10 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday August 26, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Forward announcements of non-profit and free events for Community Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail blokhuis@haltonsearch.com or call 905-845-3824 Ext. 250; BEFORE NOON MONDAY for Wednesday, BEFORE NOON THURSDAY for Friday and BEFORE NOON FRIDAY for Saturday. Free listing. SATURDAY AUGUST 26 park entrance gate at 9:30 Oakville Fire Fighters are am. Call 905-820-2571. holding a car wash fundraiser The next Pet Loss Support for Muscular Dystrophy at Group meeting is at 10:30 a.m. Fire Station No. 3, 125 sharp, 2057 Royal Windsor Randall St. from 10-2 p.m. Drive, Mississauga. RSVP by Oakville fire fighters and their email or call 905-272-4040; families will be doing the 905-842-2252 or 905-637washing. 5233 to leave a message for the Pot Luck Dinner, Bronte pet loss support group or Legion, 79 Jones, 6:30 p.m., in email petloss@sympatico.ca. Club Room. Bring favourite SUNDAY AUGUST 27 dish. Charity event. Euchre Sunday Morning Strolls, Thursdays 7 p.m., darts Fridays 9 a.m., Bronte Creek 8 p.m., and lunch daily. Provincial Park day use area, South Peel Naturalists' Burloak north of QEW. Start Club field trip to Presq'ile you day off with a gentle, Provincial Park, south of hour-long walk that is suitBrighton, peak migration for able for all ages. This inforshorebirds, warblers and but- mal hike will lead you in and terflies. Beginner birders/nat- around the Maiden's Blush uralists welcome. Dress Trail. Meet the park ranger at appropriately for the weather, Parking Lot C. bring lunch, drinking water, BEYOND, a peer support bug repellent and binocu- group for those grieving the lars. Park entrance fee in loss of a loved one, Sundays 8 effect. Meet at 7:30 a.m. in p.m., Oak Park Neighbourhood the Cawthra Arena parking Centre, 2563 Sixth Line, River lot at Arbor Road, south of Glen Mews Plaza. Call Debbie QEW off Cawthra Road or 905-827-5849. RBG Geo-Quest, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Nature Centre. Members: $10/person (family membership rate $28 for parents and dependent children over five list names; nonmembers: $12/person (family rate $35 please list names). Register on-line at www.rbg.ca or call 905-527-1158 ext. 270. MONDAY AUGUST 28 Weight Loss with Far Infrared Sauna. Learn how this sauna is recommended by doctors, specialists and alternative medical professionals. Safe for people with heart disease and other degenerative conditions. Alliance Healthcare Professionals, 232 South Service Rd. East (Trafalgar and QEW) 12 noon. Call to reserve your space at 905 845 2291. New Start for Entrepreneurial Women: Selfemployment training program for women. Learn how to start your own business. Free orientation sessions on Aug. 28, Aug. 30, Sept. 5 and Sept. 11. To register call Elizabeth at 905-8214361 or e-mail at newstart@haltonwomenscentre.org. Program starts Sept. 25. Adventure KIDS, Mondays in August at 7 p.m., Bronte Creek Provincial Park Campground Amphitheatre. Upper Middle west of Bronte. Weekly Walks by the Water along Waterfront Trail with the Bronte Bunch. Group walks every Monday year round for fun, fitness and friendship. Meet at back door of Coach and Four, Lakeshore and Bronte. Walk begins 7:15 p.m. Après walk refreshments. Beginners welcome. Approximately 7K walk, 1.5 hours. Call Sylvia, 905-8258763. TUESDAY AUGUST 29 Oakville Walking Club, every Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., meet at small plaza on the northeast corner of Maurice and Lakeshore W. at Oakville Fish and Chips, for half-hour walk at ordinary or leisurely pace. Park at plaza, or at Loblaw's. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities:Networking support group for business professionals in career transition, Meeting at 8 a.m. at Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. Guest speaker Steve Prentice discusses "Maximizing your transition time to speed your return to work" Members $10, Non-Members $15. Call 905339-0268 or www.happen.ca. Detox with Far Infrared Sauna. Learn how this sauna is recommended by doctors, specialists and alternative medical professionals. Lose weight and improve liver health. Safe for people with heart disease and other degenerative conditions. Alliance Healthcare Professionals, 232 South Service Rd. East (Trafalgar and QEW) 12 noon. Call to reserve your space at 905 845 2291. Goodwill Works Employment Solutions hosts a weekly Tuesday morning Networking Club for unemployed individuals who are on EI or have been on EI within the last three years, to explore new job search strategies, and learn how to market yourself to employers. Employers are eligible to receive a 50 per cent wage subsidy. Call 905-3385750. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 30 Mini-Naturalists, Wednesdays in August, 10 a.m, Bronte Creek Provincial Park Nature Centre, Burloak north of QEW. Chi Kung for Women. Honour the goddess in you and learn how to strengthen internal organs, balance and energize yourself. $5. Alliance Healthcare Professionals, 232 South Service Rd. East (Trafalgar and QEW) 78pm. Call to reserve your space at 905 845 2291. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities: Networking support group for business professionals in career transition. Meeting at 8 a.m., at Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. Guest speaker David Huggins discusses "Where are my Bootstraps" Members $10, Non-Members $15 Call 905-339-0268 or www.happen.ca. THURSDAY AUGUST 31 Register by Aug. 31 for Rotary Clubs of Oakville West and Oakville North meet Sept. 5, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m., Oakville Club, Water Street west of Navy south of Lakeshore. Speaker: Patrick Mathieu, author of What's Your Expiry Date? Cost: $12. Contact Judy at 905-338-2020 . Spruce Lane Farmhouse by Lamplight: Final lamplight tour century old farmhouse, 8 p.m., Bronte Creek Provincial Park, day-use area, Burloak north of QEW. Call 905827-6911 or visit www.brontecreek.org. Burlington Prostate Cancer Support Group, sponsored by the Canadian Cancer Society, meets 7 p.m., at 1251 Northside between Guelph and Walkers Lines, Burlington. Information and support for newly diagnosed clients, those in ongoing treatment plus survivors. Family members and friends are welcome. Call 905-332-0060. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 3 Historical Walking Tour, Heritage Houses of Old Oakville, 2 p.m. Meet at Oakville Historical Society, 110 King St. Cost: $12, $6 for children. Call 905-844-2695. ARE YOU CARING FOR SOMEONE WITH ALZHEIMER DISEASE? DO YOU NEED A BREAK? We may be able to help! Nora's House Respite Care The Alzheimer Society of Peel is now providing respite care in central Mississauga; Nora's House is custom designed for the support, safety and enjoyment of all who stay. It provides caregivers with the opportunity to take a much needed break. Nora's House offers 24 hour care to individuals with Alzheimer Disease in a home like setting, with stays of up to 2 weeks. Caregivers will have peace of mind knowing their family member will be cared for by qualified professionals; staff are specially trained to care for and be sensitive to the needs of the clients and families we serve. For more information on Nora's House and how to access this service, please call us at (905) 278-3667 Alzheimer Society of Peel 60 Briarwood Ave. Mississauga, ON L5G 3N6