30 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, July 15, 2006 OAKVILLE Newly renovated 1-bedroom, near all amenities. $875/mo +hydro.; 2 2-bedroom $975/mo + hydro. 262 & 268, Reynolds Street, A v a i l a b l e I m m e d i a t e l y. 905-338-8876. OAKVILLE, 2-bedroom, very nice building close to downtown, $820. Call 647892-2456. Available immediately. OAKVILLE, 415 Kerr Street. 1-bedroom apartment, balcony, $825/mo.; 2-bedroom $925/mo. July/ Aug./ Sept. 905-339-2437 (9am-8pm). Oakville, Kerr/ Speers Rd. Newly renovated 1&2 bedrooms From $750/mo. 905-339-1154 OAKVILLE- Kerr/ Speers~ 1& 2 bdrms avaiablel from $ 8 0 0 . C l o s e t o Q E W. Mins from parks & Lake Ontario. $500 Cash Back! Ask about our Rental Rewards. Call 1-888-3107000. Any Space. Any time. w w w. G O t r a n s globe.com OAKVILLE- Speers/ Kerr~ 1 bdrms available from $ 8 5 0 . C l o s e t o Q E W. Mins from parks & Lake Ontario. Ask about our Rental Rewards. Call 1888-310-7000. Any Space. Any time. www.GOtransglobe.com OAKVILLE. 1&2 bedroom apartments available immediately. Sign up by July 24 and receive brand new 2 7 " T V. C a l l f o r d e t a i l s . 905-849-5936. OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 B U R L I N G TO N n e a r L a salle Park. 1-bedroom kingbed, 3 levels, fireplace A / C , p a t i o , b a l c o n y. Available Sept. $1500/mo includes utilities. Nicely furnished. Ideal corporate 905-634-5411 OAKVILLE~ Large 1-bedroom basement apartment. Newly renovated, large driveway/ yard. $1325/mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905338-1404 TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!... "New" Luxury Corporate Residences, 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. Fully furnished! 48++ locations! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! From $49.95*/ night!! M/Card- Visa- Diner's "Guaranteed Lowest Rent!" Page Us 24/7 at 905-681-7355 Rent To Own! You can purchase w/little /nothing down! Self Employed? No proof of income! Turned down by bank? Call JAY NELLIGAN, Broker,905-639-5258 jaynelligan@remax escarpment.com Some cond. apply RE/MAX Escarpement Realty Inc., Brokerage ALDERSHOT. Unique historic 2-bedroom home. Newly renovated throughout, new gas furnace/ c/air. $1300/mo. +utilities. Suit professional/ retiree (nonsmoking). 905-632-0697. BRONTE, 4-bedroom 2.5 baths, on quiet street one block from lake, $2000/mo. available August 31, 905334-3357. BURLINGTON 3-bedroom +den bungalow, 2 baths, garage, recroom, $1225/mo; Central Burlington 3-bedroom, semi, 1.5 baths, recroom $1135/mo.; Burlington, 2bedroom, 2 full baths, recroom, $1050/mo; Brant/ Upper Middle, elevated ranch, garage, C/A, familyroom, $1395/mo. 905632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. BURLINGTON Country Property, on 1 acre, 4 bedroom, 2.5 baths, Available august 31, $1950/mo. 905334-3357. BURLINGTON. Charming 2-bedroom, 1.5 storey home by the lake, steps to lakefront path and the downtown core. Close to all highways and bus stops. Call 905-320-8706. EAST Burlington 4-bedroom, 2 storey, 1.5 baths, 1 car garage, Sept.1., $1471/mo. Bill 905-6326260 GLEN Abbey- 3000sqft., 4bdrm, 2.5 baths, den, family room, deck, fenced yard. 416-833-2394 N.W Oakville, 4 bedroom, 2 . 5 b a t h s , 3 y e a r s n e w, 2500 sq.ft, $2390/mo, available August 30. 905334-3357. OAKVILLE A 3-bedroom detached, garage, appliances, c/a, large lot, quiet area. $1350+. August 1st. 905-279-3997. OAKVILLE Third Line/ Bridge~ 3-bedroom house. Close to school, parks and hwy's. $1400/mo +utilities 905-849-4177 O A K V I L L E , T r a f a l g a r, semi-detached, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 garages, 1500/mo. Call Be, 905-510-0790/ 905822-0471 x 221. OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 R E N O VAT E D 3 + 1 b e d room historic home. Hardwood, ceramic, porch, and deck. Freshly painted $1750/mo +utilities 905634-2628 WEST Oakville- Main floor of bungalow 3-bdrm, very stylish, beautiful and clean, great deck, yard and location! N o n - s m o k e r. $1225/mo. +util. Aug.1. Email: timskeet@shaw.ca or phone 403-608-4500 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking FOUND: Prescription Sunglasses & case, North Burlington area. Call to identify. 905-319-9343 FOUND: Set of keys, 723 Brant St. Burlington in mailbox. Call to identify after 4pm, Anderson: 905634-8956. FOUND: small white dog, Guelph Line/ Britannia Rd. area. We call "Hobo". Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Wallet, Near hospital in Burlington. Call Maryanne, 905-634-3556 to identify. LOST: Grey/ white Tabby female, white/ grey collar. Answers to 'Whisky". Newport St./ Headon Fore s t D r. a r e a , J u l y 1 s t . Please call 905-379-4486 L O S T: O l y m p u s S t y l u s 300 Camera, Drummond/ Cairncroft area. Reward. Call 905-845-4600 LOST: Wedding, Engagement. Anniversary cluster diamond ring. Lost in Oakville area. Reward. 905844-3198. FREE, sofa and loveseat in good condition, you pick up. Call 905-337-8823 after 5:30pm. FREE: Loveseat, you pick up. 905-681-6502 GAS Weed Eater, featherlite, 25cc engine. Used only 3 times. $75. 905633-8417 LAWNBOY Mower, commercial grade, has had yearly maintenance, bags, mulches, $100. 905-6394161 MOVING boxes: wardrobe (4)/ mirror (6)/ cube boxes, paper, $40/all. Call 906469-5464. PINE Kitchen table w/4 chairs, $100. Desk double pedestal, $75. Recliner $100. 905-639-8075. CLIFF Thorborn pool table, 3/4" slate, new felt and c o v e r, a l l a c c e s s o r i e s . $1200 OBO. 905-8276460 please leave message C O M P U T E R , n e a r n e w, 512 MB, DDR, 120 GB, 7200 hard drive, CD burner, Windows XP, 17" monit o r, k e y b o a r d , m o u s e , speakers, $450. Green p l a i d l o v e s e a t & c h a i r, $100. 905-827-9381. DINING mahogany table with inlay edging, 6 chairs $1600; also antique armoire $1500. 416-5598166; 905-842-7446 DINING room suite traditional dark pine double pedestal table, 6-chairs, buffet, hutch, glass doors, $350. Refinished oak desk $50. 905-331-0025. DININGROOM Oak table w/6 chairs, $200; hutch & buffet $250; kitchen table w/4 chairs $150. 905-3332808 DININGROOM, "Hooker Sheffield", table, 2-leafs, 6 chairs, buffet, 2-yrs. new, paid $22,000, asking $12,000. 905-815-8285. ELLIPTICAL Trainer 517I by PreCor. One year old and hardly used. Purchased $3700, sacrifice $2600 firm. 905-827-5731 F A N TA S T I C S u m m e r Sale- Custom upholstering, no GST or PST. We pay the taxes on sofas and matching chairs, sofas from $788. Chairs from $249, D/R Seats from $19.95. Field's Furniture and Fabrics 9am-9pm. 905-632-9090 FINE Furniture~ Excellent condition, complete Empire dining set. Glass & Brass Coffee & Side tables, Asian inspired design. 905-847-3329, cell 905-510-0955 FITNESS. Brand New 2 stack, multi-station, home gym. Commercial quality for serious fitness. $2500. (retails for $4300) 905829-0200 FOUR new snow tires w/ steel rims, excellent cond., only used for past season. Nokian Hakka 95/70R14. $420. 905-333-9191 FREE Estimates Got wobbly chairs, tired looking wood finishes? Fields Custom Weed Refinishing and Furniture Repairs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 GLIDER rocker~ perfect for new mom or mom-tobe. Price $200, firm. 905635-4715. GYM (professional equipment 2yrs old)- bench, leg, preacher attachments. Everlast heavy bag. $200. 905-331-0826. HEWLITT Packard Vectra Computer, 56K, 17" IBM Monitor, All windows office, several other programs, Canon Pixma IP1000 printer $425/all. 905-864-2968, H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/all options, including cover, 2006 model. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 1 0 9 0 0 . , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905971-1777 HOTTUB, Large, Beachcomber model 750, 38 relaxing jets, seats 6-8, 6 y.o., Immaculate condition. $4000. 905-469-9722 IKEA wood storage table/ baskets $100; Ikea Butcher block $50; inversion table $100; 2 antique chairs $50/pair 905-689-3528 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. LIFT chair, "Pride" Luxury Line, 375lb. weight capacity, new $2100, used 2 - m o s . B e s t o ff e r. 9 0 5 690-1405. LIVINGROOM Set- Couch and Loveseat, matching pillows incl. Asking $500/set; Rattan Dining Set- 42" Round glass table, 4 chairs, cushions, 2 piece Hutch. Asking $500/set. 905-845-1360, db30@cogeco.ca MATTRESSES++++ New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $400. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Sealy Sold Here. 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) M AY TA G Wa s h e r / D r y e r (white), both $350, separate, $200 each. Kenmore Stainless Steel Dishwasher, $400, Nutone Stainless Steel Range Hood Fan, $500. All appliances guaranteed and are less than 5 years old. Call 905-2575362. MOVING Sale! Roll top desk, hall table w/ mirror, dishes, end tables, wall unit (cabinet), etc. 905844-1733. MOVING Sale- bedroom suite, desk, bookcase. Best offer for each. 90847-0361 MOVING: Bunkbed, Entertainment unit, dining server, sofa bed, desk/ chair, & more. 905-825-5456 OFF-WHITE sofa very good cond. $150, antique Quebec heater $125, antique dresser w/ mirror $125. 905-901-9158 or 905-825-5842 PLAY centre, new, wooden, with fort, rope ladder, rockwall, swings, slide, monkey ladder $475. 905-319-9032. POOL Table, Professional Series, Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. N e w, S t i l l B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 RENOVATION sale- various household items, sofa, rugs, lamps, pictures, fixtures, bench, small items. 905-691-2746 SKLAR-PEPLAR dining room suite, 6 chairs and hutch. Sacrifice 1200, 4-piece wall unit, 1200 obo. All in mint condition, 905-825-2047. TIRES. 4 16" TSW GM Bolt Pattern, Performance Wheels with Mounted Kelly Charger HR tires, size P205/ 55R16 with only 6000km use. $600 for complete package. 905829-0729. WA S H E R & d r y e r, H o t point, full size, excellent condition, $500/pair. Call 905-331-5879. WHIRLPOOL Fridge, Stove (electric smooth top), dishwasher and deep freezer - White $1800 for all - will sell deep freezer separately. 905-635-4303 WHIRLPOOL washer, dryer and stove $200/ each; Microwave Panasonic $100 905-465-0396 ZOOT Scooter - 3 years old, low hours, 25 CC gas powered, $325 call 905849-5572 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ 1014/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway WASHER & DRYER INCLUDED EXECUTIVE Rental~ 2 bedroom, short term available. Beautiful building, downtown old Oakville. Top floor, S.W. exposure, lakeviews, lovely sunsets, suitable for couple or single executive $1825/mo. Call 905-3394645 CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall OAKVILLE. Executive 3bedroom end unit condominium townhome, 2.5 baths, c/air, finished basement, 2-car garage, $1680/mo. +utilities. Aug.1st. 416-254-8280. OAKVILLE~ 3 bedroom townhouses available Immediately through September 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905876-3336 WATERDOWN- 3-bdrm, modified 3-bdrm $1014/mo. +util (cable included) August/ September. Beautiful ravine location, close to schools/ stores. Call 905-689-7341 1996 Jayco J-series 10ft tent trailer, excellent condition, 2 way fridge, outerroom. Asking $5800. 905689-7908. 2 boys bikes, $40/ea, elliptical trainer, $200, black tube framed loveseat, $25, 3 s e a t e r c o u c h & c h a i r, light green, $150, table +6 chairs, $100, pine hutch $150. Air-hockey table, $40, 3-piece wall unit, $500. Good condition. Best offers. 905-827-8121. 9-PIECE, cherry wood dining room suite. $1300. 905-639-3150. A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver A Yo r k M e g a M a x M u l t i Station Home Gym for 2. Many features, brand new, rarely used. $850.00 905878-2820/416-522-9878, leave message if no answer. A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e t s , 2 0 - y e a r Wa r r a n t y, Double $240.; Queen $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Waterbed parts. Delivery Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 AIR conditioner for Danby, 12,000BTU. one summer. paid asking $250. Call 529-5429. sale. Used $500 416- 2-BEDROOM condo with vaulted ceiling. Appleby, Upper Middle area. 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces. $1250/month +utilities. 905-335-4951 3 & 4 Bedrooms from $850 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management FULL-TIME Live-in nanny for 2 school aged children. 905-842-7522. HOUSEKEEPER/ nanny required~ Monday-Friday 1pm-9pm. Call 905-8291911 Oakville LIVE-IN caregiver needed for two girls, ages 5 and 9. Occasional Saturdays, general housekeeping, meal preparation. 905827-7744. OAKVILLE~ 1&2 bedrooms, very quiet & nice. 2 bedroom has A/C. Close to everything in Bronte, No pets preferred. 905-8273340 OAKVILLE~ 1-bedroom basement, livingroom, kitchen, 4 appliances, parking, $700/mo. inclusive. Prefer no pets, nonsmoker. 905-469-5653. OAKVILLE~ Exquisite To w n , A f f o r d a b l e R e n t ! Large 1 & 2 spacious bedroom hardwood floor suites w/balcony now available. Newer appliances, laundry facilities on site. Quiet, clean, close to transit, schools and shops. Call today- live in Oakville tomorrow! Affordable prices. 905-339-3245 OAKVILLE~ Large Basement apartment, open concept, in Executive home, Near QEW/ 403, $900/mo. Aug.1. 905-829-9734 OAKVILLE~ Near Hospital/ GO. Bright, spacious, 3-bedroom basement, approx. 1100sq.ft, large windows, 5-appliances, separate entrance, parking, $1275/mo. inclusive. Immediate. 905-849-8259. OAKVILLE~ Off Trafalgar/ McCraney, 2-level basement apt, 2 large bedrooms, spacious clean lower level basement, new kitchen, parking, separate entrance. Free Cable. No smoking/ pets preferred. $1075/mo. First/ Last. Aug.1. References. Tony 905-465-5566 OAKVILLE~ Ontario St.~ Beautiful location 1 bedroom + den in quiet excellently maintained building. Fully renovated. Utilities included. 905-469-9330 PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 A++ Beautiful 2-bdrm, 2 washrooms, security, indoor pool, sauna, gym, a/c, washer/ dryer, cable. Spectacular escapement view. Underground parking included. $1300/mo. +hydro. Extra bonus. Available Aug.1. Burlington. Tom 905-921-5702, Marisol 905-399-2610 A L D E R S H O T, s o u g h t after "Oakland Green" 1bedroom, 5 appliances, underground parking. Immediate possession. $1200/mo. 905-633-7477. AVAILABLE August.1. Executive Bungalow, 2-bedroom, Millcroft end unit townhouse. Single Garage, lower level rec.room. $1595/mo +utilities. Tamer Fahmi, Broker of Record, Hearth & Home Realty Inc. 905-333-5000 BRAND new Appleby & Upper Middle, 1-bedroom + den, 5 appliances, a/c, underground parking, gym, $ 11 0 0 / m o n t h + u t i l i t i e s . 905-639-3336 BURLINGTON Maple Crossing. 2-bedrooms +solarium, 1.5 bathrooms, underground parking, 2 4 - h r s e c u r i t y, g r e a t amenities. $1250/mo. Seniors Discount. 905-3094805. BURLINGTON. Spectacular view. Luxury, spacious 1&2 bedrooms, +solarium, 2 4 h r s e c u r i t y. Great location &amenities. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results Reality Inc. Brokerage 905332-4111 philorialau@cogeco.ca BURLINGTON~ Walker's/ Upper Middle, 2-bedroom condo, A/C, Laundry 4pce. bath, top level, plenty of parking. Immediate. $1150/mo. +utilities. 905815-7284. OAKVILLE, new luxury condo. 1-bedroom, 1 bath, 6 appliances, 1 parking, $990/mo plus utilities. No pets preferred, no smoking, 905-877-3264. PENTHOUSE, Bronte Harbour. 2-bedroom, 2-bath, insuite laundry, 9' ceilings, huge viewing windows, $1750/mo. Non-smokers. 905-467-5678. GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl Immaculate 2 & 3 bedrooms with full basements! Utilities included Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca A P P R O X I M AT E LY 1 8 0 0 sq.ft, finished basement, main floor family room, walk to lake in Bronte, Immediate. $1350/mo. 905842-1678. BRAND New Mattamy townhouse, Burlington, 3bedrooms, master w/ensuite, No smoking, no pets preferred. $1300/mo +utilities Aug.1. 905-3308982 BURLINGTON East. 2bedroom townhouse, fridge stove, $960/mo. inc l u d e s h y d r o . Av a i l a b l e Sept.1. Call for appt. 905632-1750 B U R L I N G TO N E n d - u n i t townhouse +garage, 3bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 6 appliances, rec room with gas fireplace with walk-out to patio, A/C, close to schools/ shops. $1375/mo +utilities available Aug 905-319-1858 BURLINGTON Mall, 3bedroom condo, 1.5 bath, recroom $1050/mo.; Appleby Mall~ 2-bedroom condo, rec-room, cable included. $1020/mo.; Off Guelph Line, 4-bedroom condo, 1.5 baths, garage, $1095/mo. Albert McDon a g h L t d . R e a l t o r, 9 0 5 632-5690 EAST Burlington, 3-bedroom, 2 storey, 1.5 baths, 1 car garage, renovated. Immediate. $1167/mo. Bill 905-632-6260 GLEN Abbey Oakville, 3bedroom townhouse, 2yrs old, 5 appliances, a/c, garage, $1500/mo. 905-8233200 ext203, 905-4694096 after 5pm. LARGE 2 bdrm, very large 3 bdrms- Immediate/ August/ September 1st. Appl., hardwood, fireplaces. Peachtree Residential Properties. Burlington 905-681-0070 www.rentaltownhouses.ca N.W Oakville, 3-bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, full fenced lot, quiet street, 1600mo. 905-334-3357. NORTH Burlington- 1&3 bedroom townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. from $725/mo. +utilities. Immediate/ September. 905-319-9104. BURLINGTON East Lakeshore. Large furnished bedroom, private washroom, cable, underground parking, inclusive, immediate. $550/mo 905-6391236 FURNISHED room for rent in Oakville. Non-smoking executive home. Cable/ Internet, Laundry, 1-parking, $500/mo. 905-3301684. FURNISHED room, share bath/ kitchen, $130/ wk. Harvester/ Guelph Line area. near GO. 905-6393598 OAKVILLE, near Sheridan. Room in condo available for student. Share facilities. First/ last. $435/mo. 905-337-0947. STUDIO apartment, newly decorated, c/a, hydro, gas, parking incl., $725/mo. Rooms incl. $125/week. 905-689-6358 HOME Daycare Available, Lakeshore/ Dorval, ECE p r o v i d e r, p r o g r a m d e signed to promote loving environment, healthy/ nutritious meals, CPR/ First Aid. Registered w/Halton Region. 905-337-2596. WANT TO PROVIDE CHILD CARE? Enjoy the benefits of working with a licensed agency; regular pay, paid stat days and child's sick days, backup, training, equipment, ongoing support. Please call Mississauga/ Oakville 905.823.2625 Burlington/ Waterdown 905.632.0551 www.weewatch.com ANTIQUE Pine double drop leaf dinning table. Known history, well kept $250 Antique Ladder back rocking chair. Woven seat (original), must see $350 905-876-3019 BASSETT Wood shelving cabinets, set of three with matching entertainment centre. Sold individually or a s a s e t . $ 11 0 0 f o r t h e set. 905-469-3527 BED, amazing bargain, queen orthopedic pillow top set, new in plastic warr a n t y. $ 2 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 5 6 7 4042 BEDROOM set, cherry wood. Bed, chest, d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, 2 n i g h t stands. Dovetail construction. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 BUFFET & Hutch, dark coloured wood, cupboards on bottom, glass leaded lock doors on top. Also matching corner curio cabinet. $175 obo, for all. 905-336-7051. CANOE, older, cedar strip freighter w/square stern a n d 2 h p m o t o r, $ 1 4 0 0 . 905-847-7438. CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 CHESTERFIELD, beige/ teal, very good condition $200; RCA 27" TV & stand, $100; Standard floor lamp $35. Call 905631-0516. COMIC Book Collection. Over 900 Classic Marvel Comics from 1980's. Collection to be sold as a whole. 905-815-0389 AVA I L A B L E , r o o m i n basement apartment 6th Line & Upper Middle area, $450/mo. utilities, phone, internet included. 905-6168999. GLEN Abbey~ P/T days, for 2 great kids, ages 4 & 2, in our home. 905-8276586 PORTS Cruising Guides is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edition May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/ retailers call 416-691-0488; email orders@portsbooks.com. U K R A I N I A N b a b y s i t t e r. Experienced female with 15+ years working in kindergarten. Available any day and any time. References upon request. 905849-9549. BEST Ca$h$ Paid- Art, Antiques, Collectibles, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, Etc, Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca PORTRAITS in Oil Paint. A gift that lasts forever. Visit rosaleenford.com or call 905-339-2208 STUNNING view of the lake and Niagara Escarpment. Newly renovated 1 bdrm, ideal location in Oakville. Available Sept. & Oct. Utilities included and collect Air Miles 1-866499-1607 www.ontim.com WAT E R D O W N ~ C e n t r a l location, walk everywhere 1 & 2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com $1650/MO. Downtown Burlington treed private lot w/patio, high cedar hedge. Brick 3-bdrm, 1.5 bath, one floor. Broadloom over hardwood, c/a, fireplace, newer furnace, rec w/wet bar. Near GO. Sally Todd Peth, Broker of Record. S. Todd Real Estate Ltd. 905639-3300 ***OAKVILLE Executive Townhouse: 2 large bedrooms Tranquil Glen Abbey Ravine setting, close t o Q E W, s h o p p i n g , g o l f course. Stainless steel appliances, granite, 2nd floor laundry, hardwood floors, parking. Unfurnished $2600/mo or Semi-furniture $2800/mo. 416-4646947 APPLEBY/ Upper Middle, 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, A/C, backing onto forest, $1500/mo +utilities. Aug.15. 905-3191653 FOUND Budgie! Cumberland and Rexway area 905-639-1175 FOUND: Cat- We call Puma, brown tabby. Guelph Line & New St. 905-6377325 FOUND: Grey tabby w/collar, Maple/ Bellview area. We call "Sneakers". Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: in bus shelter on Kerr St. in front of Seniors Centre. Title: Letters from a self-made merchant. Call 905-337-8273 FIREWOOD seasoned mixed hardwood, 5 cords minimum $75/ cord delivered. 519-582-4628 LIVE It ! New health & wellness magazine. 250,000 copies. Cost-effective directory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the next issue. 416-4931300 ext. 288 LABRADOODLES F1B pups, low/ non shedding. First vaccine/ microchipped. Family raised. Ready Aug. 905-692-5925 www.macleoddoodles.com SCARLET Macaw- Must sacrifice $1950 obo with cage, serious inquiries only. Call Jackie 905-6390433