www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday August 26, 2006 - 31 Building for your child's future - today! uilding or our child' futur today ilding r ur child futu lding ding ing ng g r chil fut chi ch h fu f t to tod Infant, Toddler, Prescho JK/SK nfant, oddler, Preschool, JK/SK fant, ddler, Preschool JK/ ant, nt, t, , dler, Presch ler, Preschoo JK er, Presc r, Pres , Pre Pr P J HERE WE GROW AGAIN 4 New Rooms ew Rooms w Ro R Roo 51 New Spots 1 ew Spots w Spo S Sp New Infant, Tod ew nfant, To w fant, Toddler, ant Toddle ant, Toddler, nT nt Toddl Todd Preschool & JK/SK Rooms reschool JK/ Rooms eschool JK school J chool JK/S Roo hool ool ol l Ro R LEARN TO SKATE WITH US! Limited spaces av imited paces a mited pace available ited ace available ted ac availab ed d c availa avai avail ava We Offer: e Offer: Offe Of Off O · Music, drama, fitn usic, rama, fit sic, ama, fi ic, c, , ma, fitness & exercise, a, fitnes , fitne exercise, e ex exerc exerci exercis exer exe monthly field trips, and s onthly ield rips, a nthly eld ips, an special v thly ld ps, hly ly y d s, , specia visitors speci visitors spec visito spe sp visi visit vis vi · Phonics, French & Computer classes honics, rench Compute classes onics, ench Comput class nics, ics, cs, s, , nch Compu ch Comp h Com Co C clas cla c cl · Breakfast, lunch & afternoon snack reakfast, unch afternoo snack eakfast, nch afterno akfast, kfast, fast, ast, st, t, , ch aftern h after afte aft a af sna sn s · All staff are ECE a ll taff re CE and C l aff e ff f E an CPR certi d CP ce c certified cer cert certif certifi certifie Call Margaret for more details all argaret fo mor details ll rgaret l garet aret ret et t mo de m d deta detai det (905) 403-9351 905) 403-9351 05) 403-93 5) 403-9 ) 403403 40 Email us at: kidszone@bellnet.ca kidszone dszon szo szon z zo ellnet.ca lln pg g Group Lesson Ratio 8:1 & Private Lessons Available Skate Canada NCCP Certified Instructors Skate Canada Badge Award Program A Non-Profit Club with over 2000 Members OAKVILLE SKATING CLUB g Visit www.psmusic.ca for more info. p a www.oakvilleskatingclub.org skating@bellnet.ca 905-257-7771 2400 Sixth Line, River Oaks Recreation Centre 2275 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, O L5K 1B1 275 peakman rive, Mississ 75 eakman ive, Mississaug ON L5 1B 5 akman kman man an n ve, Missis e, Mississa , Mississauga Mississau Mis Miss Missi M Mi L1 (Minutes from QEW, 403, Winston C Minutes rom EW, 403 W inutes om nutes m utes tes es s W, 40 Winsto Ch Wins Winst Churchill, Wi Win Churchill Chur Churc Church Churchi Churchil Chu Erin ills, nd Clark E rin Mills, and Clarks Go S in lls, d Clarkson G Stat n ls, s, , Clarkso lar a ar St Sta Stati Statio Station Station)