November 23, 1994 Minor Oaks Hockey Association rep report (Continued from page 24) Nathan Hendricks. Donnelly scored the third goal lrom Samardzich and Alfred Lee. Samardzich scored an empty nefler to clinch the:game. asslsled by Donnelly and Michael Swinton. -0AKV|LLE a, STONEY CREEK 0 (Nov. 16): Joshua Taylor picked up his fifth shutout of the regular season. Goals to Josh Smyth (2), Joshua Shepiey (2), Donnelly (2). Alired Lee and Richard Maloche. Assists to Michael Sdmardzich (2), Richard Meloche (2). Nico Giii (2), Nathan Hendricks Steven Donnelly Smyth, David Nugent Sean L'.avelle Altred Lee. OAKVILLE 7, BURLINGTON 0 (Nov. 18): Goalie Marcus Johnson picked up the shutout. Over the ï¬rst 15 games. goalies Marcus Johnson and Joshua Taylor have compiled some amazing statistics. They have six shutouts and a goals against average of 0.75 per game. Sean Lavelle led the way with a pair of goals while singles went to David Nugent. Michael Samardzich, Richard Meloche. Scotty Russell and Josh Smyth. Assists went to Nathan Hendricks (2). Steve Donnelly (2), Rlchard Meloohe and Josh Smyth. ' MINOR ATOM TRIPLE-AAA :OAKVILLE 2, CHlNGUACOUSY 2 (Nov. 10): \ï¬ctory slipped through the hands 01 the Sdnllght Solarium Ranger against rival Chlnguacousy in the last two minutes at the third period when Ching tied the game at 2. dakville hung OH to keeb one point against a very physical Chi_nguac_ousy_ te_arp._ . ' Oakwlle 'gbal's came frém Derék Dalzlel (2), with assists from Ryan Kuri and Michael KOzak. OAKVILLE 6. BRAMPTON 2 (Nov.13. away): Oakville visited Brampton and regained their ability and desire to pass the puck Goals came from Pat Mann, Flyan Kuri, Adam Lemay (2), Dalziel (2). and much deserved assists to Conor Murphy (2). Lemay. Mike Collier. Matt Mclsaac (2). Chris Smith. Kuri. and Andrew Crosbie. Cory White proved tape a brick wall on delense, stopping any- one who dared get near. - MINOR PEEWEE DOUBLE-AA ' The National Cellular Rangers seemed to catch their stride in November with victories over St. Catharines, Chingacousy. and Milton. They also earned a tie with St. Catharines. while their only deieet came at the hands at Orangeville. OAKVILLE 6 ST. CATHARINES 1 (Nov. 1. home): Avenging a 5-2 defeat three days ear- lier. Oakville dominated every tacet ot the game. The lirre of Paul Bolta, Chris Varteressian. and Brent Wells led the way counting four goals and three assists between tnem. Wells had two goals and an assist, Bolta and Vaneressian had one goal and one asskst each. Other tallles in the game went to Mike Folland and Bren Miner. Earning assists were Drew Karges. Will Barlow, Jory Meisner. Jess Robertson, Adam Hockaday, and Folland. Gavin VCarr was solid {n the cage for the Rangers. ORANGEVILLE 3 OAKVILLE 1 ( Nov. 5. away): Despite outshooting Orangeville, the Rangers couldn’t solve the Orangeville net- minder and lound themselves, once again, victims of the always tough Orangeville squad. Chris Varteressian, on a goal lrom Paul Bolta and Will Barlow, pulled the Rangers to within one in the third period. but an empty net goal ended their hopes lor a tie. Robbie Bénson made a number of out- standing saves to keep tho Rangers in the contest. ‘ OAKVILLE 5 CHINGACOUSY 1 (Nov. 6, home); Trailing 1-0 going into the third period, the Rangers erupted (or five third period goals to soundly defeat the Blues tor the second ime this season. The victory took the team Iecord to six ins, seven losses. and a tie. The goattending duo of Benson and Carr have been outstanding this season with a combined goals against average of 2.21 in 14 games. MIDGET DOUBLE-AA OAKVILLE 3. ORANGEVILLE 3: Jim MacDonald lired in a pair and Rob Shirley added a single. Shawn Belbin and Chris Bette each had a pair of helpers and Mike Kinnunen added a single. ‘ OAKVILLE 7, MILTON 4: a well balanced attack resulted in single goals to Chris Maguire, Jell Hussey, Marc Vaneressian, Mike Kinnunen, Chris Belts. Jim MacDonald and ike Paralovos. Nolching assists-were Kris arnes (2). Mike Paralovos (2), Shawn Belbin 2), Mike Kinnunen (2). Chris Maguire and Rob Shirley. OAKVI'LLE 5, CHINGUACOUSY a: Mike innunen scored the ï¬rst three goals and [Chris Betts the last two. Notching helpers ORANGEVILLE 6. OAKVILLE 3 (Nov. 5. way): the Andersen Consulting/Plllsbury Rangers led 2-1 entering the third period on goals by Ryan DonneHy and Blake McLennan. Scoring Oakville's lone third period goal -â€" against ï¬ve goals for Orangeville â€"- was Brent Von Hagen. Two assists each were contribut- ed by Michael Nelligan and Jefl Benttey. Dustin Stacey got things under way tor the tome team horn Drew Karges and then the ‘Ioodgates opened. In rapid succession, (arges, Varteressian, Wells. and Meisnet also sacred to put the game away. Assists were arned by Kargas (2). Miller (2). Meisner, ockaday. Stacey, Varteressian. and Bolta. Carr earned the victory. OAKVILLE 1 ST. CATHARINES 1 (Nov. 2, away); In a close checking contest. Jory eisner scored the only goal for the Rangers ith assists from Karges and Ryan itzsimmons. OAKVlLLE 3, ANCASTER 1 (Oct. 29. away): a strong defensive ellort led by Andrew Goodlellow in goal and defenceman Bryan Magee, Andrew MacMillen. Drew Wilkinson. Ryan Andrews. Chris Veitch and Wetherly was needed as Oakville incurred eight penal- ties to Ancaster's two infractions. Strong penalty killing was also provided by Von Hagen, Donnelly. Ranells and Silber. Scoring for the Rangers were Jell Bentley, Donnelly and Von Hagen with assistance lrorn Nelligan, MacMillan and Von Hagen. OAKVILLE 4. MILTON 3 (Oct. 28. home): scoring ior Oakville were Josh Ranelis. Brent Von Hagen. Blake McLennan and Ryan Donnelly. Providing assists were Mike Nelligan (2). McLennan. Brad Wetherly. Von Hagen and Kevin Silbei. Matt Mateja pre- served the win in goal. OAKVILLE 6 MILTON 4 (Nov. 13, home); "he Rangers never trailed in this game, their its! 01 the season with Milton, despite being tuishot 26-11. Wells led the scoring with two, with singles loing lo Folland, Malt McChesney, laneressian, and Miller. were Jim MacDonald (3), Marc Vaiteressian ‘2), Chris Maguire. Kevin Gibbons, Chirs Eetts. Sean Krumpek, Mike Paralovos. , Oakville 4, Hlllcrest 4: Oakville overcame three-goal deficit to gain a 44 tie. Nelligan ed the scoring tor Oakville with a pair of goals nd singles were contributed by Hartwell and all Bentley. .entloy's goal tied the game with Assists were picked up by McChesney, karlow, Hockaday, Bolts (2), and ritzsimmons. OAKVlLLE 5, ANCASTER 2: notching sin- Ie markers were Jamie Trull. Chris Betts, hris Maguire. Kris Barnes and Mike innunen. Picking up assists were Chris aguire (2). Mike Paralovos, Jefl Hussey, ike Charles and Brad Meyer. NOVICE DOUBLE-AA OAKVlLLE 2. BURLINGTON 2 (Nov. 8, way): all the goals were scored in the third eriod. Oakville was led offensively by Glen ertwell who tallied both markers with help ech time from Jett Bentley. Oekville's record row stands at 6-2-2. ST. CATHARINES 4, OAKViLLE 1: Chris Iaguire's goal was assisted by Jamie Trull. GEORGETOWN TOURNAMENT (Oct. 20- less than a minute to play. Von Hagen helped with two assists while Blake McLennan, Brad Wetherly, Drew Wilkinson and Griffin Alien each had one. Oakville 4, Barrie 1: Matching goals were Hartwell, Wetherly, Kevin Silber and Allen. Picking up assists were McLennan (2), Nelligan, Josh Ranells and Bentley. Oakville vs Bowmanville: the ï¬nal saw Oakville beaten by a very strong Bowmanville team. Andrew Goodtellow played well in keep- ing the Rangers within striking distance against a team which did not allow a goal in the first three games of the tournament. Griflen Allen was selected MVP tor Oakville during the tournament. OAKVILLE 2, BURLINGTON 2 (Oct. 18, home): Glen Hartwell and Brent Von Hagen scored third period tallies to gain the tie. Assists were credited to Michael Nelllgan, Bryan Magee and Von Hagen. Matt Mateja played a strong game in goal in a penalty tilled contest. OAKVILLE 7. CHINGUACOUSY 0 (Oct. 15, away): Matt Mateia recorded the shut-out. Oakville displayed a strong skating and torechecking game. Oakvllle scorijng was led by the line of Josh Baneils, Jeti Bentley and Glen Hartwell which contributed tour goals â€" two each to Fianells and Bentley. Chipping in with singles were Ryan Donnelly. Blake McLennan and Brent Von Hagen. OAKVILLE 7, BRAMPTON 3 (Oct. 13, home): Michael Nelligan celebrated his blrth- day by potting a hat-trick. Single markers were scored by Von Hagen, Donnelly. Bentley and Hartwell. Andrew Goodlellow made key saves to earn the win in goal. Assists went to Von Hagen (2), McLennan (2), Magee, Hartwell, Ranells, Kevin Silber and Bentley. PEEWEE DOUBLE-AA ORANGEVILLE 7, OAKVILLE 3 (Nov. 14, home): Oakville were even at 2-2 after one period. but allowed three second period goals to put the game out of reach. Jordan lnce, Flob Payne and Marc O'Brien shared the scor- ing. Drawing assists were John Yeh, Marc O'Brien, Stuart Matheson, Ed Wishlott and Mike Purcell. CHINGUACOUSY 3, OAKVILLE 2 (Nov. 11. home): Stuart Matheson scored both goals. Mike Ciow had two assists and Dan Whiting and Rob Payne each and ona helper. OAKVILLE 5. ST. CATHARlNES 4 (Nov. 8. away): Rob Payne scored the first three Oakville goals for a natural hat-trick Single goals were added by Mike Thanson and Miko Purcell. Picking up assists were Dave Binns (2), Stuart Mathason (2), Chris With. Rob Payne, Mac O'Brien and Jordan lnce. Nov. 27 (Sunday) 9 am - 6 pm Nov. 28-Dec. 2 (Mon-Fri) 10 am - 9 pm Dec. 3 4 (Sat Sun) 9 am - 6 pm Dec. 5 6 (Mon Tue) 10 am - 9 pm The 1994 assessment roll. which lists the assessed value of each property in your municipality, is required to be delivered to your municipal clerk on December 20, 1994. 1994 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT Your 1995 property taxes will be based on this value. The ï¬nal date for appealing your 1994 assessment to the Assessment Review Board is January 10, 1995. There is a fee for ï¬ling an appeal. If you have any questions about assessment or if you wish to meet with an assessor, please call the assessment office. The number is in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory, under assessment or property assessment. If you have any questions about appealing your assessment, please call the Assessment Review Board. The number is in the Blue Pages or can be odainedflunthemwï¬olï¬oe. IOntario Anixter~~ midgets put together three Wins in one week A 6-5 victory in Burlington Monday night capped off the third consecu- tive win in a week for Oakville’s triple-AAA midget rep hockeyteaxn. _ Last week, the defending Ontario Minor Hockey Association Anixter Rangers had defeated Stoney Creek 7-5 on Wednesday and Niagara Falls 9- 2 on Monday. Their-league record now stands at 12 winsAand one loss. In Burlington, Oakviï¬e outscored the hometown team 3-1 in the third peti- od to eke out the win. Oakville had trailed 2-0 and 4â€"2 earlier in the game. Jeff Wells and Adam Richards each scored a pair of goals while singles were scored by Chad Blundy (up from the tIiple-AAA bantams) and Rob' Frankovic. Jeff Wells, Adam Richards and Andrew Smith each had a pair of assists while single helpers went to Steve MacGibbon, Mike Muldoon, Rob Medeiros, Rob Kerr and Rob Frankovic. GIRLS BASKETBALL SENIOR ' Bani-ï¬nal (N04. 16, 17): StT.Aqu|naa 47. Milton 34 Bishop Finding 55. BM Comm] 3‘ Human champlomhlp (Tun. Nov. 22, 5:30 pm. Sheridan Collogo): StT.Aq4inae vs Bighpg Finding In last Wednesday’s 7-5 win at home against Stoney Creek, Rob Kerr and Rob Frankovic led the way with a pair of goals each. Assists went to Jeff Wells (4), Rob Medeiros (3), Brad Moyer (2), Adam Richards, Mike Muldoon and Rob Frankovic. - JUNIOR Scull-ï¬nd (Nov. 16. 17): Bislmp Rodin 50. MM. Robsn as Oakvilo Tmfdgar 59. mm 40 Hilton chunplomhlp (Tun. Nov. 22, 4 pm, Sudden Goings): Oak Tmlalgarvs Bishop Racing New}: Comm mmwm a 1hr Ono champlomhlp (Nov. 23, a PM Mowing g‘do game. at Oakvilo Trauma: My: School): Pilgdm Wood vs Falgnmood 110' M chmpbnthp (Nov. 22): New Central VI EJ. Jan-u. 5mg BOYS VOLLEYBALL (EAST) 70 The East Mall Etobicoke Oakville Standings and Scores QUEENSWAY DUNDAS ST. EVANS AVE. 0.E.W. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C.H. Nor‘lon W.H. Mordon Ealviow Tlor Ono umI-fln-I: Tlor OM champion-Mp (Nov. 29. 8 pm. lollowing girl: game at Lord Elï¬n): C.H. Nonon vs semi-ï¬nal win- Tbr Two chunplomhlp (Nov. 30. a p.m. Iollowlng girls gum. at T.A. Blakelock): EasMowvsWH. Mordon GIRLS VOLLEYBALL (EAST) 7 Pilgi'nWood 10 NowComml‘ 10 EJ. Jun" 10 W 10 Fnlgarwood 1o 16 RWOakn 1o 14 ' NowCennl talcuuccndphoo on poinbdm'lgleagwmbheo “ Menu-Ir mine by. on basis a! Mohegan Mm ovorFalgwood TM 000 anal-ï¬nal: Ndw Central 2, EJ.JameI1 (15-13. 15-11. 15-12) mvmmflmmbW-n7 so 22 22 16 â€canon; cuu;uo pm. at Oakvlllo Tralalgar High School): Pilgrim Wood VI Now (canny) Pinoland at Can you aï¬ord lo spend a few minutes each monlh lo (cal the smoke detectors in your home? Can you afford not to? Going without the protection of a working smoke detector is a risk too dangerous to take. In a fire. you’ll need every second to get out safely. and the early warning from a smoke detector can make the difference between surviving a ï¬re and dying in one. Test your smoke delectors today. You can'l afford not to. I10 Yflll HAVE “IE TIME? The Government of Canada \/ has prepared a question and answer booklet “Have Your Sayâ€. This booklet gives you information on possible changes to social programs like: 0 Unemployment Insurance 0 Child Tax Beneï¬t 0 Federal contributions to: 0 Employment development services and training - Post-secondary education ' Social assistance (welfare) and social services 0 Child care 0 Assistance to persons with disabilities To participate in this national discussion, ï¬ll in the pull-out question and answer section of the booklet, and return it to us. Iï¬l “or Two â€ml-ï¬nd: River Oak: 2. ngamood1 17-16, 14-16 15-8 110! No cha(mplonahlp (Nov. ’22): Montdair vs River Oaks c.H. Norton Easlviow G.E.Park 1o W.H. Morden‘ 9 ' make-up game deaynighi Tm 0m «ml-ï¬nd: Brookdalo at 110! On. Whip (Nav. 29. 7 pm. at Lord Elgin): CH. Norton VI uni-anal winner Tlor The «ml-ï¬nd: h be decided an»: Tuuday‘s mum-w gum T|or M chunplomhlp (Nov. 30, 7 pm. at T.A. BIakMoek) is looking at changing Canada’s social programs. But before making changes, we want your views. THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA WEST DIVISION (Nov. 21) P w L T GF GATP Milbn 2214 6 213210331 Buflingbn 20134 31257930 Ham'lton 20110 3 99 8425 Steam 2012 711017924 Brampton 21105 3122 29623 OM10 19 9101101951! BaldYook 21 5142 7313312 Geomolalmm 1 191 so 164 3 otoanummrdadonopointbun V .m. Eli-d! muu'réu hummus Clnldl (CENTRAL) scheduled for Moyer was up from the double-AA midgets. In the 9-2 rout of Niagara Falls on November 14, Rob Muldoon, Adam Richards and Ryan Buttaro each had a pair of goals while singles went to Mike Muldoon, Steve MacGibbon and Rory Hardman. Assists were registered by Rob Kerrr(4), Mike Muldoon (3), Steve MacGibbon (2), Rob Medeiros (2), Andrew Smith, RJ. Carr, Adam Richards and Rob Muldoon. Mike Muldoon played that game fresh off a call-up to the Oakville Blades provincial junior A team which had defeated Royal Yorlt _7-5. _ _ Blades general manager Murray Walker said “he acquitted himself very well â€" he didn’t look out of place at all.†One of his own coaches-Bob Kapustik, was similarly pleased. “What impressed me more than anything, is that he played the same way. He wouldn’t panic when he got the puck. He had a lot of patience with the puck â€" ifwasn’t like a time bomb.†WHITE OAKE'ITES GYMNARSHCS CLUB an ALL voua :1 FAVORITE FORTRAN SIZES IN EACH P05E.1 M INTRODUCES 0" Each sse inclue big 10x13 an 8x10 two 5x75 ten wallets keepsakes and six portrait Christmas cards. NOT ONE 3111mm smunrdmss. You see and select the poses you like best on your choice of backgrounds. in Classes mn for 10 weeks and are also offered Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Saturdays. White Oakettes Gymnastics Club diers recreational gymnastic instmction to girls 3 and up and boys 3 to 8. For more information call Michael Sandell at (416) 365-5291 or come by the school. \ 1285 Montclair Drive, Oakville / 3-]0xl3s 3-8H05 6-5xls 30-WALlEIS 34-KEEPSAKES I8â€"POR1RAII CHRISTMAS CARDS SUBJECT FEE OF 3400 PER PERSON. PAYABLE WHEN PORTRArTs ARE TAKEN, LIMIT ONE HOUDAY PORTRAIT COLLECTION PER FAMILY. PLEASEYou choose backgrounds and approve each pose as it's taken. Additional poses taken (or optional portrait ooilection with no obligation to purchase. Christmas Mama! available It no em charge. Portrait sizes approximate. THIS AREA KMART HAS A PERMANENT STUDIO Tues. - Fri. 10AM - 7 PM Sat. 10AM - 6 PM 3 BEAUTIFUL POSTS â€" 94 PORTRAITS IN All TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 5:30-8:00P.M. AT MONTCLAIR SENIOR SCHOOL Pmdudsgvo you mm. mm: For Customer Service. call 1-800-438â€"8861 3rd Line Rebecca Street, Oakville HOPEDALE MALL For your free copy of “Have Your Say†or for other information on changing Canada’s social programs, “Have Your Say†is also available at all post ofï¬ces, Canada Employment Centres, and at many YM/YWCAs and grocery stores across Canada. You can also share your views with your MP or attend the public hearings on Social Security Reform which are being held in communities across Canada by the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development. Call 1-800-735-3551 TDD: 1-800-465- 7735 SEE SELECI AND ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY Pomnsmsmm With our exclusive OK Custom Portrait system, you see each se as it‘s taken on a co or monitor... instantly! And you leave with a FREE Custom Proof Sheet. complete with all the poses you approved. Canad'é' °1WPCAIIILW