an. 19, 1994 ‘ THEOAKVILLE BEAVER #5 BIG COUPON! BIGGER SAVINGS! ~ tar's First Lady It was party time Friday when uth Atkinson Hindmarsh cele- rated her 1015t birthday with amily and friends at the Oakville olf Club. She is the daughter of Joseph . Atkinson, who built the VI oronto Star and widow of Star ditcrial executive Harry C. indmarsh. She still lives in horewood, her Oakville home or 70 years. Helping her celebrate were reat grandchildren (1 to r) Mike olland, Jay Armstrong, Nicole ‘olland, Ashley Armstrong and ,en White. The Oakville Beaver is owned y Metroland Printing, ublishing Distributing, a divi- on of Torstar Corporation. (Photo by Rizlorc Vertelll) wI Prowl at Mountsberg The Mountsberg Wildlife Centre Iâ€" _ s holdin its Owl Prowl on Jan. 21st, 2nd, 28th, and 29th, from 7 pm. to » I p.m. Participants will meet some of the sident owls of Mountsberg and learn . bout their habits, as well as, how and . try .‘hy they hoot. Enjoy a slideshow, ooting lessons. demonstrations, and a ture walk to hoot and listen for wild wls. Sat, Jan. 22nd and Friday, Jan. 8th, will be set aside for those with mall children who will meet some I pecial puppet visitors. I NOW AT CROWN BOOKS SAVE AN ADDITIONAL $5.00 ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OF $35.00 OR MORE , BEFORE TAX. THIS OFFER IS IN ADDITION TO CROWN BOOKS I , EVERY DAY DISCOUNTS AND IS VALID ONLY WHEN THIS COUPON IS PRESENTED. OFFER EXPIRES JANUARY 31 , I994. NO CASH VALUE. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER. ‘OAKVILLE TOWN CENTRE II - DORVAL DRIVE QEW JUST NEXT DOOR TO MICHAELS 200 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST, OAKVILLE TELEPHONE (905) 849-3850 TRAEALGER ROAD QUEEN ELIZABETH WAY ORVAI. DRIVE KERR STREET I A -_ N STORE HOURS: MON: FRI. 9:30 AM TO 9:00 PM SAT. 9:30 AM TO 6:00 PM SUN, I I :00 AM TO 5:00 PM 3. R03 WM“ DMI'I‘BI MIBIINIIII 7 PM SATURDAY 3 PM! NAME ADDRESS 0 POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE I ' IIIIIIIII SERVKE ROAD. w OAKVILLE †' TOWN CENTRE II I L up I BEST SELLERS 9 BEST PRICES E ‘ And the coï¬pee’s always flee .’ g O I CROWN I BOOKS l