20 Talk about being “outstanding in their field!†Instead of grow- ing at a snail’s pace, these plant lovers took to the airwaves like rain to a tree, harvesting recog- nition the first time out. The gardening gurus in ques- tion are all members of the Oakville Horticultural Club, and their half-hour show on Cable TV23 recently won the title of “1993 Outstanding New Series†at an annual awards ceremony Garden gums win early recognitian for TV sp ADVERTISING FEATURE by Stephanie Henderson INTERIOR DECORATING CONSULTATIONS ‘ SPACE PLANNING ‘ WALLPAPER " PAINT FABRIC " FURNITURE FLOORING * ACCESSORIES WINDOW TREATMENTS OFFICE M-FI 9-5 SYLVIA CAMI LLERI METRO UC. B109C8 Call the profesqionals because sometimes domgiWourself can be a decorating disaster. (905) 827-2958 131 HALTON STONE .MASONRY 5m<.=<>< EZmEHZEmE‘ 025mm; w wz_2w>w Don’t Move- -lmpnwe - LEEI _ COMPLETE HOME ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS 0 BATHS 8: KITCHENS REC. ROOMS . DECKS, PATIOS ‘ . FENCES REFERENCE AVAILABLE ' GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Stop 38mm leaks B Bathmgï¬ngeflgtchen ‘3‘! Renovations 847.2433 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE (905) 829-5440 Mobile #(416) 518-1188 CALL LINO â€" 847â€"0531 Additions Renovations Basements Kitchens Bathrooms RESIDENT 1‘ handiWORKS Front entrances Patios, sidewalks Walls or retaining walls DriveWays in real w/tone, interlocking or concrete ' Any i’roblems or Repairs 0 Baithrooms or Kitchen Renovations 0 Additions 0 New Homes ‘ - Call F rank for a Free Estimate -' For quality work and design that will stand the test of time... ‘ 0 Basement Waterprooï¬ng 0 QO-Year Written Guarantee 0 Free Estimates â€" Call 24 Hours @ KEESON Muran , Construction Ltd. Early Spring Special 0n; CROWNSEAI. INC. [335] 829-4840 This To Focus (In Spring ‘ X - Spflng Garden Clean‘up ' Pruning - Garden Renovation - Gatden Maintenance - Plamlns 842-0928 W: m mt we [WM 60. Emilenca Incision Is not an ad but 1 MM" ‘ ..umou- @ l m \‘ mm 905-564-3515 1 600-668-5186 C.0NSTRUCT|ON 8| DESIGN 332-5804 av. [05 a.» 5mm glut an“ Umluman Paul Fray hosted by the Burlington- -based cable station. With the exception of the show’s producer and‘director, horticultural club member Len Monkman, the five other mem- bers who helped facilitate the show had little or no prior expe- rience in front of 'â€" or behind â€" a television camera. . The reserved Monkman says he was surprised by the award, particularly since the show was in its first season. But he notes that practice makes perfect. The safety net of taped segments means the volun- teers can wince over their verbal gaffes and technical glitches in the privacy of Monkman’s base- ment studio, where the show is edited into its award-winning format. There are no teleprompters, and there’s no time to fuss with scripts. Everything is memorized or ad- libbed. “We were very pleased, but we didn’t expect it.†“Many of them tend to second guess what they’ve just done, and they’ve all tried to improve gradually,†Monkman says of his cohorts, the majority of DOBA BROTHI SALES SEHV I rRemcIabla A ‘39“ 0 RENOVATIONS 0 DRYWALL 0 REC. ROOMS 0 CERAMICS 0 KITCHENS 0 WINDOWS 0 BATHROOMS 0 DOORS All work 100% guaranteed completed to customer satisfaction. SPECIALIZING IN: Renovations 0 Finishing Baments - Bathrooms - Decks - Painting - Home Additions . Drop Ceilings 0 Architectural Moulding Frlnk or Polar (416) 247-3876 1040 Martin Grove Road. Unit 12, Toronto. Ontario MSW 4W6 MULTI TRADESMAN ' SPRING CLEAN-UP Call Dale 1-905-689-7297 or Pager 1-416-552-0011 - Toll Free LICENSED PLUMBER JOHN RAPOSO 847-2543 1493 WALLACE RD., OAKVILLE, ONT L6L 2Y2 - Carpentry ODrywall - Painting - Decorating Commercial Residential Minor 8. Major Renovations Interior 8; Exterior Additions Serving Oakville Since 1953 Discount for Seniors 0 Complete Bathroom Renovations 8: Repairs 0 Install Tub 8: Shower Doors 0 Jacuzzi Tubs When you don’t have time to get the job done or even started!!! â€" FOR FREE ESTIMATE â€" ’sTme’Im CALL 847-9467 Call ROger â€" 844-7511 or John â€" 825-1902 MlGHSLQQW Home Impmvement Specialists FREE ESTIMATES Glen 827-1377 ~ flammable Awnings ' European Security Roll Shutters - Concma Contracting 0 Concrete Stamping 0 Residuniial/ Commotcial/ Industrial Chelsey Construction K Dwisnon of 848286 Out. Ltd “The camera is practiCally in your lap,†he says jokingly of his small basement studio. The intimate studio tends to mesh with the informal mood the members try to instill in the show, which has no doubt con- tributed to its success. Having a built-in audience didn’t hurt, either, with the horticultural society counting 250-p1us mem- Yrs. Feedback has been positive rtough to convince a sixth vol- unteer to come. aboard, and Monkman hopes an appeal to the general membership in an DOBA BROTHERS SALES SERVICE whom are retirees with enough energy to get through the esti- mated 30 to 40 person-hours required to produce each show. Monkman pitched the concept for the 'show to the Society last year, after having filmed some of the regular speakers. He wanted to produce a show of interest to local gardeners, with lots of helpful hints, and the executive members liked the idea. Introductions for the bi-week- 1y half-hour shows are shot in the Monkman home, with wife Libby doing the honors. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ForA Free Estimate 245-3508 SHARON HOMES Construction 0 Renovations 0 Kitchens/Baths 0 Design Build 0 Additions See you at the Oakvile Home'Show April 15, 16, 17 CR. (Fuzzy) Frost 4 LAWN CARE , AND MAINTENANCE Book Now for the Coming Season. You Won’t Be Disappointed! We are a Professional and Reliable Owner Operated Business. Call Or Leave Message: Call (905) 845-0281 Steve the Gardener .- personal service -?rass cutting andscaping ofruit tree prunIng Right now, they’re working on their twenty-first episode, and gearing up for a second sea- son of warm-weather location shoots, which are supplemented with indoor segments such as flower arranging in colder months. One of the last of the indoor shows shot in the Mediterranean Garden at the RBG in February will air short- ly, Monkman says. upcoming newsletter will gener- ate additional interest. The expert “talent†who appear on the show give it a further air of credibility, something Monkman attributes to the supportive folks at Burlington’s Royal Botanical Gardens. Since last fall, the group has filmed its way through 15 or so gardens in Halton belonging to members and other avid garden- ers, with the help of a volunteer camera operator from Cable 23. Most of the gardens belong to Oakville residents, Monkman notes. And the folks who bring you “Through the Garden Gate†show no signs of slowing down, with plans to continue produc- tion into the summer of 1995. 825-01 48 ,Serving Oakville .ngSlnce 1986 David Wilkins “It was riot of color at that point.†The show airs every second and fourth Monday and Friday, and can be seen on Cable 23 on April 8, 11, 22 and 25. Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m., the society hosts its first live televi- sion show at the Cablenet stu- dios, featuring Ann Milovsoroff, who holds the W. Garfield Weston Foundation Chair of Landscape Architecture at the RBG, and a Masters’ Degree in Whether your backyard needs some tender loving care, or you’re starting from scratch this summer, a chat with the experi- enced team at Heck Of A Deck can help you work wonders. They’re more than happy to discuss fences, gazebos, inter- locking stone, sunrooms, refin- ishing, retaining walls, power- washing and hard/soft landscap- ing and what these elements could do to boost your enjoy- ment of your home. Celebrating its third anniver- sary, Heck Of A Deck is the fastest growing specialty deck company in the province. The company has a focus on the needs of the residential home- owner, according to its presi- dent, Robert Higgins. W HOSTS NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH 6312211? Hfï¬iï¬he are advised to warm up their vocal chords CITY or TOWN because from March 7 until the beginning of MayMflgLI-lgm NAME OF ESTABLISHED" will host The 1994 Great Canadian Karaoke Challenge.m T he national talent search, sponsored by GEM Entertainment Inc., Granada Canada~ Pioneer Electronics of Canada, will take place in bars and restaurants 5 across Canada; with each location holding weekly contests. Usin the technological magic of karaoke, - an entertainment vehicle tha g g increasing iï¬opular ty and success throughout North America - amateur sin rs w com etc for weekly rizes and an opportunity to e the R na and ultimate y the National als. Pioneer 0 Canada Inga Grana a Canada Ltd. have contributed over $100,000 in cash, laser k equipment and accessories all of which will be distributed to contest ,, I.__,I_ -L ___.__424xA_ .. I‘m-“I Uri-1n win-nor will [in Customers are given profes- sional estimates, and using pho- tos available from hundreds of completed projects in Oakville, Milton, Burlington, and Mississauga, visualizing the end result is fairly simple. U IIIPIIIVIII: auu “Wm- .w an v- H u-vu u .. .__._ __ _ w ers at various levels ol' competition. The Crand Priie winner will be awarded $5,000 in cash, a Pioneer Home Laser Karaoke system and, of course, the title of 1994 Great Canadian Karaoke Challenge Champion. 1994 marks the third consecutive year the The Great Canadian Karaokt ChallengeTM , and it has quickly become Canada’s la est annual vocal talent search. In addition to the excitement and fun, t e Challenge will : present an excellent fund-raising opportuni for charity. Contestants w e required to ay a $2.00 entlg fee, from w 'ch all proceeds will be donated to the nadlan Foun ation for AIDS Research (CANFAR). w just want to watch the competition from beyond the spotlight, you can out more by ï¬lling M ms or Icu'ausmau: will be â€b.3135?“ Chz‘llenge contests every Saturday night, starting Wm Forg tho_se of you interested in opmpeting' m the Challenge or it AIDALA -.._._ .0... a Their thorough, professional service includes a computerized design drawing and afterward, complete follow- -up with war- ranty and Completion certifi- cates After- researching health con- cerns related to the use of pres- sure treated wood and wood preservatives, Higgins devel- oped and marketed an environ- mentally friendly deck and fence, effectively replacing con- struction methods using pres- Me lam: Restaurant 6 tongue! Ila/l of MIMI/e ' meseh‘fs / The Giorgio £3:on Snow. Canada’s Mario Lanza Tenor featuring the comedy styling of Ell; _/\V THE GREAT CANADIAN KARAOKE CHALLENGE *** FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE *** mus. or ssnsuspyagf The Humans; 483017 a 04mm 6'- (lie We»: Snow DANCERS Dinner for 2 with Show (New York Sirloin Steak) ' DINNER 7pm. \ SHOW _ _§p.n}. Friday 8: Saturday April 8th 8: 9th Next show 22nd ; 23rd April located at Landscape Architecture fn University of Guelph. '] “Residential Design - Answers,’;’ the prograr include a slide presentati‘ a question and answer ' where viewers can call talk about their garden an scaping nightmares. Citing literature from H and Welfare Canada Hi notes that copper chro arsenate (CCA), an ele found in treated woo believed to be a cause of ce illnesses, including cancer. sure treated lumber. A standard ‘Heck O Deck’ can be built for beti $10 and $14 per square 1 using environmentally frie chemicals to stain spruce bt to mimic the look of ced: pressure treated wo Installation of a new dec Higgins’ experienced crew cally takes two to three day Callers will be enterer free draw offering a vari1 prizes. For more inform call 825-4182. For repairs to existing (1 the environmentally frie substances are utilized to back the original look 0 wood, after the deck is pre washed. After-the harsh w we’ve had in southern On Higgins feels that many will need refurbishing spring. “And many decks need repaired earlier than nece because the people who them didn’t really know they were doing,†Higgins ‘ And since the retail bus has been very succes Higgins decided to franchis company systems, and them available throug Ontario. Heck Of A Deck is loca= 1290 Speers Rd., Tel. 825-2 46’7 SFgers [Rd (qos) - 845% OLf'75 335 w April 6,