www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday July 7, 2006 - 3 Donations being accepted to save 250-year-old white oak People interested in donating to save the 250-year- untouched," said Regional Chair Joyce Savoline. old white oak tree outside of the Halton Regional "I'm pleased to see our residents get engaged with Centre on Bronte Road should visit Halton Region's such passion and conviction to champion for someWeb site for information on how to donate. thing they believe in," said Savoline. Halton Region has information, complete with a The citizen-led initiative has been dubbed the donor form, to support the efforts of the grassroots Woodlands Oak Tree Preservation Committee. fundraising campaign on its Web site at www.halThe white oak tree sits just north of the Regional ton.ca/savethetree. Centre and south of the Woodlands The white oak, thought to be "We owe it to the tree Operations Centre. approximately 250 years old -- mak- to do what we can, Burnell is co-chairing the coming it older than Confederation -- to ensure it continues mittee with Jim Young, another will fall victim to a future Bronte to have every Oakville resident and local realtor. Road widening unless the fundrais"The tree is a piece of living hising effort manages to raise the opportunity to live." tory. It is a survivor. It has survived $343,000 necessary to build the road the Indians' access when they were around the tree by mid-December of Joyce Burnell, co- chair providing oak wood for the ships Woodlands Oak Tree this year. built by William Chisholm. We owe Thoughts of moving the tree Preservation Committee it to the tree to do what we can, to were entertained, however an ensure it continues to have every arbourist's report most recently stated the tree opportunity to live," said Burnell. would not likely survive the transplant. Halton Region is accepting donations on behalf of Thoughts of building the road around the tree -- the committee which has until Dec. 15, 2006, to at taxpayers' expense -- were also entertained, how- raise or have a guarantee for $343,000. ever met with a public backlash that veered local Donations may be made on-line, in person, via politicians away from sanctioning the expenditure. fax, telephone or mail, through cheque, credit card However, in efforts to save the tree, the commu- or cash. Personal information will be kept confidennity has rallied to orchestrate a fundraising cam- tial. paign to cover the costs of building around the tree. Tax receipts will be issued after Dec. 15. Oakville resident and author Joyce Burnell Persons interested in donating are asked to view appeared before council recently to say she'd head up Halton's Web site for complete details or call Access the fundraising effort. Halton at 905-825-6000 or toll-free at 1-866-442"Citizens clearly told us at our June Council 5866. meeting that they wished to have the opportunity to Residents who wish to become involved in the fundraise in support of an alternate road widening fundraising effort may contact Burnell at 905-844option that would allow the tree to remain 9575. FLOOR MODEL SALE ON NOW! Style ... design ... colour ... the right combination of furniture and accessories ... KINSELLA INTERIORS can assist you in showing off your good taste. 2575 Dundas Steet W. (just East of Winston Churchill Blvd.) IN THE MISSISSAUGA HOME & DESIGN CENTRE 905-820-7409 · drapery + hardware · custom sewing + furniture · in-home consultation · W E ' V E R A I S E D T H E C U R TA I N Our "Luxury To GoTM" ready-made drapery collection is exquisitely designed and ready to hang. With over 90 in stock drapery panels to choose from, it's easy to achieve the custom look without the wait. 2004 Caroline Street, Burlington Ontario L7R 1K9 · 905.632.4994 QEW / 403 Guelp www.invudraperyco.com QEW Fairv Map le Av iew S t. Drury Ln. Bran t St. h Lin Store Hours Monday to Wednesday: 10am to 6pm Thursday & Friday: 10am to 8pm Saturday: 10am to 6pm Sunday: 12pm to 5pm e Caro line S t. e. Lake shore Rd.