24 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday June 9, 2006 Look for our INCREDIBLE Red Tag Flyer in today's paper! (Only in selected areas) Free 15" LCD TV When you purchase and keep any queen or king size aqua sleep set at $1499 or more. POSTUREPEDIC PLUSH QUEEN PILLOWTOP SLEEP SET AQUAPQUPK / AQUAPKGPK Electronics not exactly as shown 1499 97 KEVIN HILL / SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER READY TO RELAY: Students involved with organizing Oakville's second high school Relay for Life at Iroquois Ridge High School on June 16 include Adam Mitchell and Linh Nguyen, centre (in white T-shirts). King Size available for $199997 Iroquois Ridge eager to host Relay Out of town call: *See in store for complete details. For the store nearest you! 1-800-97-BRICK By Wilma Blokhuis OAKVILLE LIVING EDITOR Shop online at www.thebrick.com www.oakvillebeaver.com What began as a class assignment has led to Iroquois Ridge High School holding Oakville's second high school Relay for Life on Friday, June 16. Less than a month has kick off the 12-hour gone into planning this overnight event, "and we've event, but co-leaders Linh approached some cancer surNguyen and Adam Mitchell vivors in our area to speak at are confident the school can our Luminary Ceremony." raise at least $30,000. The school is inviting the "Our class assignment community-at-large to parwas organize a charity ticipate at a cost of $15 event," said Nguyen, who is including a luminary. in Grade 12. She and "We're launching a twoMitchell who is in Grade 11 week blitz," continued "I'm taking one Grade 12 Mitchell. "We're inviting parsubject" are part of an ents and teachers as well as stueight-member core group of dents to participate. We really student organizers. That one want to make this happen and subject is make it very spe"We've spent less Lynda Anstett's cial. We'll have Grade 12 busi- than one month tent city, enterness organiza- planning this event tainment...the tional class. works." and initially the "We want to Canadian Cancer The student add value to organizers are Society was our school hoping to with a Relay," hesitant but they recruit 30-35 said Morgan decided to help us teams, each Biernat, one of because they with about 10 the core group. realized we're members, "and There is no if everybody pretty eager." lack of enthusigets $100 in asm. Despite sponsors, we'll Adam Mitchell, not having any have at least T-shirts or an Co-leader, Iroquois $30,000," said official poster, Ridge High School Mitchell. the students Relay for Life "We're also have created a looking for vollarge banner promoting the unteers and donations, food event. and prizes." "We've got three teams A silent auction will registered and another 15 include a $300 Goodlife fitteams interested," said ness package, AMC gift pack, Nguyen. and hair salon gift certificates. "We've spent less than one The entertainment month planning this event includes three bands, and initially the Canadian Volume, a school-based band, Cancer Society was hesitant, Forever Means Never featurbut they decided to help us ing an Iroquois Ridge gradubecause they realized we're ate as lead singer, and All For pretty eager," said Mitchell. Nothing, plus magician Ray "We want to make it hap- Anderson, a comedian and pen because it's a great cause. "lots and lots of karaoke," We told them that and they said Mitchell. said OK." To participate, donate The group already has food, prizes or to volunteer, recruited a few survivors for call Lynda Anstett at the its Survivors' Victory Lap to school, 905-845-0012.
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