monday, January 3rd Inclusive: _ The Following Town Serviced Facilities Will Be Closed As Listed: j The i:riiiiaoTrJa Services/ Oakville Transit All Services All Public Libraries Museum Centennial Gallery Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts Arenas Recreation Centres Pools Forestry Parks Operations Gairloch Gallery Town Hall one†and Meetings Tax Payments Tax paymt By4aw Entttttxttttettt Purchasing and Tom Shipping and Receiving Town Cittdt's Office Marriage Licenses Municipal Freedom of Intonation & Privacy Protection Office Legal Department Building Services Department Licensing - Otxupations, Trades & Lotteries Economic Development Office Human Resources Department Finance Department Committee of Adustment Site Plan Committee Planning Services Department Public Works Department - Administration Parking Administration - Recycling Pickup Winter Road Maintenance Traffic Operations Seniors' Centres Harbours Office Parks & Recreation Administration Fire Department Emergency Services Sanitation - Garbage Pickup pejypoiijiitttiirjFrijiiTey" '1 he following Town Services! Facilities Wil Be Maintained: The Town of Oakville will experience temporary closure of services due to both the holiday season as well as Social Contract commitments (3-day unpaid leave by staff). For more information, please call: Clerk‘s Department at 338-4174, Main Switchboard at 845-6601 , Town Information Line at 338-4200. TEMPORARY CLOSURE iTHETITE OF SERVICES THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Tax payments should be washed at Town Hall by Deoembet 22, 1993. Payments may be made at your bank or deposited In the "drop box" ttttttttttttttttttttrant-ttwrt Hall. Closed era Closed ng Closed Closed Closed Dec. 25-Jan. 2 inclusive Dec. 24-26 incl., Dec. 31, Jan. 1 Noon Dec. 24-27 inc)., Dec. 29-Jan. 1 incl. Next exhibition begins Jan. 4 Dec Dec Dec. 24-26 incl., Dec. 31, Jan. 1 Noon, Dec. 21-Jan. 3 incl Dec Payment for parking tickets may be deposited in the 'drop box" at the front entrance at Town Hall and the sight of all the students simply standing around, even as the boy lay still on the ground once the offender had gone. The apathy appalled me and 24-28 incl 24-28 incl 22-25 incl 22-25 incl 22-25 incl Normal Operations Normal Operations Normal Operations Normal Operations Normal Operations , Jan. 1 -3 incl -S0lvlEi3ooSiEWaguiis WEEâ€"THE iilt r14 1 CAR it' 90 (lhi2ru Jan Jan Jan Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 2) By-law 1973-18 states that "No person shall throw, place or deposit snow, ice or sluash from private property onto any public highway or lane in the Town". 1) Bylaw 1984-1 PROHIBITS parking of vehicles on town streets between 2:00 AN. and 6:00 AN. from November 15 to April 15. NOTE: The set fine for this Infraction is $30.00. PLEASE CO-OPEFIATE BY COMPLYING WITH THESE REQUIREMENTS SO THAT OUR STREETS CAN BE CLEARED QUICKLY ' EFFICIENTLY AND KEPT IN A SAFE CONDITION THEREAFTER. The Oakville Fire Department reminds you to be safety conscious when using your fireplace this Holiday Season. Have your chimney professionally inspected and cleaned at least once a year and always use a proper fitting fireplace screen. Never burn Christmas wrappings and paper. Put ashes in a metal container outside your home. SERVICE TiriiijljiemEQjioh1 left with an uneasy feeling inside of me. Even in all my years at high school I had never seen this. And I would not have expected to witness Saturday, December 25, 1993 " Sunday, January 2, 1994 inclusive. There will be no Oakville Transit Service from The services which are affected are Regular Transit, Care-A-Van and Community Buses. Transit Administration offices will be closed during this period. Full service will resume on Monday, January 3, 1994 WE DRAW TO YOUR ATTENTION TWO REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO WINTER FROM THE TOWN'S BY-LAWS PUBLIC NOTICE A FIRE SAFE FIREPLACE I YOUR FpoEe:1nt.ii)(cmiyiatr.' I Oakville Transit 815-2020 ,,l:ifr"i,,i ( t,'c,i.'i,""," M f - >1)?“ ' I n Cd (m. f) G Gia AM U.I'1. CHIS, P. Eng., Director of Public Works CH. Ellis, P. such a blatant display in Oakville, and I hope this is not an accurate reflection of the youth of today. by Steve Nease Laurie Morrison