THE JEWELLERY DEPOT OFF Retail Prices MonsFrL 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:00-6:00 - Sun. 12:00-5200 (905) 827-8081 REGISTER TO WIN A DIAMOND TENNIS BRACELET All Major Credit Cards And Layaways' Accepted Announces: The'Opéning'bf TwONew Limatic)“E Hopedale Mall Oakville â€0984018540!“ Stoné Road a“ 1M | wmm m No Purchase Necessary . Need Not Be Present to Win . Drawing at Both Stores October 4th as u «an uflss‘ m DECORATOR COLOIRS Discounts 0" Original ï¬anil/flanuiagmm‘s Sum. Email Prices. Stone Road Mall Guelph Mom-Fri. 10:00-9330 Sat. 9:30-9:30 0 Sun.12:00-5:00 (519) 766-9810 He said negotiations started in January 1993, but the whole picture “We’ve asked for a ï¬nal offer to kick-start the whole process,†he said. Keyes also said the teachers union has asked that a mediator be appointed to assist both sides. Jerry Keyes, chief negotiator for the teachers, said the request for a ï¬nal offer was made in hopes of clarifying, expediting and hopefully bringing a close the process. But the date on which the board’s 315 secondary school teachers would have the right to stake is not certain. 5' alton’s Catholic high school 5 teachers have asked the ’ Halton Roman Catholic school Board for its ï¬nal offer In col- lective bargaining for a new contract which started in January of 1993. By DENNIS GIBBONS Special to the Beaver Separate high school teachers request ï¬nal offer from board No contract for two years 4%: 262 Randall Street. 33% Oakvillc 21,“ AT 4;? ST. JOHN’S «:JUNITED CHURCH “7;; OPEN TO THE PUBLIC He also said there are more than 100 outstanding grievances. They relate to teachers who have had their experience increments frozen. Keyes said the board is under no obligation to produce a final offer at this stage of bargaining, but following the release of the fact ï¬nder’s report it would be. The last contract between the board and teachers expired in August of 1993. ' The teachers ï¬led bad faith bar- gaining charges against the board in June. Keyes said the charges relate to the introduction of Adult Day School, a program launched partly by the fed- eral government which allows unem- ployed people to take courses so they are eligible for UIC payments. He said teachers have been given no terms or conditions for this program. York Region’s 1,700 public high school teachers recently benefited from an arbitration ruling which per- mits them to receive increments - pay raises based on experience - while the social contract is in force. The award could set a precedent for teachers negotiations around the province. Balogh declined to talk about issues yet to be resolved. “We don’t discuss the content of what we’re negotiating while we’re negotiating,†he said. Keyes said the social contract froze salaries until 1996, but the question of whether teachers can ask for more money is'cunently a subject of arbitra- tion involving teachers federations, schOol boards and the government Steve Balogh, chief negotiator for the board, said the process of getting down to a strike date doesn’t kick in until 30 days after the fact finder’s report is made public. Hesaidflleboatdisxeadytomeet with teachers at any lime. Paga1o:Theso%OFFsavingbrme 'Seaet’PmtyMsedoesnotappIytohe Fullâ€"SupponHose. Page 11:1TIeWomen'sLicensedSIeepwear {35!}an ampmedfrom $9.86t052022. not Tbe board asked fora fact ï¬nder on Aug. 12th, but the Education rela- tions Commission still hasn’t appoint- $9.86 as indicated. We apologize for any incomenience this may have caused. Kman Canada Umited changed when the Ontan‘o government put the Social Contract in place in August of that year. CORRECTION _Infl1'sweek's]<manflyermeblowingerrors “The biggest problem,†he said, “is where do we start?†Tea will be served in Lusk Hall each day TENTH ANNUAL gfows'c Gssfivaf Saturday. September 17,1994 (1:00pm to 4:mpm) Sunday, September 18,1994 (11:30pm to 3:00pm)